The novelty of the dissertation work: The main purpose of our search for the poetics of Kazakh riddles was to clarify the nature and identity of the riddle and reveal its artistic features. To this end, first of all, the work strives through the study of riddles, communication with other genres and, secondly, an emphasis on artistic nature. First of all, the key issue will be the definition of a structural system of work.
Methodological basis and methods of dissertation work used: Kazakh folk riddles accumulated in these time frames, and in scientific terms, special studies were conducted by A. Baitursynov, H. Dosmukhamedov, S. Seifullin, M. O. Auezov, A. Margulan, M. Gabdulin, A. Konyratbayev, M. Tleuzhanov, and Shamshadin Kerim defended his doctoral dissertation on Kazakh folk riddles. These works became the main core of our work, and advanced methods and techniques in it were used in abundance in the work. I would like to emphasize that comparative methods were the main support.
Practical significance of the dissertation work: the results of the work are presented at special course lectures, seminars that are read to university students, and at classes that benefit applicants and those who are interested in spiritual treasures in general.
The structure of the work: the research work consists of an introduction, three main sections and chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.
Information about publications: the main conclusions, theoretical and practical results of research work were discussed at international conferences and in scientific publications. In the course of the study, 2 papers were published. Of these, 1 article was published in the materials of the international scientific and practical conference organized in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 article - in the Republican methodological journal.
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