ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
Қазақ халқы үлт ретінде қалыптасып, дамығанынан бері талассыз
айқын нәрсе - шығармашыл адамдар үлтгың ірі түлғасы екендігі. Сол дэстүр
тамьфланып түрғанда ғана қазақ халқы биіктен көріне бермек. Жазушылық
өнердің дамуы дегеніміз - қазақтың өркендеуі. Жазушы табысы - қазақтың
бүгіні мен ертеңінің табыстары.
«.. .Уитминнен жэне Золядан кейін XX ғасыр жазушыларында - Драйзер
болсын, Д. Лондон немесе Верхарн - адамды әрекетте, еңбекте, оларды
қоршаған түрлі қарым-қатынасты материалдық элемде суретгеу меңгерілген.
Толстойдан жэне Достоевскийден соң -... әдеби қаііарманньщ интеллектуальді
деңгейі көтерілді: қазіргі адамдардың нығыз ақылмандьщ ізденісі, элеуметтік
ойлардьщ дабылды соғуы, философияльщ, коркемдік, саяси көзқарастарьшьщ
тоғысуы - осының бэрі Франстың, Ролланның, Т. Манның баяндау өнерінің
нүктесіне айналды, Шоудың драмалық өнері аясынан көрінді, Ибсен жэне
Чехов те аталған жетістіктерді осы түрғыдан жалғастырды» [2, 21 б.].
1 Ахметов, К. Әдебиеттануға кіріспе. Оқу қүралы. - Қарағанды : Арко
ЖШС, 2004. -332 б.
2 Мотылева, Т. Иностранная литература и современность. - М. :
Советский писатель, 1961. - 368 с.
С. Торайгыров атындагы
Павлодар мемлекеттік университеті, Павлодар қ.
Материал 26.03.14 редакцияға түсті.
Б. А. Ыскак, С. А. Ыскак
Новизна в жанре рассказ
Павлодарский государственный университет
имени С. Торайгьфова, г. Павлодар.
Материал поступил в редакцию 26.03.14.
В. A. Yskak, S. A. Yskak
The novelty in the genre of the story
S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Pavlodar.
Material received on 26.03.14.
В статье речь идет о пропаганде художественной литературы,
литературном приеме в казахских рассказах, в котором анализированы
новы е грани худож ест венны х поисков казахского писат еля.
Рассмотрены виды и жанры современного казахского рассказа.
серия ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ. 2014. №2
The article is devoted to the promotion o f literature, literary devices
in Kazakh stories in which analyzed new facets ofartistic search o f Kazakh
writer Considered are the types and genres o f modern Kazakh story
UDC 372.881.111.1
N. V. Engeul, Zh. M. Tentekbayeva, Z. S. Bekzhigitova
The goal o f the article is to consider the formation and development
o f individual polylingual culture in the process o f English language study
by means o f Internet communication using the options o f social networking
service. The suggested methodology takes into consideration the contem
porary social cultural situation and the project o f new Federal State Edu
cational Standards, and is aimed at the preparation o f student’s language
personality fo r effective intercultural communication in the contemporaiy
polycultural world.
Speech activity is a set of speech actions, which is connected with the selection
of language means assumed by concrete language system, for achievement of
the purpose, as a rule, not language activity according to the norms accepted in
society and rules.
A. A. Leontyev notes that speech is “a potential component of any activity”.
In speech individuals prove themselves as psychologically and socially isolated
units interacting thus with people around. N. D. Arutyunova suggests considering
each remark of the communicative act as commission of simultaneously speech
and behavioural act. In other words, behind sounding speech there is the specific
action which has the sender and the addressee, and also certain orientation and
purpose. Communication is basic need of the individual, self-valuable activity.
Characteristic of our time is interaction of subjects and social groups indirectly,
or virtual. Researchers speak about manifestation in virtual communication of
language consciousness of the personality who has been saved up by it during
life of social and cultural and psychological experience. K. F. Sedov names each
communicative act so unique phenomenon as the shape of the language personality
is unique.
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
Original and peculiar form of communication is the computer mediated,
electronic communication.
