Keywords: national tools, abilities, personality, interest, gifted.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
УДК:504.5 (574)
Б.Капанова – Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ,
Қазақстан географиясы ж`не экология кафедрасының аға оқытушысы,
ХХI ғасыр – білім, б`секе ғасыры. Талап қандай болса мамандарда сол талапқа сай болуы тиіс. Білім
заманына білікті, құзіретті педагогтар ауадай қажет. Болашақ жастардың білімге деген біліктілігі арттыру-педа-
гогтардың қолында. Педагог тек алдына келген оқушымен ғана емес,сонымен қатар ата-анамен тығыз байла-
ныста болса, оқушы мен ата-ана қарым-қатынасын нығайту керек. dр баланың зейіні,өмірге деген көзқарасы,
сабаққа деген ынтасы мен үлгерімі `ртүрлі. Ал соны байқап, қолынан келгенше оқушыға көмек көрсетіп,оған
тек қана белгілі бір п`ннің айналасында ғана емес, өмірлік ақыл-т`жірибесімен бөліссе, ол мұғалімнен т`лім-
т`рбие алған оқушы міндеті түрде биік белестерден көрінеді.
«Қазақтың жаны бір, қаны бір жолбасшысы-мұғалім. Еліміздің аз ғана жылдық ояну д`уіріне баға беру үшін
алты алаштың баласы бас қосса,қадірлі орын – мұғалімдікі», - деген Мағжан Жұмабаев.
Түйін сөздер: Категория, теория, т`жірибе, обьектив, дифференция, интеграция, биосфера, модель, талдау.
К.Д.Ушинский айтқандай, «Мұғалім тек өз п`нінен сабақ беріп қана қоймауы керек, сонымен
қатар т`рбиеші адал, `ділетті, шыншыл адам болуы керек». Олай болса, `р мұғалім сабаққа қойған үш
мақсатының үшеуіне де жетіп, білім мен т`рбиені ұштастыруымыз қажет.
* мектепте оқу жылының басында негізгі п`ндер бойынша `р баланың білім деңгейі анықталады.
* сынып жетекші ата-ана, оқушы, п`н мұғалімдерін байланыстырушы ғана емес, қарым-қатынас-
тарын басқарушы,бақылаушы,кеңесші.[1]
Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім туралы» заңында мемлекеттік саясат негізінде ең алғаш рет `р
баланың қабілетіне қарай интеллектуалдық дамуы жеке адамның дарындылығын танысу сияқты
өзекті м`селелер енгізіліп отырғаны белгілі. XXI ғасыр-б`секе ғасыры,бұл б`секеге енжарлықты,
керітартпалықты көтермейді. Еліміз егемендігін алып,өзін бүкіл `лемге мойындата бастаған осы
кезеңде біздің қоғам дарынды,қабілетті, жан-жақты жетілген адамдарды қажет етеді. Сондықтан да
еліміздің білім берудегі ұлттық жүйесі өте қарқынды өзгерістер сатысында тұр. Бүгінгі таңдағы
негізгі мақсат-ұлттық құндылықты `лемдік деңгейге шығаруға қабілетті, өзіндік жеке көзқарасы
қалыптасқан тұлға т`рбиелеу. Ол үшін оқушылардың белсенділігін арттыру, іздемпаздыққа үйрету
ж`не білімді өз бетінше алуы мен қолдана білетін дарын иесін т`рбиелеу керек.
Жас жеткіншектердің бойындағы ерекше қабілеттілікті,дарындылықты тани білу,оның одан `рі
дамуына бағыт-бағдар беру, оны сол бағытта жетелеу-ұстаз парызы.Ұлы ойшыл Плутарх кезінде:
«Көптеген табиғи талант дарынсыз ұстаздардың кесірінен жойылып кетеді. Сондықтан да `рбір ұстаз
бұған жол бермеуі керек», - деген екен. XXI ғасыр – білімділер ғасыры.Сол себептен де білім сапасын
арттыру,оқушылардың дарындылығын айқындап,біліміне, ойлау қабілетіне сай деңгейлеп оқыту,
ғылыми ізденіс қабілеттерін қалыптастыру-`рбір ұстаздың міндеті. XXI ғасырдың жан-жақты зерделі,
дарынды,талантты адамды қалыптастыруда білім беру м`селесі мемлекетіміздің басты назарында.
