Обзоры литературы
Клиническая медицина
Обзоры литературы
V. P. Riklefs, A. S. Bukeyeva, A. M. Kasatova, N. K. Omarbekova
Karaganda state medical university (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)
The review analyses the training process of healthcare specialists to create a model, addressing the elements,
interconnections, and properties of educational environment and factors influencing curriculum outcomes. It presents
the evidence for the role of individual cognitive processes in medical training. The generalized model includes both
individual psycho-physiological characteristics of learners and curricular factors. After experimental verification of the
model, certain intervention strategies could be suggested to improve the efficiency of medical education.
Key words:
medical education, curriculum, model, stress, cognitive load theory
В. П. Риклефс, А. С. Букеева, А. М. Касатова, Н. К. Омарбекова
Қарағанды мемлекеттік медицина университеті (Қарағанды, Казахстан)
Шолуда денсаулық сақтау саласында маманды дайындау үдерісінің талдауы модель түрінде , модель эле-
менттерінің сипаттамасы және олардың арасындағы байланысы, қызмет істеу шаралары және қорытынды
нәтижеге әсер ететін факторлар
түрінде ұсынылған. Оқытудағы индивидуалды конгнитивті үдерістер
ролдерінің маңыздылығы негізделген. Жалпыланған модель
білім алушының психофизиологиялық мінездемесін
және білім беру бағдарламасының ерекшеліктері
ескере отырып, эксперименталды растаудан кейін
медициналық білім берудің тиімділігін арттыру бойынша мәселелерді шешу мақсатында қолданылуы мүмкін.
Кілт сөздер:
медициналық білім беру, білім беру бағдарламалары, модель, күйзеліс, конгнитивті
жүктеменің теориясы
Медицина и экология, 2016, 3
Клиническая медицина
Обзоры литературы
The President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev in his Address to
people of Kazakhstan from November 30, 2015
«Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth,
reform and development», emphasized and
singled out the «Plan of the Nation. One hundred
concrete steps to implement the 5 institutional
reforms» [14]. Removing the administrative
barriers for small and medium-sized businesses,
improving public administration, education and
health. All these measures would also give a
margin of safety to the state, society and our
economy. The basis of the state social policy and
a major scientific challenge facing the health care
system is to increase the life expectancy of the
population of the Republic of Kazakhstan to 73
years; reducing maternal mortality rate to 10.5
per 100 thousand live births.; reduction of infant
mortality to 9.11 per 1000 live births; reduction in
overall mortality to 6.3 per 1,000. That is
reflected in the «Densaulyk» State Healthcare
Development Program of Kazakhstan for 2016-
2020 [5].
Issues of protection and promotion of
workers' health are one of the priority areas as
occupational health and medicine, and public
health in general. The problems are numerous,
they are affected with health issues of legal, so-
cial, economic and many other aspects. The lead-
ing place in the vast system of therapeutic and
preventive measures, including new technical
solutions, takes the prevention of occupational
and production-caused disease.
The occupational health for many years
prevailed next paradigm, based on the MAC and
the remote control in a bid to mandatory compli-
ance in the workplace, thus ensuring the preser-
vation of health warranty. However, non-
compliance with these rules made it necessary to
assess the consequences of their excess, deter-
mine the tactics of prevention and social protec-
tion measures are working in adverse conditions
[12]. The solution to these problems has been
made possible with the development of new the-
ories, among which was the progressive assess-
ment and management of occupational hazard.
The risk assessment pay great attention to the
quantitative assessment of health damage for
selecting the most effective risk management
measures, i. e. prevention. Under the occupation-
al hazard should understand probability of dam-
age (loss) of health or death associated with the
use of duties under an employment agreement
(contract) and in other cases prescribed by law
[4, 23, 36, 38].
Currently, the concept of occupational risk
assessment in the world is seen as the main
mechanism study, the design and selection of
priority implementation of management decisions
to preserve the health of the working population,
which is especially important for large-scale in-
dustrial enterprises [34].
The risk assessment results of the planned
set of measures: organizational, legal, financial,
economic, industrial, technological, social, health,
sanitation and hygiene, as well as conducting
UDС 613.6:614.2
А.K. Izdenov
, B. Serik
Department of food hygiene, general hygiene and ecology of Karaganda state medical university
(Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan),
Department of public health №1 of Karaganda state medical university
(Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Over the past decade, developed the concept of occupational risk of health damage working in adverse working
conditions, carried out extensive testing of hygienic and medical-statistical criteria for evaluating occupational risks in
leading industries. However, information about the risks of production in the mining industry, including the production
of chrysotile and in agriculture occur in rare publications. However, information about the risks of production in the
mining industry, including the production of chrysotile and in agriculture occur in rare publications. In addition, to
evaluate the occupational risks of ill health of the mining and agricultural industries workers are not used industrial
safety indicators. Thus, analysis of the literature showed that in the last decade attention of specialists of occupational
medicine and related areas of knowledge attracts asbestos production and machine operators working conditions.
