Қазақстан Республикасындағы білім берудің жағдайы мен дамуы туралы Ұлттық
баяндама (қысқаша нұсқасы). – Астана, 2011. – 75 б.
Alexander, R.J. Culture and Pedagogy: international comparisions in primary education.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. 2001.
Мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулық І деңгей. – Астана, 2012. - 46 б.
Бекишев К. «Қазақстан Республикасындағы білім беру жүйесіндегі жаңашылдықтар»
В статье рассматриваются вопросы использования критического мышления в развитии
творческих способностей учащихся начальных классов.
In the article the authors consider the issues of applying critical thinking in the development of
creative abilities of primary schoolchildren.
UDC 378:001
Gulnar Berkenova
A.Baitursynov Kostanay State
University, Candidate of Pedagogic
Sciences, Associate Professor
Yuliya Shandetskaya
A.Baitursynov Kostanay State
University, first year Master student
Readiness of future
teachers for
the implementation
of innovative techniques
as an issue of pedagogy
The article studies the issue of formation of
implementation of innovative techniques. The
article specifies the essence of such terms as
“readiness for the implementation of innovative
techniques”, “innovation orientation of a teacher's
activity”. The topicality of these terms is
determined by the requirements of contemporary
professional competencies of future teachers
"training", "readiness", "willingness to implement
innovative techniques", “motivation”.
Based on the idea that a teacher is not just a
profession the essence of which is to transfer
knowledge but a noble mission of the creation of
an individual and consolidation of a man in a
man, the goal of teacher training is presented as a
continuous general and professional development
of teachers of a new type. It is characterised by:
- high civic engagement and responsibility,
ability to critically evaluate the current situation
in the education system, the willingness to work
in a changing environment;
- the need to teach, commitment to
continuous improvement;
- intelligence, spiritual culture, the desire
and ability to work in collaboration, the ability to
create a favourable atmosphere in the team;
- high professionalism, innovative nature of
teaching activity.
professional competence of the teachers, their
individual competence and commitment to
innovation in the changing conditions of the
modern educational process in different types of
The notion of "professional readiness" is
considered in the works of many scholars and
Kondrasheva, A.I. Mishchenko, V.A. Slastenin,
N.D. Khmel and others). Most of them are
inclined to consider the training of students for
the formation of professional qualities, including
readiness for different activities, as a process that
has its own characteristics and patterns. In view
of this understanding, the terms "training" and
"readiness" are not treated as synonyms, although
together they are very closely related, interdependent and mutually dependent. The authors
explain it by the fact that one or another quality of professional readiness is largely determined
by how he was trained. Therefore, the term "training" means a dynamic process the ultimate goal
of which is to create such a professional quality that "readiness" implies (V.A. Slastenin, E.P.
Belozertsev, K.N. Mukasheva). The study of dictionary definitions leads to the conclusion that
the term "training" enriches the concept of "readiness", indicating that the training for the
profession is nothing else than the formation of readiness for it. Professional readiness, therefore,
represents the initial and most important condition for the realisation of potential possibilities of
each individual, the result and purpose of training, as well as the training process. This
emphasises the dialectical character of readiness as a quality, a state and a dynamic process.
The above mentioned concepts of "training" and "readiness" enable us to determine the
"readiness for the implementation of innovative techniques" as a complex integrative
professionally significant quality of a teacher that characterises an innovative direction of their
teaching activities, providing a constructive problem solution of the holistic pedagogical process
and the personal growth of a teacher.
However, the "willingness to implement innovative techniques", in our opinion, is a
complex of the formed personal qualities of a teacher that ensures the productivity of the
implementation of innovative techniques in educational institutions.
The main features that characterise the formation of this readiness, in our opinion, are as
- the presence of the target setting for the implementation of innovative techniques in the
pedagogical activity; a distinct innovative focus of future teachers’ activity, in particular,
understanding of the importance of innovation processes in learning, the desire to learn new
ideas and trends in education;
- the depth and fullness of knowledge about innovative techniques, methods of their
adaptation and implementation features;
- the formedness of professional and pedagogical skills;
- the development of a reflective position necessary for self-improvement.
Training future teachers to implement innovative techniques, the result of which is the
readiness for this type of professional activities is carried out in the course of general training
and shares components with it. At the same time, it has its own specific features due to the nature
of teaching activity and the requirements for a person who performs it. According to the leading
ideas of a personality - activity theory (A.N. Leontiyev, L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein et al.),
the methodological basis of defining the structure of the teacher’s readiness to use innovative
learning techniques should consider this structure as a set of three interrelated components, filled
with quality features and parameters:
- a motivation component that expresses the conscious attitude of a future teacher to
innovative learning techniques and understanding their role in solving urgent problems of
- a content-operational component that combines a set of knowledge of future teachers
about the essence of innovative learning techniques and a complex of skills for the
implementation of learning techniques in the structure of their own professional activity;
- a reflexive component characterising awareness and critical analysis of their own
activities, an innovative teaching style, correction of their activities by future teachers.
