8. Графиктен температуралары өзгеретін аумақты анықтаңыз (0-20ккал, 100-200 ккал,
250-ден жоғары)
9. 0-750 ккал аралығының қай аралығында молекулалардың қозғалыс энергиясы төмен?
(0-20 ккал)
10. Бұл аумақта молекулалардың қозғалыс энергиясы төмен болу себебін түсіндіріңіз.
(дененің температурасы төмен болған сайын, дене бөлшектерінің қозғалыс энергиясы
аз болады)
11. 0-750 ккал аралығының қай аралығында молекулалардың қозғалыс энергиясы үлкен?
(750 ккал-дан жоғары аумақта)
12. Бұл аумақта молекулалардың қозғалыс энергиясы жоғары болу себебін түсіндіріңіз.
(дененің температурасы артқан сайын, дене бөлшектерінің қозғалыс энергиясы көп
13. (20-100 ккал, 200-750 ккал) аралықтарында температураның тұрақты болу себептерін
14. (20-100 ккал, 200-750 ккал) аралықтарынының қайсысында энергия көп жұмсалады?
Себебін түсіндіріңіз.
15. Жылу балансының теңдеуін көрсетілген аумақтардың қайсысына қолдануға болады?
(0-20 ккал, 100-200 ккал)
16. Балқу жылуының өрнегін көрсетілген аумақтардың қайсысына қолдануға болады?
(20-100 ккал)
17. Қайнау жылуының өрнегін көрсетілген аумақтардың қайсысына қолдануға болады?
(200-750 ккал).
18. Неліктен денені балқытуға қарағанда қайнатуға көп энергия жұмсалатынын
түсіндіріңіз? немесе Денені балқытуға қарағанда қайнатуға көп уақыт кететінін
Осындай тапсырмалар легі арқылы оқушының білім деңгейін анықтаймыз. Төменгі
деңгей оқушысы білу, түсіну сұрақтарына жауап береді (1-6 сұрақтар)
Орташа деңгейлі оқушылар қолдану, математикалық сауаттылыққа қатысты сұрақтар
легіне жауап береді. (7-12 сұрақтар)
Жоғарғы деңгей оқушылар процесстерге талдау және қорытынды жасай алады. (13-18 )
Графикті пайдалану барысында тілдік мақсаттарды да іске асырамыз [8].
Білім алушылардың ғылыми сауаттылығын қалыптастыру міндеттері мен Мемлекеттік
білім стандарты білім нәтижелерге қол жеткізу үшін аудиториялық және мұғалім
құзыреттіліктерді оқу-жаттығу іс-мазмұнына белгілі бір талаптар қояды
Ол табиғат (репродуктивті қарсы) оқыту қызметінің ең алдымен өнімді болуы тиіс екені
айқын болады және мынадай іс-шараларлы қамтиды:
• Құбылыстардың сипаттамасы мен бейнеленуі;
• Құбылыстар мен процестердің модельдерін пайдалану және құру;
• Өзгерістерді болжау;
• Қолда бар деректер негізінде қорытындыларды тұжырымдау;
• Осы қорытындыларды талдау және олардың сенімділігін бағалау;
• Болжамдарын, және оларды тексеру жолдарын анықтау;
• Ғылыми-зерттеу мақсаттарын құрастыру;
• Ғылыми-зерттеу жоспарын құру;
• Жаратылыстану мәселелерін талқылау.
Жоғарыда аталған мәселе география, химия, физика және биологияны оқытуда
функционалдық сауаттылығының қалыптасуына ықпал етеді. Кедергілерді жеңудің тұрақты
серігі - қозғалыс. Сыныптағы мәселені шешу үшін тапсырмаларды пайдалануда жеке
тапқырлық, интеллект, стандартты емес шешімдер, проблемалық көру, психикалық икемділік,
ұтқырлық, ақпарат және байланыс, мәдениет қабілеті сияқты қасиеттерді дамытуға мүмкіндік
береді [6].
Әдебиеттер тізімі
1. Н.Ә.Назарбаев. Әлеуметтік-экономикалық жаңғырту - Қазақстан дамуының басты
бағыты. - 2012 ж. «Ана тілі» газеті, № 5. 7-8 бет.
2. Оқушылардың
2012-2016 жылдарға арналған ұлттық іс-қимыл жоспары. ҚР Үкііметінің № 832
қаулысы. 2012 жылғы 25 маусым, Астана, Үкімет Үйі.
3. ҚР Білім беру жүйесін 2015 жылға дейін дамыту тұжырымдамасы.
4. Құрман Н.Ж., Есенова Г. Коммуникативтік жаттығуларды қолдану әдістемесі. –
Ақтөбе, 2010.
