Мақаланың негізгі түйіні мынада: дауысқа жаттығу жасату кезінде оны дұрыс ұйымдастыра алса, аталған жұмыс
біртіндеп, игерілетін шығармада кездесетін барлық вокалдық дағдылардың шеберлігін шыңдауға жалғасады.
Мақала ән айтумен жаңадан айналысып жүрген әншілерге, музыканың сан қырлы иірімдерінің ішінен тек оның
өзіне ғана тән ерекшелігін табуға көмектеседі.
Музыкалық педагогикада әлі күнге дейін жаттығуларды қандай музыкалық материалдар негізінде құрастыру
жөнінде пікірталастар орын алып келеді. Қайсыбіреулері жаттығуларды гаммаларды, үш дыбыстылықты,
арпеджиоларды, сондай-ақ кішігірім ән үзінділерін, көлемі шағын ән әуендерін қолдана отырып, айтқызу керек деп
Ал кейбіреулері вокалдық-техникалық дағдыларды қалыптастыруды, арнайы жаттығу, жасатпай-ақ, үйретілетін
әндерге байланысты меңгеруге болады деген пікір айтады. Сөз бен саздың бірлігінен тұратын кез келген ән белгілі
бір көркемдік мазмұнды құрайды, оныңөзіндік айтар ойы бар, көңіл-күйді білдіреді, есту қабілетін, дауысты
тәрбиелейді, сондықтан да мұнда орындаушылық және техникалық дағдыларды дамыту жүзеге асырылады деушілер
де баршылық.
Әйтсе де ән жаттығулары жүйесін тек қана ән шығармалары негізінде құрастыру бірталай қиындық-тарға алып
келеді, өйткені, әнді орындау үшін, оның өзіндегі кездесетін техникалық қиындақтарды бірден алып кету студенттен
алдын ала белгілі бір әншілік дайындықты қажет етеді.
In vocal pedagogy, there are still arguments about musical material on which to build and develop the skills exercises.
Some believe that we can restrict singing scales, triads, arpeggios, and small melodies, some phrases of vocal works.
Others believe that the vocal technical skills can be learned directly in the target repertoire without exercise. There is an
opinion that the songis a synthesis of music and words, conveys specific content, mood, it brings the voice of the artistic
material,developingperformingand technical skills. And yet, to build a system of exercises only at the song material is not
possible, because the song itself may include a number of technical difficulties for which the student must have a singing
training, mastering the whole complex vocal skills.
Scientific Basis of the Future Teachers Extracurricular Activities Organization (Educational
Tazhbayeva S.G.
Abstract:The necessity of this research is caused by the fact that the scientific and pedagogical
literature has not considered the development of the organization of extracurricular activities of future
teachers from the position of drastic social changes, the lack of system and technology for the formation
of a phenomenon studied under the integral pedagogical process in an institution of higher education
(IHE). Practical significance of the research is determined by the applicability of theoretical and guiding
recommendations to the activity of pedagogical institutions for the improvement of future professional
training at the IHE’s education. The models of management of students’ extracurricular activity and the
education concept have been elaborated for the purpose of improving future specialists.
Keywords: education; extracurricular activities; pedagogy; student-centred approach
The topicality of study is caused, firstly, by weakening of the cultural environment outside the
university, the growth of crime among young people and students, secondly, by the specificity of the
student youth, their active life, and thirdly, by the objective circumstances of the young people
socialization over the past fifteen years. The emergence in this situation is to build a new system of
students’ education, the definition of its goals and objectives in the new life conditions of the state,
society and the universities themselves in a state of reform.
Education of students at the university is traditionally based on the unity of the educational and
training process. In addition, their conditional division to the education during learning and education
outside the classroom is necessary and rightful is - in relation to the objective existence of two forms of
university activity: educational and social in a broad sense. Each of these areas is characterized by
specific objectives, content and tools.
