Kadenov Yerbolat
master of educational sciences, teacher of Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan, ekt_91@mail.ru
Summary: This article focuses on the subject
of educational psychology, its interdisciplinary
connections with other areas of psychology.
Резюме: В этой статье рассматривается
предмет педагогической психологии, ее междисци-
плинарная связь с другими областями психологии.
Түйін: Бұл мақалада педагогикалық психоло-
гияның пәні және оның басқа психология салала-
рымен пәнаралық байланысы қарастырылады.
psychological and pedagogical research
Ключевые слова: Педагогическая психология,
междициплинарная связь, педагогика, психоло-
го-педагогическое исследование
Кілттік сөздер: педагогикалық психология,
пәнаралық байланыс, педагогика, психологи-
ялық-педагогикалық зерттеу
Educational psychology, which arose from a
common, physiological (experimental) psychology,
developed in the future in cooperation with other
branches of psychology. As the differentiation of
psychology in educational psychology disciplinary
communication with other areas of psychology are
expanding even more.
One of the most close to the areas of educational
psychology is psychology. Only taking into account
the age of the dynamics of human mental development
can be created and choose the appropriate system of
pedagogical influences at different stages of training
and education. While teaching and psychology have
a common object of study, which acts as the human
development in ontogenesis, at the same age and
educational psychology differ in their subjects.
Educational psychology deals with the mental
development of a person under the influence of
education and training as a specially organized ways
of influence on him, while the main task of psychology
is the study of general and specific laws governing
the age variation of the psyche at different stages of
ontogeny and life path, the variability that can occur
under the influence of various factors.
The pedagogical psychology also is connected with
the differential psychology disclosing age, sexual,
typological, professional, and individual and other
distinctions in mentality of people. Knowledge of
mental distinctions between people opens opportunities
for creation of the training programs and technologies
expected types of the people similar and excellent on
structure, structure and the level of development of
various mental functions, processes and properties.
Need of individualization of training and education
assumes communication of pedagogical psychology
with psychology of the personality and identity, the
object of research consists in studying of regularities
of integration of various mental properties - the
individual, personal, subjective in a special unique and
unique psychological warehouse of the person identity.
As it is well known, training process and education
in the form represents the joint activities of people
mediated by communication, and from this point of
view for pedagogical psychology its communications
with social psychology, and through it and with
sociology are very useful. Knowledge and accounting
of specifics of manifestation of general and private
social and psychological regularities in practice of
training and education become extremely desirable for
understanding of communication and joint educational
activities as leading factors and means of mental
development of the person.
If to determine education and training as
purposefully organized form of social impacts, then
in this case they can be considered as processes of
management of mental development of the person.
The similar point of view pulls together pedagogical
psychology with psychology of management, and
through it and with the general theory of management,
and management - cybernetics. It is known that
psychology of management psychological aspects
of human relations, one of which are managed,
interest, and others act as managing directors. The
similar relations take place and in training process
and education where the relations the teacher - the
trainee are similar to the relations the head - the
subordinate. From here, the proximity of psychology
of management and pedagogical psychology follows.
The doctrine (activities of the trainee) and
teaching (activities of the teacher) as the compound
interconnected parts of training are kinds of mental
work. From there are clear and obvious communications
of pedagogical psychology with psychology of
work and professional activity. The solution of
psychological problems initial also connects with the
called psychology industries pedagogical psychology,
average, the highest, and various forms of post-degree
professional education.
Implementation in training process and education
of the screen, sound and computer equipment,
the mass media acting as means of psychological
development pulls together pedagogical psychology
with engineering psychology and system of technical
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
It is many common interests at pedagogical
psychology with medical, special and legal
psychology. Interaction points with them are problems
of professional prevention and psych-correction
of various deviations in mentality and behavior of
children and adults.
From cross-disciplinary communications of
pedagogical psychology, especially it is necessary
to stop on a question of interrelation and a ratio of
pedagogical psychology and pedagogics. Both the
pedagogics and pedagogical psychology have a general
object of a research - training process and education
of the person in various educational institutions.
However, the subject domain of the called disciplines
significantly differs. For pedagogical psychology, first
of all, questions of that as well as what changes in
mentality of people under the influence of any training
programs and pedagogical technologies whereas for
pedagogics the main object of research are educational
technologies, their designing, creation and application
happen are important. The efficiency evaluation of
technologies of training on their psychological and to
results does by consequences interested pedagogics in
its communications with pedagogical psychology.