We think a motivational component has a special status, as a motivational - value relation
to the implementation of new ideas, a new learning technique is determined by not only concern
over its effectiveness, it is based on a professional motivation – satisfaction with the very process
of implementing innovations. A value attitude to innovation and the constant need to find
something new in creative and transformative activities are considered in the overall structure of
social attitudes, needs and motivations of a future teacher who is ready to carry out educational
activities in the innovation mode.
The basis for defining a motivational component was a statement saying that the
behavioural, operational aspect of the position is encouraged and regulated by the motivational
basis of the personality, expressing a conscious attitude to the work, defining the orientation of
the individual at certain objects and ways of interacting with them.
According to R.S. Nemova, motivation explains the "purposeful action, organisation and
sustainability of integrated activities aimed at achieving a certain goal." A motive, in contrast to
the motivation, "is what belongs to the subject of behaviour; it is a sustainable personal property
that encourages you from inside to perform certain actions” [1].
The works by P.K. Anokhin, A.N. Leontyev, B.F. Lomov state that any activity is a system
of actions that comply with a particular motive. It is the motive, even if it is not recognised or
falsely perceived by the subject, that is the main thing that distinguishes one activity from
another, determines its specific quality. Every single act constituting activities is aimed at
achieving a better understanding of the intermediate result, that is, the goal. Thus, if the motive
answers the question: what the activity is done for, then the purpose answers the question of
what must be obtained in the course of the act.
There can be more than one motive. Any activity, including teaching, would relate to more
than one motive and is thus polymotivated. But as a rule, in the hierarchical organisation of
motives it is possible to identify one main motive, which stains all activities and gives them a
certain sense. According to Leontyev, it is the motives that encourage activity, which, in turn,
characterise the orientation of the person. Some psychologists think that orientation is the system
of motives (S.L. Rubinstein, L.I. Bozhovich), some – the dominant relationship of a personality
to the activity, to the world, to yourself (V.N. Myasishchev), and others – such mental properties
that define human activities, its general direction (V.S. Merlin). It follows that the orientation of
the individual that determines their position in life has an impact on the effectiveness of the
The above mentioned makes it possible to identify that the training of future teachers to
implement innovative techniques involves the formation of a kind of orientation – innovative and
it requires an examination of the concept of "innovative orientation of a teacher's activity".
According to V.S. Merlin, "orientation is the core of the personality that determines its
originality as a social being" [2]. This allows us to define the concept of "innovation orientation
of a teacher's activity" as a system of leading motives, attitudes, expressing the interests, the
needs and aspirations of a teacher, determining their attitude, "inner attitude" for innovation in
teaching practice. In other words, the innovative nature is the uniqueness of the activity of a
teacher that allows characterising them as a teacher-individual and determines their socially
significant innovative behaviour at the moment. It is an innovative orientation of a teacher that
provides their professional suitability to the current situation in the education system.
One of the motivational formations is need. In the psychological and pedagogical research
need is understood as a precondition of motivational orientation. Its essence is reflected in the
interest as the individual form of expression. Therefore, it is also necessary to distinguish such a
motive as cognitive interest. In the studies by Y.S. Filkov, V.N. Lipnik, Y.Y. Levkov it is noted
that cognitive interest, which is based on the desire to acquire knowledge, is the dominant motive
of any activity and it fosters orientation of the individual.
Educational interests of a teacher, oriented at the implementation of innovative learning
techniques, in this case revolve around:
- the need for a scientific understanding of diverse aspects of innovative processes in
- the need for understanding knowledge, personal experience, determining readiness for
innovation, the formation of one’s position in relation to the problems and possible innovations
in education;
- the need to use the knowledge in one’s own practice in the implementation of innovative
learning techniques and to improve it constantly.
Thus, the readiness of future teachers to implement innovative learning techniques is
characterised by its innovative orientation and defines the system of their views, attitudes to
innovation in the education system and is the basis of their self-development and
professionalism. It forms the motivation for effective orientation on the personality development
of students through advanced learning techniques.
To assess the degree of fullness, content, activity of a motivational component of the
considered readiness we distinguish three indicators as criteria:
- cognitive interest in innovative learning techniques;
- personally - meaningful sense of the application of innovative learning techniques in the
pedagogical process;
- formedness of innovation-oriented teaching activities of a future teacher.
The level of motivation is directly related to a content-operational component of a teacher's
professional activity, which along with a motivational component is included in the management
part of the action. This component is a consequence of cognitive activity and is characterised by
the amount of knowledge (breadth, depth, consistency) formed on the basis of their practical
skills, thinking style of a teacher, in general, being an indicative basis of the activity.