Literature review
At the present time there has been achieved some progress in building a scientific basis for
professional and pedagogical education. To date, there are completed a number of major studies that
reveal the structure of the educational activities and psycho-pedagogical regularities of the personality of
a teacher (Abdullina, 2009), Vasilyev, 2003), Gonobolin, 1977), etc.)
In the aspect of our research works of leading scientists, revealing the general theoretical and
methodological aspects of the future teachers training take particular importance (Wulfov, 1998),
Novikova, 2001).
Our work is based on the theory of the professional education of the individual (Arkhangelsky
(1987),Bakshtanovsky & Sogomonov (2005) etc.), moral education (Dubasenyuk &Ivashchenko
(2002), Kairov & Bogdanova (1975), Maryenko (1985) etc.), psychological theories of personality
(Asmolov (1990), Rubinstein (1989) etc.), communication (Kan-Kalik (1987), Leontiev (1975) and
Works of S.G. Vershlovskiy, L.N. Lesokhina, A.G. Kovalev and many others are devoted to general
problems of professional preparation of a future teacher, which defines the basic professional
requirements for a future teacher (Tazhbayeva, 2000).
In the context of our study works on issues of students’ education are very important. In terms of
history and pedagogy problems of students’ education were considered in the study of K.B. Berzhanov,
K.B. Zharikbaev, R.D. Irzhanova; in modern conditions - in the works of R. Basharov, K.K.
Zhampeisova, M.A. Kudaikulov are devoted to the improvement of issues of moral education
(Tazhbayeva, 2004a).
Currently in pedagogical science there are studies devoted to the problems of special preparation of
future teachers to work on moral and legal students’ education (V.V. Trifonov, L.K. Kerimov, L.A.
Bayserke, etc.); there is being developed a theory of professional preparation of a teacher for the moral
education of students (A.A. Kalyuzhniy); there has been revealed the role of folk pedagogy in preparing
students for the challenges of moral education of pupils (Zh.S. Khassanova, R.K. Toulebekova, E.A.
Urunbassarova) (Tazhbayeva, 2005b).
K.B. Berzhanov, A.N. Ilyassova affect the problems of moral education to some extent in studies of
historical and pedagogical content. A.A. Beyssenbayeva, S.I. Kaliyeva, K.Zh. Kozhakhmetova, B.A.
Almuhambetov and others devoted their works to theories and methods of educational work with
students (Tazhbayeva, 2000).
Level of professional and ethical education of future teachers is becoming one of the most important
criteria for its suitability, and the issue of its professional education, respectively acquires particular
topicality. Formation of professional and ethical qualities of teachers is reflected in a number of
dissertation researches. Works of E.N. Pavlovich, I.E. Yushmanova, B.R. Aytmambetova and others
present theoretical and practical interest in the aspect of the problem study, in which following issues
are considered: personal relationships between teachers and students, the impact of individual teachers
on the moral formation of the pupil, teacher confirmation as a person in the early stages of pedagogical
activity (Tazhbayeva & Kalyuzhniy, 2000).
Works of K.B. Bozzhanova, S.S. Rakhimova and others are devoted to problems of moral education
of students in the national schools; methodological aspects of humanistic education are reflected in the
works of K.A. Bekmuhamedova, K.L. Bolatbaeva, G.F. Gurevich. Theoretical and methodological basis
of moral education are reflected in studies of S.K. Kaliyev, B.I. Mukanova, G.K. Nurgaliyeva, S.A.
Uzakbaeva, etc. In all these works there are explored the ways of forming the foundations of future
teachers of professional skill on pedagogical institution terms (Tazhbayeva, 2005a).
Materials and Methods
The theoretical analysis of the literature indicates: the problem of educating students in the
organization of extra-curricular activities and their impact on improving professional and educational
training of future professionals to date has not received the full resolution: the opportunities and
educational conditions for the implementation of extracurricular activities of students at pedagogical
institute in connection with the formation of professional qualities of a future teacher are not sufficiently
Scientific and educational organization of extracurricular activities of students, due to its specificity,
is an important part of training and acts very important sphere of their professional and personal
development. Simultaneously through a relationship to teaching profession, the staff of teachers and
students relation to itself is refracted, as a subject of training. Forms of professional and moral formation
of the personality of students in extracurricular activities are varied and extensive, but so far they have
not been scientifically cataloged and not fully revealed their potential (Tazhbayeva, 1999).
