Вестник КАСУ
books but also different fragments from audio
books popular among young people (for e.g.:
series of audio books about Harry Potter
which were written by J.K. Rowling). Also,
documentary, educational, classical video
films can be used for training the perception of
English speech by students. Systematic listen-
ing of foreign speech will develop speech
hearing in students and will help adapt to for-
eign speech sounding. Teacher should moti-
vate students to listen to audio recordings or
watching of films at the starting period, i.e. it
is necessary to perform such a material that
would be interesting from one hand and useful
from the other hand.
Thus, “Practical Phonetics” course
trains not only skills of correct English pro-
nunciation and intonation, but develops speech
hearing which is important for proper interpre-
tation of the received speech signal. Also, it
develops necessary articulatory and intonation
skills for adequate encoding of interpreter’s
speech in foreign language. The amount of
hours given for learning this course should be
increased; otherwise a student of “Translation
Studies” will not obtain the skills mentioned
above. Practical phonetics should be intro-
duced in the learning process from the first
year and lasts till the second year of learning.
The scope of tasks should include:
- exercises on transcribing of texts – it
will help a student to remember the pronuncia-
tion of words visually;
- exercises on pronunciation of words –
to train pronunciation skills of a student;
- auding – to train student’s hearing of
foreign speech.
All these exercises will prepare a stu-
dent of “Translation Studies” major for his
future professional activity. Also, Practical
Phonetics should be included into the list of
obligatory disciplines for “Translation Stud-
ies” specialty. If it remains on the list of op-
tional disciplines it may not be included into
the educational course year by year that will
involve the insufficient training of graduate
students of “Translation Studies” major for
1. Arakin, V.D. (1973). Practical Course of
English Language. 1st year. Moscow:
2. Davletova, G.R., Kulmahanova, N.M.,
(2007). “Oral Translation Practice” Disci-
pline Sample Bachelor Program for 050207
“Translation Studies”. Almaty: Kazakh Ab-
lai Khan University of International Rela-
tions and World Languages.
3. Dmitrenko, T.A. (2009). The Methodic of
English Language Teaching in University:
Education Guidance. Moscow: Moscow
Economic-Linguistic Institute.
4. http://v-science.ru/view/215745/.
5. Minyar-Beloruchev, R.K. (1999). How to
Become Interpreter? – Moscow: “Gotika”.
6. Richards, J.C. (2008). Teaching Listening
and Speaking From Theory to Practice.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
7. Sdobnikov, V.V., Petrova, O.V. (2006).
Theory of Translation. Moscow: “Vostok-
8. State Obligatory Educational Standard of
the Republic of Kazakhstan. Higher Profes-
sional Education “Bachelor program”,
050207 “Translation Studies” specialty.
GOSO RK 3.08.277-2006. (2006). Astana:
Ministry of Education and Science of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
УДК 378
Taylakova D.
Definition of Culture
What do we know about intercultural
communicative competence? Before defining
this very term, let’s see what culture is.
Culture is fundamental and a base of all
humanities, this word (and its forms) is widely
used in different contexts (e.g., culture area
(geographical territory where people of the
same culture, language and traditions live);
culture complex, culture conflict, culture abso-
Вестник КАСУ
lute (the norm of an organization which is be-
lieved to be the one right for everyone by
bearers of this culture); cultural affairs, cul-
tural background, cultural attaché, culturally
deprived environment (slums), etc.).
There are a lot of definitions of the
word ‘culture’; it numbers about 500 different
definitions nowadays. Anthropologists Kroe-
ber and Klukhohn divided those definitions
into 6 groups:
1) “Description definitions. They de-
scribe culture as the sum of all human activi-
ties, traditions, and beliefs.
2) Historical definitions. They link cul-
ture to traditions and social heritage of human-
3) Regulatory definitions. They con-
sider culture as the sum of rules that organize
human behavior.
4) Psychological definitions. They de-
scribe culture as the sum of learned behavior’s
forms that arise consequently by man’s cul-
tural adaptation to living conditions.
5) Structural definitions. They interpret
culture as different kinds of models, or unite
system of interrelated phenomena.
