В данной работе изучен опыт пенсионных ситсем Чили и США, рассмотрены проблемы пенсионного
обеспечения, а также пути реформирования в этих странах. Рассмотрены проблемы пенсионной
системы Казахстана и новые пути ее реформирования. Проанализированы различные модели
пенсионных ситсем, с учетом рекомендаций Всемирного Банка. Рассмотрены потенциальные угрозы
пенсионного обеспечения и их влияние на социально-экономическое развитие страны. На основе
проведенного исследования автором предлагается в целом для решения проблем пенсионного
обеспечения сформировать целостную государственную политику в области пенсионного обеспечения
граждан, стабилизирующую сложившуюся ситуацию.
Ключевые слова: пенсионное обеспечение, пенсионные планы с установленными выплатами и
установленными взносами, накопительные пенсионные фонды, управление пенсионными активами,
индивидуальный пенсионный счет, проблемы пенсионного обеспечения, государственные пенсионные
Ұсынылған жұмыста Чили және АҚШ зейнетақы жүйесінің тәжірибиесі зерттеліп, зейнетақылық
қамсыздандырудың мәселелері мен оның осы елдерде реформалау жолдары каралған. Қазақстан
зейнетақы жүйесінің өзекті мәселелері және оны реформалаудың жаңа жолдары қаралды. Дүниежүзілік
банк ұсыныстарын ескере отырып зейнетақы жүйесінің әртүрлі моделдері сарапталды. Зейнетақы
қамсыздандыру жүйесінің әлеуетті қауіптері және олардың елдің әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамуына
ықпалы қаралды. Жүргізілген зерттеулер негізінде автормен зейнетақы жүйесінің мәселелерін шешу
үшін осы салада жағдайды тұрақтандыратын біртұтас мемлекеттік саясатты қалыптастыру ұсынылған.
Тірек сөздер: зейнетақылық қамсыздандыру, белгіленген төлемдері және белгіленген жарналары
бар зейнетақылық жоспарлар, зейнетақылық активтерді басқару, жеке зейнетақылық есепшот,
зейнетақылық қамту мәселелері, мемлекеттік зейнетақылы жүйелері.
This paper overviews the experiences of the pension systems in Chile and U.S. It also overseen some
problems occurred of the pension system and the ways of resolving them during the reforms in these countries.
The paper also reviews current dilemmas of the pension system in Kazakhstan, and the modern ways in
reforming them. There were analyzed different models of pension systems taking into account the World Bank
recommendations. Moreover, potential threats to the pensions funds, and an impact of the\at threats on social
and economic development of the country were considered as well. According to the conducted research,
author suggests in order to resolve the problem with pension system it needs to formulate the integral national
policy in area of pension funds of population, and to take steps toward stabilization of current situation.
Keywords: pensions, retirement defined benefit plans and defined contribution pension funds, management
of pension funds, individual retirement account, the problem of pensions, state pension system.
Pension issues are central to the economic and social policy of many states.
Pension systems generally use two financial mechanisms – distribution and storage. The
distribution system is based on the contract of generations: Disability pension is paid for by
contributions from employees, and when the current workers become unable to work, they will be
paid pension contributions by the next generations. The calculation of future pensions can be varied,
as it is directly dependent on the contributions that were made during the operation.
Over time, the outlook has changed significantly toward reforming the world’s pension system.
One of the most recent analyses of the ongoing global financial crisis and its consequences for
Kazakhstan highlights the following problems:
- An increase in life expectancy and more rapid growth in the elderly compared to the working
- Predicted further aging of the population;
- Continuous increase of social standards and quality of life;
óïðàâëåíèå è
- Accelerating the development of the financial market to raise economic growth to co-finance
some of the costs of transition.
In view of these factors, all countries with institutions of social protection and social security, have
to sooner or later reform their pension systems.
Kazakhstan is no exception, as reforming the pension system is a multi-factored problem. Today,
Kazakhstan is working to create a single pension fund (ENPF) to consolidate assets spread out over
11 pension funds. This will preserve the principles funded system (preserving and increasing the
pension assets in individual retirement accounts, custody of pension assets in the custodian bank
(the National Bank of Kazakhstan)).
