Burkitbaeva Meruert Alpysbekovna
Department of World Languages, ram-meruert@mail.ru
Түйін. Бұл мақалада оқушылар мен 1-2 курс студенттерінің жазу дағдысын қалыптастыруда “Storybird” веб-сай-
ты көмегімен олардың шығармашылық жазуға деген қызығушылығын ояту жолдары мен әдіс-тәсілдері қарастыры-
Резюме. В этой статье рассматриваются методы формирования навыков к писанию, а именно задача творческо-
го подхода и мотивации школьников и студентов 1-2 курса к писанию с помощью веб-сайта “Storybird”.
Abstract. This paper deals with the discusses the methods of formation of skills for writing, namely the problem of creativity
and motivation of pupils and students of 1-2 courses to writing skill using the website “Storybird”.
Writing, like all other aspects of language, is
communicative. In real life, we may write e-mails, lists,
notes, cover letters, reports, curricula, assignments, or
essays. Some of us write articles or work on blogs,
forums and websites. All of these writing tasks have
a communicative purpose and a target audience. In
the English language classroom, writing often lacks
that communicative purpose. It is often a solo activity,
done silently, involving effort and taking a lot of time.
However, there are ways to make the writing we do
with learners more communicative and pleasurable.
Writing well is difficult, even for very young learners.
However, writing in any language can be so much fun.
One of the biggest challenges teachers have faced
in the classroom has to do with writing. Usually
students do not want to write, because they have never
been encouraged to do it or to enjoy it. It’s worth
remembering that most people never write anything of
any length in their daily lives, or anything using a pen
and paper, or without using a spellchecker. But this is
often what we ask our students to do in English.
So what can we do to help children retain their
early interest in writing, while they develop skills and
confidence? According to A. Ersöz, firstly, students
need a basic foundation and understanding of the
spoken language in order to be able to write in English.
For example, they need to know how to identify and
talk about objects and people in English in order to
write something about them [1].
Basing on the F.S. Kirmizi’s opinion, we can say
that mixed methods give learners the opportunity to
express themselves, their problems and imaginary
world. Individuals are not passive during the activities,
but active. In addition to enabling personal and social
development, creative drama also helps skills of
creativity and thinking differently emerge. Similar to
creative drama, creative writing enables individuals to
express their thoughts freely and productively. In the
writing process, students should use their knowledge
as well as their skill.
Therefore, the development of writing skill requires
long-term and effective practices [2].
It is possible to make writing that is usually
perceived as a boring activity by students interesting
by using a set of activities and practices. The creative
writing process makes the writing activities appealing
to students. Using creative drama and creative writing
activities together can increase students' motivation
to write. The aim of this study is to identify the effect
of creative drama and creative writing activities on
creative writing achievement.
Here are some activities that help students to enjoy
writing, as creative writing, peer writing, co-operative
writing, storytelling etc.:
Creative writing
Creative writing is any writing that goes outside the
bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic,
or technical forms of literature, typically identified by
an emphasis on narrative craft, character development,
and the use of literary tropes or with various traditions
of poetry and poetics. Due to the looseness of the
definition, it is possible for writing such as feature
stories to be considered creative writing, even though
they fall under journalism, because the content of
features is specifically focused on narrative and
character development [3].
2. Peer writing
This is an activity student’s love doing, as they are
allowed to work in pairs. They need to already know
how to use the past simple and past continuous tenses
to tell a story.
First, you give the students a sheet of paper with
two columns of sentences about a young couple who
met 2 years ago. Depending on the learners’s age, the
number of sentences should vary in each column. Next,
we ask them to match the sentences in the first column
with the sentences in the second one. There’s no wrong
or right answer.
Here’s an example:
(1) Mark and Sue met / when Susan was 23
(2) They had twins /and got married
(3) They started a new school for children / after
the war
(4) They fell in love / in France
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Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
After matching the sentences, the students write a
story using the verb tense given in the sentences. As a
follow-up, pairs of children can compare their stories
and see the differences and similarities between them.
In the next class, the teacher can show how to correct
errors by writing any mistakes (anonymously) on the
board and asking students to correct them.
