Пайдаланған әдебиеттер:
1 "Болашақтың іргесін бірге қалаймыз!" Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті
Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы. Астана 29 Қаңтар 2011;
2 Әбділманова
3 Интернет ресурс http://englishkazakh.translate.ua/ru сөздігі;
4 Кристенсеннің
5 Ильина О.К. Использование кейсметода в практике преподавания английского
языка / О.К. Ильина // Лингвострановедение: методы анализа, технология
обучения. Шестой межвузовский семинар по лингвострановедению. Языки в
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7 Долгоруков А. Метод casestudy как современная технология профессионально
8 Юрий СурминЧто такое кейсметод? Взгляд теоретика и практика.интернет
9 Барнс Л.Б., Кристенсен К.Р., Хансен Э.Дж. Преподавание и метод конкретных
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11 Ергешова Н.Дж. Кейсовые технологии формирования лингвокультурологической
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12 Наурзбекова А.Қ. Кейс технологиясы негізінде студенттердің мəдениетаралық
13 Құнанбаева С.С. «Қазіргі шет тілдік білім берудің теориясы мен практикасы».
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14 Хуторский А.В. ключевые компетенции и образовательные стандарты// интернет
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15 Зимняя И.А. Ключевые компетенции новая парадигма результата образования//
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17 PISA, TIMSS зерттеулерінің тапсырмалары негізінде оқушылардың математикалық
сауаттылығын дамыту Әдістемелік құрал http://nao.kz/files/blogs/1425288927245.pdf
УДК 378.02:37.016
Shauketova A.
post-graduate student of SDU, Almaty, Kazakhstan
e-mail: a_s_e_l_94@mail.ru
Abstract. The present work dedicates the description of word positions in Kazakh and
English simple negative sentences and the potential interference, which may be caused by some
structural differences, existing in both languages. Kazakh language identified as agglutinative
type of language which uses a large amount of affixes one after another and builds new meaning
words. But English language identified as inflecting language which has a variety of synthetic
language in which a word takes various forms, most usually by the addition of suffixes, which
show its role in the sentences. Thus, due to the specific word order Kazakh simple sentence has
some features, differing sharply from the English word order. It is well known that foreign
language acquisition technique deals with the difficulties which speaker use foreign language
(English) with mother tongue (Kazakh) influence. People naturally learn unfamiliar things in the
way of comparing with the things that is familiar.
Key words: interference, Negative sentence, Contrastive analysis, word order Definition
of key words.
Interference those instances of deviation from the norms of either language which occur
in the speech of bilingual as a result of their familiarity with more than one language, as a
result of language contact, will be referred to as interference phenomenon. (Weinreich)
Negative sentence declarative sentence that has a negative meaning.
Contrastive analysis it is a type of comparison of two languages in the way of paying
attention to differences and similarities between languages being compared.
This study studies the interference of EnglishKazakh language in the sphere of negative
sentences. Identifying new things by comparing with wellknown or familiar things is human’s
natural quality. As Weinreich mentioned, the rearrangement of patterns that result from the
introduction of foreign elements into the more highly structured domains of language. [1]
Learner language is the written or spoken language produced by a learner. It is also the
main type of data used in secondlanguage acquisition research. Much research in second
language acquisition is concerned with the internal representations of a language in the mind of
the learner, and in how those representations change over time. It is not yet possible to inspect
these representations directly with brain scans or similar techniques, so SLA researchers are
forced to make inferences about these rules from learners' speech or writing. [2] The role of
mother tongue in second language learning has been the subject of much debate and controversy.
Most teachers feel that the use of L1 should be minimized and they feel guilty if they use it a lot.
