Ключевые слова: «Адебиет таныткыш», искусство слов, просвещение, рифма, воспитание, знание.
Summary M.S. Kydyrbay – 1
course on specialty: 6M011700-
kazakh language and literature
Scientific supervisor: R.B. Borash –
Senior lecturer
hair of teaching philological disciplines
KazNPU named after Abay,
Scientific and pedagogical foundation of labor of the A.Baitursynov - Adebiyet tanytkysh The literary point of view and critical look of author's appearance, depth and accuracy of thoughts of the work
"Adebiyet tanytkysh" are proved and opened in this article. The article says that this work will never lose importance
and truly valuable. The main categories and terms using in the science of literary criticism, many true comparisons,
meanings in the Kazakh language a very precise and accurate, and firstly given in this research. We must recognize and
take into account the fact that A.Baitursynuly is genius and sage in making language terms. The more we do research
the pedagogical heritage of researcher the more we see that he was a special person. Our age is changes year after year
but his expensive legacy which he hold down their treasures. He contributed to the development of national culture and
art, his pedagogical opinions so far may produce a new research-scientific work. As, historical development of
pedogogical thoughts and views in the beginning of XX century and historical meaning of their links have an important
role in the upbringing of the new generation. The book "Adebiyet Tanytkysh" is a unique research, which will show the
right way and methods for the researchers of Literature, teachers, students. The article thoroughly speaks about the
educational role of the work, written by the scholar, which is a rare manual for the future specialists.
Keywords: "Adebiyet Tanytkysh", art of words, inlightening, rhyme, education, knowledge.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 1 (55), 2016 ж.