5. Әлімов А.Қ. Интербелсенді әдістемені ЖОО-да қолдану мәселелері. Оқу құралы.-
Алматы, 2013. 448-б.
6. Особенности формирования функциональной грамотности учащихся старшей
школы по предметам естественнонаучного цикла. Методическое пособие. – Астана:
Национальная академия образования им. И. Алтынсарина, 2013. – 48 с.
7. Қалығұлов А.Ж. Физиканы оқыту методикасы. – Алматы: Рауан, 1992.208-б.
8. Мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулық. Бірінші деңгей. Екінші басылым. Назарбаев
Зияткерлік мектептері. ДББҰ, 2012. 280-б.
9. Pearson New International Edition Physics Douglas C. Giancoli Sixth Edition. Pearson,
2014. -1120 p.
Ospanova Nazym Askarovna
Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Education
Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Pavlodar
Мектеп мәдениеті, ынтымақтастық, мектеп қоғамдастығы, Қазақстан
Культура школы, сотрудничество, школьные сообщества, Казахстан
School culture, collaboration, school community, Kazakhstan.
Қазақстанда Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептерін (НЗМ) құрумен қатар, НЗМ мұғалімдерінің
мәдени ынтымақтастық ұйымдастыруы үшін жаңа талаптарды алға қоюда. НЗМ мұғалімдері
мектептің ортақ құндылықтарына сәйкес бір-бірімен тығыз ынтымақтастықта жұмыс істеуі
керек. Дегенмен, НЗМ мұғалімдері мәдени өзара түсіністік болмауы себебінен, бір-бірімен
ынтымақтастық кезінде қиындықтарға тап болды. Бұл зерттеу оқытушылардың ынтымақтастық
мәдениетін ұйымдастыру мәселесіне негізделген. Эмпирикалық деректер мен ғылыми
әдебиеттерге негізделе отырып, осы зерттеу НЗМ, Павлодар облысының оқытушылары
ынтымақтастық мәдениетін қаншалықты түсінетінін, оқытушалырдың өзара байланысына
қандай факторлар әсер ететінін және ынтымақтастықтың кәсіби іс-тәжірибеге деген ықпалын
алға мақсат етіп қояды. Зерттеу нәтижелері мен қорытындылары Қазақстан әдебиетіне зор
үлесін тигізеді, сонымен қатар орта және жоғары оқу орын мұғалімдері үшін пайдалы болуы
С созданием Назарбаев Интеллектуальных школ (НИШ) в Казахстане, выдвигаются
новые требования к организации культуры сотрудничества учителей НИШ. Учителям НИШ
необходимо работать в тесном сотрудничестве друг с другом согласно общим ценностям
школы. Тем не менее, учителя НИШ сталкиваются с проблемами в процессе сотрудничества
друг с другом из-за отсутствия понимания культуры взаимодействия. Это исследование
основывается на проблеме организации культуры сотрудничества учителей. Опираясь на
эмпирические данные и научную литературу, настоящее исследование ставит своей целью
изучить, как учителя НИШ, Павлодара понимают культуру сотрудничества; какие факторы
способствуют или препятствуют взаимодействию учителей и как сотрудничество влияет на их
профессиональную практику. Выводы и результаты исследования внесут вклад в литературу
Казахстана и могут быть полезны для учителей средних и высших учебных заведений.
With the establishment of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS) in Kazakhstan, the senior
managers of NIS set up new requirements for organizational culture teachers’ communities. NIS
teachers are expected to work in close collaboration with shared values in social cohesion. However,
NIS teachers face challenges in cooperating with each other and they run headlong into conflicts
due to the lack of collaborative culture. This research draws on the issues of organizational theory to
examine teacher communities and teacher collaboration. Drawing on empirical evidence and relevant
literature, this research aims to study how teachers of NIS Pavlodar perceive collaborative culture;
what factors enhance and inhibit teachers’ collaboration and influence on their practice. Findings
from the research fill the existing gap in literature in Kazakhstan and can be useful for secondary and
high educational institutions.
Profound socio-economic and political reforms in the country associated with the transition
from centralized soviet economy to market-based mechanisms lead to an open society, the distinctive
feature of which is the interaction with other countries and peoples. State educational policy aimed at
the modernization of Kazakhstan’s education. Education is considered a priority area in public life,
contributing to the socio-cultural development of the country. Kazakhstan’s integration into the world
educational space does not neglect the issues and the quality of teaching staff, who will solve the
problem of education of the younger generation with an innovative mindset, developed ideological
culture and multicultural awareness. To achieve these objectives the state looks for a teacher with a
creative style of thinking, ability to cope with the demands of the era of intensification and skills to
socialize and collaborate within the working community.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
Collaboration has been regarded as a resolution to the problems in education followed by
benefits relating to the quality of teaching and learning [1, p.175], [2, p.197]. Researchers proposed
that collaboration might be decisive to school development [3]; [4]. Teacher collaboration is not only
frequently regarded concept in educational research and school practice, it has also been developed
as important factor leading to professional enhancement [5].