Impact factors of production of chrysotile and agriculture on the health of workers are found in few publications in the
Republic of Kazakhstan and the failure is currently growing.
health, mining, production risks, agriculture
Клиническая медицина
Обзоры литературы
research projects aimed at minimizing the ad-
verse effects of the factors of production and the
labor process.
At first glance, it would seem, in compli-
ance with established standards and require-
ments to the work environment should not occur
diseases or abnormalities in the health status of
working personnel. But we can not ignore such "it
is difficult to take into account" factors such as
individual sensitivity or adaptation to the particu-
lar production environment.
Undoubtedly medical and social importance
and a professional risk indicators can serve as
criteria harmless working conditions, namely, the
preservation of life, health, functional abilities of
the body, life expectancy and health of future
generations [6, 24]. For practical application of
criteria of professional risk assessment indicators
can be ranked in descending order of their medi-
cal and social significance:
- the risk of fatal injury (absolute criterion -
the loss of seniority up to 6000 man-days);
- the risk of injury, the estimated product
of the frequency coefficients and severity of acci-
dents at work;
- the risk of occupational disease, as meas-
ured by integral indicators (eg, the index of occu-
pational diseases);
- the risk of professionally induced diseas-
es, ie, multifactorial etiology of diseases related
to work, manifested by increased levels of com-
mon, often chronic diseases, revealed the results
of periodic medical examinations;
- the risk to life and health of workers us-
ing PPE due to adverse effects;
- the risk to life and health from the effects
of harmful and hazardous factors of working envi-
ronment and labor process factors evaluated for
hygienic criteria based on the results of certifica-
tion of workplaces;
- conditional occupational hazard class and
the insurance branch ratio in the system of com-
pulsory social insurance against industrial acci-
dents and occupational diseases [29].
The impact of occupational factors on
workers can manifest development of occupation-
al diseases, increasing common chronic diseases,
decreasing life expectancy, especially in the work-
ing age, early aging, increased mortality, espe-
cially when high degrees of hazard working con-
ditions. As for the latter indicators, according to
the authors, their development is time consuming
and requires a certain skill, because they have no
formal reporting forms in terms of identifying the
impact of working conditions. Currently, work is
underway on the development of standards for
early diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation of
occupational-caused diseases [14, 15].
As a result of scientific and technical pro-
gress, changes in the social and demographic
situation in the country, national projects, the
study of working conditions in various industries
have regained their relevance. Analysis of the
literature showed that most of the data on work-
ing conditions in the agricultural industry research
relate to the socialist period and require objective
scientific development on the basis of the theory
and methodology of professional risk [1, 27].
One of the leaders in the industry takes
agricultural production. Profession tractor drivers
of agricultural production (mechanic) at the
moment, despite the downsizing of employees
and fleet is one of the major and most abundant
in the agricultural sector of the Republic of
Kazakhstan and the member countries of the
Customs Union (Belarus, Russian Federation).
Because of the imperfections of the exploited
agricultural machinery for most of the parameters
that determine the state of working conditions, it
is not only moral, but also physical deterioration
of machine operators are exposed to the complex
unfavorable factors, among which are the
defining low-frequency overall and intermediate-
frequency local vibration, forced working posture
with considerable physical and static muscle
tension against the backdrop of unfavorable
climate, increased levels of dust and noise.
Exposure to harmful factors of working conditions
can lead to functional impairment in activities of
individual organs and systems of the body
mechanics, reduced adaptive capacity and the
development of pre-morbid and pathological
professionally caused and occupational diseases.
The objective of occupational diseases in
agriculture in Kazakhstan are absent. Suffice it to
say that among the employees of the village over
the last decade did not reveal a single case of
occupational diseases.
Workers in all sectors of the economy are
often under the influence of environment factors
(high or low temperature, chemicals, noise, vibra-
tion, electromagnetic radiation, etc.), are influenced
by the factors of the labor process (heavy lifting,
awkward working posture, eye strain , attention,
neuro-emotional stress, etc.). These factors in de-
termining the severity and duration of exposure
may have adverse effects on the body working on
specific functions and even lead to professional and
occupational-caused diseases [16].
Labour activity agricultural workers takes
place in unfavorable microclimate, the complex pa-
Медицина и экология, 2016, 3
Клиническая медицина
Обзоры литературы
rameters which in combination with physical activity
causes overheating or overcooling of the organism,
which is a risk factor, as the deterioration of the
body and the development of pathology.
The heating microclimate is one of the ma-
jor negative factors working environment, includ-
ing a modern agricultural sector, and has a nega-
tive impact on workers' health [2].
Encountered when using the heating medi-
um tension activities of the various functions of
the human body systems providing temperature
homeostasis, accompanied not only by the deteri-
oration of health, reduction of efficiency and
productivity, but it can lead to health problems,
including due to the increase of injury, as indicat-
ed by the results research number of authors [7].
