M Kozzhanova
Pension system in the US:
the lessons for Kazakhstan
Lazzat Kussainova
Master Student, NSPP,
Academy of Public Administration
Under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Опыт управления наукой в США представляет значительный интерес, поскольку это крупнейший в
мире высокопроизводительный и разветвленный научно-технический комплекс, тесно интегрированный
со сферой образования, отраслями экономики и отдельными правительственными органами.
Он включает: исследовательские центры университетов, промышленных корпораций, национальные
государственные лаборатории, независимые бесприбыльные исследовательские организации, мелкие
и средние коммерческие и инженерные фирмы, всевозможные кооперативные организации.
Ключевые слова: Фундаментальная наука, научные исследования, управление наукой,
образование, научно-техническая политика, научные ассоциации, исследовательские институты,
научные лаборатории
АҚШта ғылымды басқару тәжiрибесі елеулi қызығушылық танытады, себебi бұл білім, экономика
саласылары мен жеке үкiмет органдарымен тығыз байланыстағы әлемдегі ең iрi жоғары өнiмдi және
тармақты ғылыми-техникалық кешен.
Ол зерттеу университеттердiң орталықтарды, өнеркәсiптiк корпорацияларды, ұлттық мемлекеттiк
зертханаларды, тәуелсiз түсімсіз зерттеу ұйымдарды, ұсақ және орташа коммерциялық және инженерлiк
фирмаларды, алуан түрлi кооперативтiк ұйымдарды қосады.
Тірек сөздер: Іргелi ғылым, ғылыми зерттеулер, ғылыммен басқару, білім, ғылыми-техникалық
саясат, ғылыми қауымдастықтар, зерттеу институттар, ғылыми зертханалар
Experience in the management of science in the United States is of considerable interest because it is
about the world’s largest high-performance and branched Scientific Technical Complex (NTC), which is closely
integrated with the education, economic sectors and individual government agencies.
It includes research centers of universities, industrial corporations, national government laboratories,
nonprofit research organizations, independent, small and medium-sized commercial and engineering firms, all
kinds of co-operative organizations.
Key words: Fundamental science, scientific researches, management of science, education, scientific and
technical policy, scientific associations, research institutes, scientific laboratories
It is well known that basic science is not profitable in the short term. However, the importance
of and support at the national level, research is difficult to overestimate. Because of this, States
are interested in promoting the development of science, which are complex mechanisms for the
distribution of budget funds for scientific purposes, as well as the control and supervision over the
implementation of the objectives. In this case, in close connection with scientific activity is stimulated
by the development of education, including undergraduate and postgraduate, as the scientific and
educational system is so integrated, that is very difficult to separate them.
Experience in the management of science in the United States is of considerable interest because
it is about the world’s largest high-performance and branched Scientific Technical Complex (NTC),
which is closely integrated with the education, economic sectors and individual government agencies.
It includes research centers of universities, industrial corporations, national government
laboratories, nonprofit research organizations, independent, small and medium-sized commercial
and engineering firms, all kinds of co-operative organizations.
The main feature of the mechanism of formation and implementation of science and technology
policy in the United States should be called the principle of competitive allocation of resources,
stimulating the mechanisms of market competition on the willingness of potential customers to
implement development, academic freedom and university autonomy in the selection of research
activities, the latter a close relationship with the teaching and training , patent laws and policies
that provide strong incentives for invention and innovation, flexible economic and legal mechanism
capable of a wide variety of forms of organization of individual and cooperative activities in the field
of R & D and development of their results.
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The role of government is that it provides the mechanisms for the autonomous functioning of the
STC, organizes activities for development of the national scientific and technical progress. Through
their bodies, it guides the process of decision-making on priority directions of science and technology
at the national level, through the state budget – mobilizes and distributes to the national science
and technology resources, through a differentiated tax policy affects the allocation of funds for the
private sector to improve NIOKR.V such a system Kazakhstan is useful to study the experience of
the United States in the regulation of science and education.
The system of legal regulation of the monitoring and supervision in the sphere of education and
science in the United States established three levels of regulations.
