Мазмұны: «Қазақстанда және шет елде дене шынықтыру-сауықтыру қызметін көрсету
маркетингінің негіздері» элективті курсы. Психологиялық тренингтер жиынтығы
Жүргізілу жолдары: дәрістер, теориялық-әдіснамалық семинарлар, ғылыми-практикалық
конференциялар, фестивальдер, кеңес беру, психотренингтер, шеберлік сыныптары, іскери ойындар,
жобаларды қорғау, пікірталас, практикалық жағдаяттарды шешу және т.б.
Маркетингтік мақсатқа жету құралдары: маманның бет-бейнесі, жарнама
Қоғамның әлеуметтік тапсырысы – ДШжС
саласында заманауи маманға қойылатын
біліктілік талаптары
5В010800 –«Дене шынықтыру және спорт»
мамандығы бойынша Мемлекеттік жалпыға
міндетті білім беру стандарты
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
Құрылымдар мен көрсеткіштер
Білімдік құрылым
Қызметтік құрылым
ДШжС-қа деген оң
көзқарасты қалыптастыруға
қызығушылық таныту
-адамдарда (тұтынушыларда)
дене бітімін жетілдіруге
қызығушылықты арттыру;
дене шынықтырудың
гуманистік құндылықтарын
- денсаулыққа және салауатты
-ДШСҚ *маркетингін іс
жүзінде қолдану және
игерудің қажеттілігі
саласындағы білім
үдерістерді білу. Соңғы
ғылыми зерттеулер мен
шынықтыру саласындағы
білім және білік,
концептуальдық тәсілдерін
білу;- кәсіби құзіреттілікті,
құзіреттілікті дамыту
бағдарламаларының әр
түрлерін білу
-Сатуды ынталандыра алу
-маркетингтік мақсаттар
мен міндеттерді есепке ала
отырып, кәсіби қызметті
-дене шынықтыру-
сауықтыру қызметін
көрсетудің кеңейтілген
кешенін пайдалану
салауатты өмір сүру
дағдысын қалыптастыру
механизмін меңгеру
-дене шынықтыру-спорттық
ұйымдарда маркетингтік
қызметті жоспарлау және
Деңгейлер: жоғары, орта, төменгі
Болжамдық құрылғылар: В.П. Войтенко бойынша денсаулық күйін өзін-өзі бағалау
сауалнамасы, коммуникативтік, көпшілдік деңгейін бағалау, (Ряховский тесті).- Кеттелдің
тұлғалық қасиеттерінің сауалнамасы, өзін-өзі дамыту деңгейінің және кәсіби-педагогикалық
қызметінің диагностикасы (Л.Н.Бережнова)
Нәтиже: дене шынықтыру-сауықтыру қызметін көрсету саласындағы маркетинг бойынша
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
Біздің көрсетіп отырған мәселеміз бойынша жүргізілген көптеген
зерттеулердің нәтижесінде дене шынықтыру-сауықтыру қызметінің маркетингі
саласында маман даярлауда, дене бітімін жетілдіру мен салауатты өмір салтын
жүргізуге мүмкіндік беретін, дене шынықтыру-спорт ұйымдарының нарықтық
қызметінде стратегия мен тактиканы тұлғалық иемденуді көрсететін, ғылыми-
негізделген ұғымды жасауға тырыстық.
Жасалған үлгінің негізіне төмендегілер жатады:
- әлеуметтік тапсырыспен қамтамасыз етілген ДШжС саласында заманауи
маманға қойылатын біліктілік талаптары;
- «Дене шынықтыру және спорт» мамандығы бойынша Мемлекеттік жоғары
кәсіби білім беру стандартының мазмұны;
- «Дене шынықтыру және спорт» мамандығы бойынша оқу жоспары.
біртұтастылығымен, себебі барлық көрсетіліп отырған бөлімдер өзара бір-бірімен
байланысты, белгілі бір мағыналық жүктемені алып жүреді және – ДШ болашақ
маманының анағұрлым жоғары деңгейіне қол жеткізуіне - соңғы нәтижеге жұмыс
істейді. Одан басқа, үлгі сындарлығымен сипатталады, өйткені практикалық
әрекеттер мен ашықтықты ұйымдастыру құралы ретінде көрінеді, себебі ЖОО-да
ДШ болашақ педагогын кәсіби даярлау жүйесінің мәнмәтінінде орнатылған.
1. Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың «Қазақстан
жолы – 2050: Бір мақсат, бір мүдде, бір болашақ» Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы.
17 қаңтар 2014 ж.
2. Қазақстан Республикасының «Дене шынықтыру және спорт туралы»
Заңы. 2 желтоқсан 1999 жыл №490.
3. Смирнова Е.Э. Жоғары білімді маман моделін қалыптастыру жолдары. –
Л., 1977. - 140 б.
4. Рейнвальд Н.И. Маман моделі //ХХІ ғасыр табалдырығындағы студент. –
М., 1990. – 152 б.
5. Лебедева В.И. Дене шынықтыру факультеті студенттерінің дайындығын
ересек. тұрғындармен сауықтыру жұмысына қарай жетілдіру / Пед. ғыл. канд...
дис. – Алматы, 1997. – 138 б.
6. Елшиев Б.Т Дене шынықтыру бейінді ЖОО студенттерінің дайындығын
педагогикалық қызметке қарай бейімдеу / Пед. ғыл. канд... дис. – Алматы, 2003. – 152 б.
7. Сыздықова С.Ж.
Бейімделген дене шынықтыру мамандарын даярлау
жүйесінің ғылыми-әдістемелік негіздемесі / Пед. ғыл. канд... дис. – Алматы, 2006. – 145 б.
8. Андрущишин
дайындаудың кешенді жүйесі / Пед. ғыл. д-ры ... дис. – Алматы, 2008. – 334 б.
9. Тшанов А.Қ. Бапкер-оқытушыны спорт колледжі жағдайында кәсіби-
педагогикалық дайындау. / Пед. ғыл. д-ры ... дис. – Алматы, 2010. – 323 б.
Андрущишин И.Ф., Дошыбеков А.Б.
Теоретическая модель подготовки специалистов по маркетингу в сфере
физкультурно-оздоровительных услуг
В статье на основе анализа научно-педагогической литературы авторы
попытались сконструировать теоретическую модель подготовки специалистов по
маркетингу в сфере физкультурно-оздоровительных услуг. Обзор литературы показывает,
что наметилась тенденция к разработке различного рода моделей специалиста,
профессиональной деятельности и эффективной к ней подготовки.
физкультурно-оздоровительные услуги.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
Andrushishin I.F., Doshybekov A.B.
Theoretical model of training of specialists on marketing in the sphere of sports and
improving services
In article on the basis of the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature
authors tried to design theoretical model of training of specialists on marketing in the
sphere of sports and improving services. The overview of literature shows that the tendency
to different development of the models of the specialist intended for evident and adequate
representation of its future professional activity and effective preparation to it was planned.
Keywords: Model, training of specialists, marketing, sports and improving services.
UDC 371,3
Kismetova G. – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences,
Associate Professor, M.Utemisov WKSU
E-mail: galiya-1969@mail.ru
Karabay A. – M.Utemisov WKSU Master’s Degree student
E-mail: karabay.a@mail.ru
Abstract. The present stage of development of society is characterized by
increased attention to improving the educational process and education.According to
experts competitiveness of human in the modern labor market is largely dependent on
its ability to acquire and develop the skills and competencies that can be applied to a
variety of situations.
Competence approach in training is manifested in the development of a new activity
for the entity when it acquires the ability to perform new student or the student's actions.
Competence - a direct result of education, expressed by students in mastering a
certain set ways of life. They begin to manage their activities, using a variety of
educational outcomes, creating their own "resource package", that necessary for the
formation of competence.
Keywords: Competence, competence approach, grammatical concept,
grammatical competence, communicative approach, conceptual approach.
According to experts, competitiveness of human is largely dependent on its ability to
acquire and develop skills and competencies that can be applied to a variety of situations.
The modern world is going through an important turning point in its history.
We live in an era of advancing globalization, the evolution of the means of
communication that are changing the way we live, communicate and thinking are
special requirements to the educational system. The future depends on the ability to
understand and accept new concepts, make the right choices, to learn and to adapt to
changing conditions throughout life. The new century poses to the future experts with
professional language training, but offers new opportunities.