3. Storytelling
By resituating the traditional figure of the storyteller
in the context of the contemporary fascination with the
Internet, we extend Benjamin’s analysis of changes in
communication relations that accompany changes in
technology. At the same time, we would like to hold
in suspension two common tendencies in how we
approach understanding historical changes in material
conditions between the early twentieth and early
twenty-first centuries we would avoid technological
determinism as well as nostalgia for an imaginary past
that romanticizes oral culture. We suspend tendencies,
in part, by balancing the cautionary pessimism of
Benjamin’s essay “The Storyteller” with the cultural
optimism of his essay “The Work of Art in the Age
of Mechanical Reproduction.” In the latter essay,
Benjamin suggests that changes in technology – the
development of mechanical reproduction, in this case
– detaches culture from the domain of tradition and
thereby changes the mode by which participate in
its production. Storytelling on the Internet is a ready
exemplar to question the changing relations of culture
and technology as well as the tendency to privilege oral
and writing culture in the analysis of storytelling [4].
Writing with a purpose is the primary motivator
in producing high quality work. Authentic writing
activities encourage students to focus on their strengths
and areas of interest while simultaneously working to
improve their weaknesses. Some final tips to encourage
young learners to write:
• Make writing meaningful. Young writers can
express themselves about topics that are important to
• Invite young writers to write freely, without
worrying about correctness. Children who are just
learning to write can build language structures and
expression, even if they use imaginary spellings and
strange punctuation.
• Ask young learners to write about their own
lives and experiences. Whether it’s a holiday, or their
experience with their grandparents, or any other
experience outside the classroom, young writers write
best when they write about something they know well.
• Engage young writers in short burst of writing. For
children under the ages of eight or nine, it’s very tiring
to hold a pencil or piece of chalk, shape the letters, and
remain focused on the message to be communicated.
Writing often, for brief periods, is much more effective
than trying to write for a long period of time.
• Encourage writers to keep journals or diaries.
Writing is one way of structuring thought. Journal
writing is important because it’s not public. It can
represent, for the writer, a chance to write in the more
free way.
• Give writers the chance to revise. It’s vitally
important to encourage students to write freely, in their
own words, and to try to cover all their thoughts on a
topic. (Revision is more important for students over the
ages of eight or nine, who have begun to write more
naturally to express them.)
• Always let your students know you are proud
of their writing! If children notice you are reading
what they write, they will certainly feel much more
motivated. Last but not least, don’t forget to write them
a note of encouragement.
Motivating Students to Write in All Disciplines
As Steven Wandler showed, integrating writing
improves student learning in all disciplines because it
requires students to become more actively engaged in
what they are studying. With this engagement comes
greater academic success and that in turn increases
student motivation. Important as they are, reading and
writing activities need to be carefully managed. Simply
assigning reading is not enough [5]. Similarly, writing
assignments need to be thoughtfully constructed to be
effective. This handout describes general considerations
that highlight the importance of motivating students to
write, and it offers strategies that you can use in your
courses to integrate writing in all disciplines.
Effective integration of writing in any class begins
with helping students build upon what they have
already learned from previous courses or other sources
of “old” information. Another foundational principle
for making writing central in learning is to remind
students of their personal investment in what they are
learning, particularly as it connects with their long-term
professional goals. A related principle emphasizes the
idea that academic knowledge has practical use outside
the university. Analogies and examples from everyday
knowledge can set up a positive social, emotional, and
intellectual climate, which can motivate students.
Storybird.com is an online tool that lets users create
stories using the art provided by the Website. This is a
great tool for getting students to write fearlessly and to
practice their skills. For grades K-8 Storybird contains
great resources for teaching emerging reading and
writing schools. From a teaching standpoint, Storybird
is wonderful for teaching the narrative writing standards
found in CSS for grades seven through twelve. There
are hundreds of themes to choose from. All students
need do is write their narrative to match the art work.
Not only is Storybird a good tool for teaching
narrative, it can help ELL students who struggle
with the language. Go to www.Storybird.com for
more information on costs (educators can sign up a
limited number of students for free) and registration
instructions. In addition, it helps to comply with the
CSS standards for technology to produce, publish, and
update individual or shared writing products [6].
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Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
Without requiring any artistic ability, students
drag and drop characters and images onto a digital
storyboard. Students are inspired by the themes and
artwork available on Storybird: abstract thoughts and
emotions students could not express easily come to the
Sometimes the students wrote these stories
independently, and sometimes they worked in partners
to write them. In the example shown above, one group
of students started the story during literacy centres,
and then the next day, the students read what the first
group wrote, and added to it. This became a miniature
class version of the Progressive Story Project. Students
loved seeing how the story that they started would end.
This not only became a great writing opportunity, but a
great reading one as well.