Concluding a statement of a question of
communications of pedagogical psychology with
the fields of psychology, boundary for it, and also
with other sciences - philosophy, sociology, the
right, medicine, cybernetics and technical science, it
is possible to emphasize that these communications
give to subject domain of pedagogical psychology
the cross-disciplinary nature assuming complex and
system approaches to the organization of psychology
and pedagogical researches. In the substantial plan,
the subject of pedagogical psychology forms its main
problem field consisting of studying of the following
- Development of the psychological theory of
training and education, and conceptual device of
pedagogical psychology;
- Creation of methodological bases and scientific
and methodical means of pedagogical psychology;
- Analysis of historical destinies of pedagogical
psychology, its current state and prospects of
development in the future;
- A problem of a ratio of the training programs
and pedagogical technologies with age features of
development of the person;
- Problem of a ratio of mental development and
education (training) at different stages of ontogenesis
of the person;
- Psychological reasons for educational programs
and the training technologies, on the one hand, and
assessment of their psychological efficiency, with
- Analysis of psychological mechanisms of
assimilation of knowledge;
- Detection of general and private regularities of-
level and structural changes in the mental organization
of the person under the influence of education and
- studying of psychological regularities of
formation of the person as personality and the subject
of activities in educational process;
- Disclosure of a role of education in mental health
and longevity;
- The description of psychological mechanisms
of interference of the personality, a micro and macro
social environment in educational space;
- A problem of psychological providing,
maintenance and support of all participants of
educational process at different stages of general and
professional education;
- Development of scientific and practical bases
of the organization of psychological service in an
education system diversely and forms;
The provided list of the questions forming the
subject and problem field of modern pedagogical
psychology allows to select the following
interconnected main sections in its basis: History,
theory and methodology of pedagogical psychology;
Education and development of mentality; Training
Psychology; Education Psychology; Psychological
service in educational practice; Psychology of
professional and pedagogical activity.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
Kassymova R.S.
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, lecturer Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty
Kurmanova T.V.
and Senior of lecturer, Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty
Summary. This article discusses the work with
difficult teenagers. Existing technologies work with
difficult teenagers are intended to deliver the deviant
behavior under social control.
Key words: rehabilitation, hypochondriac,
imitation, orphanage, authentic.
Activity of rehabilitation institutionis focused on
returning of the child to a parental family, search for
replacing family, and creation of the family atmosphere
in the orphanage.
It is only possible to start rehabilitation after it will
be madethe total characteristic of each child and group
in general.
For this purpose the social teacher should get
acquainted with the group with which he has to work,
make some investigations into each child, make his
psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristic
and collect information about the achievements of the
previous education process. It is necessary to reveal
the problems of children and the group in general
concerning the relations in group, studies and food.
In the process of rehabilitation the psychologist,
guardianship inspector, lawyer, social worker and
doctorhelp the social teacher.
The work of the social teacher with the
newcomer has to help the child "to get accustomed"
intheorphanage. It is a difficult process for the child. It
is important to manage to dispose him to new "home",
new group of adults and children. The orphanage is
another world andnew relations. Naturally, the child
worries. It is necessary from the first minute he got
used to the participation atmosphere and warmth and
feel care of his destiny.
The babieswho are torn from parents often cry,
wait when their mother comes to them. It is necessary
to give the child to feel that he isn't indifferent to the
people surrounding him.
The teenagers who have already been in the
orphanage don’t long as much for the family, but the
first thing they can't manage the order and requirements
of the new orphanage. As a rule, they react as follows:
- tryto insulate from everyone – to be isolated;
- neglectthe requirements of the collective – show
resistance or demonstrative ignoring;
- meet with hostility everyone and everything –
show aggression.
The main thing for the social teacher in this
situation is to understand the teenager; to be able
convinces him that it will be better for him to live
in the orphanage. The friendly attitude of the expert
towards the newcomer has to melt ice at the first days
of his stay in the orphanage.
In Petrozavodsk, for example, the orphanage is
set up in the same area with the orphans’ receiver
distributor. Children can be up to 15 days in the care
center. Care about their health, home and food is
organized in the orphanage. Pupils have the right to
come and leave freely the orphanage, get advice; they
are given money for fare.
