S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
In this paper, the museum pieces are considered not only as primary sources of knowl-
edge but also as cultural and historical values. The paper gives particular understanding of
informational entity of museum pieces using the exhibition hall of regional ethnographic mu-
seum as an example and these pieces as the objects of excursion tourism.
Keywords: museum piece, tourism potential, exposition, eco-tourism.
Мақалада мұражайлық заттар тек білім көздері ғана емес, және де мәдени-
құндылық ретінде де қарастырылады
блыстық этнографиялық мұражайдың көрме
залында көрсетілген элементтердің экскурсиялық туризм объектілері мысал ретінде
мұражай нысандарына ақпараттық сипаттауға нақты түсінік береді.
Түйін сөздер: мұражай заттары, туристік потенциал, экспозиция, экологиялық
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
В статье музейные предметы рассматриваются не только как первоисточники зна-
ния, но и как культурно-исторические ценности. Рассматриваемая статья дает конкрет-
ное представление о информационной сущности музейных предметов на примере вы-
ставочного зала областного этнографического музея и использования этих предметов в
качестве объектов экскурсионного туризма.
Ключевые слова: музейный предмет, туристский потенциал, экспозиция, эколо-
гический туризм.
Ethnographic museums are the historically based multifunctional institutions of
social information, intended for preservation of cultural, historical and natural-sci-
entific values, accumulation and sharing of information via museum exhibits – [1].
Documenting the materials on the processes and phenomena of nature and society, the
museums complete, store and investigate the collections of museum objects and use
them for scientific, educative, pedagogic and agitational purposes.
Museum piece is considered as documentary authentic and direct result of human
activity and natural life corresponding to the museum’s focus. The museum pieces are
mainly represented by material and depictive information holder, and that distinguish
the museums from other documentary institutions, created by society – [2]. Applying
the concept of “museum piece” and its informational entity to the tourism industry, the
museum pieces can be considered as specific tourism resources [3].
Consideration of museum pieces through the concept of information and docu-
mentation theory allows gaining a better understanding of their properties, e.g. values
and communicative aspects deserve special attention when considering informative
properties of the museum pieces – [3].
Museum pieces are not only the primary sources of knowledge but also the cul-
tural and historical values. Being a representative of objective environment at the same
time they are specific tools of direct communication and the tools of educative, includ-
ing emotional and aesthetic influence, which is mainly perceived visually – [2].
Museum pieces are the holders of social or scientific information – the source of
knowledge and emotions, cultural and historical value and a part of national heritage.
The value of museum piece is revealed and recorded in the course of museologi-
cal and field-specific research. Review of information by the museums is considered as
special type of communication. The most specific of its forms is demonstrational and
objective communication in the form of exposition and exhibition.
The present paper gives particular understanding of informational entity of the
museum pieces using the exhibition hall of regional ethnographic museum as an ex-
ample and these pieces as the objects of excursion tourism.
The Regional ethnographic museum is deeply involved in formation of a new
N.Z. KALIAKPEROVA, N. KANATKYZY. 1 (69) 2016. Р. 58-65
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
man, cultivating its world view and forming its scientific view on the history. Under-
taking this mission the museum is a place where a person not only learn new infor-
mation but kind of absorbs cumulative experience and adopts aesthetical values i.e.
receives ideologic and emotional impulses.
The exhibition hall of the ethnographic museum of Ust-Kamenogorsk city is a
cultural center attracting the attention of a vast audience. Music parties, celebrations
and meetings with interesting people are held in the museum.
The museum is a center and deposit of specific tourism resources with excursion
services rendered by it being of growing interest to tourism industry. Involvement of
the museum in excursion services is becoming increasingly significant each year and
depends on the purpose and interest of sightseers to learning.
Let us turn to the museum pieces represented in the exhibition hall of Kazakh
ethnography as to the excursion tourism objects.
Excursion tourism is one of the tourist activities’ forms, where tourism services
are based on the cognitive process to a great extent and necessarily include excursion
of different type.
The main museum object of the large hall is a Kazakh Yurt – accommodation of
nomads’ successor.
Kazakhs Yurt is an independent ethnographic element of material culture of Up-
per Priirtyshye inhabitants.
Accommodation. Adaptation to natural environment resulted in a wide use of
Yurt (kishu uy – felt house) and other types of portable shelters by Eurasian nomads
and later on by Kazakhs being successors of nomadic world. Wooden carcass of Yurt
consists of: 1. Kerege – walls made of expanding lattices; 2. Uwyk – dome poles; 3.
Shanyrak – rounded top of the Yurt; 4. Yesik – double-leaf doors.