V irtual com m unication is carried out w ith in trad itio n al m odel of
communication. In the Internet some specific speech genres are developed, which
have analogs in real communication. At the same time change of the channel of
communication involves transformation of all components of the communicative
act. The computer mediated communication can have interpersonal, group or mass
character depending on an Internet genre. So, for example, “blogs are at the same
time realization autocommunications, group and mass communication”; chats
are group and mass communication. Communicators in network often prefer
to design own identity, to model the language personality, proceeding from the
interests and intensions.
The communicative act is not simply transfer o f certain contents, but
interaction of individuals. “Reaction of the addressee of the speech message is
planned beforehand by the addressee”.
Affected by the intense process of globalization, an educator and the students
become the participants of the cultural polylogue at English language lessons.
Thus the goals of polycultural education are the following: to create conditions
for effective personal self-determination in culture (after N. Bulankina, 2002),
becoming apparent in the actualization of students’ national self-consciousness,
social identity and choice of occupation (1); to enrich students’ individual
thesauruses with concepts that describe contemporary sociocultural situations,
and familiarize students with speech strategies to discuss cultural phenomena;
to cultivate a positive attitude and respect towards all “alien” values of other
cultures; to form the skills of intercultural communication, show students the
ways to behave adequately in polycultural society, and to provide an opportunity
to gain experience of intercultural interaction (2). The goal of foreign-language
education is to form a language personality (after Yu. Karaulov, 1987) capable of
being an active participant in the process of effective intercultural communication.
From the point of view o f the cultural approach to education, language
personality is a product and a possessor of a certain linguistic culture that
combines the traits of the large as well as small language communities with his/
her own unique characteristics. Polylingual culture (after N. Bulankina) as a part
of communicative culture is considered to be one of the leading characteristics of
language personality in the contemporary sociocultural situation. The actualization
of individual polylingual culture finds its manifestation in the individual thesaurus,
individual language intelligence and individual language status of a person (1).
Individual thesaurus is a system of general concepts, notions, ideas and cultural
values. It represents the part of culture which can be assimilated by a person. At
this level, the conceptosphere (after D. Likhachev) of a language personality should
be enriched with the concepts reflecting the contemporary polycultural society.
серия ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ. 2014. №2
interaction and mutual influence of different cultures on each other, dialogue of
cultures, etc. At that, in the process of English language teaching, students’ attention
should be directed at permanent comparative analysis of conceptual systems of the
native and foreign linguistic cultures, revelation of universal and ethnocultural,
sociocultural and individual peculiarities of semantic constituents of single concepts
in the framework of each topic under study at English language lessons.
Individual language status forms the personal role repertory, in the speech
and communicative strategies of behavior. High language status contributes to
the positive verbal expressions concerning the representatives of other cultures.
At English language lessons, an educator should introduce the specific politeness
strategies peculiar to foreign linguistic culture and the methods of effective
interaction with the members of various etlmo- and sociocultural groups.
Individual language intelligence is the basic element in the structure of
polylingual culture, because text comprehension depends on a person’s abilities
to establish connections between the meanings of cultural concepts. Language
intelligence develops in the course of comparative analysis of conceptual systems
of the native and foreign linguistic cultures, investigation of their expression in
speech and in the authentic text of different functional genres. Students become
the participants in intercultural and polycultural communication with the English
speaking representatives of other ethnic, social, gender, religious, professional
and territorial groups mostly by means of Intemet-messengers such as ICQ, QIP,
Windows-messenger, Skype (in writing as well as in video calls, chats and forums)
and in popular social networking services.
The unique characteristics of Internet communication in writing are the
following: 1) the students can freely express themselves using the maximum of
language and speech means concerning the virtual mode of such communication;
2) they can construct their own identity and self-presentation, which, in turn,
provide for the creative composition of the individual text-messages; 3) the
absence of the actual interlocutor decreases the risk of a culture shock on the
starting stages of intercultural communication and permits to choose the language
and speech means for the achievement of the aims of communication consciously
and deliberately; 4) the obvious concerns of the vast majority of students in the
sphere of ITC contributes for the high level of motivation in using this technologies
as means for the formation and development of individual polylingual culture.