When challenged they find it difficult to say why. Against the use of L1, it is the general
assumption that English should be learned through English, just as you learn your mother tongue
using your mother tongue. But the idea that the learner should learn English like a native speaker
does, or tries to 'think in English', is an inappropriate and unachievable thought. The role of
mother tongue in teaching and learning of English has been discussed in literature. The influence
of mother tongue is proved both positive and negative in teaching and learning of English. A
learner's L1 is an important determinant of Second Language Acquisition. The L1 is a resource
which learners use both consciously and subconsciously to help them arrange and rearrange the
L2 data in the input and to perform as best as they can.The cultural features connected with L1
use can be put to good effect when teaching L2. Second language acquisition is a developmental
process; L1 can be a contributing factor to it. This paper makes an attempt to understand the role
of L1 in the teaching and learning of English and also reports on different methods, classroom
management and some activities that could help them in learning English.[3]
Negative sentence in English Language
In most cases a negative meaning is given to a verb by adding the negative verbal particle
not. In some cases, not is replaced by never. “Not" (sometimes shortened to n't) normally
follows the principal auxiliary or modalverb in a verbal structure. In the few cases where there is
no auxiuliary or modal (present simple or past simple affirmative tenses), it follows to a
reconstituted auxiliary, do or did. The choice between not and n't is a matter of style. Not is
generally preferred in written English, n't in spoken English.
He lives in London / He does not live in London
I can see you / I cannot see you / I can't see you
I like those photos / I don't like any of those photos
The man lost all his money / The man did not lose all his money
I should eat (some) more chocolate / I shouldn't eat (any) more chocolate.
You ought to have gone home / You ought not to have gone home.
I may be able to finish in time / I may not be able to finish in time.
" Never" is used in the same way as not, except when the verb is in the simple present or simple
past tense. With never, there is no need to add a missing auxiliary using a form ofdo.
He plays tennis / He never plays tennis.
I saw the Queen yesterday / I never saw the Queen yesterday.
I've been to London . / I' ve never been to London.
You should eat a lot of chocolate / You should never eat a lot of chocolate.
You ought to have done that / You ought never to have finished that.
I may be able to finish this. / I may never be able to finish this.
Less frequently, a negative meaning may be implied by attaching a negative particle to a
noun group, either the subject or the direct object of a sentence. In this case, the negative particle
that is used is no. No is sometimes combined with one, -thing, -where, etc. to make negative
indefinite pronouns, noone, nobody, nothing, nowhere, etc.
Trees grow on the moon / No trees grow on the moon.
I can see someone / I cannot see anyone / I can see noone.
The man lost time / The man lost no time
I should eat more chocolate / I should eat no more chocolate.
There's something in that box / There's nothing in that box.
The riders were able to finish the race/ No riders were able to finish the race.
" None of" is used in the same way as no, except that it is followed by a definite article or another
The riders were able to finish the race/ None of the riders were able to finish the race.
Your shoes are clean / None of your shoes are clean.
I like those photos / I like none of those photos.
Did you eat some chocolates? / Did you eat none of the chocolates ?
It is also possible to add a negative meaning to a sentence, by including an adverb phrase with a
negative meaning. The most common group of negative adverbial phrases are formed using the
word without, or a preposition followed by no.
You can have some whiskey / You can do without whisky.
He's walking with a stick / He's walking with no stick
He did it for a good reason / He did it for no reason at all.
I want you to do it with me / I want you to do it without me.
"Neither" and "nor" are used to link a pair of negative pronouncements. Nor can be used by
itself to introduce the second of a pair of negative statements, even if a normal " not" structure is
used in the first one. Neither and nor can be attached to verbs, or to nouns (subjects or objects),
or even to prepositional phrases.
When nor introduces a second main clause, the subject and the auxiliary or modal are
He neitherlooks like a gentleman, nortalks like a gentleman
I can neithersee it norhear it.
I didn't agreewithwhathesaid. Nordid I believehim.
I haven't eatenforthreedays; norhave I slept.
They can't findtheproblem; norcan theyexplainwhyithappened.
I like neitheryourappearancenoryourattitude.
NeitherthePresidentnorthePrimeministerwas (were) present.
I couldconvincehim neitherwithmyargumentsnorwithmywarnings.
Youshouldwashthisin water, but neitherwithsoapnorwithdetergent.