This paper will examine the existing problems of the pension system of Kazakhstan to conduct its
analysis, examine the experience of reforming the pension system in the United States, and consider
the application of certain elements of the pension system of the United States as an alternative
solution to the existing problems of the pension system of Kazakhstan
Analysis problems of pension system of Kazakhstan
In 1998, Kazakhstan began the transition from a planned distribution system based on solidarity
between generations, to the pension system, which provides individual retirement savings in pension
As a result of reforms in the Republic, a multi-pillar pension system was established, based on the
optimal balance of responsibility between the state, the employer and the employee.
The participants in the shared pension system in 2012 (including retired law enforcement agents)
number 1.76 million. This number has fallen by almost 227 thousand since 1998.
Sex and age structure is characterized by a predominance of female pensioners (67.5% – in 2003
and 71% in 2012).
Participants in the solidarity pension system have seen an increase in pension payments. The
reform of the pension system increased the minimum pension payments from 2440 to 26,211 tenge,
average payments from 3964 to 38 767 tenge, and maximum payments from 7256 to 56 047 tenge.
On the other hand, replacement rate have dropped from 46.4% in 1998. to 33.3% in 2002, before
increasing to 33.9% in 2007 and 43.1% in 2011.
From 1999 to 2012, the cost of pension plan, taking into account the basic pension payments,
increased by 8.4 times and made this year – 830 billion tenge ($ 5.53 billion).
Problems in the mechanisms of various pension plans are reflected at several levels:
1. At a basic level, the lack of criteria for appointment or a fair and reasonable assessment of the
relevance and benefits to the needs of the recipients leads to the fact that the basic pension benefit
covers wide range of individuals, non-uniform in age and prosperity.
2. Solidarity-level:
- Imbalances in the Pension Benefits Act for people who retired at different times (during the
Soviet period, the transitional period of the reform and post-reform period in the development of the
- The presence of imbalances in the pension system, associated with the current income limit
imposed on the pension calculation, the system behind the rate of increase in pensions from wage
growth, leads to inadequate pension payments and pension replacement rate for all major categories
of pensioners.
3. On the storage level
- Low amount of contributions related to the low level of pay;
- Low coverage of the economically active population under the funded pension system, irregular
payment of contributions;
- The low return on pension savings due to insufficient development of the domestic stock market
and poor management of pension assets;
- Lack of mandatory pension savings for citizens approaching retirement age;
- Unstable funding for pension system in times of recession and the crisis in the economy;
- Imperfect voluntary retirement savings schemes;
- Lack of effective promotion for the voluntary pension savings program;
RK Law of 20 June 1997 “On pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Data of the Statistics Agency
Data from the State Center for Pension Payments RK
Data of the Statistics Agency
M Kozzhanova
Pension system in the US:
the lessons for Kazakhstan
- Inadequate parameters of formation and investment of voluntary pension savings.
Thus, from the perspective of improving the pension system of Kazakhstan, the issue of
optimization mechanisms for various pension plans and pension annuities as a flexible tool remains
one of the most pressing.
The USA pension system: problems and ways of reforming
Currently, a reliable source of pensions is the U.S. government social insurance (social security).
Every working citizen who pays his taxes and has worked in the U.S. more than 10 years (with a
few exceptions) is entitled to a basic pension from the federal fund. The amount of payment depends
on the average salary and years of service, but it is limited.
During the work, a citizen earns «credits» for entitlement to a basic pension. All persons born after
1929 need 40 credits (10 years) before receiving their pension. Upon termination of employment
until a significant number of points, all credits are retained on the individual pension account. Thus,
in the event of a resumption of work, points accumulation continues. However, the worker will not be
paid a basic pension with less than 40 credits.
In addition, the amount received is affected by the age of retirement. For example, the earliest
possible retirement age is 62. However, the basic pension will be less (about 25%) than retiring at the
generally established retirement age. Also, in the basic pension will increase by 1% for each year.