Осы тұрғыда мұғалімге білім берудің тиімді жолдарын қарастыру,таңдай білу еркіндігі тиіп отыр.
Бастауыш мектеп-бұл оқушы тұлғасы мен сапасының дамуы қуатты жүретін,ерекше құнды, қайта-
ланбас кезеңі. Сондықтан да,бастауыш білім үздіксіз білім берудің алғашқы басқышы,қиын да,қадірлі
жұмыс. Бастауыш мектеп балаға белгілі бір білім ғана беріп қоймай,оны жалпы дамыту,яғни сөйлеу,
оқу, қоршаған ортаға дұрыс көзқарасты болу,жағдайларды обьективті түрде бақылап,талдау жасауға
үйрету,ойын дұрыс айтуға,д`лелдеуге,сөйлеу м`дениетіне үйрету. Дамыта оқытудың басты мақсаты-
баланы оқыта отырып, жалпы дамыту. dрине, бастауыш сынып оқушысының зейіні тұрақсыз, им-
пульсивті, қабылдау мүмкіндіктері `ртүрлі болады. Дегенмен `р баланың бір н`рсеге бейімі болады.
Бейімділік-оянып келе жатқан қабілеттің алғашқы белгісі. Баланың жасырын,тіпті тым терең
жатқан қабілеттерінің көрінуін мүмкіндік жасау тек оқыту үрдісі кезінде үлкендердің басшы-
лығымен жүзеге асады.[2]
Педагогика ғылымы еш н`рсеге бейімі жоқ, қабілетсіз адам болмайды деп д`лелдейді. Сол себепті
балалардың кеңінен өрістете дамытуға тек мектеп қана мақсатты түрде ықпал ете алады. Оқушы-
лардың шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамытуда `р түрлі `діс-т`сілдерді қолдануға болады. Оқушы-
лардың өзіндік жұмыстарының м`н-мағынасын ұйымдастырудың т`сіл-амалдарын бір ғана белгімен
сипаттауға болмайды.Өзіндік жұмыстың ұйымдастырудың негізгі шарттары мыналар:
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
*мұғалімнің нақты тапсырмалар беруі;
*жұмысты орындаудың уақытын белгілеу;
*мұғалімнің басқаруымен оқушылардың өзара байланысы олардың жұмысты өз еркімен орындау. [2]
Оқушылардың өзіндік жұмысы-мұғалімніің қажетті нұсқаулары бойынша оқушының оқу жұмы-
сының жеке дара ж`не ұжымдық түрі. Өзіндік тапсырмаларды орындау барысында оқушылардан
белсенді ойлау талап етілді.Осының н`тижесінде оқушылар өздігінен бақылауды үйренеді,олар да
тапсырылған істі орындаудағы жауапкершілік сенім, еңбексүйгіштік,табандылық,ұйымшылдық,бір-
бірімен деген жолдастық көмек қалыптасады. Өзіндік жұмыыстың негізгі мақсаты оқушылардың
танымдық міндеттерін қалыптастыру, шығармашылық мен қызығушылығын жетілдіру,білімге құш-
тарлығын ояту. Мұғалім сабақта `діс-т`сілдерді пайдалана отырып, балалардың ұсыныс-пікірлерін
еркін айтқызып,ойларын ұштауға ж`не өздеріне деген сенімін арттыруға мүмкіндік туғызып отыру
қажет. dдіс-т`сілдер арқылы өткізген `рбір сабақ оқушылардың ойлануына ж`не қиялына негізделіп
келеді,баланың тереңде жатқан ойын дамытып оларды сөйлеуге үйретеді. Түрлі `дістемелік т`сілдер
пайдалану арқылы қабілеті `ртүрлі балалардың ортасынан қабілеті жоғары баланы іздеп, онымен
жұмыс жасау, оны жан-жақты тануды ойлап, оқушылардың шығармашылық деңгейін бақылап тұру
`рбір мұғалімнің міндеті.[3]
1. Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім туралы»заңы //Алматы 2010.6-б
2. Қазақстан Республикасында 2015 жылға дейінгі білім беруді дамыту тұжырымдамасы// Астана.2004.3-4 б.