The U.S. Constitution (The Constitution of the United States of America) to the conduct of the U.S.
Congress considers the power to «promote the development of science and crafts.»
The Committee on Science, Space and Technology of the U.S. Congress, founded in 1958, has
jurisdiction over all non-military federal research and development. In particular, the Committee
has partial or complete jurisdiction over the following federal agencies: NASA, the Department of
Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Federal Aviation
Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Geological Survey United States.
The Committee is composed of five subcommittees – the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment
Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee on Research and Science Education,
Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, and the Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation.
U.S. Federal law regulates the activities of government departments and other federal agencies
to implement their research programs and placing orders for research and development.
Bylaws state agencies establish internal controls and oversight over the conduct of scientific
research in the subordinate offices and organizations.
Research sector United States has an extensive system of executive bodies implementing
administrative, advisory and control functions, including:
1. The National Research Council (National Research Council) and contributes to the
dissemination of knowledge in the natural and social sciences, mathematics and engineering,
and use this knowledge for the public welfare, and is involved in shaping public policy on science,
technology and health care.
2. The National Research Council (National Science Board) was established to monitor and
analyze the state of science and technology in the country, in addition, the board performs the
functions of research funding through the distribution of grants and monitoring of their intended use.
The structure consists of NSC Adviser to the President for Science and Technology (NSC head
and NSF) and the leading figures in science and technology (university presidents, vice-president of
science and technology, leading scientists and engineers). Members of the NSC appointed by the
president for a term of 6 years in such a way that changes every 2 years third HHC.
3. NSF (National Science Foundation, NFS) – an independent federal agency responsible for
advisory and financial support for basic research in all fields of science and engineering, except for
The Law on the National Science Foundation (The National Science Foundation Act, 1950) defines
functions such fund, asinitiation and support through grants and contracts scientific and technical
research and programs to strengthen the scientific and technological potential of the country;
awarding scholarships in science and technology;
exchange of scientific information among the scientific community the U.S. and foreign countries;
assessment and identification of the needs of natural and engineering sciences with a view to
their coordination with other federal and regional programs and policy departments using their own
Determining the universities and other organizations the amount of funding required to conduct
their research, and to ensure that the conditions of their work.
It should be noted that NFS is the practice of an independent internal control implemented by the
Office of the Inspector General (Office of Inspector General (OIG)). The activities of OIG seeks to
improve the effectiveness of programs funded foundation, as well as the prevention and detection of
fraud, misuse of funds and abuse of office. (1)
NFS primarily funds programs of basic research at universities, cooperative research companies
and small businesses. NFS evaluates incoming requests and decides on the allocation of funds.
Almost all of the funds from the budget NFS aims at financing programs.
Lazzat Kussainova
Office of Scientific Research in the United States
Allocation decisions are taken on the basis of an independent assessment, carried out by scientists
from all over the country. More than 50 thousand scientists and engineers engaged in this process
every year. Expert opinions are concentrated and are discussed in the specialized committees of
scientific and technical advisors, consisting of representatives of science and technology. Monitoring
the effectiveness of spending is in the form of reports on the results of research. In addition, the
NFS tracks publications prepared on the results of funded research, as well as the frequency of
citations of these works in the future. In addition to the NFS is a special program of evaluation of
cost-effectiveness, according to which each of the research programs every three years, subject to
a mandatory check of the external experts in order to ascertain how well it is managed.
4. Office of Science and Technology (Office of science and technology policy (OSTP)) was
established in 1976 as part of the Administration of the President of the United States.
Basic provisions on the activities of the registered in the same section of the Laws (2), according
to which the strategic objectives of the OSTP are:
granting the President of analytical information and expert advice on proposed government
programs and policies in the field of science, as well as advice on important issues falling within the
jurisdiction of the body;
close cooperation with the relevant federal agencies, representatives of national and international
scientific community, the private sector to identify existing needs of society and the state, problems
and trends of the scientific world with the aim of coordinating and implementing effective technology
study of the nature and requirements (including the amount of funding) national science and
technology policy and make recommendations for its correction.