Feature of the U.S. pension system is the establishment of the retirement age. The following table
contains the full retirement age, depending on the year of birth.
Table 1
The retirement age in the U.S.
Birth year
Retirement age, years
1960 and more
In addition to the basic pension, the Americans have the right to pension benefits from private
pension plans.
An integral part of the pension plans are pension from an employer. In the U.S., there is a federal
law (ERISA), which sets standards for the majority of employers and unions that sponsor pension
plans, and the responsibilities of workers.
There are two main types of pension plans with defined benefits and defined contribution plans,
which are described in Table 2.
Table 2
Characteristics of Pension Plans
Defined benefit plan
(guaranteed a specific amount of
the monthly pension at retirement)
A defined contribution plan
(adding a specific amount for an
individual retirement account (IRAs))
Employer contributions
Federal law limits the amount of
payments for the achievement
of full payment of occupational
pensions on time. There are
penalties for non-compliance.
Legal requirements for the minimum
size has been established. This fee
depends on the pension plan.
In some plans, employer
contributions may be in the form of
shares of the employer.
Employee contributions.
Have been made.
Many plans require that you make a
contribution to the employee IRA.
óïðàâëåíèå è
Investment management
of pension assets is the
responsibility of the employer to
ensure the adequacy of pensions.
The employee manages its pension
assets, based on the options offered
by the financial manager.
The amount of pension at
Depends on the worker’s
labor contribution for a specific
Pension depends on contributions
from the employee and / or employer,
the amount of investment.
Types of pension benefits.
Traditionally pensions are paid in
monthly annuity payments for the
duration of life.
Retired can pass savings on an
individual retirement account (IRA),
or can get it at a time. Some plans
also offer monthly payments through
an annuity.
The federal government
guarantees certain payments from
corporate benefits.
In case of termination of labor
activity up to pension age
If employee leaves before
reaching pension age of
accumulation of are saved prior to
the filing employee of lawsuit.
The worker can translate assets on
the an individual retirement account
(IRA) or, and to another to the
There are many different features of pension plans.
One of them is the Individual Retirement Account (Personal Retirement Account) (hereinafter –
IRA), used for long-term savings that will ensure the individual’s income after retirement.
Most employers offer their employees retirement savings plans. These savings plans can be used
simultaneously with the opening of an individual retirement account IRA. Professional savings plans,
also known as 401k accounts or 401a, aer similar to traditional IRA accounts. These accounts are
not taxed as long as you do not start to withdraw from them. Some employers bolster each of your
pension contributions with some amount from the company.
However, the steady increase in life expectancy of Americans, along with the increasing federal
budget deficit has required changes to the pension system in the United States.
Today, Americans who use certain contribution pension savings, such as 401 (k) or 403 (b) plans
or IRAs, can choose one of the following innovations in the legislation.
1. Department of the Treasury (IRS) offers new four rules requiring the purchase of pension
annuities or other insurance products that guarantee lifetime income.
The first rule involves lowering the minimum requirements for the purchase of annuity. e legislation,
people have annuity or all pension assets, or do not annuity. It is now proposed annuity of pension
assets. This will save a part of the pension assets to use them for other purposes.
The second rule would eliminate technical barriers to the use of many years of pension annuities
that are purchased in pre-retirement age, and the payment will be made only up to the age of 85.
Years of annuities allow retirees to manage their assets over a period of time up to the experienced
The third rule allows a citizen to begin partial annuitization of their pension assets long before
retirement age. Early annuitization allows you to buy some “juice” for more than twenty years, which
allows investors to spread interest rate risk over time.
The fourth rule will be relatively rare. In the presence of an occupational pension benefit plan,
employees could purchase inexpensive retirement annuity payments as specified by the employer.
2. The mandatory requirements of the employer for complete information on the amount of
This rule requires providers to provide information on all direct and indirect fees employers that
sponsor 401 (k). The regulations shall provide necessary guidance to all charges, which will increase
competition for the best results for both employers and employees.