In this regard, Lima [2. p.2] says that “collaboration is the ideal way to ensure the professional
development of teachers throughout their careers, the excellence of learning for students and the
transformation of schools into authentic learning communities”. Hargreaves defines “collaboration”
is a device to help teachers work together to pursue and review their own purposes as a professional
community [5. p.18].
With the development in educational area in Kazakhstan, construction of new intellectual schools
(NIS) across the country, there have been fundamental changes in the views on the nature and content
of teachers’ cooperation and conditions for their practice enhancement. The school community should
create conditions for effective communication in the field of professional and interpersonal relations.
Studies prove the benefits of collaboration for teachers such as motivation, job satisfaction,
support and the effect on learning community in terms of the sense of identity in the school [6,
p.15]. Teachers benefit both at professional and at personal levels. The surveys stressed personal
recognition and visibility of teachers’ work. At the same time teachers experience challenges in terms
of individualistic professional cultures, undertaking new experiences and monitoring their students’
skills development. The impact of collaboration is reflected in school atmosphere, relationships
between teachers and parents. School teachers share experience, make joint planning, participate in
group lesson studies and have formal department and parents meetings.
It is argued that collaboration can take different forms and contribute to different agendas, not
all of which can be positively valued. Furthermore with the introduction of the collaboration notion
there appeared a lot of negative judgments about teacher autonomy. But at the same time there is
no balanced view on collaboration versus autonomy among school teachers. Properly interpretation
and measuring collaboration can only be reached by taking into consideration the organizational
context of the school (State Education Development Programme of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
2011-2020). In the this way, professional learning communities in schools -in which collaboration
is expected to take a major role - ought to be believed of not so much as structural arrangements,
but rather as cultural and political environments aimed at allowing those forms of collaboration to
contribute to pupils’ learning, teacher development and school [7, p.209].
The process of collaboration lies in the responsibilities of the whole school system including
the heads and the teachers. Moreover, it can happen despite of all challenges and barriers inside and
outside themselves [8]. But the modern educational process is still traditional in most of the schools
and those existing conditions and approaches do not promote the collaborative culture of teachers.
The practice shows that these blocked ways of developing collaborative culture of the teachers have
a great impact on the effectiveness of learning and teaching as well. The belief of placing the initial
actions on the personnel and the heads forwarded me to get into underlying issues.
Research problem
In collaborative settings teachers can share experiences, find valuable discussions and receive
relevant feedback from colleagues, parents or students [9, p.4]. NIS policy regards collaboration
as an important framework for teachers’ professional development. The need to promote teachers’
professional development through formal activities directed to implementation of an obligatory
CEP-FORUM for all teachers. It is like an umbrella which joins teachers to serve them as a leading
resource. CEP focuses on identifying effective practices and provides a platform for its exchange.
However, following Flores [6, p.20], issues of school management have been defined as the main
hindering factors influencing teachers’ collaboration development. Collaboration should be based
on trust among teachers and administrators [6, p.20]. Thus, there is lack of qualitative studies in
Kazakhstan on teacher collaboration and various factors that enhance or inhibit teacher collaboration.
NIS creates different working conditions which should affect teachers’ ways of reflecting
on their teaching and learning practices. Various forms of formal and informal collaboration have
its implications for teachers’ work and professional development opportunities [4]. In the context
of formal and informal interaction NIS teachers are in one line with Little’s categories [1, p.177]
varying from telling stories and department meetings. However, as mentioned by Little [1, p.176]
and Hargreaves [5, p.212], different forms of collaboration and collegiality do not always affect
changes in teachers’ practice. Teachers are not encouraged to reflect on their practice and to question
themselves how they can use new ideas. Teachers gain more analytical and creative energy [5, p. 214]
from interacting with each other, but it is not revealed what factors facilitate collaboration and how it
helps to be more productive in the classroom.
The main goal of the research
The shortage of relevant studies made me to contribute to current existing literature about
teachers’ perception of collaborative culture at school and present ideas of enhancing and inhibiting
factors. The purpose of this qualitative research is to explore the NIS teachers’ perception of
collaborative culture and its effect on their practice. To explore the above aspects, the following
research questions are employed:
Main Research question: How do NIS teachers perceive collaborative culture in the school
and its effect on their practice?
Subsidiary research questions:
• What is NIS teachers’ perception of collaborative culture in the school?
• What are the NIS teachers’ perceptions on the factors that inhibit collaborative culture at
• What are the NIS teachers’ perceptions on the factors that enhance collaborative culture at
• What is NIS teachers’ perception of effect of collaborative culture on their practice?
