Muhamedvalieva Zarina Askhatovna
MA, English teacher, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmet Jasaui, Turkestan,
Tel: 87757111618, e-mail:
Summary: In the process of controlling the training of the future teachers to the innovative activity it is necessary to find
out if the future teachers could learn to generalize and compare innovative processes, make conclusions, analyze the accepted
information critically. Except this, they must know how the future teachers cope with the given material, is the given time
enough to learn and so on. In order to realize the process of training of future teachers to the innovative activity effectively it is
necessary to use such kind of theory which includes the system of independent characteristics of this activity and knowledge of
basic periods its formation as changes from the plan of general experience to the experience plan of individual.
Түйін: Болашақ мұғалімдердің инновациялық іс-әрекетке даярлығына басшылық ету үдерісінде оқытушыға
төмендегі жағдайларды білу керек: болашақ мұғалімдердің инновациялық үдерістерді салыстырып, қорытындылай
білуі, алынған мәліметтерді сын тұрғысынан талдай білуі, олардың оқу материалын меңгеруі, меңгеруге уақытының
жеткілікті болуы. Болашақ мұғалімдердің инновациялық іс-әрекетке даярлығы үдерісін тиімді жүзеге асыру үшін
теория қажет. Бұл теория аталған іс-әрекеттің тәуелсіз мінездемесінің жүйесін және оның қоғамдық тәжірибе
жоспарынан жеке тәжірибе жоспарына өтудің негізгі кезендерін ашумен сипатталады.
Резюме: В процессе управления обучением будущих учителей к инновационной деятельности необходимо узнать,
могли ли бы будущие преподаватели учиться обобщать и сравнивать инновационные процессы, сделайте заключения,
проанализируйте принятую информацию критически. Кроме этого, они должны знать, как будущие преподаватели
справляются с данным материалом, данное время достаточно, чтобы учиться и так далее. Чтобы понять процесс
обучения будущих преподавателей к инновационной деятельности эффективно, необходимо использовать такой вид
теории, которая включает систему независимых особенностей этой деятельности и знания основных периодов его
формирование как изменения из плана общего опыта к плану опыта человека.
Management in relation to educational process
represents purposeful, systematic impact of the teacher
on group of future teachers and the certain student for
achievement of the set results of training. To operate
is not to suppress, not to impose to process the course
contradicting his nature, and, on the contrary, as much
as possible to consider the process nature, to coordinate
each impact on process with his logic. At the same
time distinctive features of management of educational
process consist in the following:
- conscious and systematic influence which is
always more preferable than spontaneous regulation;
- existence of relationships of cause and effect
between the operating subsystem (teacher) and object
of management (student);
- dynamism or ability of the operated subsystem to
pass from one qualitative state into another;
- reliability, i.e. ability of a control system to carry
out the set functions under certain conditions of process
- stability - ability of system to keep the movement
on the planned trajectory, to support the planned
functioning mode, despite various external and internal
indignations [1, 78].
Talyzina N.F. notes that the training originality as
control systems consists, first of all, that the operated
process of the doctrine, assimilation - is carried out
always by the specific personality. Complexity and
variety of personal factors are so big that by drawing
up the main program of training they can be not always
considered. At mass training the main program at best
can be adapted only to some system of standard features
for a certain group of future teachers, tutors. In the
course of training of concrete group of future teachers,
tutors some additional features which accounting will
allow them to achieve quicker a goal [2, 125] can be
The main task of management, of process, of
innovative readiness, of future teachers, tutors –
strengthening of dynamism and stability, of educational
and innovative activity, guaranteeing more good results
of this preparation by means of regulation, of efforts, of
pedagogical collective in achievement, of a goal. The
accounting of this circumstance and aspiration to execute
the social order causes need of innovative approach to
educational methodically ensuring educational process,
the scientific organization of teaching work. The
Scientific Organization of Work (SOW) is a continuous
process of improvement of the existing organization
of work on the basis of new achievements of science,
equipment and the advanced practice taking into account
physiology and occupational health for the purpose of
achievement of more high efficiency and improvement
of working conditions. SOW assumes advance and
routine planning of activity, accurate rationing of work,
application of evidence-based standards, improvement
of receptions and methods of work, improvement of the
organization of workplaces, moral and material work
incentives, work creating favorable conditions. Further
improvement of process of innovative readiness of
future teachers, tutors in many respects depends on
didactically reasonable management of educational
process, his planning.