Professional - pedagogical knowledge of the teachers oriented at the application of
innovative learning techniques can be represented as data about methodology basis of learning
techniques, their essence, features and different approaches to the classification, characteristics
of learning in educational institutions and ways of implementing innovative techniques in it.
These skills are considered the basis for orientation in a variety of learning techniques that is a
prerequisite for their optimal use in practice.
It should be noted that in our case, there are three major features of knowledge: its
awareness, critical processing and effectiveness. Therefore, only when the knowledge of
innovative techniques is fundamentally comprehended and acquired as a result of deep thinking
activity, it can become the property of the individual and be properly used in practice and
become effective. Such knowledge enables future teachers to use innovative learning techniques
in practice, to solve a wide variety of educational and training tasks, receive new knowledge
based on their use. Thus, knowledge is not simply transferred, it is produced in the course of
activity of a student, and in the implementation of such activities when readiness for the
implementation of innovative techniques is formed.
A new view concerning the role of teachers, their new changed and increased functions
require not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the formation of practical skills of
professional activity. They allow you to identify and describe the methods of action in the
activity of future teachers, which is characterised by their readiness to the implementation of
innovative techniques.
There are two levels of skills – an elementary level and proficiency skills. While
elementary skills are primary and appear at the initial stage of application of knowledge or by
imitation, proficiency skills develop as a result of a more or less long experience. Proficiency
skills are expressed in the ability to freely operate the knowledge and skills to carry out the
objectives successfully.
Training and implementation of innovative techniques is a complex activity, so there is a
reason to believe that elementary skills acquired through observation and imitation are not
sufficient for successful activity. Only practical participation of future teachers in the
implementation of innovative techniques in the period of teaching practice will provide them to
acquire proficiency. Thus, the readiness to accept and acquire new learning techniques, new
methods of organising the learning process, the ability to implement them in practice quickly is
determined by the formation of higher-level skills – proficiency skills.
Thus, the main criteria indicator of a content-operational component of readiness of future
teachers to implement innovative learning techniques is the level of forming specialised
knowledge about innovative learning techniques and practical skills in the educational process
with the use of learning techniques.
The most important and necessary component in the structure of readiness of future
teachers to implement teaching activities, which also presupposes the implementation of
innovative learning techniques, is a reflective component. It characterises the learning and
critical analysis of the activities, the correction of the activity by a teacher.
In the current research an emphasis is made on the development of reflexive mechanisms
of thinking of a teacher as one of the most important conditions of awareness, critical analysis
and constructive improvement of their activity.
According to V.P. Zinchenko, the object of reflection is not only the basis of mental
activity, but also the ways of regulating a person's own behaviour, actions, the very process of
reflection, and finally one’s own or personal consciousness. B.G. Ananiyev believes that
reflective properties are most closely related to the objectives of life and activities, values,
attitudes, performing the function of self-regulation and development control, contributing to the
formation and stabilisation of the personality integrity.
Man's ability to reflexively treat yourself and your activity is the result of the acquisition of
social relations between people. On the basis of interaction with other people, when a person
tries to understand the thoughts and actions of others, they are able to treat themselves
reflexively. Therefore, search, acquisition and application of the known learning techniques,
analysis of the obtained results and their own individual style of teaching can lead to the creation
of new techniques by a teacher as the learning activity. It is therefore necessary to create such
situations: learning - professional activities, which actualise their reflexive activity, form a
positive self-perception, stimulate the processes of self-affirmation. In our work, a reflective
component of the studied readiness involves the formation of future teachers’ adequate self-
esteem of their readiness for the implementation of innovative techniques in the educational
process and its compliance with the best models.
The analysis of a reflective component of readiness of future teachers to implement
innovative learning techniques allows us to distinguish the formedness of a reflexive position of
a future teacher, their positive self-perception, promoting self-improvement as criteria indicators.
Thus, the readiness of future teachers to use innovative learning techniques should be
considered as a set of three interrelated components: motivational, content – operational and
The criteria indicators are the leading elements of the structure of the studied readiness, the
development of which can serve as an indicator of the importance of both individual components
and the studied integral education as a whole: motivational and value attitude to the
implementation of innovative techniques; acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical
skills for the implementation of innovative techniques, the formation of a reflexive position of a
future teacher.
Nemov R.C. Practical psychology: study guide. – M.: Vlados, 1997. – 320 p.
Merlin V.S. Essays on personality psychology. – Perm, 1959. – P. 72
Мақалада болашақ мұғалімдердің инновациялық технологияларды жүзеге асыруға
даярлығын қалыптастыру мәселесі қарастырылады, «инновациялық технологияларды жүзеге
асыруға даярлық», «мұғалім іс-әрекетінің инновациялық бағыттылығы» ұғымдарының мәні
нақтыланады. Олардың өзектілігі қазіргі білім берудің талаптарымен және болашақ мұғалімдердің
кәсіптік құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру қажеттілігімен анықталады.
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