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Hootsuite, «We are social». The world most-used social platforms Index (April 2020)

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 Hootsuite, «We are social». The world most-used social platforms Index (April 2020)

“Young Scientist”

# 52 (342)

December 2020
Marketing, Advertising and PR
become more popular, to spend all day on the Internet, to lose health, 
to lose family and friends, to be disconnected from real life in gen-
eral, this «popularity» is it worth it? It all depends on the choice of ev-
eryone living in a democracy.
It is well known that every company has marketing departments 
that are engaged in in-depth analysis of the scope of its products or 
services and market research, which determines the supply. We call 
these specialists marketers. Marketers are mainly specialized in the 
field in which they work, and their main task will be to increase sales 
of products or services, with in-depth study of the company’s com-
petitors, market demand and supply.
Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of using dig-
ital and social media marketing in branding new products and ser-
The popularity of these industries among the population;
− Maximum efficiency can be achieved at minimal cost;
− The brand can be popularized all over the world directly 
through a single well-prepared marketing;
− Ability to provide products and services anywhere in the 
world or without leaving home;
− Being able to make a brand popular among exactly the age or 
social class you want, and so on.
− Plenty of opportunities for competitors to make a negative 
− High risk of losing brand popularity through a single negative 
opinion in the industry;
− Be able to offer a product or service that is similar to yours but 
In conclusion, the popularity of the new brand has its own ad-
vantages and disadvantages in the use of digital and social media 
marketing, in which case the most effective use is the proper man-
agement of the enterprise. It would be wrong to say that it is big. As 
any business aims to make a big profit, it should try to use all the le-
gitimate means of popularization, branding, and as we have seen, 
digital marketing and social network marketing can be a great help. 
‘lib can serve.
1. Posts by Siymon Kemp «Digital 2020 April Global Statshot Report»;
2. Scientific electronic journal «Economics and Innovative Technologies»;
3. William C. Frederick. Natural Corporate Management: From the Big Bang to Wall Street. A Greenleaf Publishing, USA, 2017;
4. Artikov A. Industrial economics. Textbook. — Tashkent: TDIU, 2014. — 256b;
5. https://kun.uz/uz/news/2018/10/29/kun-sanasi-29-oktabr-internet-pajdo-bulgan-kun
6. Official website of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, www.mitc.uz
7. https://wearesocial.com/digital-2020 «We are social» April 2020.
8. From the social network YouTube, based on blogger Alex Chaplinsky’s blog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE_LGdW_AgY

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