An affirmative statement can be turned into a negative statement by adding a negative prefix or
suffix to an appropriate adjective.
This is possible > This is impossible.
You are being very cooperative > You are being very uncooperative.
The border guards were friendly > The border guards were unfriendly.
I'm very pleased with my results > I'm very displeased with my results.
He's being very sensible > He's being very senseless. [4]
The most common negative structure in English is the conjugation of the verb in the negative.
Verbs can be used in the negative by placing 'not' directly after the auxiliary verb in each
The most material about Kazakh negative sentences and negative meaning was written at the
work of Balakeev in “Modern Kazakh Language”[6]. I. Mamanov also left more scientific work
about negative verb structure in sentences in Kazakh languages.
1. The negative verb comes with the complex verb.
2. Adding to the helping verb or with the help of verb “жоқ”
3. The complex verb comes with the help of – ма, ме affixes
Mamanov also identified that negative verb may occur in the way of different part of
speech not only as a verb. It may occur as an adjective but in negative meaning. According to
linguistic scientists negative meaning of adjective comes in following way: not high, not blue,
not deep.
Mother tongue is a first language that we got in our parents. According to Awoniyi,(
1978) argue that mother tongue is defined as the language which a group of people
considered to inhabitants of an area acquired in the early years and which eventually
becomes their natural instrument of thoughts and communication. Correlation of LI and L2 is
significant and both of them influence of language teaching. Mother tongue is crucial problem in
language teaching. But, mother tongue or first language has role important to progress
in second language acquisition. First or home language is particularly important for
the child‘s development of a positive selfconcept and wellbeing. Children who have the
chance to maintain their firth language can extend their cognitive development. New language
acquisition mostly follows this way. As a result of this way linguistic interference takes place
speaker’s everyday language. The mentioned method users might speak or write English
sentences relying on their native (Kazakh) grammar, or might use different expressions that don’t
sound natural.
In our understanding interference is a result of the conflict of two language systems,
when a dominant language system consciously or unconsciously "imposes" its own rules. Taking
into consideration main peculiarities of placing the words in Kazakh and English simple
affirmative sentences, some conclusions can be drawn regarding the instances of potential
interference of Kazakh language into English.
1 How "Mother Tongue Influence" Affects English Learning.
2 Ellis &Barkhuizen 2005, p. 4
3 Role of mother tongue in second language learning.
4 Website and texts © Linguapress.com 20092014
5 esl.about.com/od/Intermediate Verbs
6 Balakayev “The Modern Kazakh Language”, («Қазіргіқазақтілі»)
Тұрымбетова Ж.А.,
Йылдыз А.
ф.ғ.к., ассистент профессор, Сулейман Демирель атындағы университет, Алматы,
Казақстан, e-mail: janagul@yahoo.com
МА., Сулейман Демирель атындағы университет, Алматы, Казақстан
e-mail: sahinayse01@gmail.com
Abstract. Literary texts are very useful tools in teaching Turkish language to foreigners in
an understandable, interesting and positive way. Literary texts generate language love, aesthetic
point of view, and increase for the target language among students. For this reason it is important
to use literary texts in teaching foreign language in order to develop linguistic and personal
skills. While teaching Turkish it is important to use traditional literary texts, such as tales,
proverbs anecdotes because they are interesting and generally are motivational. By using
folkloric works, we are among to measure the impact of such texts in developing cognitive and
linguistic skills of students.
Chosing some of the best of traditional texts of Turkish literature and generating
motivation among students based on the text, and getting correct questions from the students will
increase the success of traditional texts in teaching language.
Key words: Teaching Turkish to foreigners, target culture, language skills, local
Günümüzde ikinci dil/yabancı dil büyük bir önem kazanmıştır. İnsanlar hangi sektörde
çalışıyor olurlarsa olsunlar bir yabancı dil hatta iki bir yabancı dil öğrenme ihtiyacını
duymaktadırlar. Bir yabancı dil bilmenin ayrıcalık olmaktan çıkıp, herkesin sahip olması gereken
bir özellik olduğu günümüzde yabancı dil eğitiminin önemini de artmıştır [1,28].