6) Genetic definitions. They are based
on culture interpretation as human’s group
adaptation to its environment” [1].
As we can see there are a lot of interpre-
tations of what culture is. It is because culture
is a versatile subject and is studied by many
sciences. For the example several definitions
of the word ‘culture’ will be mentioned below:
- “Culture refers to the cumulative de-
posit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, val-
ues, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion,
notions of time, roles, spatial relations, con-
cepts of the universe, and material objects and
possessions acquired by a group of people in
the course of generations through individual
and group striving.
- A culture is a way of life of a group of
people - the behaviors, beliefs, values, and
symbols that they accept, generally without
thinking about them, and that are passed along
by communication and imitation from one
generation to the next.
- Culture consists of patterns, explicit
and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and
transmitted by symbols, constituting the dis-
tinctive achievement of human groups, includ-
ing their embodiments in artifacts; the essen-
tial core of culture consists of traditional ideas
and especially their attached values; culture
systems may, on the one hand, be considered
as products of action, on the other hand, as
conditioning influences upon further action.
- Culture is the sum of total of the
learned behavior of a group of people that are
generally considered to be the tradition of that
people and are transmitted from generation to
- Culture is symbolic communication.
Some of its symbols include a group's skills,
knowledge, attitudes, values, and motives. The
meanings of the symbols are learned and de-
liberately perpetuated in a society through its
- Culture in its broadest sense is culti-
vated behavior; that is the totality of a person's
learned, accumulated experience which is so-
cially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior
through social learning.
- Culture is communication, communi-
cation is culture.
- The arts and other manifestations of
human intellectual achievement regarded col-
lectively” [2].
Cultural Phenomena
Speaking about culture, there must be
mentioned such phenomena as ‘cultural rela-
tivism’, ‘cultural ethnocentrism’, and ‘cultural
Cultural relativism is about studying
differences in culture among groups and socie-
ties. It is about realizing that different cultural
groups think, feel, and do things in a different
way; and there is no scientific proof that, one
culture is superior, or inferior to another. Peo-
ple of one cultural group must understand and
accept that people of another cultural group
might have another viewpoint and way of act-
Cultural ethnocentrism is, on the other
hand, belief that one’s own culture is superior
to others, and there is only one “right” way to
do things – as according to one’s own culture.
Cultural determinism is a theory saying
that, people are what they learn; beliefs, ideas,
and values people learn determine human na-
ture. There are optimistic and pessimistic ver-
sions of this theory. “Optimists” believe that
human nature is flexible and human being can
choose the way of living. There is no right
Вестник КАСУ
way of being a human.
“Pessimists” believe that human beings
are passive creatures and they have no control
over their culture. They live how they are
meant to live and be they act and do whatever
their culture tells them to do; behavior is be-
yond control.
Culture and Communication
Culture cannot exist alone, without turn-
ing to its past or observing experience of other
cultures. When cultures observe each other’s
experience, they interact. Each culture has its
own system of symbols which was developing
throughout the history. People create symbols
which help and complicate at the same time
understanding other cultures. During the man-
kind’s history there have been created plenty
of behavioral signs without which, any kind of
activity is impossible. It involves human being
into interacting with other people, and culture.
Signs were divided into several groups
depending on the purpose:
1. “Signs copies. They reproduce events
of real life, but are not real life itself.
2. Signs indicators. They give some in-
formation about the subject.
3. Sighs signals. They contain informa-
tion about agreement on subjects that they
give information about.
4. Signs symbols. They give informa-
tion about subject by marking out some of its
5. Language signs.” [1]
Signs do not make any sense when
alone; they must be interrelated with other
signs and be in system.
All signs relate to a culture of a particu-
lar time, and group. Knowledge, habits, tradi-
tions, and signs are taught from generation to
generation. It is important to pass cultural val-
ues from one generation to another; and to
share those values with other cultures, without
it culture will not survive.
Intercultural Communicative Competence
Nowadays people of different cultures
interact with each other more often because of
globalization. People travel more, people
move from one country to another; cultures
clash and mix. People surmount cultural diffi-
culties, cultural differences gradually become
extinct. Culture transformations entail various
opinions and reactions.