There is a question: whether it is necessary to
enter the concept "management of innovative activity
of future teachers, tutors" into system of readiness of
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
future teachers? Experience of practical activities of
higher education institutions has shown that innovative
readiness of future teachers, tutors it is necessary to plan
on a number of indicators, to organize, consider and
control, and also to analyze. Management of innovative
readiness of future teachers, tutors has to be aimed at
formation of professionally important qualities of the
personality (collectivism, mutual aid, discipline, etc.),
to promote development of their scientific outlook.
Pedagogical efficiency of innovative activity of
future teachers, tutors increases when she systematically
is organized and operated by administration of
higher education institution during all academic year
taking into account a possibility of departments and
employment of future teachers, tutors i.e. a ratio of
their educational and scientific and creative activity.
The control system in a higher educational institution is
functionally differentiated on two subsystems: operating
and operated which constantly are in interaction. In
realization of innovative processes in higher education
institution management acts as an important component.
Have to operate system of readiness of future teachers,
tutors for innovative activity all: administration, dean's
office, departments, teachers in close connection. At the
same time management process acts at the same time as
cyclic and continuous that is created by simultaneous
and consecutive performance of many cycles of
management. The administrative cycle begins with
statement of the purposes and definition of tasks, and
comes to the end with their solution, achievement of a
goal. On reaching some purpose it is put new, and the
administrative cycle is repeated. The purpose - action -
result - the new purpose - such is a schematically picture
of continuous administrative process. She is applicable
to scientific and teaching and educational processes,
and, therefore, and to process of formation of readiness
of future teachers, tutors for innovative activity.
We have developed the program of continuous
administrative process of formation of readiness
of future teachers, tutors, to innovative activity in
which three basis cycles of management (figure 1) are
allocated: (оn the next page.)
According to Bulanovo-Toporkova M. V. and other
coauthors, effective management of process of training
is possible at implementation of certain requirements
[1, page 126-131]:
1) Formulation is more whole than training;
2) Establishment of the initial level (state) of the
operated process;
3) Development of the action program providing
the main transitional conditions of process of training;
4) Receiving in certain parameters of information
on a condition of process of training (feedback);
5) Processing of information obtained through
a feedback channel, development and entering into
educational process of the correcting influences.
The developed program of continuous administrative
process of formation of readiness of future teachers,
tutors to innovative activity meets above-certain
requirements. The researcher's task in management
process consists in change of a condition of the operated
process, finishing him to in advance planned level.
Management of process of formation of readiness of
future teachers, tutors for innovative activity provides
definition of the place of each participant of this process,
his functions, the rights and duties, creating favorable
conditions for the best performance of the tasks by
them: to the teacher – instilling in future teachers, tutors
of readiness for innovative activity; to future teachers,
tutors – mastering readiness for innovative activity; to
comprehensive school, preschool institution – effective
realization of innovative activity.
Because management represents the information
process which is characterized by the closed cycle
of signaling and the including control of behavior of
object in our program of management the following
information streams are assumed:
- from the operating body (teacher) to the operated
object (future teacher) signals of management arrive;
- from object (future teacher) to the regulator
(teacher) there are feedback signals bearing data on
an actual state of the operated object, i.e. on the level
of formation of readiness of future teachers, tutors for
innovative activity at comprehensive school. In the
presented information streams interest causes process of
realization of feedback. The role of the teacher consists
in processing of the obtained information, her judgment
and development of the decision on entering into
pedagogical process of amendments. Implementation
of feedback assumes the solution of two tasks:
1) determination of content of feedback - allocation
of set of controlled characteristics on the basis of the
purposes of training and the psychological theory of
training which is accepted to base by drawing up the
training programs;
2) Determination of frequency of feedback.
Regulation of process of formation of readiness
of future teachers for innovative activity represents
ensuring such activity of the operated system at which
deviations of the operated sizes are leveled and brought
to the level set by the program of management. The
arising difficulties which demonstrate not formation
at future teachers of tutors of this or that component
(motivational, substantial, procedural) the studied
readiness, for example, can be such: future teacher,
the tutor can't reproduce and explain material, finds it
difficult to explain these or those concepts, to allocate
these or those facts, to estimate regularities of innovative
activity, etc. Quickly to introduce amendments, it is
necessary to control key parameters of structure and the
maintenance of readiness for innovative activity. Such
theory which has system of independent characteristics
of this activity and knowledge of the main stages of
her formation as transition from the plan of public
experience to the plan of experience individual is
necessary for realization of effective process of
formation of readiness of future teachers for innovative
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
Pedagogics and psychology of the higher school: / Manual. / Ans. edition of Bulanova-Toporkov M. V. - Rostov on -
Don: Phoenix, 2002. - 544 pages.
