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– Means of conflict, characterized by the typical applicable third-party resources, methods,
techniques, in cooperation with each other;
– The nature of the conflict, revealing the most common relationship of competing parties,
the rigidity or flexibility their position, the ability to modify the subject matter, the involvement of
intermediaries, etc.
Practical experience has shown, a variety of subjects as an intermediary, often tend to conflict
management, or to the establishment (in some form) of control. In particular, the control as a form of
conscious influence on the political conflict involves a three-stage program of action:
– The implementation of preventive measures in the form of identifying the main elements in
the conflict (the reasons are not always obvious of the disputants, positions, etc.), analysis of the
interaction of the parties and event monitoring;
– Identification of factors as contributing to raise the intensity of the conflict (conflict-factors) and
prevent its escalation, resulting clarified main lines of action of the regulated community;
– Prevention of conflicts from stage to stage of the dispute, in which the possibility of violence and
political tension, minimizing the extent of social excitement caused by the passage of political conflict
in the related fields of political (public) life. The result is a certain limitation of the control subjects, in
which the development of conflict transformation to avoid crises and disasters.
Development of technologies for management and control that reduce the costs of competition
for power and reduce their own losses in this field and become a top priority for anyone in political
relations, and even more so for the regime.
The development of control and monitor of the conflict is important concept of «extension»
(narrowing) of the conflict (which indicates the dynamics of relations between the parties, leading to
a change in the composition of the latter, the subject matter of transformation, modification, means
and methods of competition in authorities) and «escalation» of the conflict (which characterizes the
degree of intensity of the ongoing dispute).
With competition growing over the state, accompanied by extreme deterioration of the relations of
the contending parties, the growing possibility of a sharp deterioration of the situation and increase
the unpredictability of the situation, as well as reduced quality of opportunities to manage it, and
even loss of its handling, the conflict reaches its highest point of development – namely, the crisis.
Crises is a fraught with the most serious and unpredictable consequences for the parties to the
conflict. Often they lead to increased tensions, armed conflicts, provoke new sources of tensions and
conflicts. In international relations even regional or national crises can be a source of even larger
and more global shocks (eg, the Caribbean crisis in 1962, carrying out anti-terrorist campaign in
Chechnya in the late 90’s. Etc.).
Should take into account the constant modification of such sources of conflict.For example,
under current conditions can be observed the worsening of relations between the industrial and
commodity-dependent countries, migration and urbanization in developing regions. At the same time
the international scene goes «classic» conflicts between nation-states, giving way to a variety of
regional, local, civilizational contradictions.
In recent years, a number of Western theorists (J. Burton, C. Lederer, J. Davis, and others)
have put forward the theory of «human needs», which stated that the conflicts arise from prejudice
or inadequate to meet the needs of expressing the basis of the human personality(1). Proponents
of this theory applies to the basic sources of conflict have different values: A. Nadler – identity,
economic growth, transcendence (internal self-disclosure), R. Inglehart – safety, social acceptance,
moral improvement, etc.(2) The satisfaction of these needs and aspirations can not be the subject of
sale, bargaining with the government, which should only modify and improve the political structure to
the most complete and adequate response to these universal human needs.
Conflicts of any above types, possessing certain properties and characteristics, can play a variety
of roles in specific political processes, stimulating competition and cooperation relations, combat and
matching, reconciliation and intransigence.(3)
The most common (goals) in politics is the management and resolution of conflicts. Used under
appropriate policies and control technologies will inevitably rely on the need for removal of all the latent
conflicts into the open, to reduce the uncontrolled processes and consequences of this interaction, to
reduce the possibility of sudden, landslide shocks, which can not be properly and promptly respond.
The basic principles of these strategies are also gradual, intended to exclude hasty measures that
the parties are not ready. They must also adhere to a steady decline in opposition parties, expanding
Beketov Kulahmet
Control and manage technologies of political conflict
the system of communication between them.