Significance of the study
This study is significant since it seeks to find out the perceptions of teachers’ collaborative
culture and gives participants an opportunity to express their ideas and feelings on the factors that
inhibit and enhance their practice. This will benefit me as a researcher to comprehend the influence
of teachers’ interaction on their professional practice. In addition, the amount of research relating
to teachers’ collaborative culture is not extensive in Kazakhstan. This study will contribute to the
literature and discussions of teachers’ collaboration and what factors influence teachers’ practice.
In my research I used qualitative research method. This qualitative design helped me to explore
the participants’ perception of collaborative culture at a particular school in Pavlodar, their views on
the influence of collaboration on the professional practice. I used maximal variation sampling within
purposeful sampling to understand the influence of collaborative culture on the NIS teachers’ practice.
This method allows me to receive opinions of people who can speak from different perspectives.
I selected seven teachers of different subjects who have already an experience working in NIS
and who have just started working in this academic year. They were of different age, nationalities
and professional background. I also interviewed one school administrator, Vice Principal for External
Affairs. To collect data on teacher collaboration, two main data collection tools were used: semi-
structured interviews and observation. All ethical considerations and procedures were implemented
in this study. All of the procedures considering ethical norms were conducted before this study in
compliance with the requirements of the research. It was important to check with research committee
in order to exclude any risks and negative impacts of the study to participants, sending official request
letter to the school, receiving permissions to do research, and sharing informed consent forms with
participants to provide them with their rights and benefits.
The main results of the research
I examined and interpreted the data from my study of teachers’ perception of collaborative
culture in school. I found out a lot of findings which I consider important for answering my research
questions. The most relevant are the following:
1. Collaborative culture in school is young, diverse and hard to build;
2. Teachers in school mostly collaborate within one department;
3. Teachers feel more comfortable to address those whom they know more or whom they trust;
4. Formal types of collaboration are integrated lessons, peer-observation, mentoring and
coaching, trainings and workshops, business trips, school projects, Lesson Study, Problem
Based Learning and School of the Young Teacher;
5. Informal types of collaboration are unofficial meetings, conversations during lunch breaks,
interactions in the staff room and on the way to school;
6. Benefits of teachers’ collaboration are encouraging atmosphere in school, studying from
each other, enormous effect on students in terms of correct classroom instructions, good
discipline and order, development of the language (Kazakh or English);
7. Challenges of teachers’ collaboration are individual characteristics of a teacher, teachers’
purposeful distraction from others - psychological isolation, intensification at work, ability
to speak Kazakh or English, different perspectives on the topic or teaching;
8. Factors enhancing collaboration in school are personal combinability of teachers, if teachers
are united by subject they teach, school architecture, everyone’ contribution;
9. Factors impeding collaboration are the level of anxiety in school; teachers are overloaded
and have no time to collaborate; individual characteristics of a teacher: differences in
perspectives: experience, culture and language; the imposed way of collaboration;
10. Collaboration influences teachers’ practice in exchanging of experience, it is important for
their personal and professional development, it helps get known people better.
Findings and evidences from literature demonstrate that NIS school culture is young and long
way to build; however, any learning community should provide conditions for collaboration among
the staff. Teachers experience certain types of collaboration like Individualism, Balkanization and
Contrived Collegiality. School creates conditions for collaboration by offering a range of projects
and events; however, teachers find this approach mandatory and they interact more with people they
know. Though findings show that teachers perceive school culture at the very initial stage, they do
realize factors which enhance collaboration in school. In spite of this, teachers face a lot of challenges
in creating partnership with colleagues. Finally, teachers’ perception of collaboration on their practice
refers to professional growth and academic improvements.
I can assume that effect of collaboration on teachers’ practices is enormous. The results of the
study show many factors which enhance and impede collaboration in school. School administrators
should take into account all these factors and design further steps of collaborative culture development.
The expected benefit for teachers is that they will contribute to the research about collaboration
culture at school and could reflect on their professional practice.
Implications of the study for me as a researcher:
• Gained understanding of teacher collaboration at NIS, Pavlodar, which will help me in my
work as a teacher, educator and researcher;
• Conduct more research on teacher collaboration by using Action Research (e.g. to conduct a
study on correlation of teacher collaboration and intensification or reasons of interpersonal
barriers for collaboration).
Implications for school administrators:
• School administrators may explore more effective ways of promoting teacher collaboration;
• They may engage teachers in developing school mission of establishing collaborative
culture and in the learning process together with students;
• PLC rather than divided group culture (like CLIL communities, long-term planning at the
school level or “sharing” events within the departments and school);
• To share responsibilities with the school departments to make common decisions and create
the atmosphere of support which promotes understanding and relational factors among the
school members.
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