It depends on ethnical culture and cul-
tural viewpoint how people of different cul-
tures understand each other and how negotia-
tion can go. Interrelation between two differ-
ent cultures is called “intercultural communi-
cation”. Relationships can be called “intercul-
tural” if people involved in these relationships
are of different cultural backgrounds, and do
not use and involve patterns of one’s own cul-
ture (traditions, viewpoints), but ready to
know another culture’s peculiarities.
Here we come to the notion “compe-
tence”. Competence is:
- “the ability to do something success-
fully or efficiently
- the scope of a person's or group's
knowledge or ability
- a skill or ability” [3]
- “A cluster of related abilities, com-
mitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a
person (or an organization) to act effectively
in a job or situation” [4]
As follows from the above intercultural
communicative competence (often referred as
ICC) is an ability to understand cultures and
communicate with people of other cultures
ICC requires from people to gain
knowledge, attitudes, skills, and critical cul-
tural awareness. There are two kinds of
- knowledge about social groups, and
- knowledge of social and individual in-
knowledge presupposes also
knowledge of cultures in one’s own country.
Lack of this knowledge will lead to communi-
cation failure and conflicts as communication
includes nonverbal way of interacting, tradi-
tions, greeting manners, and so on. This
knowledge can be formed by one’s own ex-
perience, and involves background knowledge
of the world.
Skills, according to Byram, are divided
into two categories:
- ability to interpret event from another
culture, explain it, and relate to one’s own cul-
- ability to get new knowledge of a cul-
ture, and operate it.
Those are also communicative skills
which are the complex of ways to express
Вестник КАСУ
opinion, feelings, and methods to influence the
interlocutor. The one has to be able to express
this knowledge and put into practice effec-
There are must be mentioned language
knowledge, and psychological skills.
Language knowledge helps to under-
stand one’s own and other cultures. Language
clearly shows us differences between cultures
that is why knowing language of another cul-
ture is a very important condition of intercul-
tural competence; it helps to understand cul-
tural peculiarities. The one knowing language
of another culture can easy adapt one’s behav-
ior similar to interlocutors which leads to suc-
cessful intercultural communication and mu-
tual understanding. Not saying that, language
knowledge helps to develop personal qualities
such as tolerance, open-mindedness and readi-
ness to interact with people of other cultures.
Psychological skills or intercultural sen-
sitivity includes abilities communicability
which helps to be involved into psychological
contacts, to form good relationships with inter-
locutors; it also can be characterized by ab-
sence of psychological discomfort, and ten-
But it must be said that, there are not
only personal qualities and talents help to be
intercultural competent. If this gift would be
given by nature, and it was not possible to
learn how to be intercultural competent, a lot
of projects would not happen, and human de-
velopment would be backward.
There are several rules by following
which the one can be successfully intercultural
competent. The rules are:
- be aware of own culture, and nature;
- be patient;
- be attentive to the interlocutor;
- be good listener;
- observe situation;
- do NOT draw hasty conclusion;
- be calm and react calmly to unpredict-
able situations;
- be capable of taking important deci-
- check information;
- think twice;
- have sincere inquisitiveness for new
and desire for learning;
- get more information about another
culture the one interact most with;
- learn other culture’s prospects;
- avoid misunderstandings;
- admit one’s own mistakes;
- find ways to interact and communica-
tive with people of other cultures.
Using this rules will help to manage the
process of intercultural communication, un-
derstand this process in a right way, get new
knowledge and be intercultural competent.
Forming intercultural communicative
competence presupposes readiness to interact
with another system, and is based on mutual
respect. Differences in thinking, acting, and
perceiving must be defined and used in a
proper way.
Intercultural competence is a mean to
successful intercultural interaction. Criteria for
successful intercultural interaction are ability
to have constructive conversation, which in-
cludes good knowledge of a language, good
relationship with interlocutor of another cul-
ture. Intercultural communicative competence
is important quality in nowadays’ life.