In 2010, the order of the U.S. President in the Office of Science and Technology was established
President’s Council on Science and Technology (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology (PCAST)), which includes representatives from recognized authorities in any field natural
and technical sciences. In addition to consulting, said body performs the function of mediation,
presenting at the request of the National Science and Technology Council (National Science and
Technology Council (NSTC)) view of the private sector on issues of science. (3)
5. In the U.S., there are 3 types of scientific associations: Association for disciplinary principle,
associations representing all of science, interdisciplinary association for the solution of major
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) – an international non-profit
organization that implements the functions in support of education and science and to promote inter-
ethnic scientific cooperation.
Associations created by the disciplinary principle – the majority. Their main activity is to establish
an information exchange between individuals interested in research on a single scientific discipline
or direction. Such organizations have regional, state, or local units: associations, clubs, councils,
offices. The implementation of direct business contacts and contracts are mainly for periodic
meetings during the working group meetings. The main channel of communication are periodic
scientific journals. Association of this type is – American Chemical Society (1876). The Company is
conducting research and surveys on Advances in chemistry, organizes training courses for young
scientists, provides research grants and awards, has a radio and television program, a library,
publishes periodicals.
The primary role of scientific associations is to perform communicative functions within the
scientific community, as well as between them and external stakeholders. They are negotiated, and
are themselves involved in the national cooperation between different research institutions in the
country and with foreign institutions. Organize seminars, symposia, scientific exhibitions, transmit
scientific information through its publications; give out research grants, awarded prizes, conduct
other activities to scientific training, etc.
There are a small number of large groups that in order to achieve common goals of science
supporting cooperation of various organizations. Published their scientific journals cover a much
broader range of issues than other associations, publications, and is widely popular in the business
community. Editorial board shall consist of representatives of different scientific disciplines. A large
part of the issue is devoted to news in science and technology, issues of state science and technology
The Charter of the American Association for the Advancement of Science says that it is designed
to stimulate the work of scientists and improve the effectiveness of science in order to improve
óïðàâëåíèå è
social welfare. Organizational Association is divided into committees and sections. First formed by
the problem principle, the second – on a disciplinary. The richest potential AASRN are established
contacts with many branch scientific and technical societies, scattered across the country, periodicals,
free membership, high efficiency performance. Interdisciplinary associations can act on a permanent
or temporary basis.
6. The bulk of basic research in the public sector through research, lab federal agencies. Due to
the high concentration of material, technical and human resources, such national laboratories in the
U.S. are called national research centers.
Laboratory of federal departments and agencies vary in size, type, research programs, the scope
of activities. Legally, it’s focused research organization with a permanent staff of researchers. Of
these distinguished national laboratories whose activities are of national importance.
Government laboratories managed by the relevant ministries and agencies and are intended for
their scientific and technical services: research, implementation of organizational and administrative
functions at the conclusion of research contracts with outside artists, advice on the development of
individual departmental plans, programs, and science policy in general.
7. Science in major U.S. corporations also has the feature. One of the main problems of
management of scientific activity in the large industrial firms is the combination of cost-effective
production with the active conduct of research and development. Preferred orientation on their own
in terms of administrative and economic forms of organization across the corporation often leads
to depletion of technological advance, sluggish stream of innovation processes. The overwhelming
importance attaches to the quantitative indicators – the number of scientists and engineers in the
units, the volume of scientific publications, etc. This is the basis for the emergence of a kind of a layer
of «scientific bureaucracy,» interested in the bureaucratic institutionalization of R & D and deceptive
nature of their statistics.
Resume. Basic research in the structure of the innovation process to the greatest extent have
distinctive characteristics of innovation. This uncertainty is the ultimate goal and how to achieve it.
The maximum possible «man-caused» nature of basic research, the lack of interchangeability of
performers, their uniqueness. This is a special system of values and motives for action, scholars,
etc. All of this leads to the fact that by the departments of basic research in corporations, even within
the bureaucratic system of governance apply specific methods of control that are different from the
methods peculiar mechanistic system.