Talyzina N. F. Management of process of assimilation of knowledge. – M.: MSU, 1975. – 343 pages.
Innovative processes in the maintenance of the higher pedagogical education.//Search. - No. 4. - 2004. - Page 263-
Innovative pedagogical experience in foreign and domestic practice. Educational and methodical grant. - Almaty. -
2002. - 53 pages.
Slastenin V. A. Methods of training and intellectual development of the child. - M.: MSU publishing house, 1985.
Figure 1 – Program of continuous administrative process of formation of readiness of future teachers,
tutors for innovative activity
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
Mukasheva Anar Beketovna
professor Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Linnik E.A.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Резюме. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности организации профессионального самоопределения уча-
щихся школ в Республике Казахстан и в зарубежных странах. Отражаются основные проблемы данных явлений и
трудности, которые совершают молодые люди при выборе профессии.
Summary. This article is telling us about particularities of organization of professional self-determination of school pupils in
the Republic of Kazakhstan and in foreign countries. The main problems of these phenomena and difficulties which young people
face when choosing profession are also described.
Currently a problem of professional self-determi-
nation development became widespread. Growth of
the population, increasing competition at the labor
market, introduction of new technologies are the cause
of awareness of the necessity of competent approach
to choosing of profession. A person needs to choose
a profession that will be modern, will bring benefit to
society and at the same time will conform to his own
abilities and interests.
Everything points to the necessity of creation of more
effective methods of students’ diagnosis, stimulationof
their interest to a choice of the future profession. It is
necessary to change radically questions of professional
self-determination of students at schools.
Several scientists engaged in research of the field of
professional self-determination. So, according to B. M.
Bim-Bad, "professional self-determination is a process of
formation of a person's attitude to the professional activity
and a way of its realization by concordance of personal,
social and professional requirements. Professional self-
determination is a part of vital self-determination, i.e.,
joining the particular social and professional groups,
choosing of lifestyle, profession" [1].
Based on this definition, professional self-
determination reflects the process, including the needs of
social affiliation and personal satisfaction of human needs.
It is possible to say confidently that the choice of
profession directly influences to all life of the person.
Belonging to any particular profession influences to
a person's status in society, his lifestyle and material
welfare. For this reason the important role in choosing
of future profession has a degree of its relevance, the
amount of income.
At the same time the tendency to emergence of
unskilled staff progresses. More and more people do
not feel as the persons having their professions; do not
feel affection to it. However, for high-quality execution
of work, in the first, the person needs to have an interest
to kind of activity, in which he is engaged.
According to D. Syyuper, people unconsciously look
for the profession in which they keep compliance with
the ideas about themselves. Later, "getting to know the
profession", they will look for implementation of this
compliance. That is, this process can be viewed from
several sides. The peculiarity of one of them will be the
tendency of aspiration of the person to "be personwho
has his profession”, unconsciously adopting over time
inherent lifestyle, habits, changing the mindset [2].
Professional self-determination as process is
directly connected another process - career guidance.
Exactly based on the career guidance in most cases
work is underway in modern schools. Career guidance
assumes a wide complex of measures of assistance
in choosing a profession, beyond the scope of only
education and psychology. It includes also professional
consultation as individually focused assistance in
professional self-determination. Important component
of professional self-determination is knowledge of
school students about professions, about howthey
can to correspond toany profession, about separate
aspects of the profession: salary, working conditions,
relevance, educational institutions wherethey can getan
appropriate education. These structural elements are
a connecting link in determining thereadinessto the
choice of future profession.
Professional orientation work is natural continuation
of all pedagogical work with students. The assistance to
the school student in choice of profession helps him to
organize educational activity (whenhe studiesthe school
subjectsconsciously andfocusing attention onthose,
that aremoreusefulto himin the further life), allows to
the school student to refer calmly to the future (when
the optimistic vital and professional prospect saves the
teenager from temptations of today's life).
Professional orientation work assumes a wide range
of measures of assistance to school students in choosing
the profession. It can be implemented not only at a
lesson, but also out of it. Practically all subjects that
are studied at the schoolgive information on various
professional activities.
Inherent feature of professional self-determination
is formalization.Other than choosing and willingness
to become a person having a definite profession, it
is necessary to fixate it officially: graduate fromthe
appropriateeducational institution, to receive the
document certifying the right to be engaged in this
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
activity. It takes not only one year and a lot of efforts.