Çok dillilik ve çok kültürlülüğün giderek önem kazandığı XXI.yüzyılda Kazakistan birçok
dili konuşan çok uyruklu ve çok kültürlü devlet olarak tanınır. Bu nedenle devletin önemli
siyasetlerinden biri dil politikasıdır. Kazakistan’da Yabancı diller arasında en çok tercih edilen
dil Türkçe’dir. Bunda şüphesiz Türkiye'nin uluslararası alanda yükselen değerinin ve ekonomik
göstergelerindeki hızlı gelişmelerinin önemli bir katkısı vardır. İkinci neden ise aynı soydan
gelen kardeş iki halkın dil ve kültürünün temelde bir olduğunu, dolayısıyla dilde ve kültürde bir
çok benzerliklerin bulunduğu bilinmektedir.
Yabancı dil öğretimi kültür öğretimidir. İnsanlar ait oldukları toplumun ve o topluma ait
kültürün kelime ve kavramlarıyla kendilerini ifade ederler. “Yabancı dili öğrenmek bir dünyayı,
yabancı bir kültürü de anlamak, tanımak demektir. Yabancı olanı anlamaya, çözümlemeye
çalışmak ise öğrenciye bilgi ve düşünce zenginliği kazandırarak onun dünyaya bakış ufkunu
genişletir” [2,156]. Bu nedenle yabancılara Türkçe’nin öğretilmesinde Türk kültürünü tanıtan
metinlere ağırlık verilmelidir.
Bireyler,ana dilini ve devamında kültürünü doğup büyüdükleri ülkelerinde
öğrenmektedirler. Bunun yanında bir dil öğrenimi için, o dilin kullanıldığı ülke insanın kültürü,
değer yargıları, yaşamı algılayışları ve ana dil yönden yaklaşımları önem arz eder[3,155].
Kültür denildiği zaman akla güzel sanatlarla birlikte edebiyat da gelmektedir. Edebiyat
metinleri dil öğretiminde yeni kültürü alıcısına tanıtma, farklı duyuş ve düşünce tarzlarının
göstermede vazgeçilmez öğelerden biri olmuştur. Yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminin tarihçesine
bakıldığında, bu konuda ele alınan ilk eser Kaşgarlı Mahmut tarafından yazılmış olan Divanü
Lügati’t Türk eseridir. Bu eserinde Kaşgarlı Mahmut’un Araplara Türkçe öğretirken Türk
kültürüne ait atasözlerinden, destanlardan ve manzum örneklerden faydalanması, yabancı dil
öğretiminde kültürün ve edebiyatın önemini ortaya koymaktadır.
Yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminde dil, kültür ve edebiyat kavramlarından hareketle Türk
Halk Edebiyatı türlerinden seçilen metinlerden yararlanma doğru bir yaklaşım olacaktır. Çünkü
Halk Edebiyatı ürünleri halkın anlayabileceği sade bir dille oluşturulmuştur.
Yabancılara Türkçe öğretiminde atasözleri, deyimler, efsaneler, masallar, fıkralar ve halk
şiirleri gibi folklor ürünlerinden yararlanarak öğrencilerin ilgisini çekme, merak uyandırma ve
kendi kültürleriyle mukayese etme fırsatı oluşur. Yabancı dil öğretiminde öğretilen dilin iyi
anlatılması ve o dilin kültürünü güzel yansıtmak başlıca amaçlardan bir tanesidir. AB’nin 2001
yılını Avrupa Diller yılı olarak kutlaması amaçları arasında dil öğretimi yoluyla kültür bilinci
geliştirilmiş bireyler yetiştirmek vardır[4,71].
Edebiyatın yabancı dil öğretiminde kullanılmasının faydaları yanında edebi tür seçimi ve
uygulanış biçimlerinin de süreç içerisinde etkileri önemlidir. Özünlü
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