Thus, today a contradiction forms between the need for effective organization of extracurricular
activities for future teachers as an important component in their preparation for the challenges of
students and the lack of theoretical, methodological and methodical ensuring this process (Tazhbayeva,
2004b). Until now, the process of organizing extra-curricular activities and its impact on improving the
quality of professional and educational training of future specialists in high school was not full.
We used a range of research and teaching methods: the theoretical level: an analysis of philosophical,
psychological, sociological, educational and methodological literature on research, modeling, the
thought experiment, the Methods of experimental and empirical level: the study of high school
documentation and best practices of pedagogical universities, questionnaires, interviews, compilation of
independent characteristics: individual and group interviews curves, teacher observation, research and
experimental methods: notes forming, control experiments, mathematical methods of quantitative
analysis of the data.
The methodological basis of the studyis the study of the social nature of the personality, the
relationship between internal and external factors in its formation, the indissoluble connection between
consciousness and behavior, a determining role in the professional development of the individual, the
theory integrated pedagogical process, and contemporary approaches to education: personality-oriented,
activity, system-structured, competence, cultural, integrative.
The study was carried out in a number of interrelated steps.
At the first stage (2000-2003) there were analysed the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical
literature, the experience of educational work of pedagogical universities in Russia and Kazakhstan. At
this stage, the leading idea of study was defined, the nature and content of professional development of
teachers in the educational work of the university were determined.
At the second stage (2003 -2008) there were studied the real state of extracurricular activities of
students, developed a system of organization, held formation experiment in which, in the course of
working hypothesis solved the problem of the study, modelled, refined conditions of the professional
education of future teachers in extracurricular activities.
At the third stage(2008-2012) there were summed up, made a systematic standardization and
theoretical generalization of the resulting material, scientifically-practical recommendations for
improving the quality of the training of students in extracurricular activities.
The base of an experimental study was chosen Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University,
Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named
after Abay, Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baykonurov, secondary schools № 119, № 9, №
140 Almaty, № 32, № 24, № 21 Aktobe.
The survey covered students from different courses and faculties, university professors, school
teachers, methodists - a total of over 1525 people, including in the experiment involved the future
experts in the amount of 369 students, 56 teachers of Russian language and literature, and 50 school
The reliability of the main provisions and conclusions of the studyis provided by methodological
position of the author; complex methods adequate to the task, a combination of qualitative and
quantitative analysis of the data, the results of experimental work and the comparison of obtained results
with the practice of teaching and educational activities of the various institutions of Kazakhstan
(Tazhbayeva, 2010).
As the main subject of research methodology we adopted a theory of activity. The structure of
human activity is the subject of the relationship, communication, play and work. Each of these activities
serve as elements of its private structures - communication and purposeful activity, work and play - has
an internal structure, which is the relationship of intellectual, emotional, and an assessment and practice.
This in turn has a complex structure. Consequently, the overall structure of human activity is not
something one-dimensional and simple, but a complex and contradictory dialectical system of private
and multilevel structures that are closely interrelated and constantly interacting with each other
(Tazhbayeva, Mashenbayev, & Smanova, 2010).
One of the most important aspects in the disclosure of the nature of the activities is related to the
study of the subject of activity and communication - the most important subsystems of human activities,
which in conjunction constitute one of its structures.