To our mind, among all the above listed means of Internet communication, the
social networking service is the most prospective considering the formation and
development of individual polylingual culture. In the virtual and polycultural space
of such international social networking services, students have the opportunity
to acquire the experience of intercultural interaction, acquaintance with the
manifestations of the concepts of the representatives of other cultures and self-
expression and self-presentation by means of the English language.
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
A social networking service is an on-line service, platform, or site where
people, who were the former class or group mates, colleagues or people, who share
the same interests and/or activities, can communicate. Such service essentially
consists of a representation of each user (a profile), his/her social links, and a
variety of additional services. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas,
activities, events, and interests within their individual networks and to find like-
minded persons to befriend.
The majority of the Internet communication formats - “the software
(platform s) specially created and used for the solution of these or those
communicative tasks”, from the point of view of N. G. Asmus, it is characterized
by prevalence of subjective information, interactivity of users’ interaction, hyper
textualism - existence of links to other texts, openness - opportunity to add, change,
delete the initial text, globality - “washing out” of territorial, social, gender, age
and other restrictions in the process of communication, mosaicity - absence of
the center.
On the basis of these signs it is possible to speak about specific modes
o f Internet communication: “online” and “offline”. The first assumes that
communication is possible only at simultaneous use by interlocutors of software
(for example, a chat) that pulls together it with oral speech. The second provides
the “postponed” (asynchronous) communication when the interlocutor has the
opportunity to answer another after a while that by character reminds written
language. The Internet forum and the blog belong to the dialogical formats of
Internet communication with asynchronous type of communication due to which
time “gap” between published messages is rather long, reaction to the received
message - postponed, the author has an opportunity to consider and edit his remark.
The most exact reflection of communication processes, taken place at a forum,
will be their representation in the form of communicative networks.
Virtual communication in a format of forum is the multichannel network,
being characterized information transfer in any direction: from speaking - to
Extent of interactivity of the Internet communications asynchronous dialogical
formats depends on that, how users are active at a forum and the author of the
blog and his “friends” in the blog are active to each other. The communicative
model shows that communication in a format of the blog is more regulated, and
the forum is more chaotic, inclusion of the address to the text of records of forums
and blogs allows increasing efficiency of communication by accurate instructions
of the addressee of the message.
Nowadays, the most well-known and widely used social network service
is Facebook with more than 600 million active users (as of January, 2011). The
options of this site include: creation of a personal profile, an ability to add other
users as friends, and exchange messages, to get automatic notifications when they
серия ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ. 2014. №2
update their profile. Each user may join common interest user groups, organized
by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics. The name of this social
service network originally denoted the book given to students at the start of the
academic year by university administrations in the United States to help students
get to know each other better. The only limitation for the users to be is that they
must be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of this website.
For the effective formation and development of individual polylingual culture
by means of Internet communication with the English speaking representatives of
the other culture groups on Facebook, the methodology for organization of this
process should be elaborated. The aim for formation and development of individual
polylingual culture by means of Internet communication in the process of English
language studying in high school is the preparation of a language personality for
the successful social activity in the polycultural world.
The content of the suggested methodology for the effective personal self-
determination in culture includes:
a) language material describing universal and specific ethnocultural, social
cultural and individual concepts; b) text material, i.e. Internet discourse of authentic
language products created by the interlocutors in the intercultural communication,
and authentic texts of different functional styles containing the concepts under
study; c) topics and development tasks suggested on the basis of the students ’ book
used by the educator. The procedural component is formulated in the following
methodological advice:
a) A compulsory precondition for the realization of this project is the use
of the social network service by the educator him/herself, the self-dependent
exploration of all the options of this resource, and, moreover, the broad circle
of English speaking friends, representatives of other cultures, who can help the
words of this educator become familiar with Facebook and get into contact with
those students who encounter difficulties in finding English speaking interlocutors.
b) The immediate intercultural interaction on the site should be preceded
with the lesson at which the educator introduces the contemporary social cultural
situation, the issues of polvculture and polvlingualism (after N. Bulankina), the
conception of culture and language pluralism and the necessity of the respectful
attitude to the language and behavioral manifestations of cultural diversity to the
c) On the stage, on which students create their own profiles on Facebook
(or presents his/her already created profile to the educator), the lesson should take
place in a computer classroom.
d) The first friend in the list of each student should be the educator who is
always ready to help become familiar with the social network service, students
with no experience of Internet communication in English language. The students ’
willingness to communicate to each other on Facebook should be encouraged.