This fact shows that the mistakes in the choice of
profession are extremely undesirable.
The most widespread difficulties and mistakes of
young people in choosing profession are:
-usinginadequate information sources about
profession, elaboration of the misperceptionsabout it;
-inability to systematize the available information,
to differentiate in it the main and the minor;
-inability to correlate thecapabilities and
requirements of a profession;
-Prevalence of emotional components in the
decision-making process; submission to "pressure"
from other people around [3, p.17].
According to survey conducted among 807
ofstudents of 9-10 classes of Kazakhstan schools, there
are only 28% who decided with choice of profession,
55% can't decide, choosing between several professions,
15% doesn't know what profession to choose [4].
The above-mentioned shows that creation of
career guidance system which is directed on practical
acquaintance with a profession is necessary. Programs
of career guidance can become the most effective as
showed experiment of many countries.
These programs, unfortunately, aren't highly
distributed at the nation level in Kazakhstan yet. But
the first steps on the way to creation of competently
set career guidance system are already laid down.
So, the “Employment-2020” program gives support
to persons who want to changethe profession and
to find other job, more suitable for them. At large
higher education institutions of Kazakhstan there
are centers of professional orientation work which
activity is directed on disclosure of potential of present
school students and entrants. Atthesecentershosts the
annualcompetitions andthe Olympic Games, provides
advisorysupportin choosing the professionandentering
tothe university. More the amount of career guidance
counseling centers started to appear only in recent
years and most of them are private. An example ofthe
possibility of creatingan efficientwork onvocational
guidance andself-determination ofthe actionisthe action
carried outin May2014 by NazarbayevIntellectual
School. A one-dayevent, "Take the Child for Work"
allowed thestudentsof the schoolto learn more aboutthe
professionof their parentsand relativesto try themselves
in a new role.Enterprisesemploying students’ parents
and relatives werevisited by more than3,000 students,
235passedthe practiceon the basis ofIntellectual
Schools, 500-at the enterprisesoftheirs city.
Other example is professional orientation forums
which are held annually in Almaty region. There held
discussions of topical issues in the field of professional
self-determination of high school students, provides
consulting assistance to everyone is given. Forums
take place in two stages: the first – an exhibition of
educational institutions; the second – discussion of
current questions of high school students. During
a forum held the additional questioning of school
students, then questionnaires are processed and
distributed between experts of career guidance for
further individual professional orientation work
with students. For the purpose of development of
professional self-determination and systems of career
guidance it is possible to referto experience of the
countries in which professional self-determination and
career guidance of students are differ in coordination
and at the high level.
The ancestor of career guidance is the USA. The
first professional consulting bureau was opened in
1908 in Boston by F. Parsons. Now an important role
in career guidance of the USA hasthe school at which
there is a service of consultation of "Gaydens". It
includes couple of services parts:
1) The inventory service that is engaged in collection
of gathering information about each of student
2) Service of information for students in three
fields: educational, professional, personal and social
3) The service of consultation that is responsible
for process of individual and group consultations with
4) The service of the device rendering assistance to
graduates in employment
5) The control service conducting gathering
informationabout destinies of graduates of schools.
Work of service "Gaydens" is carried out by
professional consultants – certified specialists in the field
of professional consultation. Such experts are trained
by faculties of "Gaydens" of pedagogicalcolleges and
universities. The pedagogical experience from 2 to 5
years, the diploma of the master of pedagogy and the
positive characteristic from a workplaceis necessary
for entrance to such faculty [5].
Experience of service "Gaydens" proved the
efficiency. Itsstrong point isin the emphasison the
individualcareer guidanceof students, attention totheir
individual characteristics, as well as an interestin the
future ofthe graduates.
The leader of career guidance and professional self-
determination in Europe is France. There the system of
career guidance is created at the national level, fixated
legislatively and is coordinated by activity of three
ministries: employment, health care and education. An
important distinctive feature of the modern concept of
career guidance in France is its information orientation.
It is supposed that degree of readiness for
a professional choice depends on the level of
awareness on working conditions and requirements
of professions to the person. For example, the
National bureau of information abouteducation and
profession (ONISEP) provides control of activity of
the regional representations, develops and distributes
documentation and information on professions and
the directions of education, about markets of job and
employment, professional educational institutions and
rules of entering in, etc. [6, p.101-111].
