Типовая учебная программа английский язык

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ЕМН. Английский язык. Типовая учебная программа.

Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Техническое и профессиональное образование
Регистрационный № __
«___» ________ 20__г.

(наименование дисциплины)

(естественно-математическое направление)

На базе основного среднего образования

Семей 2020

Программа рассмотрена и рекомендована учебно-методическим объединением по общеобразовательным дисциплинам общественно-гуманитарного направления

Протокол № 2 от « 03 » июля 2020 г.
Программа рассмотрена и одобрена Республиканским учебно-методическим советом технического и профессионального, послесреднего образования Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Протокол № 1 от « 15 » июля 2020 г.


Пояснительная записка


Тематический план учебной дисциплины


Результаты обучения и критерии оценивания


Перечень литературы и средств обучения


Explanatory note

The standard curriculum is developed in accordance with the State Compulsory Education Standards at all levels, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 604 dated October 31, 2018 and standard curricula for primary, basic secondary, general secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science Of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 500 dated November 8, 2012.
The list of recommended literature was compiled on the basis of the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 17, 2019 № 217 "On approval of the list of textbooks, educational and methodological complexes, manuals and other additional literature, including on electronic media"
The distinctive feature of the subject programmers’ is that they are focused on forming not only subject knowledge, but also a wide range of skills. The system of learning objectives is based on the following core values: Kazakhstani patriotism and civil responsibility respect cooperation work and creativity transparency lifelong learning. The English curriculum aims to provide opportunities for learners to communicate effectively with different audiences. It will achieve this aim through frequent opportunities in the school environment for interaction with peers, teachers and visitors, and through interactive tasks which involve informal and formal spoken and written presentations. There will also be a focus on out-of-school interaction with learners communicating online and face-to face with speakers of English from other cultures.
Through the study of English learners will understand:
1) how English works and rules related to language learning.
2) how to deal with a wide range of global and curricular topics both receptively and productively.
3) both gist and detailed information in unsupported, extended written texts, talks and narratives.
4) how to use a wide range of subject specific vocabulary when developing an argument.
5) learners will be able to:
6) understand a wide range of fiction of unfamiliar vocabulary from the context.
7) speak with an appropriate level of fluency, accuracy, word stress, intonation and formality.
8)interact with peers to hypothesis’ and give opinions, comments and answers useful for learners hoping to use English at university and beyond:

  • read a wide range of fiction and non-fiction with confidence and enjoyment;

  • successfully communicate with native English and non-native English speakers.

The English curriculum aims to develop learners who gain the high B2 level of language skills through the following:
1) varied tasks which foster analysis, evaluation and creative thinking;
2) exposure to a wide variety of spoken and written sources;
3) stimulating and challenging subject matter.
When creating working curricula, the organization of technical and vocational education has the right:

  • choose different teaching technologies, forms, methods of organization and types of control of the educational process;

  • to distribute the total amount of hours of study time into sections and topics (from the amount of hours allocated for the study of the discipline);

  • change the sequence of sections and topics of the discipline, based on specific arguments and facts.

Depending on the requirements of employers and local conditions, it can be changed in order to deepen and expand the list of sections and topics by introducing a regional component.

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