Keywords: agriculture, cluster, agribusiness, agricultural products.
Мақалада Шығыс Қазақстан облысы және Республикадағы жалпы агро-
өнеркәсіп кешенінің даму мәселелері мен болашағы қарастырылған, сонымен
қатар ауылшаруашылық өнімдері өндірісінің кластерлік әдісінің үрдісі зерттелген.
Агроөнеркәсіп кешеніндегі кластерлік дамудың елдік шолуы жасалынды.
түйін сөз: ауыл шаруашылығы, кластер, агроөнеркәсіп кешені, ауылшаруашылық
В статье рассмотрены основные проблемы и перспективы развития агропромыш-
ленного комплекса в Восточно-Казахстанской области и Республики в целом, а так же
с помощью кластерного подхода исследован сам процесс модернизации промышленно-
сти сельскохозяйственной продукции. Сделан страновой обзор кластерного развития в
агропромышленном комплексе.
Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство, кластер, агропромышленный комплекс,
сельскохозяйственная продукция.
One of the main objectives of the AiC is to boost agricultural production through
incentives to attract investment in the creation of new or expansion of existing produc-
tion facilities. Currently, there are preferential lending products subsidiaries of JSC
“NMH” KazAgro “and compensation for interest rates on loans for fixed and current
assets under government support programs.
However, these tools are not enough to actively promote the subjects of agricul-
ture to the implementation of investment projects in priority sectors of agriculture.
There is a growth of the world population to intensive growth and food consump-
tion while increasing scarcity of water, land, energy resources, which will lead to an
G.T. TOKTAMySSOvA, T.A. AByLAiKHANOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 453-459
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
increase in food prices. Overall, by 2020 the world population will be 7.6 billion. Peo-
ple, will grow by 600 million people compared to the year 2011. Change the structure
of food consumption: the share of consumption of meat, milk and dairy products, fish,
vegetables and fruit. The main challenge facing agriculture in the world is to increase
production by 70% by 2050. Achieving this goal is difficult due to the slowdown in
crop yields and limited water resources. The process of desertification and degradation
of agricultural land. According to the United Nations (hereinafter – UN) Environment
degradation affect a third of the arable land, which subsequently have a negative im-
pact on the livelihoods of more than 1 billion in more than 100 countries [1].
Generalize the experience of agricultural support by various countries of the
world has shown that most countries use subsidies as a key tool to support agricultural
production. However, the leading exporters of agricultural products (Australia, New
Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, and others.) do not support direct subsidies manufactur-
Currently, the WTO is dominated by trends in the absence of direct measures
of state support for agriculture. increasingly important in the WTO and in the global
agro-food markets become Cairns Group countries (Argentina, Australia, New Zea-
land, Canada and others) who have a minimum level of direct subsidies in agriculture
and developing the industry by increasing competitiveness and efficiency. The experi-
ence of the Cairns Group, does not use direct support of agricultural production, shows
higher growth in total factor productivity in the period after the abolition of subsidies
With regard to Kazakhstan this suggests that each country develops its
agricultural support system, as long as this support has stimulated manufac-
turers increased the productivity of the land and animals, stimulate exports.
in terms of the level of support to the agricultural sector of the economy Kazakhstan
is average in relative terms. The total support to agriculture in this case includes both
agricultural units payments from the budget, and indirect support measures (eg tariff
protection), Figure 1.
Edible products of animal and vegetable origin during storage, sooner or later
deteriorate and lose their natural qualities become unsuitable for use in food. Cause
spoilage enzymes are contained in these products, the physical and chemical factors,
and particularly various microorganisms causing putrefaction of the product. This
forces the use of canning (the Latin word «conservo» – saving) products for long-term
in China, many processing plants use compensation trade, which provides for the
supply of equipment and technology enterprises or loans for the purchase. The Chinese
side provides space, labor, manages the company. The cost of obtaining the means of
production and the percentage of the loan repaid over an agreed period, through regu-
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
lar supplies to the foreign partner of the manufactured products. Upon completion of
payments received equipment and technology transferred full ownership of China.
Figure 1 – Total support to agriculture as a share of GDP, the average for the period 2011-2013,
Strongly contributing to the development of the processing enterprises, the Chi-
nese government to stimulate provides the most favorable conditions for the function-
ing of the mutual, contract or totally foreign enterprises. They are guaranteed a signifi-
cant tax benefit, priorities in the supply, preferential credit terms, greater independence
in solving social problems [3].
At the same time the modernization of production, albeit to a lesser extent, cre-
ating new jobs for skilled workers, which have a positive effect on the economy as a
So, with the help of the processing industry in Hungary managed to solve some
problems of national economic and enterprise party to strengthen its economic po-
sition. Foreign investment contributed to the modernization of production, increase
profits, expand export opportunities and increase productivity. Partners in the process-
ing industry are pleased that won certain positions on the Hungarian market, provided
the orders for a long period.