The new generation of computers, the World Wide Web led to changes in the
role of the individual in the development of society. The way in which people create,
build, store, transmit information - has radically changed therefore changed the form of
training and work.
Today, more and more updated knowledge economy based on the integration
of science, industry, education, and ensuring the continuity of the generation,
development and practical using this knowledge.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
These trends in the development of civilization of modern times define the
challenges to education. Education will be effective only if it will meet the requirements
of a new era, so now the goal of education around the world is to meet the needs of a
modern economy and society. In this regard, the most demanded competences and
abilities of people in the emerging new economy of knowledge is the ability to acquire
knowledge, apply them to structure and generate.
The term competence (from the Latin. Competere - conform, be suitable) – the
ability to apply knowledge and skills to successfully operate on the basis of practical
experience in solving problems of a general kind, in particular a wide area. Competence
- the basic quality of the individual, including a set of interrelated personality traits
necessary for qualitative and productive activities.
This day, the main trends affecting the conceptual basis of the education
system, should be considered as a transition based on competence. As we know, the
competence approach interacts with personality-oriented, which is the methodological
basis of both the stage of secondary general and vocational education. Rightly believes
that the competence-oriented education is a global trend in the global education system.
It is obvious that in line with the competence approach and built a system of
philological education in foreign languages.
The concept of competence includes not only cognitive and operational and
technological components, but also motivational, ethical, social and behavioral. It
includes learning outcomes (knowledge and skills), the system of value orientations,
habits andet al. Competence formed in the learning process, and not only in school, but
also under the influence of family, friends, work, politics, religion and culture. In connection
with the implementation of this approach depends on the competency throughout the whole
educational and cultural situation in which the student lives and develops.
According to researchers, the competence approach is based on the activity
approach is its logical continuation, in particular in the field of foreign language
learning. According to I.L. Bim, "competence approach is a further development of
activity approach to education, based on the results generated by the activities, acting
both in the form of tangible products, and in the form of spiritual increments, including
in the form of knowledge, skills, abilities, values orientation and at least a minimum of
experience in the practice of the generated activities".
As we can see, the modern goal of foreign language teaching is not limited to
the formation of language skills and speech skills. Competence approach extends the
pragmatic component of learning objectives: in the process of language learning
students develop their communicative competence, through which the formation of the
core and the remaining (at profile training stage) the most basic fundamentals of professional
competencies to meet the challenges of social activities in the various areas.
Competence approach treats the basic task of education in the field of learning
a foreign language as the development of students' key competencies – namely –
education. Educational competence is an integrative personality complex, which is
expressed in the unity of the theoretical and practical student's willingness and ability to
implement educational activities.
As an academic discipline, a foreign language, in addition to its core functions
(education and general education), performs a number of additional, which contribute to
the development of the individual personality traits as creativity and logic. In addition,
we should not forget that the primary purpose of teaching a foreign language is the
formation of foreign language communicative competence, the successful establishment
of which is impossible without the grammatical competence. The role of the grammar of
a foreign language is not only the use of grammatically correct phrases and sentences,
but also in mastering the system of rules relating to the derivation, logic of construction
proposals, as well as the ability to use their own language. If you come to consider the
grammar of any language from the formal aspect, it is possible to determine that this
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
term understand the rules of the system, which allows the orderly chain of elements, i.e.,
build remarks and suggestions.
The process of forming the grammatical competence of preparation of future
teachers of a foreign language, one of the challenges put to develop an optimal model of
teaching grammar of the foreign speech based on an intercultural approach, which
includes: a) a concept; b) target; c) substantial; g) technology; e) the effective
components. The model suggests the close relationship of the teacher with the students
in order to achieve positive results and goals of education.
1. Competence approach is the basis of modern vocational education system.
Preparation of future teachers of a foreign language, the result of learning to become a
competent person who owns the necessary set of general cultural, professional and general
professional skills. This approach is dominated by research and practice-oriented focus of the
preparation of future bachelors to implement intercultural interaction.