Human activity is seen as objective activity. Under the subject activity is understood as all human
activity associated with exposure to the object (the object). The subject matter, however, lies not so
much in determining the activity of this element in itself, but in the fact, how is a substantive effect and,
in particular, what types of activities are assumed to be in this case? Of the many attempts to solve this
problem are particularly noteworthy scientific papers of B.G. Ananyev and I.S. Cohn, who, analyzing
human activity in general, suggested these basic types of labor, knowledge and communication
(Ananyev, 2002; Cohn, 1984). M.S. Kagan, the most extensively studied the human activity that is
reasonably added to this is another kind of activity, which he called "value-orienting activities" (Kagan,
Summing up, the human activity generally includes four activities: labour, knowledge,
communication and value activities. The important provision of the theory is its structure: in any
activity, scholars have identified a component such as needs, goal, objectives, content, tools, forms,
methods and techniques.
We have embraced student-oriented, systematic and structural, cultural, competence and integrated
Thus, student-cantered approach, with basically provisions such as the value of the individual, the
uniqueness of subjective experience, focus on the disclosure of personal potential, interacts with the
system-structural approach (extracurricular activities as a system of value orientations of future
teachers), with the cultural approach (familiarizing students to the universal culture and national values),
an integrative approach (how to organize extracurricular activities for future teachers need interaction
activities of the educational process).
Results and Discussion
The effective personality development of a professional teacher can only be done within reasonably
organized and well-functioning educational systems, which are the two major subsystems - learning
process and extracurricular activities of students.
Extracurricular activities of students is one of the important components of the subsystems of the
educational process of teaching high school, professional and personal development and self-
development of future teachers on the basis of individual creativity. It is is a set of interrelated
educational activities that reflect social activity of the students, have such features as goal-setting,
awareness, productivity, independence. Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the professional
educational system, which in modern terms is essential for the functioning of the educational institution
(Tazhbayeva, 2004c).
Analysis of studies on the problems of the formation and development of educational system and the
existing positive experience has allowed us to identify the following aspects:
1. Essential features of the education and upbringing system: 1) humanistic direction of the world-
view content of future professionals; 2) the quality of its performance in high school (the comfort of
students, employees, etc.) for self-realization; 3) cultural study curriculum; 4) the presence of positive
social and psychological environment; 5) innovation, development of contacts: scientific, creative,
teaching with research institutes, universities, other educational institutions; 6) the presence of the
student government; 7) modern content of training, education and personal development of students.
2. The content of the education and upbringing system: 1) the goals and objectives of professional
and educational activities;2) the social and pedagogical ideas;3) the nature of the system-professional
and educational activities;4) the dominant component;5) modern content of education and training;6)
model of training future specialists.
3. The structure of the education and upbringing system: 1) the purpose, the means, the process, the
result (who acts as the responsibilities).
4. Stages of education and upbringing system: 1) the theoretical development of the model (general
scheme), 2) the establishment of a practical system (specification, further details); 3) the development of
the system (corrections and additions).
5. Regulatory-legal and staffing ensure of the education and upbringing system.
6. Criteria of effectiveness of the proposed system, its performance indicators.
The above theoretical and methodological principles were the basis for developing a model of
extracurricular activities of students as an educational system. Taking into account the guided activity
theory, systems theory, and the theory of a holistic educational process, which is also a socio-
educational system, we believe that the extracurricular activities of students is an educational process
with all its components: purpose - tasks - content - methods and instructional techniques, job and with
participation of stakeholders. Schematic model of the educational process in extracurricular activities, in
accordance with the interpretation of the structure of the educational process (N.D. Khmel) is shown in
figure 1.
The purpose of educational work in extracurricular activities is to prepare teachers for today's
schools, which is implemented in the whole process of the pedagogical university. As the subject of our
study educational aspect of extracurricular activities, we had to create a model of professional and
personal education of future teachers. In this case, we relied on the educational achievements of science
teachers professiogram (N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin), and the results of studies on the readiness of
the future teachers to the various aspects of educational processes in schools (N.D. Khmel, V.A.
Slastenin, N.N. Khan, N.N. Trigubova), the formation of pedagogical skill, competence (N.V. Kuzmina,
I.A.Zimnyaya, L.A. Petrovskaya).