3. Краткий словарь иностранных слов//под.ред.О.П.Марасанва М.,1993.318-б
Виды организационной работы классного руководителя и родителей
Капанова Б.К. - старший преподаватель,
Казахский Государственный Национальный университет им.Абая
Статья через междисциплинарного экологического образования в системе образования и научных исследо-
ваний. В настоящее время быстрое развитие междисциплинарного общение и процесс обучения в школе.
Совместимость с образовательными программами междисциплинарной системы коммуникационной шине.
Направленных на формирование основы отдельных отраслей научного образования. В результате, междис-
циплинарный учебно образование и обучение развития увеличит уровень обслуживания клиентов. А также
открытие естественных экологических концепций внутренних коммуникаций, охраны окружающей среды,
природы, людей, развития, школа будет способствовать направлению содержания экологического образования
Главной особенностью этой национальным, региональным и местным материалы, чтобы создать знания.
Ключевые слова: Категория, теория, практика, обьектив, диференция, интерация, биосфера, модель,
Kapanova B.K. – chief teacher, Kazakh National Universitynamed after Abai,
Article through interdisciplinary environ mental education in the system of education and research.Currently,the
rapid development and learning process at school.Compatible with the educational programs of interdisciplinary
communication bus system.Aimed at forming the basis of certain branches of science education.As a result,
interdisciplinary teaching developmental education and training will increase customer service.As well as the opening
of the natural ecological concepts of internal communications,environvent, nature, people,the development of the
compang’s thought patterns of development,the school mill contribute to the direction of the content of the
environmental education.The main feature of this program is national,regional,and local materials to create knowledge.
del,analysis,vocational education.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
УДК 378
A.N. Sankhayeva – senior lecturer of social and psycho-pedagogical training department, Karaganda State
University named after E.A .Buketov,
G.D. Yergazinova – senior lecturer of foreign languages department, Pavlodar State University
named after S. Toraigyrov,
This article discusses the management styles in the 12-year- secondary education and their impact on the form of
administrative action. The authors point out the relevance of the study of the pedagogical management of the transition
to 12-year education. The article analyzes the following management styles: authoritarian, democratic, liberal, and their
varieties, the form of administrative influence in terms of their effectiveness in the 12-year education. The management
of educational activities of educational institutions has joint control of the activities of teachers and other staff and
students. This process includes the creation of the necessary conditions for the control, the use of necessary means and
methods of control and management functions, based on the laws and principles of management. The authors point to
circumstances which in the present conditions, in the 12 years of study influence the choice of management style: the
situation, the degree of maturity of the employees, their attitude to the head, a willingness to cooperate, the nature of the
problem, especially the organization and its divisions that exist in their procedure business management, senior
management positions, the prevailing system of values and the type of culture, random factors.
Keywords: management, management style, the 12-year study, authoritarian style, democratic style, liberal style,
exploiting style, friendly style, paternalistic style.
The humanistic orientation of education, its personal orientation focuses on issues of the nature
management of educational institutions and teaching staff, creates the conditions for self-realization, self-
expression of the teacher as a subject, an active transmitter of their professional activities.The problems of
transition to the 12-year secondary education, the development of human resources of educational
institutions, the formation of a new pedagogical thinking enhance the value of teaching management in
educational practice; contribute to the understanding of the nature of the impact of management styles on the
forms of administrative influence.
One of the topical problems of the Kazakh society is the formation of a competitive person who is ready
not only to live inchanging social and economic conditions, but also to influence actively the existing reality,
changing it for the better. Information overloads the content of education and leads to lower motivation of
training and the deterioration of health of pupils. It is necessary to strengthen the role of school education in
achieving the goals of personal development of the student, his socialization, mental and physical health
Kazakhstan has in recent years made significant steps to upgrade the educational system, designed and
implemented the state educational standards, to introduce variable education, work has begun to prepare for
the introduction of a 12-year secondary education.
For effective management of the 12-year secondary educational system and the quality of education must
be a clear division of functions of school, community, social partners and government authorities.
The management of educational activities of educational institutions has joint control of the activities of
teachers and other staff and students. This process includes the creation of the necessary conditions for the
control, the use of necessary means and methods of control and management functions, based on the laws
and principles of management.
In educational management, as well as in the business management, there are general laws, principles,
methods and means of control, but the main purpose of the educational management is not profit, and self-
Managing educational institutions, the head adheres to a particular style of management.