When students publish work for a wider audience
than their teacher, they will spend more time on the
end product. Having students create real-world books,
graphic novels, and comic books is just one way to
help them improve their writing and editing skills.
On this page you will find Web 2.0 sites and Apps for
publishing student work that you can use in and out of
the classroom for any subject.
Storybird.com is an online tool that lets users create
stories using the art provided by the Website. This is a
great tool for getting students to write fearlessly and to
practice their skills. For grades K-8 Storybird contains
great resources for teaching emerging reading and
writing schools. From a teaching standpoint, Storybird
is wonderful for teaching the narrative writing standards
found in CSS for grades seven through twelve. There
are hundreds of themes to choose from. All students
need do is write their narrative to match the art work.
Teachers can create assignments designed to meet the
narrative writing standard of your grade level. Students
will submit their Storybirds to your online site for
grading, sharing, and publication as a book.
Not only is Storybird a good tool for teaching
narrative, it can help ELL students who struggle with
the language. Go to www.Storybird.com for more
information on costs (educators can sign up a limited
number of students for free) and registration instructions.
In addition, it helps to comply with the CSS standards
for "using technology to produce, publish, and update
individual or shared writing products.
Common Core Standards require teachers to
include writing in every discipline. Storybird.com
is place to have students write to any subject while
using their creativity. Students can use them to show
understanding in any subject. Look at some of the
ideas below for using Storybird outside of the English
Language Arts classroom.
Use the writing process to create stories applies
different language arts skills - poetry, grammar,
antonyms, synonyms, word families, etc.; illustrate a
conversation or short narrative; collaborate with their
peers on Storybird.com to create a finished product to
be published
While working on the project, students collaborate
with each other and discuss best ways to illustrate
their ideas. This collaboration lends itself to improved
knowledge better inter-personal skills by collaborating
with others.
Apply thinking and reasoning skills
Pros and cons of Storybird:
It is easy to use, works well for a wide range of
ages. We would say from ages 6-12. Storybird can be
used in many ways in all subject areas to encourage
creativity, learning and collaboration. Art is a cohesive
collection, so the story looks like a cohesive book.
Wide range of order preferences for stories (soft cover,
hard cover, downloadable copy). High quality images,
many images to choose from site
Images available in storybird cannot be edited or
altered, cannot upload your own images. So many
images can be overwhelming, making it difficult to
Art sometimes restricts the creativity of the stories.
Storybird for the younger grades will need more
assistance in the creation of the stories, maybe should
create together as a class. Need an account in order
to saA concrete visual representation of their abstract
thoughts can now be transformed into wonderful
writing. Students can use the finished Storybird to
write a paper that expands their abstract thoughts into
a traditional essay. Students in my classes now have
experience writing formal essays and expressing them
in a relevant, meaningful manner. This year I used
Storybird as a way for students to apply what they
learned about story elements by creating their own
stories on themes that interested them.
1. (Adapted from Ersöz, A. (2007). Teaching English to young learners. Ankara: EDM Publishing)
2. Kirmizi, Fatma Susar, The Effect of Creative Drama and Creative Writing Activities on Creative Writing Achievement,
3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_writing
4. Kristin Langellier Storytelling In Daily Life: Performing Narrative, (159-162)
5. Steven Wandler Motivating Students Writing in the Discipline https://uminntilt.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/motivating-
6. http://storybird.com/faq/general/#what-is-storybird all about storybird.
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Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
Bazarbayeva Aizhan Inkarbekovna
Master. The K.A. Yassawi International Kazakh - Turkish University, teacher
Aijan_baz@mail.ru, 87056800220
Резюме. В этой статье рассматриваются современные информационные технологии в образовании имеет ин-
теллектуальные достижения человечества и человеческой интеллектуальной деятельности, в том числе реального
инструмента повышения образования.
Түйін. Бұл мақалада білім берудегі қазіргі заманғы ақпараттық технологиялар – адамзаттың интеллектуалдық
жетістіктерін өзіне жинақтаған және адамзаттың интеллектуалдық қызметін, оның ішінде, білім беруді шынайы
күшейтуге қабілетті құрал екенін көрсетеді.
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Nazarbayev on January 27, 2012, "Social-economical
modernization-main direction of development of
Kazakhstan" message: "The computer literacy
of the population, including the increase due to
various incentive programs. I actively encourage
the development of information technologies in
Kazakhstan", the current education system is the
extensive use of new teaching technologies and media
pointed out the need [1]. Consequently, the use of new
information technologies in the educational process is
the demand of time.