Work with difficult teenagers
Difficult teenagers are pedagogically neglected,
physically healthy children, but ill-bred and untrained.
The difficult teenager contains in himself biological
and social neglect.
Difficult teenagers are young boys and girls of 11-
16 years, facing from the childhood to thematurity,
they don't want to study, conflict with teachers, peers,
parents’ lag behind on study (as memory, thinking and
imagination aren't developed), don't like to work (can't
force to systematically do themselves something,
do what is interesting), break discipline and order
at school, leave school, consider themselves losers,
tramp, drink, use drugs andbreak the law.
Manifestation of the difficult teenagers is caused
by education mistakes in the family and at school,
ignoring their age variations, absence of interesting
things, and also adverse influence of the environment.
Difficult teenagers can be grouped as follows:
- mental unstable, lagging behind from peers in
physical and sexual development. They are inspired,
irresponsible, their interests are unstable, emotions
are superficial, act up, defiantly don't obey adults, skip
- withrapid sexual development and raised
sensibility, aggression. They violently react to any ban;
- differ in a disinhibition of inclinations – sexuality,
vagrancy, drug addiction. These are children from
conflictual families with an asocial way of life; they
are mean, aggressive, cruel, and irritable.
The teenage age belongs to the instability period
in life of the child and differs in physiological
reorganization of an organism, changes in mentality
(pessimism and a disturbing and hypochondriac spirit)
which are shown in reaction to external influences,
in the underestimated ability to self-realization, self-
organization and conflictness. Deviations in behavior
are dangerous to the life of teenagers as they can lead
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Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
to problems with health (early sexual communications,
sexual deviations) or to a suicide because of the
features of puberty, the crash of love, disappointment,
The social teacher has to help the teenager to be
independent and firm, to become the leader, to join in
the activity demanding self-confidence and courage.
The process of influence on the behavior of difficult
teenagers includes a number of the consecutive actions
directed to studying of the pupil. The analysis of his
medico-social and intellectual and psychological
status, diagnostics of a family and school situation,
identification of primary social environment of the
child are obligatory.On the basis of the obtained
data the program of work with the family of the
child, permission of his school problems, and his
involvement in more favorable environment is formed.
One should make the teenager focus on being ready
psychologically for a change of his behavior and
getting morally, good qualities. At the same time the
expert directs the pupil to change his behavior, controls
and encourages at any positive actions. However it is
necessary to remember that the pupil has to estimate
hisdoings, their positive and negative sides. Process of
self-education is not only most difficult, but also most
reliable way of recovery from the crisis.
It is also necessary to involve group of pupils in
re-education. The social teacher coordinates efforts
of collective, chooses the most effective methods.
Often at this age imitation an idol, ideal brings good
results. Also improvement of a situation in small
group through involvement of children in club, sports
section, and a technical circle is obligatory. Joining of
the difficult teenager to the group of well-bred pupils
is a hard thing but at the same time fruitful.
The work of the social teacher with parents of
pedagogically neglected teenagers;
- to establishreliable and strong relations concerning
education for effective joint influence on the child;
- to formparents’ trust, desire to seean assistant in
the social teacher, to report to him authentic data on
living conditions and education in the family;
- active and creative relation to education;
- to change of the attitude of parents towards the
pupil, conditions of his life in the family and family
microclimate in general.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
Kassymova R.S.
Assistant professor of Department of pedagogy and educational management,
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Nussipzhan Asselbibi
student of master degree, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Faculty of philosophy and political sciences
“Educatingthe Kazakh children in patriotic sense is the responsibility of all institutions of education from
pre-school system to higher educational institutions. In the XXI century only the people loving their nation,
living in unity keep solidarity.”
N.A. Nazarbayev
Түйін. Мақалада халықтар достығы сезімін
оқушылардың бойына сіңіру тәрбиелеудің басты
бағытына, яғни қазақстандық отансүйгіштікті
қалыптастыру мен жалпықазақстандық мәде-
ниеттің дамуына, рухани бірлік, халықтар до-
стығы, ұлтаралық татулық идеяларын насихат-
таумәселелері қарастырылады.
Резюме. В статье рассматривается пробле-
ма воспитания чувства народной дружественно-
сти у школьников, как одна из главной идеи для
развитие казахстанской патриотизма и общека-
захстанской культуры и духовной сплоченности.