In modern conditions we distinguish generalized individual characteristics of management styles:
authoritarian, democratic, liberal.
Historically, the first and until now, the most common practice is the authoritarian style, which is
considered universal. It is based on giving orders to subordinates without any explanation of their connection
with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
Such authoritarian leaders prefer to formalize relationships, keep their subordinates at arm's length that
they do not have the right to violate. Regardless of personal qualities (kindness, tact, etc.) they will hold a
hard line against employees, imposing their solutions.
Experts identify two kinds of authoritarian style. Exploiting style suggests that the head completely takes
over all matters, he or she does not trust subordinates, is not interested in their opinion, takes responsibility
for everything, giving the performers a guidance. As the main forms of stimulation such a leader uses
punishment, threats, psychological pressure [1].
The employees are indifferent to everything going or negative, they are happy about all his or her
mistakes, finding in it a confirmation of his innocence. The result is poor morale and creates the basis for the
development of industrial disputes.
By a milder “benevolent” form of the authoritarian style the head refers to subordinates already
condescending fatherly, is interested in their opinion, even though, despite its validity, can do in their own
way, provides independence performers to a limited extent. Motivating penalty takes place here, but it is
The use of an authoritarian style can be effective when subordinates are completely at the mercy of the
head, such as the military, or the boundless trust him (say, the actors the director or the athletes coach), and
the head is sure that they are not able to act independently in the right way .
The authoritarian leadership style is more typical for the charismatic creative personalities. Its use
increases personal power and the ability to head its influence on subordinates, provides maximum
performance, but does not generate an internal interest of performers, as excessive disciplinary actions cause
in the human fear and anger, and destroy the incentive to work.
According to T.I. Shamova, classic and most common authoritarian type of managers considers
subordinates only as tools for the execution of orders and the achievement of the organization, in cooperation
with the staff use a variety of strategies of behavior - by coaxing and encouragement to coercion and
blackmail of dismissal [2].
The downside is the suppression of the individual style of the initiatives on the part of workers - is
punished by the very fact of its existence. Creative employees or become ordinary performers or quit.
Authoritarianism is the basis of the absolute majority of industrial action because of the desire of the
subject to the absolute rule. Autocrat's claim on jurisdiction in all matters creates chaos and, ultimately, a
negative impact on overall performance. The willfulness of autocrat paralyzes the work of the staff. He loses
not only the best employees, but creates a hostile atmosphere around him that threatens to himself. Unhappy
and resentful subordinates can misinform. Intimidated employees are not only unreliable, but also are not
working at full capacity; they are alien to the interests of the company.
If a person who is holding a post is inferior to his subordinates in professionalism and personal qualities,
then he has to compensate for the mismatch position his repressive commanding style of leadership. Very
often there is an opposite situation when the head-professional is surrounded by inexperienced workers,
which are simply impossible to share the responsibility. Being authoritative - this is the only correct way out
in this situation. But the leaders of this type in the new conditions still should look to a democratic style.
A variant of the authoritarian management style is paternalistic style. It involves treatment subordinates,
both as children and their work motivation mediates through personal dependence on the head. Service
information is distributed from top to bottom, depending on the goodwill of management, control the
activities carried out selectively, at the request of the head and intuition.
The positive side of authoritarian leadership is efficiency in managing subordinates. The rigid system of
"order-execution" is often effective in emergency situations when there is a need to take responsibility for the
decision, and to quickly and accurately make it a reality.
This type of guidance is only acceptable in groups where there are problems with labor discipline. Studies
show that the head's absence at his workplace leads automatically to a drop in productivity.
Democratic style is opposite to the authoritarian leadership. The scientific and technological revolution
has largely changed the previous situation. The machine begins to perform most types of physical work and
chores related to mental, under the control of these same machines. This, according to MacGregor, inevitably
leads to a change in people's attitudes to their work [1].
Now expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as, for example, play or rest, so even
a simple person should not have a sense of aversion to work. Last, under appropriate conditions can and
should be a source of satisfaction, rather than punishment, which people tried to escape. Her voluntary
compliance makes it unnecessary coercion and external control. A person can manage their own activities,
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
directing it to achieve this goal, the achievement of which in itself becomes a reward for their efforts.