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
In Canada professional orientation work is realized by
the "centers of a choice" focused generally on university
graduates. In the territory of each of universities there is
a "center", with goodtechnical equipmentthatproposes
testing of various self-determination courses, success
and acquaintance to the existing vacancies. The Calgary
city university proposes to the students of older years
seminars on the basis of the "Making Decision on
Further Career" center. The scheme of making decision
on a choice of future career consists of 4 steps:
1. The first step. The student decides for himself, in
when he would like to be engaged.
2. The second step. Assessment of the potential
and abilities. Studying for the labor market, exactly for
specialties presented there at the moment. Choosing
several alternative variations.
3. The third step. Assessment of alternative
variations. Choosing a priority profession.
4. The fourth step. Test of in a profession. It’s both
training and a side job in the chosen sphere [7].
There is a very unusual method of career guidance
in Japan. For the Control of formation of readiness
of teenagers to choose professional way and training
for the profession in Japan scientists developed a
completely unique scientific methodology, the author
of which was the rector of the Assiya University -
Professor Fukuyama.
This test got the name «F-test» (Fukuyama-test).
The author identifies three major factors of conscious
choice of profession: self-analysis, an analysis of the
professions, professional tests. Every year students of
7-9 classes tests 16 professions various from different
fields: agriculture, scientific activity, business, etc.
Thus in three years they tried 48 professions various.
After that is carried out self-examination at 62 points
by the five-pointscale of various skills.Those same
points for each of student are assessed by teachers
and psychologists.The results comparing, the index
student self-assessment calculating, and proposing an
individual program of continuing education directed at
the formation and development of professional skills
and competencies. Moreover, the student acquires
practical skills [8]. Studying the experience of advanced
countries can allow to develop a level of professional self-
determination and to establish professional orientation
It is necessary to strive to adopt successful
experience of career guidance, but thus not to forget
about cultural features of the country and to make all
changes according to it. It is important to expand the
system career guidance, the creation of various centers
at national level, improvement of professional self-
determination in the schools. In my opinion, for our
country experience of Japan will be very effective. The
practical experience, trial and error method, can be the
most effectively method to influence the professional
self-determination of students.
Another aspect of professional self-determination
is psychological characteristics of person, attention
to it in the process of education. The identity of each
person is unique, and each person has its own abilities
and predispositions. A question is – how to find a
thing for what the person is most adapted, to develop
all necessary abilities. It should be noted the fact
that in any business always there are difficulties. It is
necessary to focus the attention not on difficulties, but
on the available personality abilities. To try to develop
useful features correcting deficiencies.
Effective methods in a work for professional self-
determination are not only methods of career guidance,
but also the general work with the personality. At
modern schools it is necessary to focus the attention
not only on school subjects, but also on upbringing.
It is necessary to teach students to react adequately to
anycircumstances of life, to struggle with stresses, to
get rid of uncertainty. In conclusion, it should be noted
that professional self-determination is a multifaceted
process. This process can be during all life, and it affects
almost all events taking place in it. The assistance for
professional self-determination to the students provides
by schools where it is necessary to create harmonious
system of professional orientation work.
The analysis of experience of a condition of career
guidance system in Kazakhstan shows that there are a lot
of things that need to be changed and improved. Now our
country is only at the beginning of the way of formation and
development. For this reason, for development assistance
can be useful the experience of advanced countries of the
world, which has already proved effective in practice,
according to the characteristics of a multicultural view of
Kazakhstan people.
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2. Klimov, E.A. The psichology of professional self-determination / E.A. Klimov. – Roston-on-Don: Feniks, 2008.
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the USA: thesis of the candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01/ A. B.Mukhamedova. - Pyatigorsk, 2005. – 232 p.
6. Shamsutdinova, I. G. Vocational guidance of pupils in France / I.G. Shamsutdinova, O. I. Pavlova//Pedagogics. – 2007. - No.
4. – Page 101 – 111.
7. Official Website:
8. UkkeYu.V. Diagnostics of consciousness of choice of profession at Japanese school students / Yu.V.Ukke//psychology Questions.
– 1990. - No. 5. – Page 150-151.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
Tasybaeva Saltanat Baltabaevna
English teacher, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmet Jasaui,
Turkestan, тел: 87713205077, email:
Түйін. Бұл мақалада ағылшын тілі сабағында ғаламтор желісі арқылы алынған тапсырмаларды орындау тиімділі-
гі айқындалған.Соның ішінде интернет желісі мен электронды технологияларды пайдалану әдісі баяндалған.Қазіргі
таңда технологиялар тіл үйрету, сонымен қатар шет тілін үйретуде үлкен рөл атқарады.