Dahl indicates impending mandatory in resolving conflicts forming institutional arrangements
to ensure a process of continuous consultation and negotiation, resource expansion (economic)
potential reconciliation, strengthen the awareness of the parties on the plans of their contractors, in
addition, he noted the need for personnel able to conduct peaceful dialogue, etc.(5)
Another fairly universal requirement of a technology management and resolution of conflicts include
pertinent records most fundamental internal and external factors of their origin and occurrence. In
particular, experience has shown that factors influencing the forms and methods of the subject of
conflict management are:
– The degree of openness of the political system (reflecting, for example, the presence or absence
of the «safety valve» to help protect the ruling structure of the most aggressive forms of political
– The cohesion level of conflicting groups and the intensity of the internal relationships of its
– Nature of the involvement of broad social layers in the controversial relationship;
– The emotional intensity of the political behavior of groups and individuals and their ability to self-
limiting their power claims, etc.
As for the strategy of conflict resolution, its technology, as a rule, does not mean unilateral and
bilateral partners’ actions. This means that the agreement reached as a result of application of the
Agreement between the parties is seen by all parties as fair and honest, they voluntarily accept the
agreement without outside pressure, the conflict disappears from the «agenda», and between the
former parties to the dispute shall be established a positive relationship (C. Mitchell) (7).
Resume. Typically, the external conflicts can repay easily enough. However, the root source of
conflicting dispositions of the parties, variously included in the political game is only possible by
transformations or changing the very organization of power in society, or reforming economic and
social (cultural) base of the competing political actors.
1 MChell Ch. Necessitous man and conflict resolution: More basic questions about basic human
needstheory. In: Burton J. (ed.) Conflict: Human Needs Theory. Basingstoke. L.: Macmillan, 1990. P. 149–176.
2 Burton J. Systems, States, Diplomacy and Rules. Cambridge, 1968.
3 Inglehart R. The silent revolution in Europe: intergenerational change in post-industrial societies //
American Political Science Review. N. 65.
4 Burton J., Tarja V. The End of International Relations // Groom A.J.R., Light M. Contemporary
International Relations. A Guide to Theory. L, 1994.
5 Robert Alan Dahl, Politics, Economics, and Welfare (with Ch.Lindeblom) 1953.
6 Robert Alan Dahl, A Preface to Democratic Theory (new 2006) 1956.
7 George J. MitchellOxford Dictionary of Political Biography. Mitchell. The Structure of International
Conflict L, 1981. Obama’snewMiddleEastenvoy, 01/23/2009 (* Новый Ближний Обамы Восток посланника,
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию журнала 12 января 2013 года
óïðàâëåíèå è
V. S. Volik,
searcher of Kharkiv Regional Institute
of Public Administration of the National Academy
of Public Administration under the President
of Ukraine 75, pr.Moskovsky, Kharkiv, 61051 (Ukraine)
In recent years, developed countries of Europe and the world have begun to implement the competency
approach to human resource management in the public service as a way to improve the effectiveness of
the executive branch. Indeed, the level of knowledge, skills, and training of civil servants, their capacity
for continuous personal and professional growth depends on the effectiveness of the implementation of
government decisions in life and social development programs.
Keywords: public service, staffing, competence of civil servants, personnel management service.
Соңғы жылдары Еуропа мен әлемнің дамыған елдері атқарушы билік органдары қызметінің
нәтижелілігін арттыру жолдарының бірі ретінде мемлекеттік қызметте адам ресурстарын басқаруда
құзыреттілік тәсілді енгізуді бастады. Мемлекеттік қызметшілердің білімі, дағдылары мен біліктілігі
деңгейіне, олардың үнемі тұлғалық және кәсіби өсуге қабілетіне қарай өмірге мемлекеттік шешімдер
мен әлеуметтік даму бағдарламаларын енгізу тиімділігі байланысты болады.
Тірек сөздер: мемлекеттік қызмет, кадр саясаты, мемлекеттік қызметшілердің құзыреттілігі,
персоналды басқару қызметтері.
В последние годы развитые страны Европы и мира начали внедрение компетентностного
подхода в управление человеческими ресурсами на государственной службе как одного из путей
повышения результативности деятельности органов исполнительной власти. Ведь от уровня знаний,
умений, квалификации государственных служащих, их способностей к постоянному личностному и
профессиональному росту зависит эффективность внедрения в жизнь государственных решений и
программ социального развития.