The Kanat (expanding lattices) and Uwyk are made of willow growing down by
the riversides, and Shanyrak is made of birch. The door is knocked up from deal and
birch boards and composed of side jamb and two leaves. The size of the Yurt depends
on number of assembled Kanats within Kerege: 4, 6, 8, 14, 16-room Yurt.
Felt cover is composed of four sheets: Tuwyrlyk, covering Yurt walls, Uzik –
covering the dome; Tundik –Shanyrak cover, Kisu Yesik – felt door (in addition to the
wooden door).
Interior of Kazakh Yurt is a result of centuries-old collective experience. Yurt
has spherical shape of interior. Yurt usually does not have rooms, but each section has
its own designation. The center of Yurt is a fireplace (Oshak). It was cooking place,
used also for heating up the yurt in winter. The fireplace was considered sacred place
of a Yurt and symbol of ancestors’ spirit. The floor of Yurt around fireplace was laid
by felt carpets (tekemet, syrmak). Guests are given the seat of honour (Tor) behind the
fireplace and opposite the door. Normally it is not occupied.
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
The space on the right of the door is called As-Zhak – the place, where the food
and utensils are kept, on the left – saddles, horse brass and tools. Conditionally the
right-hand side of the Yurt is the women half for keeping food storage box, cupboard,
dish bag used during migration, towel and a case for flatware. The left-hand side is oc-
cupied by leather belt and saddle-bag [2].
Hosts’ bed is located between the seat of honor and food storage place, on the
right of the Tor is a resting place for other family members. The Yurt walls are decorat-
ed with felt and fabric carpets as well as embroider rugs – Alasha. There are patterned
ribbons hanging from the dome and tassels hanging from the dome poles. Entering the
Yurt, one finds world of ornament. Each thing along with its functional purpose repre-
sents the object of decorative and applied art.
Yurt was an indicator of wealth of its owner depending on sizes and interior
decoration. Yurt covered with white felt is a sign of wealth. Several Yurts composes an
Aul. Aul may be of different sizes: in mountainous region with dissected relief – 3-5
Yurts, on flat land – 11-19 Yurts [1].
This building has been attached to ethnographic museum since 1986 and used
as an exhibition hall. In 1992 it was decided to pass the museum hall at Gorkiy str. for
Kazakh ethnography exposition. The hall was reequipped under the design project of
Kazakh Design Center (Almaty). There is a carved entrance door with national Kazakh
The exposition is opened by household items, since nomadic livestock was the
main occupation and livelihood. Major livestock species in the early XIX century were
the species better adapted to year-round grazing, horses and sheeps and rarely camels
and cattle. Sheep provided Kazakh household with meat and milk, sheepskin was used
for making clothes, wool was used for manufacturing felt and a large part of fuel for
winter was prepared from sheep excrements. Thus the nomadic household was waste-
less, and this is a clear demonstration of wisdom and wit of our ancestors [1].
Horse was also extensively used in Kazakh household. Ropes, lasso etc. were
made of mane and tail hair. The horse was the main means of transport and working
animal in household. The first exposition case contains bridles, cruppers, a fan and a
saddle. The bridles and cruppers are made of plaited leather. The fan is made of horse-
tail with a handle and used for keeping flies and mosquitos away from horses. In this
case the handle is covered by leather.
Women’s saddle with high saddle-bow is silver-incrusted. In the East-Kazakh-
stan the (naiman’s) saddles-bows were mainly in the form of parabola. This is a dis-
tinction of our region’s saddle shape [1].
The second case demonstrates three kinds of whips. On the left there is a short
plaited whip with a handle made of roe leg. In the center there is a whip with wooden
handle and long tail used for cattle grazing. The third lash is completely plaited from
N.Z. KALIAKPEROVA, N. KANATKYZY. 1 (69) 2016. Р. 58-65
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
rawhide used for riding.
Here we can also see a girth, decorated with metal plates. The girth is used to
attach the saddle to a horse. Lasso and hopple are put below. Lasso was made of wool
with addition of horse hair to strengthen it. It was used to tie livestock and for other
There were considerably fewer camels in the Kazakh household. The camel used
as working animal and was an irreplaceable pulling force during long distance migra-
tions. High quality camel wool was used for making clothes.
Historically the hunting has been a support for Kazakh’s household and has nev-
er been a main activity. Very few impoverished Kazakhs went hunting as their main
activity, the most part of population hunted from time to time and rich people used it
as amusement.
The most popular was hunting with hunting birds: white hawk, eagle and falcon.
They caught these birds using nets (gor) or loops made of horse hair (tuzak) with a
bait, and took two-three months old nestling from the nests. Falcons and hawks are
used for hunting for hare, goose, duck, bustard and other web-footed birds. Golden
eagle was usually put on fox and wolf only in winter time [2].