Currently, the East Kazakhstan region implemented projects to create industrial
clusters in the production and processing of sunflower seeds, fish, raw hides, milk and
meat, which should be the basis of regional food cluster [4].
Among the most important priorities of the AiC EKR include increasing its level
of development and deep processing of agricultural products. Made structural changes
South Africa
G.T. TOKTAMySSOvA, T.A. AByLAiKHANOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 453-459
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
initiated, technical and technological re-equipment of agriculture, the restoration of
breeding and seed, breeding: was created 6 breeding and seed systems 5, 69 points of
artificial insemination of animals, 45 feedlots, 9 dairy farms, 17 rural consumer coop-
eratives of water users ; organized 13 machine-technological stations and maintenance
points, 9 harvesting and marketing cooperatives, open 6 cattle slaughterhouses; cre-
ated and reconstructed 22 processing production.
We believe that the cluster formed in the agricultural sector of East Kazakhstan
region, should provide a vertically integrated structure that includes the following food
clusters, Table A Application:
– Oil and fat;
– Milk;
– Meat;
– Fish.
The purpose of the formation and development of regional food cluster is to cre-
ate conditions for the expansion of intraregional production and improve the competi-
tiveness of the food industry area through improvement of state regulation of APC and
optimization of integration ties between the operators of the agricultural market.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problems:
– improving the legal framework and mechanisms of state regulation of agri-
– The development of an effective mechanism of interaction between partici-
pants of the cluster;
– The development of raw material base through progressive agro industrial
– The creation of innovative and high-tech industries;
– Reduction of standardization, certification and quality control of agricultural
products in line with international standards;
– Expansion of sales of food produced in EKO, the domestic and foreign mar-
– The formation and development of agribusiness commodity;
– The formation of brands of domestic food;
– improving the training and retraining for the agro-industrial complex;
– improvement of information support and consulting services business entities
in agriculture.
Priority in the development of oil and fat production cluster is in demand both in
the domestic and foreign markets of vegetable oil increased degree of purification.
The participants of this cluster are cluster-venture of “May”, State Enterprise
“East Kazakhstan” State Enterprise “Experimental Farm oilseeds” KazNiiPromzer-
noproekt, SRi food industry, Almaty and Karaganda Margarine factories, elevators
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Выпускается ежеквартально
all grain-sowing regions, producers sunflower seeds and other oilseeds Shemonaikha,
Ulan, Glubokoe, Ziryanovsk, Katon-Karagai, Urdzhar, Kokpekti and Borodulikha ar-
eas, enterprises of agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery enterprise supply,
spare parts and fuel.
As a result of the formation and development of oil and fat clusters will increase
the production of refined vegetable oil, the amount of which will reach 14 thousand
Leading producers of milk and milk products in EKO are LLP “East-milk”, JSC
“istok” LLP, “Emil”, which form the basis of the emerging in the field of dairy clus-
Regional cluster is a system of eight district (city) sub clusters, consisting of ag-
ricultural producers - suppliers of raw materials and processing enterprises and shops.
Milk Products cluster is designed primarily for placing on the market of the East Ka-
zakhstan region.
in the long term (if produced in sufficient volumes of competitive products) pos-
sible development of the markets of neighboring areas, as well as Russia and China.
As a result of the formation and development of the dairy cluster, milk produc-
tion will increase over 48%, dairy products - by 36.5%.
Meat industry East Kazakhstan region consists of 68 industries (18 of which
belong to the installed capacity of large and medium), which produce 1.5-2.2 thousand
per year. Tons of meat and edible offal of all kinds of cattle, 10,6-12.2 thousand. tons
of meat and edible offal of poultry, 1.1-1.6 thousand. tons of sausages, 100 tons of
canned meat. in the region there are 9 large and 6 small plants for slaughtering, meat-
packing 2 major production and 39 plants for the production of sausages and meat
semi-finished products.
The region has good potential for livestock feed: 764.1 thousand. heads of cat-
tle, 2055.1 thousand. sheep and goats, 114.5 thousand. pigs, 171.7 thousand. horses,
3355.1 thousand. birds.
To ensure high economic and environmental performance in the emerging clus-
ter of meat is advisable to establish waste-free meat-packing plants, where, along with
the production of primary products will be processing the blood, offal, hides, horns,
hooves, etc., until the stomach contents.