Тірек сөздер: заманауи электронды технологиялар, тіл үйрету әдісі,ағылшын тілін үйретудегі интернеттің рөлі.
Резюме. В статье рассматривается эффективность выполнения задании, взятых через интернет, в
том числе интернет-ресурсы и электронные технологии. В данное время технологии занимают важную
роль в изучении языка, в том числе иностранного языка.
Ключевые слова: современные электронные технологии, разные методы в изучении языка, роль интер-
нета в изучении англиийского языка.
Summary. The material of the article is devoted to use the grammar exercises those are taken from internet
and the role of new electronic technologies in teaching language. Nowadays the new technologies occupy an
important role in teaching language, especially in English teaching.
Key words: modern electronic technologies, different methodologies of learning language, strength of Internet
for English Teaching.
Computers and technology are still a source of
fears and insecurity for many teachers everywhere
in the world despite the latest advances applicable
to language teaching such as specialized websites,
blogs, wikis, language teaching methodology, and so.
Although many countries have done institutional efforts
to modernize their equipment, spent large amounts in
technology, proved the positive effects of integrating
computers in language learning. Besides, institutional
organizations, district and national educational boards,
and even publishers are doing important institutional
efforts to strengthen the presence and evolution of
distance and online education.The strengthof Internet
for English Teaching is its highly practical approach
to describing and explaining uses of the internet for
language teaching. Instructors should be able to easily
apply ideas in the book to their own classroom. The
book provides exercises and lesson plans which
can be immediately adapted and used in lessons. It
even provides guidelines for adapting exercises and
evaluating Web sites. Teacher should provide a great
service to the field by making it easier for instructors
to employ what promise to be very important tools for
language instruction. Communication technologies
such as e-mail, threaded discussion boards, and chat
allow the implementation of more communicative
and collaborative approaches to language instruction.
These technologies allow the extension of language
use outside the auditorium and promote participants of
all students.
Another strength of Internet for English Teaching
is its emphasis on pedagogically sound approaches to
using the Internet. In addition to reminding readers of
this issue throughout the book “Putting it Together”
to discussing the integration of technologies and the
pedagogical concerns that any use of the Internet
should address. It can be tempting to “try out” a new
technology simply because of its novelty, and there
certainly are valid reasons for experimenting with
technologies. But, as the foreign students point out, it is
important to design Internet-based assignments so the
assignments provide a structured and pedagogically
sound basis for students. Limited and passive use
of technology leads to a limited perspective – for
instructors and students – of the actual benefits of
technology, which allows us to perform differently,
and hopefully more effectively, as language instructors
and learners. While threaded discussions offer a
number of benefits to communicative curricula it
is pointed out that the importance of these benefits
should be reflected in the grading practices of courses.
Internet-based collaborative assignments, such as
threaded discussions, should thus receive grading
weight comparable to that for equally important
offline assignments. With e-mail services now
available in many languages, and the number of
Web sites in languages other than English now more
numerous, the Internet promises to be an important
tool for all language instructors. This method would
serve as a very useful aid to language programs now
beginning to incorporate Internet technologies into
their curricula. In fulfilling their major objective of
providing a survey of Internet-based technology useful
to language instruction,the teachers have only touched
on numerous issues that could be fleshed out in much
greater detail.
Therefore, one major concern that is commonly
shown by both teachers (Johnson & Eisenberg, 2006)
and education boards is how to motivate and instruct
teachers integrate computers and ICT into their classes.
The following methods of Foreign Language
Teaching are available for teachers:
a)Technology in the classroom, deal with
the importance of including ICT in the language
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
curriculum. According to the authors ICT have
intrinsic features that make its use a valuable source of
input but, sometimes teachers may distrust technology
or just be reluctant to include computer activities in
their classrooms.
b)Word processors in the classroom, provides
unique ideas for those teachers with limited expertise
in teaching with technology so they can begin
progressively to incorporate computer activities with
texts and pictures but, in any case, in a productive and
elaborate way.
c)Using websites, is probably one of the most
interesting chapters since the chapter gives information
on how to find information for classroom activities,
it makes a difference between authentic and teacher
created materials, on the features to evaluated when
working with and distinguishing the best didactic
websites, it also provides ideas for classroom plans
and, very important, tips for disadvantaged or advanced
students. The chapter is also attractive because it gives
ideas for classes with different proficiency levels.