M Kozzhanova
Pension system in the US:
the lessons for Kazakhstan
Thus, the measures taken to stabilize the situation on pensions of U.S. citizens
Today, Kazakhstan is working to further reform the pension system. The main purpose and
especially the modernization of the pension system is:
1. Ensuring that pension payments follow previously received revenues and the rising standard
of living in the country.
2. Financial sustainability of the pension system (continuous line of current income and reserves
generated by pension contributions, as well as budget and other income expenditure on pensions).
Modernization will be carried out while maintaining the tiered pension system. Necessary and
related changes will occur at the basic level, necessarily – in solidarity and funded pillar, and voluntary.
Thus, the most relevant in the framework of the process, it is proposed, using the experience
of the United States, the introduction in Kazakhstan of a cash balance pension plan (cash balance
plan), which is a hybrid pension plan.
In terms of the balance of the money, the employer agrees to contribute a certain percentage
of the salary, and thus guarantees a certain rate of return. Under the plan, you can easily calculate
the exact amount of pension savings which will be available to the employee at retirement, as the
employer guarantees contributions and returns.
One of the most common pension plans is a defined contribution plan, or «purchase money.»
Under this plan, the employer guarantees only the amount of the annual fee, but not investment
income. Unlike pension plans with defined benefit plans, where the employer keeps all the money in
the only retirement account plans, defined contribution pension savings involves storage in separate
accounts for each employee. Investing pension funds use a limited number of financial instruments
(issuers), defined by the employer. Investment risk is entirely the responsibility of the employee.
Another common kind of hybrid plan is the so-called target retirement plan (target pension plan),
which is preferred for workers close to retirement age.
For employers who want to reduce the burden of obligation, the decision is a profit-sharing plan
(the profit sharing). This plan has a defined contribution, which is not formally a pension plan. There
are no requirements for regular (even minimal) funding. These plans are popular in the U.S., such
as the 401 (k), in which employees make regular contributions to a tax free pension. The plan is not
classified as an employer’s contribution as an employer may make or not make a contribution. Total
contribution of the employee and the employer may not exceed 25% of the salary. Nearly two-thirds
of all large U.S. employers use 401 (k) as the main pension scheme for its employees.
Based on the above, pension provision for the citizens of Kazakhstan under a similar system
would contribute to ensure a decent retirement.
In this work was studied in detail by the U.S. pension experience. The study can be a brief
overview of the system.
In the United States, equal pay pension contributions by employers provides a strong incentive
for the expansion of voluntary employee participation in company-sponsored 401 (k) plans. State
employees’ contribution to the so-called universal savings accounts can also be seen as a system
of credit transfers. The pension plan is a discount plan established by employers, where employees
can send part of their salaries to their retirement plan, and the payment of income tax on that part of
the salary will be delayed. Employers offering a 401 (k) retirement plan can contribute to the plan to
carry out on behalf of their employees. Employers also provide the ability to make deductions from
wages not only for employees, but also in the transfer of part of a company’s profits. Income on such
pension plans is based on accumulated deferred tax.
Based on learned experience, wedraw three main conclusions: First, in all developed countries,
the pension mechanism functions best with equal participation by employees, employers and the
state, and secondly, through tax incentives the state encourages employers who, in turn, increase
the pension payments to the limit, and third, equal participation in employee pensions not only leads
to an increase in the replacement rate, but also to some extent reduces the burden on the budget.
Thus, Kazakhstan requires the creation of a pension system that contributes to the creation
of a socially-oriented model of development of human capital, improving the social protection in
accordance with international standards.
óïðàâëåíèå è
1 US pension reform: lessons from other countries. Martin Neil Baily, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, Peterson
institute for international economics, Washington, DC, 2009
2 Annuity Markets. Edmund Cannon and Ian Tonks, Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: 2009
3 Annuity Markets and Pension Reform. George A. (Sandy) Mackenzie, Cambridge university press, 2006
4 Pension Revolution. Keith P. Ambachtsheer, John Wiley&Sons, Inc., 2007
5 Pension in the US Economy. Zvi Bodie, John B. Shoven, David A. Wise, The University of Chicago
Press, 1988
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию журнала 12 января 2013 года
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