According to McGregor, a normal person normally is ready to take not only the responsibility, but also
looking for it; the desire to avoid the lack of ambition of the latter, concern about personal security is only a
consequence of the influence of reality, rather than the specifics of human nature.
Most people, according to McGregor, have a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity, creativity,
which can be successfully applied in the interest of the organization, the more that the real potential of the
human today is used only marginally.
The organization, which is dominated by the democratic management style, is characterized by a high
degree of decentralization, the active participation of employees in decision making, the creation of
conditions under which the performance of official duties is for them attractive, and the success is the
The democratic leadership style appeals to higher levels of needs. The present democratic leaders trying
to do the duties of subordinates more attractive, avoid imposing their will, it involves decision making,
provides the freedom to formulate their own goals based on the organization's goals, which increases the
motivation to work, and at the same time provides a fairly tight control over them. Thus, the Democratic
leadership is characterized by the separation of powers and the participation of workers in management.
A democratic leadership style also identifies two forms: "advisory" and "participatory". As part of the
"advisory" head though not completely, but largely trusts subordinates, is interested in their opinions, moods,
consults with them, seeking to use the best of what they offer. Among the incentives is dominated by the
promotion, and the punishment is used only in exceptional cases. The employees are generally satisfied with
such a system of management and usually try to give their boss help and support [3].
"Participatory" form of democratic governance suggests that managers have complete trust in
subordinates in all matters (and they will respond in kind), always listen to them, and use all the constructive
proposals involve them in setting goals and monitoring, which allows them not to feel like pawns. All that
unites the team.
The democratic leadership style is usually applied in the case when the performers are well, sometimes
better than leaders, versed in the intricacies of the work and can make it a lot of innovation and creativity.
Studies have shown that under the authoritarian leadership style can be done twice more work than in a
democratic, but its quality, originality, novelty, the presence of elements of creativity will be on the same
order of magnitude lower. From this we can conclude that an authoritarian style is preferred for easier
management activities focused on the quantitative results, and democratic - complex, where the quality takes
the first place.
But where it comes to the need to stimulate creative performers to solving problems, most preferred is a
liberal style of management. Its essence lies in the fact that the leader confronts performer’s problem, creates
the necessary organizational conditions for their work, determines its rules, sets the boundary of the solution,
and he fades into the background, leaving behind functions as a consultant, arbitrator, expert, assessing the
T. I. Shamova notes that a head with democratic style tends to attract employees to the strategic
objectives of the school, encourages initiative. Naturally, with this style of leadership it is necessary to apply
an individual approach to employees. For this purpose it is necessary to be a good psychologist, have not
only the personal information, but also to be able to "take" it from personal communication [2].
The Chiefs are respectful to employees, without allowing public and private offensive remarks against
them. In contrast to the authoritarians they may share some of his powers to his deputies, not perceiving it as
an attack on the government. Instead of the "order-execution" is the primary method of management
recommendations, requests advice. Head constantly monitors their implementation in the case of deviations
from the proper course gently corrects the employee. In this type of leadership the existence of "clandestine
opposition" and approximate groups difficult.
But robustness, sufficiently professional and disciplined team, plus the emotional maturity, balance and
compromise, tact and interpersonal skills of leader are required for the successful implementation of
democratic leadership.
In a conflict situation the head of this style tends to identify all alternative points of view of the parties, it
encourages full disclosure of all information relating to the causes and nature of the conflict. Moreover, its
resolution is on the path making the most convincing viewpoint regardless of its carrier and the root of the
conflict detection. As a result, when this style works a transition is possible to a new level of interaction
when there is a completely new result. But all this is possible with a well-established organization.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
Liberal style is often referred to as "laissez faire": the chief is conflict-free, provides the employees
themselves and themselves determine the goals and methods of their solutions. As the head refuses to control
and motivation of staff, does not have the proper authority, the control is based on the requests of a personal
nature, persuasion, exhortations.
Liberal chiefs do not apply any serious disciplinary action, and, therefore, are always in good relations
with their subordinates. Often, their relationships become crony, informal, distance between boss and
employee becomes imperceptible. This head is almost always avoid involvement in conflict situations.
Unpleasant facts are seen, but ignored in the hope that they will somehow disappear by themselves.