Agriculture is of great importance in the
economy. He is one of the major economic com-
plexes that determine the conditions for the
maintenance of society. Its importance is not only
to ensure the needs of people for food, but that it
is a significant impact on employment and the
efficiency of the national production. About 30%
of branches of an economic complex is included
in the reproduction due to the agricultural sector.
From agricultural raw materials produced approx-
imately 70% of the entire set of domestically pro-
duced commodities [13].
All of this is relevant to the conditions of
modern production of asbestos-date remains the
problem of occupational diseases of respiratory
system in workers having contact with him. The
term «asbestos» combines a number of natural
fibrous materials differing composition, crystal
structure, physico-chemical properties, as well as
the peculiarities of biological effects on the
human body. In mineralogical signs of asbestos is
classified into two main groups − serpentine and
amphibole. The first group include chrysotile
asbestos, in the second − blue asbestos
(crocidolite, amosite, anthophylite, tremolite and
actinolite). Essentially two different mineral. The
fibers of chrysotile asbestos are soluble in the
acid environment of the lung, acid-amphibole
asbestos getting into the human lungs and can
be accumulated in them throughout life [19, 21,
22, 32, 35].
In the world literature there is increasing
evidence that chrysotile asbestos is a little ag-
gressive and controlled application may be safer
for humans than its synthetic substitutes [28].
The decision to replace asbestos with other
natural and artificial fiber materials based on in-
complete information, and for the most part dic-
tated by commercial considerations, is unreason-
able, that may lead to other diseases with long
latency periods, including – malignant. Byway
artificial mineral fiber must be used with the
same degree of control as the asbestos minerals,
is no confidence in their security [31].
Modern research suggests that heavy Asbes-
tos-induced lung disease can only be called amphi-
bole asbestos, which are biologically more aggres-
sive compared to chrysotile. In accordance with the
basic provisions of the Convention number 162 of
the ILO, it was forbidden the use of amphibole as-
bestos and to chrysotile was developed by order of
the controlled application. In Russia, produces and
applies only chrysotile asbestos. Many years of ex-
perience in medical surveillance of workers in all
enterprises, «asbestos» industry has shown that
prolonged exposure to inhalation of asbestos-
containing dust at concentrations much higher than
the current MPC, there is a risk of asbestos-related
diseases bronchopulmonary system: professional
bronchitis, asbestosis, lung cancer and pleural le-
sions [20, 33, 37, 40].
The results of the research of the three
leading toxicological laboratories in Switzerland,
Germany and the United States show that the
half-life light cleaning of chrysotile fibers, i. e. the
number of days required to remove 50% of the
fibers remaining in the lungs after the end of the
exposure period is approximately 14 days. For
comparison, the half-life of amphibole asbestos
(amosite) is about 466 days, which is the main
evidence that amphiboles are more dangerous
than chrysotile. For this reason, amphibole asbes-
tos was banned for use in the world of ILO Con-
vention 162 on asbestos of 1986 y. [9, 30, 39].
Republic of Kazakhstan has developed a
production complex for the extraction and enrich-
ment of chrysotile asbestos ore. Chrysotile asbes-
tos is used in Kazakhstan for more than 40 years,
its production is produced JSC «Kostanay miner-
als» that lead to the production Zhetykara field.
The scale of chrysotile asbestos reserves
Zhetykara field ranks 5th in the world and is cur-
rently the production capacity of JSC «Kostanay
minerals» to develop chrysotile asbestos is 400
ths. tonnes in year [10, 17].
It should be noted the rapid rise in recent
years, the number of developments in risk as-
sessment and management in occupational medi-
cine [8, 11].
Summarizing the above data, it should be
noted that during the decade last thing developed
the concept of occupational risk injury working in
adverse working conditions, carried out broad
testing hygienic and medical-statistical criteria for
evaluating occupational risks in leading industries.
At the same time, information about the risks of
Клиническая медицина
Обзоры литературы
production in the mining industry, including in the
production of chrysotile and agriculture are found
in a few publications. In addition, to evaluate the
occupational risks of ill health of the mining and
agricultural industries workers are not used in-
dustrial safety indicators. In this connection, we
have studied occupational risks in modern pro-
duction related to high-risk facilities.
The study of occupational risks operating
under the influence of various factors of produc-
tion environment and labor process and morbidity
risks as the working population, and the popula-
tion living near large industrial centers is relevant
and requires further study.
Thus, analysis of the literature showed that
in the last decade attention of specialists of occu-
pational medicine and related areas of knowledge
attracts asbestos production and machine opera-
tors working conditions. Impact factors of pro-
duction of chrysotile and agriculture on the health
of workers are found in few publications in the
Republic of Kazakhstan and the failure is current-
ly growing.
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