Today, educational institutions and pedagogy in
science education to the philosophical foundations of
the strategic directions of the education system, the
purpose and content, it formed a new approach to the
execution of tactics. In accordance with the request of
the society and social demands of new technologies
is increasing. Goal is to develop self-self-education,
which can determine its orientation, self-continuous
formation of an active civil society can improve.
Education as one of the priorities of the process
of informing the public of information not only on
the level of the professional quality of teachers and
training, as well as the use of information technology
in teaching organizational and methodological aspects
of the new requirements.
To date, the use of information technology in
education, teacher education and business and
professional teaching skills should be considered as an
element. Public knowledge of the true value of all types
of human activity aimed at ensuring full use of human
civilization, a more urgent since the 50 years of the
twentieth century, from the beginning of the twenty-
first century is called the period of the development of
public awareness.
This new awareness of the educational process
through the use of information technology development
training, identity-oriented training with the realization
of the objectives of the educational process are going
to increase the efficiency and quality of education at all
levels to create awareness of this cognitive activity and
to strengthen the capabilities of the intelligent students
microprocessor technology and the dissemination of
information in order to create conditions for the media,
as well as on the basis of technology-based educational
information collection, processing, distribution and
storage methods and means of teaching is to introduce
the practice of mass.
Modern information technology in education
has the intellectual achievements of mankind and
of human intellectual activity, including real tool to
enhance education.
Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
"One of the main objectives of the education system
should be to create conditions for the development
of educational programs" [2]. One of them is the
computerization of education as a tool for teaching and
learning in the computer. Currently, each individual
computer and information technologies such as the
ability to read and write has become a prerequisite for
Currently, the information technology in the
educational process is one of the most effective learning
tools. If so, on the basis of information technologies
and observe how technologies. At the same time,
training is important to determine the relationship
between technology and information technology.
The concept of technology in the field of
information technology. It is more significant from
a technical standpoint this area is an area studied.
Learning technologies and information technology
is not the same warning. Because, first of all-not
learning technologies, information technologies (for
example, the presence of the foreign department of the
teacher, personal curriculum textbooks for teaching
with technology). Secondly, this is not directly related
to information technology in the educational process
a lot of information (for example, data coding and
processing network for the transmission of data,
magnetic data recording mechanism and a distributor
of computer equipment and many other unusual items).
Therefore, information technology and learning with a
small area of the cross are two different areas [3].
The development of modern information
technologies at the highest level to use in the field of
education. Information technology is used in the field
of education was explained by objective reasons.
In general, the teaching of modern information
technologies to improve the efficiency of 20-50%,
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
but several times seems to be of obvious that it is
capable of. According to the results of a study carried
out by specialists, computer training is 10 times more
common than for listening to a lecture on education
contributes to the development.
Increase the speed of development of information
technology, one of the strong points. It is our
information technology and to learn more attentive
"What else can achieve success with the help of
information technology? Is there any qualitative
changes in the educational process? "Prompted
questions to find a solution.
Structural branch is the basic unit of computer
information technology. He was communicating
directly with the use of information technology student
plays the role of conductor. However, the basic unit of
computer technology training, computer-based training
program should remember that. In other words, the
same technology program "brick" is not exaggeration.
Therefore, we are not the role of the computer to the
educational process is important to consider the role of
a computer program.
The computer is only as a teaching tool in the
education system lags behind. Normally separate
fragments of the educational process (homework,
classroom training) would be if we consider the
computer as a tool. It is what students and students in
any educational program offered to students still using
the projector, tables, charts, maps, etc. Any use as a
visual aid.
And if we can not separate fragments of the
educational process, we'll look at the dynamic mode,
the situation changes completely different character.
At this point, the computer with its own training
programs as a learning tool. In particular, it is not just
a tool for learning to become something even more
important. For example, a lesson to the traditional
system of teacher training, the price of the pupils have
done work on the computer, the price to get going
immediately to a teacher, to assess the level of his
work with the programs installed on your computer.
In other words, the computer programs are already
known in some cases can serve as a teacher for a long
time. If the training program accounted for one hour,
then a student teacher studying for one hour, will be
able to cope with the new educational material. Even a
computer program student traditional teacher training
system more efficient and effective methods is to learn
detailed visual examples of educational material. In
addition, the student's personal interests and abilities,
there is the opportunity to give a deeper [4].
This training tool to improve the properties of the
expansion of its main teaching computers and computer
programs deepens role in the field of education.