The resulting product can then be used in the food industry (food blood), light
industry (leather), construction industry (processed horns and hooves), for the produc-
tion of catgut (intestines), fertilizers, and for many other purposes.
infrastructure meat cluster includes wholesale and retail trade in meat and meat
products. Central to the infrastructure of the cluster is a municipal wholesale food
As a result of the formation and development of the meat cluster volume produc-
G.T. TOKTAMySSOvA, T.A. AByLAiKHANOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 453-459
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
tion of all types of meat will increase as compared to 21.5%, sausage products - by
37.5%. At the same time will expand the range of products, better quality, certification
of finished products in accordance with international standards, the conquest of the
meat market of other regions of Kazakhstan and Russia and Kyrgyzstan.
Fish cluster. On the territory of the East Kazakhstan region has a number of large
fishing ponds - irtysh River, and Bukhtarma Shulbin reservoir, Lake Alakol. On stocks
and catch fish Upper irtysh basin is the second largest in the country, second only to
the Ural-Caspian.
Fishing and processing industry field unites seven large enterprises and private
in addition, as a research center of the cluster it includes a branch of State Enter-
prise “Scientific and Production Centre for Fisheries”.
Food cluster is a complex socio-economic system, the efficiency of which is
largely determined by the external environment, including:
– Markets:
a) food products;
b) material and technical resources;
c) production and technical and advisory services;
g) technologies;
e) Financial;
e) information;
g) labor;
– investors;
– Government agencies.
At the present stage of development of Kazakhstan AiC is the most appropriate
third scenario.
One of the most important elements of organizational-economic mechanism of
functioning and development of the food cluster system is its financing.
Among the most significant items of expenditure on the activity of the cluster
– The cost of creating a cluster;
– The cost of infrastructure development;
– The cost of individual projects and programs in the cluster.
Funding for the creation of a cluster can be done from the republican and local
budgets, either by means of the enterprise integrator.
infrastructure development and implementation of individual projects in the op-
eration of the cluster, as a rule, based on a mix of funding - contributions of member
enterprises cluster and budget financing, loans of banks, as well as targeted funding
from a variety of specialized funds.
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Выпускается ежеквартально
Based on the above it can be concluded that one of the most promising directions
in the strategic objectives of sustainable development in East Kazakhstan (including
the agro-food sector), and on this basis to ensure regional food security is to create
integrated structures based on the cluster approach, which assumes the maximum use
of existing productive capacity of industries related to food production, modernization
and rational distribution of agricultural enterprises, as well as their effective funding.
in addition, the cluster mechanism, included as a subsystem of the organizational-
economic mechanism of food security is the basis of the optimal solution of social,
environmental and regional problems in the area of food production.
1. Mominbayev Zh., Serikov D., Problemy klasterizatsii i povysheniya konku-
rentosposobnosti produktsii pishchevoy promyshlennosti Kazakhstana. Al-Pari. 2006, №1,
162-164 (in Russ).
2. Tulegenova M.S., Klasterny podkhod v sozdanii integrirovannykh struktur. Vestnik
KazNU. Seriya ekonomicheskaya. 2004, №2, 104-111 (in Russ).
3. Mishchenko yu.P., Klasterny podkhod k organizatsii proizvodstvennogo
vzaimodeystviya. Vestnik KASU, 2006, №4, 83-92 (in Russ).
4. Akhmetzhanova S.B., O klasternom podkhode k razvitiyu otrasli Vestnik KazGAU.
2011, №1, 52-60 (in Russ).
5. Khorokhorin A., O problemakh funktsionirovaniya APK i putyakh ikh resheniya.
Ekonomist. 2012, №9, 88-92 (in Russ).
UDC 811.1/.8
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
The article deals with the advantage of the credit system in teaching foreign language.
Keywords: credit system, teaching programs, skills, communication.
Бұл мақалада ағылшын тілін оқытудағы кредиттік жүйенің мүмкіншіліктері
туралы қарастырылған.
түйін сөздер: кредиттік жүйе, оқытылудағы бағдарламалар, білу қабілеті,
В статье описываются преимущества кредитной системы при обучении англий-
скому языку.
S.A. FEDOSSOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 459-462
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
Ключевые слова: кредитная система, обучающие программы, умения, коммуни-
Many educators worried about student achievement and teacher responsibility
using new credit system.
Foreign language instructors are concerned that test scores will show a decline
in students achievement. The number of contact hours a student has with his instructor
corresponds to one hour of teaching contact into five hours of learning.
The responsibility for student learning usually belong to the teacher. The teacher
is the fountain of knowledge and the student the sponge absorbing all that he can.
The “magic” is not in teaching techniques. The solution to the problem lies in
student responsibility, not teacher responsibility. The teacher is responsible for pre-
senting new information in a variety of ways.
it is up to the learner to take this information and process it. The new lesson is
introduced, the student takes control of information and processes it so that he “learns”
Now student consciously takes more responsibility for his learning. it is not a
teaching techniques. The teacher is very important in the student’s education but not
the ‘fountain of knowledge’ role. So the credit system continuous to require eight
hours of contact a week rather than twenty of the past [1, 23].