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
e) After the students get acquainted with the first English speaking users of
the site, they are given a task to tell about new friends at English language lesson.
Students’ attention should be focused on the communication with their peers
sharing the same interests, the representatives of various world cultures speaking
English as the international language (not only the representatives o f English and
American ethnocultures).
f) After the adaptation period and getting in touch with the first friends, this
communication serves as an auxiliary for studying each new topic from students’
book (e.g. ‘Jobs and Occupations’, ‘Holidays’, ‘Food and Recipes’, ‘Feelings
and Emotions’, ‘Love and Marriage’, ‘Money’, ‘Daily Routine’, etc.); the basic
concept of each topic is discussed with Facebook friends and is studied with help
of authentic English material from the World Wide Web.
g) At lessons, the universal and specific ethnocultural, sociocultural and
individual peculiarities of these concepts are analyzed and compared. Students and
educator discuss the problems of expression in English language, the difficulties
in understanding friends’ text-messages. Together they elaborate the strategies
and tactics of intercultural interaction with use of the language and pragmatic
material given by the students.
h) If the students succeed on the stage of written intercultural communication,
they may proceed to the voice and video calls using Skype.
In conclusion, it should be said that, in this context, a communicative action
approach becomes the leading in the frameworks of this strategy, and one of the
priority criteria for effectiveness of conducted systematic meaning and culture
bearing activity is self-dependent extracurricular students’ work aimed at the use of
English language for: a) comprehension, analysis and comparison of the conceptual
systems of various cultures; b) to develop student’s individual polylingual culture.
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From theory of word. - 1999. - P. 57-60
5 Gronsky, I. A. The problem of model and purpose of communicative
modeling// Philosophy. Cultural science. The reporter of Nizlmy Novgorod
серия ФИЛОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ. 2014. №2
University named after N.I.Lobachevsky. Series Social sciences. - 2011.
- № 1(2).-P a g e s 110-113.
6 Kuznetsova, N. V. Structure and stylistics of language means in texts of
Internet forums: A utoabstract... Candidate of philosophical sciences. - Tyumen
2008. - 26 p.
7 Chuvakin, A. A. Text theory: object and subject of research// Criticism
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8 Shmakov, A. A. Figures of Speaking and Listening in the Internet text (on
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A.M.Plotnikova. - Yekaterinburg, 2011. - Pages 178-181.
Academician E. A. Buketov
Karaganda State University, Karaganda.
Material received on 12.05.14.
В. Энгель, Ж. М. Тентекбаееа, 3. С. Бекжігітова
Интернет коммуникацияларын пайдалануш ылардың диалог
түріндегі қарымқатыасын тілдік модельдеу мөселесі
А. Бекетов атындағы
Қарағанды мемлекеттік университеті, Қарағанды қ.
Материал 12.05.14 редакцияға түсті.
В. Энгель, Ж. М. Тентекбаееа, 3. С. Бекжигитова
К проблеме моделирования речевого взаимодействия пользователей
в диалогических форматах интернет-коммуникации
Карагандинский государственный университет
имени академика Е. А. Букетова, г. Караганда.
Материал поступил в редакцию 12.05.14.
Мақаланың мақсаты- интернет-коммуникациялар арңылы
агылиіынның тілдік зертте\>інде жекелеген көтпілді мәдениетті
цалыптастыруды және дамытуды ңарастыру болып саналады.
Үсынылып отырган әдістеме заманауи, мәдени жагдаятты және
мемлекеттік білім стандартының жаңартылган багдарламасын
ескереді және қазіргі таңдагы көпмәдениетті әлемде өз дәрежесінде
халыцаральщ ңарым-ңатынас жасай алу мацсатындагы студенттің
жеке басының тілдік дайындыгына багытталган.
Целью статьи является рассмотрение формирования и развития
отдельной многоязыковой культуры в процессе английского языкового
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