1 National Science Foundation. URL: http://www.nsf.gov/oig/.
2 Office of Science and Technology Policy. The White House. URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/
administration/eop/ostp/about. <7> 42 U.S.C. § 6611 – 6618.
3 3. Executive Order 13226 of September 30, 2001 – President’s Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology // The White House. Office of the Press Secretary. URL: http:// www.whitehouse.gov/ the-press-
office/ executive-order-presidents-council-advisors-science-and-technology.
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию журнала 12 января 2013 года
Lazzat Kussainova
Office of Scientific Research in the United States
Beketov Kulahmet
Master Degree Student, NSPP,
Academy of Public Administration
Under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Технология конфликта, как правило, не означает действий одной или нескольких сторон. Соглашение,
достигнутое сторонами, признается всеми как справедливое и честное, принимается добровольно
без внешнего давления, конфликт исчезает из «повестки дня», и между сторонами устанавливается
позитивные отношения.
Как правило, внешние конфликты могут быть разрешены достаточно легко. Однако, его источник
может быть преобразован или изменен путем изменения организации власти в обществе или
реформированием экономической и социальной (культурной) базы конкурирующих политических
Ключевые слова: Политический конфликт, технологии контроля и управления конфликтом,
разрешение политических конфликтов, политический кризис, элементы конфликта, меры
разрешения политических конфликтов.
Жанжал технологиясы, әдеттегідей, бір, немесе бірнеше жақтардың іс әрекеті деп саналмайды.
Келісімге қол жеткізген жақтар, бұндай келісімді әділ және адалды деп санайды. Осындай келісімді
өз еркімен қысымсыз қабылдайды. Жанжал келісімнен кейін күн тәртібінен жойылады, жақтырдың
арасында жағымды қатынастар бекітіледі. Әдеттегідей сыртқы жанжалдар оңай, жеңіл жолмен бітуі
мүмкін. Дегенмен, жанжалдың көзі өзгеруі мүмкін, қоғамдағы биліктің өзгеруіне байланысты немесе
бәсекелес саяси акторлардың экономикалық және саяси негіздерін реформалау.
Тірек сөздер: Саяси жанжал, бақылау және жанжалдарды басқару технологиясы, саяси
жанжалдардың мәселесін шешу, саяси дағдарыс, жанжалдың элементтері, саяси жанжалдардың
мәселесін шешу шаралары.
Technology of the conflict, as a rule, does not mean unilateral and bilateral partners’ actions. This means that
the agreement reached as a result of application of the Agreement between the parties is seen by all parties as
fair and honest, they voluntarily accept the agreement without outside pressure, the conflict disappears from
the «agenda», and between the former parties to the dispute shall be established a positive relationship.
Typically, the external conflicts can repay easily enough. However, the root source of conflicting dispositions
of the parties, variously included in the political game, is only possible by transformations or changing the very
organization of power in society, or reforming economic and social (cultural) base of the competing political
Key words: Political conflict, control and manage technologies, resolution of political conflicts, political
crises, elements of the conflict, мmeasures of resolving political conflicts.
Conflicts are the most common source and form of political changes.
The conflict is one of the possible interaction between political actors. However, due to the
heterogeneity of society, continuously generating dissatisfaction with their situation, differences in
attitudes and other forms of mismatch positions most often is the basis of conflict, the transformation
of power structures, the development of political processes. As a technologically measured value
conflict (and result) is a form of a competitive interaction between two or more parties (groups,
governments, individuals), challenging each other’s authority or resources.
The fundamental elements of the conflict:
– The source (object) of the conflict, which expresses the essence of disagreement between the
parties of the dispute;
– A reason which characterizes the specific events of the active actions to defend their interests,
goals, positions in relations with a competitor;
– Parties of the conflict, implying the number of subjects that are directly and indirectly involved in
challenging the status of power and resources in the field of politics;
– Perception and position of the subject, revealing their purpose in competitive interactions,
relevant to the contractors, the perception of the conflict and other subjective characteristics of the
behavior of the parties;
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