Summary. In this article considered problem of
fostering a sense of people’s friendliness at school,
as one of the main ideas for the development of
Kazakhstan’s patriotism and common Kazakh culture
and spiritual unity. Кілттік сөздер: отансүй-
гіштік, халықтар достастығы, ұлтаралық бір-
лік, оқушы, тәрбие.
Ключевые слова: патриотизм, дружба наро-
дов, межнациональное единство, ученик, воспи-
Keywords: patriotism, friendship of the people,
international unity, pupil, education.
It is obvious that Kazakhstan is a democratic,
civilized, stably developing country with bright
futureand a reliable partner of the countries supporting
friendship, and it’s becoming known in this light.
The main value of the sovereign country is
provisionof the freedom and equal rights of the ethnic
representatives living here.
Different nation’s representatives are living in
our country and we are living, educating our children
and working being in close relationship, friendly
and tight-knit with them. We know, what in this
achievement the historical role of the president N.A.
Nazarbayev is great.
As the great poet Zhambyl said in his
wisdomquote“If a man is strong he will be a brave
one, if the people are in unity they will be a country”,
really if there is not country unity, we cannot even
imagine of independence and solidarity, social and
economic development of the country.
The president of the country, the national leader
NursultanAbishulyNazarbayev working much on
laying the foundation of peace and unity declared an
idea of forming an Assembly of Kazakhstani people
in 1992 and established Assembly of People of
Kazakhstan that is a symbol of stability of the country
and aims at preventing from unity disruption on March
1st, 1992. Since then Kazakhstan has been working
on the basis of the idea – one country, one nation,
one future leaving 20 years behind. The formation of
the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan shows that the
national policy has risen virtually to the institutional
level. The assembly of people of Kazakhstan as a
social institute establishing an effective mechanism
of harmonization of inter-ethnic relations has laid the
new foundation of it in qualitative terms. So Assembly
of people of Kazakhstan is a government policy in
increasing the tolerance of social consent and civil
society and synthesis of social organizations. The
assembly of people of the republic of Kazakhstan
is an important tool of foundation as well as peace,
consent culture. “The secret of development is in
unity, the secret of success is in labour”. One gets
his goal when he finds the right way. Now we are
working as the members of one family, making our
house the place of peace and valuing what we have,
if we compare the Kazakh nation with a yurt then all
ethnic groups in Kazakhstan are like the rafters of
this yurt.
The unity of people is the root, basis of a country.
We can set the big goals about Kazakhstan as a
developed, prosperous country with strong future
only maintaining the social unity.On the point of such
political event with immense value and importance
in the life of the country the assembly of people of
Kazakhstan that unites the multinational people
of Kazakhstan as the children of one family on the
way of development of civilized state is joining the
representatives of all ethnic groups for the single
purpose and contributing to keeping stability in
the country and its development. Moreover in the
result of the efforts of the assembly of people of
Kazakhstan in our country a peculiar model of
interethnic and interreligious consent that is able
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
to use the constitutional human rights and freedom
of each citizen regardless their ethnic or religious
peculiarities. So in multiethnic space of Kazakhstan
trust, consent and mutual understanding established.
The main purpose and objectives of the assembly
of people of Kazakhstan is to provide effective
cooperation with state organs and civil society
institutes in the sphere of interethnic relations.
Strengthening the unity of people on this purpose,
maintaining and developing the social consent on
the values that are the basis of Kazakhstani society,
deterring the cases of extremism and radicalism,
preventing pressure on human rights and freedoms,
forming the political and legal culture based on
democratic norms of citizens are the obligations of
this organization. The organization that became the
basis of solidarity is fulfilling these purposes on high
In forming the feeling of people’s friendship in
pupils the state language and the culture of the Kazakh
people must play the leading role. The main direction
of forming the feeling of people’s friendship includes
forming Kazakhstan patriotism and contributing
to further development of all-Kazakhstani culture
and spreading the idea of moral integrity, people’s
friendship, interethnic concord.
The main objectives of forming the sense
of people’s friendship in pupils are classified as
Forming Kazakhstani identity accumulating
on the basis of Kazakhstan patriotism, civil and
spiritual-cultural unity in young pupils basing on the
actual gathering role of state language and Kazakh
- Forming the political culture based on civilized
and democratic norms in bringing up the pupils;
- Preventing the activities, speaking and
expressing an opinion damaging the authority of the
Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Coordinating the interethnic relations,
strengthening tolerance and trust in pupils in
communication between the representatives of
different ethnic groups;
Spreading the idea of spiritual integrity6
strengthening, forming people’s friendship and
interethnic consent;
Forming the sense of people’s friendship in pupils
covers the activities as extra-curricular activities,
excursions, games and exercises, communications.