Science is not only important to name the same
phenomenon, but also a system of categories important
to this phenomenon.
Known to this day, let us try to find a place among
the categories of technology. Technology is a form of
education or training, method or structure or any other
new category?
If the computer and the computer programs of the
educational process in normal state if we just learning
tool when considering the technology as a teaching
tool. These feedback logic is simple and clear.
However, the tool - According to the definition, the
teacher or the teacher world use their work to improve
the efficiency of the educational process.
Technology teacher can not directly involved in
the educational process. Now, consider this assertion
clearer. In general, the pedagogy used during the
tutorial teaching about the world learning tool called
read. And because there is no teacher in the process
of technological learning itself, technology can not be
used by the teacher. However, if technology is not as
a teaching tool previously unused checks and taught
himself to read and pursue perceived as a new teaching
tool. If so, the technology does not meet the definition
of a traditional learning tool. It adds new content.
Projectors, audio and video recorders, TV sets,
such as we are used to perform than on the rest of the
technology (primarily training service) maximum.
Therefore, technologies that increase the effectiveness
of teaching learning tool that allows you to not only
perform the activities of all the teaching and learning
an important tool able to work at all stages of the
process. Also, it is copying the whole learning process
to a new level, a high level of new teaching tool.
However, this is a good learning through the
use of technology, does not mean will be better and
better. Possible defects and errors technologies. In
addition, the day-to-day life outdated technology,
only one parameter is calculated to achieve the best
results, while other options may work for the poor
technologies to meet. Moreover, computer-based
training programs, preparing goals precision and
accuracy to check the level of education of students
with a rigorous evaluation of methods and materials
(graphics, animation, computer equipment, etc.) is to
improve the efficiency of the same issue.
In addition, educational technology teacher
(lectures, seminars) capable of carrying out their own
educational process, have a new learning tool. I would
like to say no is not something new computer. Teaching
programs prepare teachers teaching the subject content
of the material. Consequently, the student is a person
using a computer training material, but an explanation
of the contents of the textbook and the teacher just told
me again, but this software is the author directly. In
other words, the author of the textbook program teaches
students computer communicates indirectly[5].
Here, each computer training program for certain
non-educational content, as well as special types are
characterized by the provision of educational material.
May be different forms of educational material. For
example, the first offering pages of text, and then
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Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
control; author's note, excerpts from a video; the rules
of the game (the new academic concepts) aimed at
the development of business games, etc. According
to the proposed training materials, students learn it
any method is required. Thus, not only the content
of educational materials technology into its learning
methods. These methods determine the author of a
computer program training. Therefore, the computer
programs of the author's intentions and wishes to play
a role.
Information technology training programs
combine training, placement and will be able to design
multimedia and graphical applications. But this is not a
teacher, or providing programs. In addition to teaching
programming technology also applies to other types of
technology. They are indirectly access the multimedia
training scenes imaging technology, to develop a test
for the selection of technology, recording technology
training program. However, their technology can be
used in preparation for the formation of [6].
Educational technology is not intended to create
new training programs. In particular, they are trained
only to create new programs. Educational technology
in the educational process of self-discipline is capable
of acting as a training tool. Thus, the technology is still
provided no training tool for carrying out the process
of learning a completely new look. There are two types
of learning tools.
The first order (that is familiar to us) by a teacher
or teacher training tools for the organization of a new
knowledge of students in the educational process,
is used in order to improve the effectiveness of the
educational process. These books, manuals, books,
visual aids, laboratory equipment, technical training,
etc. can serve as a bright example.
Due to the technical characteristics of the original
secondary educational tools allows for the presence of
the teacher training process. Serving as an observer in
the process of teaching here is mainly organized by the
teacher managers.
Thus, learning technology performs the basic
services of education and teacher training carried
out in the second order. He, expanding educational
opportunities, training an entirely new character
and more sectors to meet the individual needs of the
student, which contributed to the development of
personal qualities.
1. Nazarbayev "Social - economic modernization-main direction of development of Kazakhstan "Message of
the President of the Country, 2012.
2. Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2007.
3. Smirnov S.A. Pedagogy: theory, systems, and technologies. M., 2006.
4. V.Vasilyev Informarional Control Software of all tutorial school.-Voronezh, 1990.
5. Khalikov S.C., G.A.Abdulkarimova Teaching informational/educational information. Almaty, 2007.
6. Sovetov B.Y. Information technology. M.: High school, 1994.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №3 (38). 2016
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