Umarov Arystanbek
Reform of the civil service system.
the Republic of Kazakhstan
Umarov Arystanbek
Reform of the civil service system.
the Republic of Kazakhstan
Begakhmetov Aslan
Master Degree Student, NSPP,
Academy of Public Administration
Under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
During reforms of civil service in the United States it was focused to make it more transparent and competitive
comparing with the private sector. Vice-President Al Gore’s Commission proposed «to create a government
that would work better and cost less.»
Recent amendments to the Civil Service Law contain provision to create a new class of professional
managers – «A» corps, responsible for the implementation of specific public policy tasks.
Key words: Civil service, bureaucracy, merit system, administrative civil servants, political civil servants.
В США при реформировании государственной службы ставилась задача сделать ее более открытой
и конкурентоспособной по сравнению с частным сектором. Комиссия вице-президента А. Гора
предложила «Создать правительство, которое бы работало лучше и стоило меньше».
Закон РК «О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты РК по вопросам
государственной службы» (2013 г.) содержит новые парадигмы: формирование принципиально нового
класса профессиональных управленцев – корпуса «А», ответственного за реализацию конкретных
направлений государственной политики.
Ключевые слова: Государственная служба, бюрократия, система меритократии,
административные государственные служащие, политические государственные служащие.
АҚШ-да мемлекеттік қызмет жүйесіне реформа жасаған уақытта оны анағұрлым ашық және жеке
сектормен салыстырғанда бәсекеге қабілетті болу талап етілді. Вице –президент А. Гордың комиссиясы
мынаны ұсынды «Үкіметті құру, жақсы жұмыс істеу білу және құынының төмен болуы».
2013 жылы қабылданған ҚР-ның «Өзгерістер мен толықтырулар енгізіліген Мемлекеттік қызметтің
бірқатар сұрақтары бойынша заңды нормативті актілері» Заңы жаңа парадигмаларды құрайды: жаңа
кәсіби басқарушы «А» корпусын қалыптастыру, нақты мемлекеттік саясаттың бағытын жүзеге асыратын
жауапты тұлға.
Тірек сөздер: Мемлекеттік қызмет, бюрократия, меритократии жүйесі, әкімішілік мемлекеттік
қызметкерлер, саяси мемлекеттік қызметкерлер.
US civil service: specificity
The main principle is focus on the «client» – thisfocus is not on only onstate’s interests, but on
citizenas on a «client». As we know the U.S. government interferes in private sector less than other
country in the world. This kind of approach on a «client» determines the most important factor in
American bureaucracy.
Civil service out of politics?
Leading trend of recent decades is the «repolitizatsion» of administration. Administrative civil
servants are interested in supporting institutions that affect their future career, but politicians are
considering them as a convenient tool to achieve their political goals.Meanwhile politiciansare more
dependent on voters opinions and therefore more sensitive to their needs and wishes. So perfect
combination is adequate political «responsiveness» of civil servants, which in practice would mean
effective conducting tasks of the elected President.
«Transparent» bureaucracy
Over the past 20 years American civil service has changed dramatically towards greater democracy
and openness to the public.
The results of this approach have been unpredictable. The idea of a «transparent»,and accountable
civil service certainly became a beneficial for society. Now, a citizen has the right to introduce with
a wide range of public documents and with documents concerning his life, to attend meetings of the
government agencies and etc. Thus, undermined one of the main sources of bureaucratic power and
abuse – «the secretof cabinet».
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Senior executives and staff selection
USCivil service reformwas focused to make civil service more open and competitive with the
private sector. Since 1979 US created senior executives service (SES). Candidate must pass
examsfor admission. There is a general list of vacancies in the government organizations. All
other questions on the selection, evaluation and decide organizations itself. To do this, they create
Executive Resources Board.
For admission to SESshould meet some requirements. In case if candidate is applying for the first
time commissionexpertise his qualification and managerial skills. For new SES member set one-year
Merit System.
TraditionallyUS civil service encourages staff mobility. It is considered that this way provides new
knowledge and skills, social connections, expanding horizons and opportunities for career growth
and personal development, enhanced corporate spirit in the civil service.
The basis of merit system is that recruitment and promotion of employees based on their
professional and personnel skills.
Merit system (civil service reform act 1978)
1) the selection and promotion of employees must be from all social groups, based solely on the
abilities, knowledge and skills of the candidates, as a result of fair and open competition;
2) equal treatment to all applicants, regardless of their political views, race, religion, ethnic origin,
sex, age, marital status, or disability;
3) equal pay for equal work, providing a good pay for good performance;
4) The employees must conduct high quality of their work, and who can not or does not want to
improve their work, should be removed;
5) The employee must be provided with effective education and training;
6) employees should be protected from personal favoritism orforced to do political whim.
New Trends
Vice-President Al Gore Commission stated to create a government that would work better and
cost less.