Round-tables, discussions.
Friendly relations are great feeling formed since
early times. Teaching patriotism must be directed to
formation and development of consciousness and
sense of young generation taking into consideration
the national traditions. The way the Kazakhs teach
friendship and patriotism is the reflection of centuries
long essence of people with deep roots, worldview
– opinion, intelligence and culture of traditions.
Without teaching all this it’s impossible to bring
up the patriotic citizens, i.e. real patriots who will
protect the homeland where they were born and who
will use all their strength and effort and senses on the
way of achieving their aim.
We mustn’t forget of educational content of
the process of teaching friendly communication,
but it will be effective only in case when patriotic
consciousness, patriotic sense is formed in the
character of each generation. The index of friendly
sense and patriotic feeling is the behavior of a pupil.
Moreover behavior is the main factor influencing his
development and formation. In his activity a listener
contributes to increasing the values with environment,
it in its turn impacts on formation of patriotic feelings,
development of the sense, ability, qualities, in other
words he connects his own interests with the interests
of nation, country and people.
Friendship is the quality of people when they are
loyal to each other, trust each other, have the same
common opinion and interest. Friendship is a sign
of mutual responsibility and care, spiritual kinship.
Real friendship inspires a person, helps not to give up
in different failures, to overcome the difficulties and
misfortune together.
The main aim of formation of the sense of
people’s friendship in the pupils is building the
qualities as spreading political-moral, professional,
psychological, healthy life style that defines the
striving of pupil, individual, social group in mastering
consciously the patriotic behavior. Giving deep and
substantive knowledge and educating, bringing up
the young generation that will be the bright future of
the sovereign state, making them the patriots loving
their nation are the main obligations of the teaching
staff. The citizens leading the country tomorrow are
the schoolchildren today.
Teaching the schoolchildren that the main
guarantee for living of the nations inhabiting
Kazakhstan in unity, solidarity and peace is in
friendship. The country’s unity policy and national
policy that N.A. Nazarbayev is following is explain
the schoolchildren peace and international unity.
Teaching each young generation representative to
realize with responsibility that the peace in country
is in friendship and tolerance between nations
introducing the art and traditions of many ethnic
groups living in Kazakhstan. So in the process of
teaching the school children patriotism, to respect
the representatives of other ethnic groups the projects
realized by the government play an important role.
The main ideas of teaching the young generation
the sense of friendship of people are given in
the strategic message “Kazakhstan -2050” of the
president as “They will be respectful patriots of their
own country famous all over the world”, in the “Law
about Education” of the Republic of Kazakhstan as
“The main aims of education system are teaching
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
patriotism, to love his own motherland the Republic
of Kazakhstan, respect the national symbols, value
the traditions, the world and national cultural
achievements, comprehend the history, customs and
traditions of the Kazakh people and other nations of
the republic, speak state, Russian, foreign language”.
In accordance to it cultivating patriotism in today’s
young generation is the requirement of personality,
necessity of the society.
Earlier Tole bi taught the people’s children in the
following way. Our ancestor offered to break a bunch
of branches. The children tried but couldn’t break the
bunch of branches. The old man unbound the bunch
and offered to try to break the branch one by one. The
branches were broken easily. Tole bi: “live together,
no one can win you. If you live separately each of you
will be defeated. This strong unity, cohesion, ability
of our people to be friends uniting with other people
lead from victory to victory. The people, the history
witnessed it!”
1. The speech of the President of Kazakhstan N.
A. Nazarbayev on ХХІ of a session of Assembly of the
people of Kazakhstan. Astana, 2014.
2. The speech of the President of Kazakhstan N.
A. Nazarbayev on ХХІІ of a session of Assembly of
the people of Kazakhstan: "Мәңгілік Ел: бір ел – бір
тағдыр". – Astana. – 2015.
3. Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan: historical
sketch / Tugzhanov E.L., Kan G. V., Korobkov V. S.,
Shayakhmetov N. U. – Almaty: Rarity, 2010.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №6 (42) 2016
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