d)Internet-based project work, addresses the issue
of task based learning and cooperative language
learning, two of the most significant issues in the last
twenty years in language teaching. The author propose
a scale from the easier projects like information gather
to simulations and webquests in language learning.
e)How to use email and how to use chat. These two
chapters have attracted a huge number of researchers
in the last few years that have been able to see their
importance in cross cultural communication and
intercultural competence. These chapters include
features such as proposals for keypal projects, or the
educational use of chat rooms(either written or oral),
chat lessons, and, overall, follow up activities for both
types of communication activities.
f) Online reference tools, looks at online resources
as dictionaries, thesauruses, translators, corpuses and
g) Blogs, wikis and podcasts, deals with social
software in which a variety of social actants have the
opportunity to include their own contents. Among
these, podcasts are significant for the language teachers
because teachers find difficult to find resources for
pronunciation with a variety of accents and registers
to be used in the classes. Wikis and blogs incorporate
a wide variety of audiovisual items that are worth
incorporating in the foreign language classroom.
h) Technology based courseware, shows publishers’
materials that teachers may want to use along with
their textbooks. This chapter is enhanced by the
following, Producing electronic materials, which is a
very appealing mini-course in authoring, creating and
designing one own materials with or without authoring
tools like Hot Potatoes, Clarity Software, Creative
Technology or Quia.
i) E-learning: online teaching and training, deal
with the importance of online training tutorials,
discussion lists and online groups.
j) Preparing for the future, may be an interesting
additional extra reading. It reviews the current state of
the art, and gives advice on how to keep up-to-date
in such a changing world and foresees what things
like web 2.0, online learning, virtual learning and
m-learning may bring. This chapter is very attractive
and, even for those already in the field, will certainly
offer new discussion and thinking perspectives.
What is a WebQuest? AWebQuest is in essence a
mini-project using authentic language and carefully
staged steps, which, as learners work through them,
reach pre-set goals and work towards the production
of original output, which is finally cemented of a
presentation of some kind. This, the participants will
have arrived at by means of navigating the Web, while
involved in a variety of skill enhancing activities.
WebQuest is a constructivist approach to learning,
where with the proper guidance and “scaffolding”
students can accomplish far more actual learning than
in traditional transmission-of-knowledge situations. In
WebQuests in the Language Classroom outlines four
main components of a well-built WebQuest:
1) The first is an introductory phase, which like
the lead-in to any good lesson, will engage learners
in the overall theme of the project, deal with any key
vocabulary or concepts necessary to deal successfully
with the upcoming tasks, and set the overall context.
2) Next will come a series of tasks which will
be explained clearly so that learners will know exactly
what is expected of them as they proceed through the
3) Following the clear task guidelines, “the
process stage of a WebQuest guides the learners
through a set of activities and research tasks, using a
set of pre-defined resources, usually presented in the
form of a web link…. the process stage will usually
have one or more products which the learners are
expected to present at the end.”
4) From the eventual “products”, an evaluation
stage, which involves both self-evaluation as well
as teacher evaluation, will round out the project and
allow for feedback on both language performance and
language learning based outcomes.
There is also the implication that, as much of the
project work takes place on the Internet, the teacher
must ensure that all participants are sufficiently versed
in basic navigation skills. This might even provide an
opportunity for student teaching, as there will surely
be some in your groups who can impart this kind of
information and design some light practice activities.
From a content perspective, the book addresses
issues that have currently attracted the interest of many
teachers in any field and that have proved their value in
any classroom like the educational place of webquests,
the traditional use of websites as a source of information
and language input, the positive attitudes of teachers
and students towards the integration of the Internet
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
in language teaching, the use of video to provide
language input and correct the student’s phonological
realizations, issues in synchronous and asynchronous
communication, attitudes towards computer based oral
assessment, projects in language learning as a teaching
approach for classes with different competence level
and students with different teaching styles.
1. Bonk C., King, K. Electronic collaborators. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998.
2. Arno Macia, E., Soler Cervera, A., & Rueda Ramos, C. (2006). Information technology in language for specific.
3. Black D. The role of live, online collaboration in distance learning. Proceedings of the annual conference on distance
teaching and learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 422 846), New York, 1998.
4. Chester, S. (1987). Use of computers in the teaching of language, Houston: Athelstan Publications.
5. Donald Weasenforth. Models of asynchronous computer conferencing for collaborative learning in large college classes,
New York, 1998.
6. Molebash, P., & Fisher, D.(2003). Teaching and learning literacy with technology. Reading Improvement, 40(2), 63-70.
7. Ikpeze, C. H., & Boyd, F.B. (2007). Web-based inquiry learning: Facilitating thoughtful literacy with WebQuests.
Reading Teacher, 60(7), 644-654.