2. Intercultural approach with regard to learning the grammatical side of
foreign speech promotes interaction native and foreign cultures when negotiating two
language (including grammar) systems; It provides continuous extrapolation of
information obtained in the grammar of the native language; promotes understanding of
similarities and differences of the two conceptual pictures of the world, as well as their
fixation in the languages: the native and foreign; developing tolerance and
understanding with the possible complications in the process of intercultural
communication; the willingness of students to ensure the implementation of
intercultural communication in a foreign language.
3. Communicative and Cognitive approach of speech focus of the learning
process, which is based on simulation of acts of cross-cultural interaction by creating
situations, covering various spheres of activity of the future teachers of a foreign
language. Given the role of students as active participants in the learning process we are
working on the model, cognitive orientation contributes to greater personalization and
awareness, harnessing all available resources of individual students with support in their
linguistic, metacognitive and personal experience.
4. Person-oriented approach, according to which the formation of intercultural
competence of students takes place by taking into account the personal characteristics of
the students, their ethical and moral values, as well as the active use in learning 2FL
authentic materials. In accordance with this approach, each student is an active
participant in the educational process with their own ways of studying 2FL.
Dedicated contact approaches to FL learning involves implementation of a
system of principles of formation of grammatical competence of future teachers FL
composed of:
1. "dialogue of cultures" principle;
The principle of consciousness in learning the grammatical side of foreign speech;
3. The principles of intercultural communicative focus of the learning
process of the foreign language grammatical speech;
4. The principle of situational intercultural directed learning grammar of a
foreign language;
5. The principle of quantization in the formation of grammatical competence;
6. The principle of domination problem tasks intercultural orientation in
teaching foreign language grammar;
7. The principle of trinity grammatical form, the function of speech and
intercultural aspects.
Communicative and cognitive approach based on the principle of
consciousness and theory social construct, according to which the students are active
participants in the learning process rather than the object of the teacher training
activities. Cognitive theory suggests the development of thinking in the process of
mastering any phenomenon. Education should not be based on purely mechanical
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
perception and memorization of material. Future teacher in the field of professional
communication Foreign language texts, should be actively involved in the educational
process, they need to understand and clearly aware of the nature and purpose of use in
the professional activity of the studied techniques, methods or designs. Moreover, the
cognitive approach includes not only the student-centered, but also socially-oriented
nature of the training. The training is dominated by mutual learning and cooperation
between teachers and students, which placed the problematic task, sought the best ways
to address them, are discussed and corrected mistakes [1, p. 25].
The methodical literature scholars uniquely suited to the term grammatical
competence. Grammatical competence – the ability to make the correct language in the
proposal and statements in unlimited quantities.
Analysis of modern state educational foreign language standards for high
school (baccalaureate), as well as the works of leading scientists in the field of
professional foreign language education and methods of teaching foreign languages in
high school allows, on the one hand, to talk about the formation of future teachers in the
field of professional communication of written texts grammatical competence (syntactic
aspect), as one of the main objectives of foreign language teaching and the usefulness of
the discursive approach to achieve this goal, and on the other hand, the lack of practical
methods of forming this competence. This circumstance makes it necessary to create a
model of methodical system of formation of grammatical competence.
Any methodical system is a certain orderly and well-organized set of
interrelated objects, forming a unity. The components included in the system, constitute
an integral complex, allowing to simulate the process of training and education. Thus,
the modeling of the pedagogical process of formation of grammatical competence
(syntactic aspect) student bakalavrita towards training "future teachers" assumes its
consideration as a system that includes elements such as the purpose, objectives,
content, approaches, principles, components, steps, forms, , methods, techniques,
criteria, indicators, levels of organizational and methodical conditions, results.
Under the concept of grammatical competence we understand a person's ability
to communicative expediency and situationally-appropriate use of grammar knowledge
of foreign language and skills to implement their verbal behavior in this foreign
language in the communication process.
Grammatical competence is an integral part of the linguistic (language)
competence, which, in turn, is part of communicative competence. Linguistic
competence ensures the possession of the vocabulary of the language and the ability to
integrate lexical units into meaningful statements through the knowledge of grammar
and speech processing. It’s traditionally represented as a set of teaching units in the
vocabulary section, grammar and phonetics.