Ключевые слова: государственная служба, кадровая политика, компетентности
государственных служащих, службы управления персоналом.
Legislation in the field of public service focuses on the implementation of the competency approach
to human resources management authorities. Low efficiency and quality of decision making in the
executive branch are the consequences of lack of competence of civil servants. One way to improve
the functioning of the executive branch is the formation and development of staff competencies of
public service.
Legal and organizational aspects of personnel management of public service are considered
such renowned scientists in the field of public administration, as Bytyak Yu, A. Voronkova, N.
Dragomiretskaya, T. Zhelyuk, I. Koliushko, E. Kurasova, N. Lypovska, V. Martynenko, V. Malinowski,
T. Pakhomova, L. Pashko, N. Rashytova, M. Rudakevych, S. Hadzhyradyeva and others.
Law of Ukraine from 17.11.11 № 4050-VI “On public service» [2] was adopted to improve the legal
regulation of public service in line with European principles of public administration and communication
reforms that launched a new state-managerial elite in the country. The main task of reforming the civil
service provide uniform standards for recruitment, introducing systematic classification depending
on the nature and scope of duties, creating a politically neutral of the civil service, the introduction of
a transparent mechanism for the civil service, new approaches to personnel management in organs
government, training, pay, disciplinary and material liability civil servant.
The legislation introduced competency approach to human resource management of the Civil
Service, served to identify new practices of civil service concepts:
– profile of professional competence civil service – a comprehensive description of civil service
positions containing executable content determination for the post and the list of special knowledge,
skills and abilities required public servants to perform duties;
– the level of professional competence person – description of a person that is determined by the
educational level, experience and level of language expertise and skills.
V. S. Volik
Аreas of improvement of personnel
management civil service in Ukraine
Office of the formation and development of competencies of civil servants provide effective
interaction between actors (line managers and service personnel) and object (civil servant).
Formation competencies of civil servants has positive implications for human resource management
in the executive branch:
– to develop common standards describe performance that will facilitate the establishment of
relationships between government officials of different departments and levels;
– to organize an effective selection of civil servants through the selection of candidates for civil
service positions in accordance with existing competencies in the candidate’s required for the
effective performance of duties and functions;
– to assess the competencies of employees and identify them under the required level;
– increased efficiency evaluation of civil servants, the accuracy of determining the level of
competence of the person if all of its components;
– to identify strengths and weaknesses of each civil servant and use this information to identify
ways of professional development;
– there is a reason for the inclusion of civil servants in the talent pool of the organization and
planning of their career;
– to study areas of poorly developed competencies already working public servants.
For civil servants forming their competency profiles also have a positive impact, because helping
the person to understand what the requirements are put forward to him and what qualities he should
possess in order to work effectively, the strengths and weaknesses as a professional, and a team
member; build intrinsic motivation for self-development, to professional development.
Organizational management algorithm competence of civil servants has the sequence:
– specialist services staff line managers develop competency profiles for each civil service position
within the meaning of the work performed by the post and the list of special knowledge, skills and
abilities required public servants to perform duties;
– HR professionals develop research methodologies personal, social and psychological
competencies of civil servants;
– line managers determine the methods and ways of study-level professional, functional and
managerial competencies;
– line managers and HR professionals conduct evaluation of civil servants (each subject separately)
according to its competence profile and determine underdeveloped competence;
– based on information underdeveloped competence service personnel offers line managers and
civil servants by professional and personal growth.
In the administrative-command system of personnel management issues addressed in our country
various specialized units which are structurally separated and had different subordination and linear
and functional managers, party and public organizations. The basic structural unit of management
personnel in the organization are the personnel department, which was in fact no methodology, no
information, no coordinating center personnel work. HR departments tend to have low organizational
level, while remaining weak in a professional respect. Because of this, they did not perform a number
of tasks to manage staff and ensure its normal operation. In the early 90’s. last century reforming the
Russian economy has put forward new requirements for the professional and personal qualities of
workers. A new milestone in the development of the state, reforms implementation and managerial
decisions require public employees to new knowledge and skills. The importance of public service
personnel multiplied, it becomes a strategic resource. All this resulted in a change in the status,
function and structure of service management.