8. Tsou, W., Wang, W., &Tzeng, Y. (2006) Applying a Multimedia Storytelling Website in Foreign Language Learning.
Computers and Education, 47(1), 17-28.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
Bulatbayeva Aigul Abdimazhitovna
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Makhambetova Zh.T.
master of social sciences in psychology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Abstract: The article depicts a university experience of formation of anti-corruption attitudes of participants in the
educational process. We analyzed the main systemic measures that can minimize manifestations of corruption in the higher
education system.
Key words: anti-corruption education, educational process, university academic policy, corporate ethics.
Education and educational work on the formation
of the students' anti-corruption attitudes are part of
anti-corruption state policy to eliminate the causes
and conditions that generate and feed corruption in
different spheres of life.
In December 2014 Anti-corruptive strategy was
adopted at the state level in Kazakhstan, the purpose
of which was "involvement in the fight against
corruption of society by creating a zero tolerance to
this phenomenon through the formation of an anti-
corruption culture" [1].
According to the document, in order to form the
level of anti-corruption culture it is important from
childhood to bring up a person in a spirit of Kazakhstani
patriotism and rejection of corruption. Anticorruption
ethics and culture of Kazakhstan society have to be
formed in the context of "Mangilik Yel" ideology.
The harmonious combination of traditional spiritual
values and the best international standards will let to
recreate the canons of legitimate behavior of citizens.
Nevertheless, in 2014 Kazakhstan took the 126th place
in the ranking by the level of perception of corruption
around the world [2].
Corruption in education and striving with it entered
into the category of "evergreen" themes of the media.
Citizens, sharing the conventional position of criticism
and rejection of corruption, anyway, are often the
members of corruption activities. As practice shows,
common increasing of the number of lectures and
discussions on the issue of corruption will contribute
to the students' knowledge of the phenomenon, but not
to the rejection of corruption practices in the future.
It should be pedagogical understanding of the essence
of acts of corruption of person and definition of the
content and means of anti-corruption education.
The purpose of anti-corruption education is to
nurture the value orientations and develop the skills
necessary for the formation of young people in civic
position in a relationship to corruption.
In a broad pedagogical sense, the anti-corruption
education is a specially organized, intended and
controlled effect to form a social rejection of
corruption, as well as under the implementation of the
educational process. In the narrow pedagogical sense
- it is a process and the result of specialized training
and educational activities aimed at the counteraction
of anti-corruption. [3]
We identify a number of problems solved
sequentially at our university.
The concept of "corruption" is introduced and
explained in the process of teaching of social sciences
and humanities module, in the process of assimilation
of the Regulation of the student, the Corporate Ethics
of the University, the code of student honor (1 and 5).
Theoretical training orients students to the ideals of
justice, honesty, decency and provides moral and value
bases of rejection of any illegal and immoral actions.
Competency-oriented approach on which the
entire educational process of the university is built also
leads to the formation of anti-corruption knowledge.
In fact the whole cycle of educational disciplines,
the intermediate and final control tasks facilitate
the critical perception of reality; assessment of the
situation; develop own independent assessment of the
situation; ability to defend this position reasonably;
ability to take responsibility for individual actions.
However, it should be noted that the formation
of anti-corruption settings become more productive
through its use, as well as conducting lectures and
seminars, the powerful potential and extracurricular
activities of students.
With the integration of classroom and extracurricular
work with students and informal interaction with their
teachers, the conditions for updating the knowledge
and understanding of the rights of young people;
stimulating the responsibility for legal compliance; it
solves the problem of the eradication of legal nihilism
and the strengthening of law-abiding.
Our university has such a potential as the School
of curator- advisers. Curator-advisers spend a lot of
work to improve the internal culture of personality and
strengthening of moral and ethical principles of the
youth; education of young individuals of rejection of
corruption as a phenomenon.
In addition to the informational-educational
component, as a part of educational work, aimed at
the presentation of the methods of fair solutions to
the problems, the situations of solving of the vital
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
problems on the basis of individual choice are created.
Game modeling, discussions and debates are actively
Unfortunately, it is difficult to break established
habits and patterns. In this regard, based on the fact
that an important element of anti-corruption education
is the system of workshops on mastering the skills
dealing corruption problems it would be reasonable to
introduce the workshop as "The rules of fair play" into
the educational process. It is desirable that an integral
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