1. Грушевицкая Т.Г., Попков В.Д., Садохин
А.П. (2004). Основы межкультурной
коммуникации: Учебник для вузов (Под
ред. А.П. Садохина.) - М.: ЮНИТИ-
2. Hofstede, G. (1997). Cultures and Organi-
zations: Software of the mind. New York:
McGraw Hill. Retrieved from: http:// www.
tamu. edu/faculty/
3. http://www. businessdictionary. com/
4. ABBYY Lingvo X3 ME
5. Krylov A.V. (2012). Intercultural compe-
tence in modern communication. Retrieved
http://www.rae.ru/ forum2012/
6. Lynne Parmenter. (2003). Intercultural
http: //tb. sanseido. co. jp/ english/
newcrown/ pdf/
Вестник КАСУ
УДК 373.167.1: 811.111
Кызыкеева А.Б.
Курс «Теория переводческой записи»
является элективной дисциплиной и изуча-
ется студентами старших курсов специаль-
ности «Переводческое дело». Дисциплина
предполагает ознакомление с основными
принципами и методами «переводческой
скорописи» (термин Р.К. Миньяр - Белору-
чева) и охватывает такие темы как возник-
новение и развитие переводческой скоро-
писи (ПС), основные принципы системы
переводческой записи, символы в системе
краткой записи, классификацию символов
по способу обозначения понятий, класси-
фикацию символов по их главному назна-
чению и т.д.
Работа по дисциплине предполагает
наличие определенного набора знаний и
умений по практическому курсу англий-
ского языка. Студенты должны владеть
английским языком на уровне не ниже В2
по европейской системе уровней, т.е. по-
нимать общее содержание сложных тек-
стов на абстрактные и конкретные темы, в
том числе, узкоспециальные тексты; пони-
мать статьи и сообщения по современной
проблематике, авторы которых занимают
особую позицию или высказывают особую
точку зрения; говорить достаточно быстро
и спонтанно, чтобы постоянно общаться с
носителями языка без особых затруднений
для любой из сторон; уметь делать четкие,
подробные сообщения на различные темы
и излагать свой взгляд на основную про-
блему, показывать преимущество и недос-
татки разных мнений; уметь высказывать
свою точку зрения по поводу того или ино-
го события на английском языке, используя
общепринятую терминологию; уметь рабо-
тать с научной и периодической литерату-
рой для получения необходимой информа-
ции в соответствии с задачами данной дис-
циплины. В ходе изучения дисциплины
большое внимание необходимо уделить
формированию фоновых знаний по рас-
сматриваемым темам.
Целью курса является ознакомление
будущих переводчиков с основными прин-
ципами универсальной переводческой ско-
рописи, а также создание у студентов тео-
ретической и практической базы для фор-
мирования умений и навыков устного пе-
ревода, необходимых в их будущей про-
фессиональной деятельности. Стратегия
обучения переводческой записи нацелена
на выработку быстрой устной межъязыко-
вой трансляции, сосредоточенности, выра-
ботку быстроты реакции, способности пре-
дельно концентрировать внимание и рас-
пределять внимание на несколько задач
Задачи курса «Теория переводческой
записи» следующие:
1) вооружить студентов необходи-
мыми теоретическими знаниями в области
устного перевода;
2) сформировать у студентов умение
сознательно относиться к выбору средств и
приёмов перевода;
3) обеспечить студентов необходи-
мым арсеналом практических навыков и
умений, применяемых в процессе устного
4) пополнить словарный запас и об-
щую эрудицию студентов фоновой инфор-
мацией из области экономики, юриспру-
денции, политики, государственного уст-
ройства, шоу бизнеса, культуры и образо-
5) сформировать у обучающихся са-
мостоятельного логического мышления,
умения быстрого решения поставленных
перед устным переводчиком задач.
В результате изучения курса «Теория
переводческой записи» студенты должны:
1) владеть необходимыми теоретиче-
скими знаниями в области переводческой
2) выбирать подходящий вид устного
перевода (УП) в зависимости от речевого
3) быстро определять основные ин-
формационные блоки, заложенные в тек-
4) выполнять практически различные