The resulting power vacuum leads to the appearance of competing factions are fighting for influence in
chief for the purpose of purchase privileges. You may see the shadow leader. The collapse of the team and
disorganization often are constrained by party leader and shadow employees in the carefree life, not to lose
the chief-sufferer, they fulfill the required minimum, the benefit has complete freedom in the choice of
means. [4]
Liberal leaders give subordinates freedom to set their goals, monitoring performance and are minimally
involved in business. The Group has the right to make their own decisions.
Subordinates rid of the annoying control; they take their own decisions on the basis of discussion and
looking under the powers granted to the ways of their implementation. This work allows them to express
themselves; it brings satisfaction and creates a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. It
builds trust between people who contribute to the voluntary adoption of the additional powers and
The head gives the information, assesses the activities of his employees, promotion, training, providing
assistance and support to maintain a good morale, as well as in cases of dispute, he reserves the right of final
The use of this style is becoming more common due to the growing scale of research and development
activities, carried out by highly skilled professionals, do not accept the pressure, micromanagement and
At the same time, this style can easily be transformed into a bureaucratic, when the head is removed from
all cases, transferring them into the hands of "nominees". Latest on his behalf manage the team, while
applying more and more authoritarian methods. He just pretends that power is in his hands, but in fact more
and more becomes dependent on his volunteers. [5]
The current situation, the transition to 12-year education model requires the use of the head in practice the
whole arsenal of management science in the cube with the conscious use of the strengths of the individual
manager. Such individual situational approach means using in each case the adequate management styles -
authoritarian, liberal or democratic. The richer arsenal governing receptions and more flexible than the head
rebuilt to achieve the goal, the more reason to say that he has good skills of effective management.
Managers usually use either the democratic-oriented human relations or autocratic oriented work styles.
In modern conditions, in the 12-year-old training business success is not only determined by the personal
orientation of the head, but also a number of other factors: the situation, the degree of maturity of the
employees, their attitude to the head, a willingness to cooperate, the nature of the problem, and others.
The heads cannot change themselves and their management style, as a rule, so we need to put them in
those terms when they could best way show themselves on the basis of the situation and of the task.
In the context of well-defined tasks simple instructions are enough to do the job, so at the same time
manager can be an autocrat, not forgetting, however, that the slight dictatorship and tyranny - not the same
thing. The first humans can perceive with the understanding, and the second against the legitimately
indignant and refuse to work.
The management style that focuses on the maintenance of human relationships, the most suitable for the
head of a moderately favorable situations where it does not have sufficient authority to ensure the necessary
level of cooperation with subordinates. If relations are good, people are generally inclined to do what is
required of them, and focus on the organizational side of things can cause a conflict in which the influence of
the head on the slave falls. Orientation is on human relations, on the contrary, increases the impact of the
head and improves relationships with subordinates.
Leadership style is predetermined by the peculiarities of the organization and its divisions that exist in
their order of doing things, the positions of senior management, the prevailing system of values and the type
of culture, random factors. Leadership styles are rotated, for example, depending on the external situation,
coupled with the changes in the educational system, the introduction of innovations. Alternating use of two
sheets received in the western management name "method of two hats."
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
In each case, between authoritarian, democratic and liberal styles there is a certain balance, and an
increase in the proportion of the elements of one of them will lead to a decrease in others.
Thus, the management system of the 12-year management training has a joint venture of teachers, other
staff and students. This process includes the creation of the necessary conditions for the control, the use of
necessary means and methods of control and management functions, based on the laws and principles of
1 Управление персоналом. Учебник и практикум// И.А. Максимцев, Н.А. Горелов. – М.: Изд-во: «Юрайт»,
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2 Менеджмент в управлении школой/ Т.И.Шамова, Н.В.Немова, К.Н.Ахлестин, и др.; под ред. Т.И.Шамовой.
– М.: ИЧП «Издательство Магистр», 2005. – 226 с.
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4. Лазарев B.C. Управление образованием на пороге новой эпохи// Педагогика. – 2007. – N 5. – С. 12-18.
5 Полуянов В.Б. Организация и управление в сфере образования: Учебное пособие. – Екатеринбург, 2000. –
138 с.
6 История менеджмента/ А.И. Кравченко. – М.: КНОРУС, 2010. – 430 с.
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