The educator should produce learners within credit system. This will require the
teacher to relinquish some control over students. it will necessitate the student making
choices about what he/she has become an “autonomous learner” and has taken respon-
sibility for his/her learning. This does not mean that the student is his/own teacher. it
means that the student takes steps to maximize his/her learning.
The teacher of language must be as a ‘coach’. He must show his students tech-
niques for learning foreign language. Each student is different, a whole host techniques
must be offered including repetition.
Speech and writing, using dictionaries, watching videos and listening to music,
and using every opportunity to meet with and talk to native speakers. There are com-
puter assisted language learning programs available for use by teachers and students.
The student can work while practicing listening to and reading the target language
using the computer. Advantage of use computer technologies in educational process is
that their use allows intensifying and individualizing the process of training. With the
help of the individual lessons on the computers it is possible to solve the problem of
backward students. Lessons in a computer classroom when the students work indepen-
dently, allow the teachers to use the free time to help the students with difficulties.
The most successful language learners use every opportunity to practice the tar-
get language. They will read frequent places where native speakers gather and they
will speak to native speakers as often as possible. They will watch films and read
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
books as well as listen to music with lyrics in the language they are studying. When
student makes conscious efforts to improve his proficiency, he has become learner and
has taken responsibility for his learning. it doesn’t mean that the student takes steps to
maximize his learning.
it should be the goal of the educator within a credit system to produce autono-
mous learners. Of course, this will require the teacher to relinquish some control over
the students. it will necessitate the student making choices about what what he/she will
learn especially in advanced classes. it will require the teachers to recognize language.
Teachers will have to introduce spoken language and not try to have the students speak
written foreign language. Students will have to know why the teacher is introducing a
grammar structure and what relevance it will have to the student’s career plans. Teach-
ers love to teach grammar because it is easy to teach, there is a “right” and “wrong”
answer and it fits the stereotypical teacher-student relationship in which the teacher
is the “fountain of information” and the student is the classic “information sponge”
absorbing all that the fountain had to offer [2, 31].
in fact, the credit system opens the door to real learning instead of the stereotypi-
cal paradigm. The student can decide why he/she wants to learn the language and what
goals he/she has in learning the target language. For example, if the student wants to
enter into business/economics, he/she will have specific goals connected with learning
the target language for the specific purpose of being in business. Complicated gram-
mar structures are a waste of his/her time, at the least, and possibly even harmful to his/
her motivation to the learn the language at the most.
The method the teacher should increasingly follow is “step out of the student’s
way” and let him/her learn the target language. Guide the student, but do not abandon
him/her. Students need the teacher’s guidance. However, the student must process a
foreign language through his own brain. The teacher cannot do it for him/her. The
teacher can suggest patterns to use to study the language, but the students must decide
on the patterns to use to learn the language.
There are those who believe that responsibility should be taught much earlier
than in the university. Children should learn to be productive and responsible mem-
bers of a family according to this theory. Certainly education for this century must be
much different than in the past. Students will have to complete in world market where
people have taken responsibility for themselves. They will have to learn how to use
technologies in the future. Advances are happening so fast that we are not equipped to
teach students what they will need in the future. Therefore, we will have to give them
skills to help them learn the new technologies. We will have to give them ideas of how
to study and how to search, but we cannot prepare them for what they will find because
we do not know what it will be.
in teaching foreign language, we should be guiding students and demonstrating
S.A. FEDOSSOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 459-462
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
techniques they can use to process the foreign language we present to them. We can
give them some ideas about how to create patterns, how to practice through writing,
and how to be a good language learner by taking risks and using every opportunity to
communicate with native speakers.
We need to present them with strategies for success. Many students do not suc-
ceed for lack of good strategies for learning the language. We also need to convince
these students that they can learn and not simply write them off. After many years of
teaching, we are convinced that about ninety percent of successful learning is the be-
lief that we can do it.
Students need to report their strategies and their progress. An excellent way to do
that is with a dialogue journal. A weekly journal entry in a simple copy book to be read
and to be answered by the teacher can be a motivator and a reminder to the student that
he/she is monitoring himself/herself and that the teacher is standing by looking at the
results and reading about the learning strategies.
Once the teachers get used to the new system, they will probably prefer it to past
1. Brown H.D., Principles of Language Learning Teaching. Englewood, N.J. Prentice-
Hall. 1987, 59 (in Eng).
2.Wenden A., Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy. London. Prentice Hall. 1998.
64 (in Eng).
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