Hunting bird care required special knowledge passed down from generation to
generation. Hunting bird experts (Kusbegi) were widely known and trained the young
people. Roes, hares, foxes and wolves are also hunted with Borzoi dogs (Tazy). Big
games such as elks and others were pursued on horses armed with long sticks “soil”.
The hunt group consisted of several riders on fast horses in all cases. Hunting also used
slings and arrows in the past, but since the middle of XIX century the arrows have
already passed out of use.
Wide circulation of fire weapon has had a significant influence on development
of hunting practices of Kazakhs. Some researchers, namely P.S. Pallas and Ch. Va-
likhanov state that Kazakhs produced matchlock gun in the past [2].
In the middle of XIX the long barrel guns have been adopted from Central Asian
Khanates. Later the shop-fabricated gun has appeared and was brought to the steppe.
Beers and fur animals were hunted in the mountainous regions. The exhibition
case demonstrates: a gun (beginning of the century), a travel set of a hunter (containers
for gunpowder and shots, club), Tomaga – knob for golden eagle, covering head and
eyes of the bird until the beginning of a hunting. The wooden pedestal was put under
the hunter’s elbow resting the hand with a golden eagle seating on it.
Smithcraft has also been developed. It is an ancient and essential skill of nomads
since the preparation of metal parts of horse harness (bar bit, bridles, stirrups), farriery
etc. ensured successful nomadic livestock breeding [2].
The development of agriculture resulted in cold and hot smithing of the parts of
traction animals’ team. The blacksmith had its own shop and tools: an anvil, a set of
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
hammers and pliers. The tools represented in this exposition belonged to Alpyspayev,
a blacksmith from Karakol village, Samarskiy region. The blacksmiths smithed orna-
mentals for saddles and further covered them with silver.
Ammunition. Armorer blacksmiths were famous for manufacturing different
types of weapon. They used whips – long clubs with massive end - for protection of
livestock and during minor actions. The scimitars and anlaces were used for military
purposes. Kazakhs made slings and arrows themselves [2].
The weapon represented in the case has been manufactured by armorers of Ka-
zakh Design Center. This is a result of long-term investigation of the material produc-
tion process used for the weapon smithing. There are shield and scimitar in the center
of the case. The scimitar has come to be known as a bladed cutting weapon of VI-VII
centuries in Central Asia first and only then distributed in Rus and in Western Europe.
The spear is decorated with horsetail.
Jewelry. Kazakh jewelers were highly respected by the population especially by
women. Set of tools of Zerger is much like that of a blacksmith, but still has some items
specific exclusively to jewelry. The Zerger made earrings, bracelets, clasps, brooches,
amulets, pectorals etc. The belts, harness, furniture, beds etc. were decorated with sil-
ver plates. Well, certainly, mostly the Zerger was occupied by making women jewelry,
the demand for which never fell. There are different earrings, pectoral in the center,
rings on the left and on the right side of the case. There are buttons below the pectoral
and bracelets below them.
Jewelry of East Kazakhstan is characterized by simplicity, clarity of shape and
laconism. From the earliest times Kazakhs knew healthy influence of silver on man.
They put coin into the water for a newborn bathing, with the words: “May your life
be brighter than silver”. Every woman wore signet ring or ring. With the birth of a
daughter people ordered adornments, protecting against the evil eye, and the jewelry
before her marriage.
The next case represents metal household objects, manufactured by Shymkent
craftsmen: illuminants, fireplace with pliers, “Togyzkumalak” playing field as well
as musical instruments. Dombra is a friend of many of steppe-dwellers. Dombra en-
crusted with wood, bone or silver is the most valuable one. This Dombra is encrusted
with bone. Further, you can see Sybyzgy, Sazsyrnay, Tai Tulo.
On the honoured place of hall a 6-rope nomad’s tent is set with an internal maid.
Coverage of nomad’s tent from a white thick felt.
Articles of maid: floor felted carpets – tekemety and syrmaki, fabrics palases
– alasha, on walls the embroidered carpets – tuskiizy. The colourful nap and bezvor-
sovye webbings hang down with shanyraka – zhel bau and tastama bau and brushes
– shashak bau. On the right of entrance: kebezhe is lar’ for storage of products, asadal
– shkavchik for tableware, ayakkap, torsyk, sulgi is a towel, kesekap, kese, kobdisha is
N.Z. KALIAKPEROVA, N. KANATKYZY. 1 (69) 2016. Р. 58-65
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
a small box, further kazakh bed – agash tosek with bed prinadlezhnost’yami and shy-
myldykom (by a brise-bise), on the honoured place at a wall – sandyktar (fretted trunks
for a dowry) and zhukayak (support) with the carpets and adeyalami built on it. On
the left of the honoured place hang fox hide, korzhyn; there is a bear hide on the floor.