Grammatical competence is associated with knowledge of grammatical
resources and ability to appropriately use them in speech. It includes:
a) The ability to understand and express a certain meaning, processing it in the
form of statements, constructed according to the rules of the language;
b) Knowledge of grammar, lexical units that convert into a meaningful statement;
c) Skills to adequately use grammatical phenomena in speech activity in a
variety of situations of communication to solve communication problems.
Grammatical competence is based on certain knowledge, skills and ability to
use them effectively in the communicative and educational process that allows students
to not only speak a foreign language at the level of communication and adequate
communication to solve the problem, but also a professional to use it as a learning tool.
Use of the term “grammatical competence” implies maturity from the language
of the person's willingness and ability to not only understand, but also to express
yourself some merit, processing it at the same time in the form of phrases and sentences,
using a system of grammatical rules of the language.
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
Formation of grammatical competence is to create the ability to use
grammatical language facilities, based on knowledge of the principles that govern the
combination of lexical elements into meaningful phrases, that is the ability to
understand and recognize the well-formulated proposals speaker and express their own
thoughts in the process of speech production (as opposed to merely memorizing and
further reproduction frozen samples). It is the ability to combine and modify words to
construct grammatically correct phrases and sentences is one of the most important
conditions for the practical acquisition of language, i.e., its use as a means of
communication [2, p. 52].
The practical importance of mastering the grammatical competence lies in the
fact that the grammar, by virtue of a general nature of its laws, promotes the mastery of
a foreign language.
In the study of a foreign language subject of cognitive activity of students favor
the language itself, so when we talk about the activation of cognitive activity in the
process of working on the language, we mean an active mastery of language as a means
of communication, receive and impart information. One way to facilitate this is
correctly organized autonomous activities of students in the classroom.
In summary, it should be noted that under the grammatical competence in this
study refers to the willingness and ability of a person to a communicative-situational
appropriateness and adequate use of foreign language grammar knowledge and skills to
implement their verbal behavior in this foreign language in the communication process.
Using the term “grammatical competence”, we mean that the person is formed
willingness and ability to not only understand, but also to express yourself some merit,
processing it at the same time in the form of phrases and sentences, using a system of
grammatical rules of the language.
General Introduction of competency as a scientific category, we look at the analysis of
some definitions of “competence”, “educational competence” taken from several sources:
• competence (lat. Competens - suitable, appropriate, adequate, capable,
knowledgeable) – the quality of a person who has comprehensive knowledge in any
field and whose opinion is therefore valid, authoritative.
• competence – the ability to implement a real, life-action and qualifying
characteristic of the individual, taken at the time of its inclusion in the activity; because
every action, there are two aspects - the resource and productive, it is the development
of competence determines the conversion of the resource into a product.
• competence – willingness to solve potential problems with knowledge of the
matter; includes substantive (knowledge) and procedural (skills) components and
assumes knowledge of existing problems and the ability to solve it; constant updating of
knowledge, knowledge of the new information for the successful application of this knowledge
in specific circumstances, i.e., the possession of operational and mobile knowledge.
• competence – is the possession of the defined competencies, i.e., knowledge
and experience of their own activities, allowing to make judgments and decisions.
Thus, competence – is the willingness and ability of the individual to use the
theoretical knowledge and practical experience to resolve certain problems. The
cognitive approach to the study of the grammar of a foreign language teacher helps in
stimulating the cognitive mechanisms of students in the organization of their self-
reflexive activity, which provides a comparative analysis, understanding, remembering,
assignment and adequate use in speech grammatical structures of a foreign language.
Perspective development of language education in school is mainly focused on
the effectiveness of educational activities and the development of an autonomous
identity in the logic of competence approach. Productive autonomous training ensures
the implementation of personal creativity, learning and the accumulation of their
particular set of competencies to effectively use a foreign language to self-determination
and self-realization, as well as for the development of its education and in this case, the
БҚМУ Хабаршы №4-2016ж.
language environment. The key in this case is a foreign language communicative
competence, the successful establishment of which is impossible without the
grammatical competence, which in turn is to a certain extent determines the quality of
mastering a foreign language and culture. Possession of these competences is confirmed
by degree of freedom, independence and efficiency of studying a foreign language, and
so far he has shown the willingness and ability to self-study language and autonomous
development of their linguistic identity [3, p. 47].
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