As a result Civil service:
– Should be accountable not for the process but for the result;
– Should be decentralized personnel policy;
– should implement to bureaucracysome aspects of business, in particular the struggle for the
– Create a «culture of state business,» etc.
New paradigms of Kazakhstan’s civil service
Amendments to civil service act came into force in March 2013 declared
growth of civil service efficiency on the basisof merit principles, transparency and accountability.
In accordance with the President’s message to people of Kazakhstan «Strategy 2050» within
civil service will be formed a new class of professional managers – «A»corp, responsible for the
implementation of government policy. According to President’s order until 1July a new corp should
be selected and formed.
«A» corp candidates – will be selected by a commission, and these people will implement the policy
of the President. In March 2013 the President of Kazakhstan signed a decree «Special qualification
requirements for « A “ Corpscandidates. As a result the amountpoliticians will be reduced by eight
times. Only remain the ministers and their deputies andregional governors and their deputies, as well
as the mayors of regional centers at the regional level.
However, out of 500 persons of “A» corp 250 will be recruited from the regions. Selection to
«A» corp will be extremely strict, transparent, and only on the basis of professional and personal
Candidate should mandatory know Kazakh, English and Russian languages. English is the
medium of advanced knowledge and new technologies. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
gave a task to regions to attract foreign investment, and the aim of governors – to create a favorable
investment climate in their regions and reduce existing administrative barriers,all this requires
knowledge of the English language.
The reform increases the chance to ensure that the most deserving young men will be promoted
in the civil service. Motives for admission are determined by several factors. First, the civil service is
perceived by many young people as a special honor and public trust. Second, civil service attracts
Begakhmetov Aslan
New paradigms of civil service: Kazakhstan and
the United States, common issues and distinctive
by its stability, especially after the economic crises. Third, if the young men will see that the selection
transparent, merit-based, it lays additional incentives for those who consider themselves talented.
The law will put an end to the popular practice of «team moves», increases the responsibility
of government agencies heads for making personnel decisions. Also implemented institutions
of mentoring, career planning and job rotation. For professional training of civil servants will be
provided internship.Candidate testing will be carried out without binding to the competitive selection
of a particular state agency. Testing will be periodically announced by the Agency for Civil Service
and its territorial divisions. According to the results will be issued a certificate that will give the right
to participate in the competition. As a result, the time of selection procedures will be reduced by 3
times, up to 15
20 days.
Experience will be taken into account as you progress through civil service. According to the
statistics, we have over 90 thousand civil servants equally represented in all ages. From 20 to 30
– about 22
23%, from 30 to 40 years – 28-30%, from 40 to 50 – and also 22
23% over 50. The
average experience is just over 10 years. Therefore, Kazakhstan’s civil service is a combination of
experience and youth.
There will be provided social elevator. The man who has no experience incivil service can be a
Governor of the city / region, if he has at least 5 years of total experience, of which at least 4 years
in executive positions in the private sector.
The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the
most important institution for training of civil servants.
To improve the competitiveness of the Academy of Public Administration is expected to develop
the competence «A» corp civil servants through training in NSPP.
Resume. The formation of the system is supposed to work with talented and prospective
employees, as well as students who want to become in the future civil servants.
1 Стратегия Казахстан – 2050: Новый политический курс состоявшегося государства.
Послание Президента Республики Казахстан – Лидера Нации Н.А.Назарбаева народу Казахстана.
14 декабря 2012 г. // Официальный сайт Президента Республики Казахстан
2 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 7 марта 2013 года №519 «О некоторых вопросах
специальных квалификационных требований к административным государственным должностям
корпуса «А».
3 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 7 марта 2013 года №520 «О Национальной комис-
сии по кадровой политике при Президенте Республики Казахстан и кадровых комиссиях областей,
столицы, города республиканского значения».
4 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 7 марта 2013 года №523 «Реестр должностей
государственных служащих».
5 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 22 марта 2013 года №524 «Об утверждении
Правил отбора в кадровый резерв административной государственной службы корпуса «А» и
проведения конкурса на занятие вакантной и временно вакантной административной государ-
ственной должности корпуса «А».
6 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 22 марта 2013 года №525 «О внесении измене-
ний в Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 4 декабря 2003 года № 1243 «О кадровом резерве
государственной службы».
7 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 22 марта 2013 года №526 «О внесении изменений
в некоторые указы Президента Республики Казахстан».
8 Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 22 марта 2013 года №527 «О внесении изменений
в некоторые указы Президента Республики Казахстан».
9 О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты Республики
Казахстан по вопросам государственной службы от 14 декабря 2012 года.
10 Human Capital Assessment and Accountability Framework Resource Center (
11 Career Patterns Guide ( index.asp).
12 Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998.