To successfully control the formation and development of competencies of civil servants should
be within the overall process of working with staff to identify subjects and objects of this control set
between hierarchical and functional relationships, define their tasks and responsibilities.
A modern classic HR M. Armstrong, modern personnel office should play the role of interventionists,
that observe, analyze and change for the better in the current process of personnel management [1,
p. 100
101] Today it is impossible to consider HR only in administrative and legal aspects, not only
the right to apply statutes, organize contests, prepare orders, and more. Today the role of service
personnel is key in conducting civil service reform to enhance its professionalism and efficiency.
According to the Law of Ukraine «On Civil Service», in each public authority, the authority of the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea or unit formed service personnel [2]. It is a separate subdivision
and ensures the implementation of public service leaders in state bodies, bodies of the Autonomous
Republic of Crimea or phone his office is responsible for documenting entry into the civil service, its
óïðàâëåíèå è
transmission and suspension, selection of personnel, planning and organizing events on improving
level of competence of civil servants, as well as perform other functions. Unfortunately, to date,
fixed ideas legislation to create a powerful service management staff with implementation. Even the
structure of the National Agency for Civil Service no service personnel, and is the department of
personnel work.
The main objectives of the service personnel are: ensuring the implementation of public service
leaders in the public authority of its powers, to ensure implementation of the state policy in the
civil service HR public authority; selection of personnel public authority, organization of activities to
improve the professional competence of staff of the state power, organizational and methodological
support personnel management in government agencies, direction, coordination, organizational
guidance and supervision of the Human Resources subordinate organizations; documenting entry
into the civil service, its passage and termination [3].
Service staff provides analytical and advisory support of the head of the civil service in government
agencies on human resource management and makes it relevant proposals to improve the operation
of the staff.
HR Service Specialists have specific tasks for managing the formation and development of
competencies of civil servants:
– Provides technical assistance and monitors the development of job descriptions of staff a
government agency;
– Examines the personal, professional and business qualities of individuals who apply for positions
in government agencies, heads of subordinate organizations;
– Plans to move to civil servants public authority based on their individual abilities, training and
performance, making appropriate proposals public service leaders in government agencies;
– Develop requirements for specialty (prepared person specialty) and other requirements for the
professional competence of persons who apply for positions of public service groups II, III, IV and V;
– Develops and revises as appropriate profiles of professional competence of public service in
government agencies;
– Examines the needs and making public service leaders in government authority for the
organization of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel public authority and its
subordinate organizations;
– Creates order and organize training, retraining and advanced training of personnel public
authority and its subordinate organizations, provides the conclusion of appropriate agreements with
educational institutions;
– Organizes the work on training personnel agency of the government;
– Organizes internal training staff apparatus government agency subordinate to territorial bodies,
enterprises, institutions and organizations that are under their control;
– Provides counseling staff on professional development.
According to the law office staff has a leading role in developing profiles of professional competence
of public servants with their line managers.
In public administration in developed countries like the USA, Canada, Germany, Great Britain,
Austria, the Netherlands, has been used successfully competence approach that enables HR
professionals to effectively take away civil servants, identifying complex performance proficiency
(competence profiles) for specific labor functions and problem (competences profile).
Competence approach to the management personnel of public service can improve the
effectiveness of selection and development of personnel. Yes, one of the technologies of this approach
– or competence profile profesiograms – describes in detail the requirements for candidates for the
position, which greatly facilitates the process of selecting the most suitable person for a specific
position of public service.
We propose a definition of competency profile public servant – a set of requirements for professional
knowledge, skills and psychological personality traits for success in a particular position of public
authority under the duties and powers.
The purpose of the model depends on the competencies for which tasks and in which situations
it will be used (special and general model, a model for line managers). Model competence – a set
of knowledge and skills of employees and creates uniform standards of operation, the basis for the
evaluation and promotion of employees.
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