On the left of entrance on a wall: masculine things (kamcha, bridle, ploughed round -
zhelpuish). In a center a nomad’s tent round table – dastarkhan, on which bowl for a
kumiss – sharayak, bowls are little – tostagany, ozhau, traditional kazakh small cakes
(shelpek), baursaki, kurt. Alongside samovar with the scalded tea-pot, shaysyrmak is a
little carpet, floor pillow (zher zhastyk) [3].
12 masculine leather belts are kept in the funds of regional ethnographic mu-
seum: 3 from them behave to kise of bel’beu, 7 – to bel’beu (belts without pendants,
but one of them with scabbards) and 2 – to kumis beldik.
Leather pendants to kise of bel’beu: bag, sacs are cases for bullets, scabbards,
flask – porokhovnica. Decorated kise bel’beu name-plates, plates of different forms
with insertions from poludragocennykh stone and stained glass. Straps usually are
double-layer, right part has a hook – fastening. It is the most ancient type of belts.
Their hunters, soldiery people and nomads, are cattle breeders carried.
It is necessary to say that masculine belts had not only an utilitarian value but
also specified on social position of their proprietor. A belt for men was oberegom and
personification of life-breath. There was a Kazakh consuetude – to hang out on a pole
a masculine belt in the case of death of his owner.
To the present tense in the way of life of Kazakh, the cult of things is traced dy-
ings near, especially grandfathers, more frequent than all such things were a masculine
belt and weapon which is saved and believe in their well-disposed and guard force.
Display «Settled dwelling of kazakhs on the border of XIX – XX ages» placed
in the park of the name of Kirova on territory by an area 4070 square meters and tells
about an origin and development of winter dwellings buildings of Kazakhs.
The Kazakh population of Overhead Priirtysh’ya lived by auls, in which entered
from 2-3 to 5-7, in rare cases to 10 economies. Settlements consisted mainly of mo-
nogynopaediums of the nearest and distant relatives.
A rich aul is an economy of prosperous baya, biya et cetera, his sons, not selected
in an independent cell [3].
Kazakhs, living in the valley of Irtish, built at home from present local material:
brushwood, reed, turf, gum-state brick and adobe, and also from a stone. In mountain
and forest districts there were wooden frame buildings of the Russian standard, and
also three-chambered wooden houses of type of «korzhin uy».
The display of museum under open-skies acquaints visitors not only with dwell-
ings buildings but also with organization of interior in them, where the articles of the
national decorative-applied art are widely presented.
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Thus the exhibition hall of Kazakh ethnography museum is a special institution,
satisfying pubic needs in preservation and use of the actual world’s objects as the ele-
ments of historical memory, documentary means of social information and aesthetic
values [3].
1. Dukalskiy V.Yu., Terminological issues of museology theory // Questions of museol-
ogy history in USSR. – М.: Research Institute of museology, №7, 1962. – P. 100.
2. Kondratyev V.V., Properties of museum piece and way of its use. Collection of sci-
entific papers / Research Institute of Culture. – М.: Mysl, 1985. – P. 120.
3. Yegorina A.V., Loginovskaya A.N., Kaisina M.I., Museums as social and cultural
centers and tourism resources // Tourism resources – the basis for development of tourism in
Altay region. Material of Research and practice conference (Barnaul, October 03-08, 2011):
AZBUKA, 2011. – P. 31-36.
ӘОЖ 54:37.091.3
С. Аманжолов атындағы Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті,
Өскемен қ., Қазақстан
Мақалада «Химия, Шығыс Қазақстан облысының өнеркәсібі және экологиясы»
элективті курсын химия пәнінде қолдану мүмкіндігі және жергілікті өндіріс ұйымдары
материалдарын қолданудың кейбір әдістемелік қырлары қарастырылған.
Түйін сөздер: химия, элективті курс, оқыту әдістемесі, ШҚО өнеркәсібі.
В статье рассмотрены возможности использования элективного курса «Химия, эко-
логия и промышленность ВКО»в процессе изучения химии и некоторые методические
аспекты применения материалов местных промышленных предприятий на уроках
химии в условиях профильного обучения.
Ключевые слова: химия, элективный курс, методика преподавания,
промышленность ВКО.
The article discusses the elective courses the industry of East Kazakhstan region of us-
ing the discipline chemistryand use of regional characteristics of industrial enterprises in the
study of chemistry. This paper discusses some methodical aspects of material of local indus-
trial enterprises in chemistry lessons-learning profile.
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