Xxii республикалық студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың ғылыми конференция материалдары

The role of the game in the learning process

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The role of the game in the learning process
I would like to highlight the purpose of using games in foreign language lessons. There 
are six main goals: 
1. the formation of certain skills; 
2. the development of certain speech skills; 
3. learning to communicate; 
4. development of the necessary abilities and mental functions; 
5. cognition (in the sphere of the formation of the language itself); 
6. memorization of speech material. [3] 
The game is important for personal development also because during the course of its 
development a lesson situation is created in which the student involved in the competition really 
wants to help his team, tries to find the right answer, is active. As experience shows, such 
situations allow one to express oneself not only to strong but also weak students. Very often, 
students who are not distinguished by good performance can show themselves here from a 
completely different perspective and become active participants in the game, contribute to the 
victory of their team. Using games from this point of view can be an important success factor for 
weak children, arouse their interest in the subject, and become the basis for their subsequent 
success in studying it. 

But the specifics of the game, how exactly M.N. Skatkin, is that “learning tasks appear 
before a child not in an explicit form, but disguised. While playing, the child does not set a 
learning task, but as a result of the game he learns something. ” There is no need or reason to set 
a goal - to rest, to switch: the nature of the game as such will do its work. As an experience of 
teachers and theorists shows, one of the effective methods of teaching, the use of which makes a 
foreign language a favorite subject of schoolchildren.[3] 
Classification of educational games in a foreign language
In addition to defining the role of games in the learning process, it is important to know 
their varieties. S.V. Kulnevich and T.P. Lakotsenina offer the following classification of games: 

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