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию журнала 12 января 2013 года
óïðàâëåíèå è
Lastayev Talgat
Master Degree Student, NSPP,
Academy of Public Administration
Under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
In the modern world, the welfare of the state is determined by the effective use of the ability of
citizens. That’s why most of the developed countries are striving to improve the models of local self-
The given level of government closest to the population, formed by population, it is under control
of population and resolves issues to address basic needs of population. Rational construction of the
local government allows not only spent best of local resources, but also significantly increases public
confidence in the government.
At the current stage of development of our country President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev set
exactly this kind task in front of the Government. In November 2012, in accordance with his decree
was adopted the Concept of development of local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Moreover, in accordance with the decision of the Head of the State in the current year in Kazakhstan
will be introduced election of local councils (akim). In total, will be elected 2533 councils (akim),
including the councils of rural districts, towns and also 50 councils in the town at the district level.
These resolutions are based on the study of best international practices in the area of local self-
government. The values of democracy and the municipal government, enshrined by the European
Charter of Local Self-Government are become a theoretical base for the constitutional and legal
regulation of local municipal governments.
Currently, most often in academic literature is common the well-known classification of models of
the organization of local authorities, which is based on the relationships between local government
and central authorities.
According to this approach, there are four basic models of local government: the Anglo-Saxon,
Continental, mixed and Soviet.
The Anglo-Saxon (classical) model became popular mainly in the countries like: UK, USA,
Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
The main features of this model are the formal autonomy and independence of local government,
the absence of commissioners from the central government patronizing local governments.
I would like to highlight the United States of America in more details, as we go through the training
in this state. The statehood building in the United States came from the need to ensure existence of
the decentralized power. The federalism was elected as one of the methods of decentralization. The
subjects of the federation are 50 states.
States are public formations. They all are equal; they do not have national sovereignty and e right
to secede from the U.S. They adopt own constitutions, and none of the current constitutions do not
have any significant similarities with the federal Constitution.
The system of local government and administration of the states is based on the administrative-
territorial division, and the last one falls within the competence of the states. Therefore, the
systems of local self-government in different states are different.
Most states are divided into counties. In total, in U.S. are more than 3 thousand counties. Their
population elects the county councils and other officials – the sheriff in charge of public order, the
public prosecutor or the Attorney – a representative of the state, treasurer, etc. Council decides
mainly the local budget, determines the development program.
Cities are allocated from the county and have its own system of government. In the U.S., there
are three systems of municipal government. In most cities, a «council – manager» system is used.
Population elects council, which elects the mayor, but the mayor chairs in the council only and is not
engaged in management activity. Management is carried out by specially hired contractor– official
Counties are divided into Towns and townships. In small administrative territorial units the
residents meetings are held, which are dealing with common issues and electing an Executive
Committee (Board of 3-5 people).
Lastayev Talgat
Local Governance: International
Experience and Kazakhstan
Local government plays a big role in the U.S. In its agencies serve more than half of the
administrative employees, the revenue of municipal budgets in approximately equals to 40% of the
federal budget, even though the local budgets are benefit from the taxes from articles that provide
small revenue.
During our study at Duke University, we visited many organizational divisions of the local
government of North Carolina, Wake County, Raleigh and Durham. For example: the mayor office,
the sheriff’s office, treasurer, auditor, rescue mission, and many other services. This has helped us
to form a genuine understanding of the work of local authorities in the United States.
Continental model of local power organization significantly differs from the Anglo-Saxon model,
which is not only found in continental Europe(France, Italy, Spain, Belgium), but also in many
countries of Latin America and Middle East.
The features of this model are: combination of local government and public administration in
the field of election and appointment, a certain hierarchy of the system of local self-government
divisions, lower entities are subordinate to the higher, presents of special representative of the
central government at the local level, who authorized to exercise state control over the activities of
local governments.
Along with discussed models, there are options for local authorities, which are to some extent
incorporated the features of each of them and have their own specific features. These models are
called mixed. These models include the local government in Germany, Austria, Japan, some post-
socialist and developing countries.
So-called Soviet model of power organization is fundamentally different from the above mentioned
models. It takes place only in a few countries, which still retain a socialist orientation (China, Cuba,
North Korea), and in some states formed from the former Soviet Union (Belarus, Uzbekistan).
The main features of this model are: autocracy of the representative entities from top to bottom, rigid
centralization of the system of representative and executive entities, the hierarchical subordination of
all its components, absence of municipal ownership, local budgets.
The closest to Kazakhstan is an experience of decentralization of public administration and
development of the system of local government in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, due
to the fact that these countries also had to reform the old system of local councils, which were the
foundation of the system of local governance in all countries of post-socialist space.
From the perspective of tasks, which are in front of Kazakhstan in terms of further improving its
system of local self-government, it is important creatively use all this experience. We should not
just copy system of local self-government of a the States, it is important to analyze the international
experience in the complex and select the most appropriate components for Kazakhstan, which
should be later introduced into the national system of local self-government in accordance with
national, regional, and political characteristics of our country
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию журнала 12 января 2013 года
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