Within the variety of professional and personal qualities of the teacher which should be formed in
higher educational institution there are:
-Pedagogical quality of the individual teacher's knowledge of the subject and the methods of its
teaching, the ability to clearly explain material, passion for a profession, organization, discipline, time
management skills, discipline, diligence, accuracy, education, cultural, general knowledge, competent
speech, artistry, knowledge of voice, gestures, facial expressions, organizational skills, knowledge of
educational work, the ability to maintain documentation, knowledge of child psychology, constant work
on yourself;
- Psychological personality traits of a teacher: teacher observation, teacher thinking, imagination, attention,
will, self-control, consistency, patience, emotion, love of the arts, sport and nature, empathy;
- Social and ethical quality of the teacher's personality: love and respect for children, kindness, sensitivity,
humanity, justice, compassion, fairness, integrity, commitment, pedagogical tact, diligence and responsible
attitude, a sense of professional duty demands on himself, modesty, politeness , honesty, ability to establish a
sincere, trusting relationships, spontaneity in communication, and sociability.
Figure 1. Structural and Substantive Model of the Educational Process of Students in Extracurricular Activities
To determine the rankings on the quality of a teacher's personality there were interviewed students in
physics and mathematics and natural geographical schools (275) and teachers (157). Respondents were
asked to indicate the degree of importance of a particular quality of their professional work order
number: № 1 - the most significant quality, № 17 - the least important quality, the quality of the other
positioned between number 1 and number 17. Ranking of professional ethical qualities of the teacher's
personality in terms of their importance by students and teachers is presented in figure 2.
Data Analysis of professional and personal qualities of the personality of the teacher shows a
relatively stable distribution of the students and teachers of personality traits, which we united in the
three groups.
Figure 2. Professional and Personal Qualities of the Teacher
Note: № 1 - Knowledge of subject matter and methods of its teaching, the ability to explain material
clearly; № 2 - Love and respect for children, kindness, sensitivity, humanity, justice, compassion,
fairness, integrity; № 3 - Teaching observation, pedagogical thinking, imagination, attention, will, self-
control, consistency, tolerance; № 4 - ideological conviction, dedication, patriotism, internationalism; №
5 - Organization, self-discipline, diligence, accuracy, ability to allocate attention; № 6 - Education ,
cultural and general knowledge; № 7 - Teaching time; № 8 - Hardworking, responsible attitude to work;
№ 9 - a sense of professional duty and responsibility; № 10 - Modesty, courtesy, honesty; № 11 -
Strategic, artistry, knowledge of voice, gestures, facial expressions; № 12 - Emotions, love of the arts,
sport and nature; № 13 - The ability to establish a sincere, trusting relationships, and sociability; № 14 -
Organizational skills, interests and knowledge of educational work, the ability to keep records; № 15 -
Knowledge of child psychology; № 16 - Empathy; № 17 - Ongoing work on oneself.
In the first place there were the qualities of the person, as the knowledge of majors and methods of its
teaching, the ability to clearly explain course material, passion profession (teaching quality).
The second - love and respect for children, kindness, sensitivity, humanity, justice, compassion,
fairness, integrity (the social and ethical quality).
The third - teacher observation, teacher thinking, imagination, attention, will, self-control,
steadfastness, patience (psychological characteristics).
Psychologists (A.N.Leontiev, N.K. Platonov), having investigated personality traits, have come to
the conclusion that the structure of any quality is the same and consists of four elements: a sense of
(man's relation to anything), consciousness, belief (will) skills and behaviors. However, these elements
with respect to each other are in unequal relationships. In some qualities in the first place speaks sense,
in others - how to behave. However, the structure of any personality traits are motifs that provide a
positive attitude to the appropriate individual behavior, and self-reflection.
Based on this position of personality theory, we have identified in our study motivational,
informative, procedural and evaluative components formed personal qualities of future teachers (Table
Table 1. Components Forming Personal Qualities of Future Teachers
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