S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
in article the category of the childhood, evolution of an image and concepts from the
point of view of the historico-literary directions and genres is investigated. Specifics of chil-
dren’s literature in a world art context.
Keywords: concept, concept, category of the childhood, system of characters.
Мақалада балалық шақ, образдың дамуы және түсінік туралы жанрлар және әдеби-
тарихи бағыттың көзқарастарыб әлемдік көркем әдебиетіндегі балалар әдебиетінің
ерекшелігі зерттеледі.
түйін сөздер:
концепт, концепция, балалық шақ, кейіпкерлер жүйесі.
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В статье исследуется категория детства, эволюция образа и понятий с точки зре-
ния историко-литературных направлений и жанров, специфика детской литературы в
мировом художественном контексте.
Ключевые слова: концепт, концепция, категория детства, система персонажей.
The evolution of the image of children’s images and themes of childhood in
general reflects the evolution of aesthetic ideologies. “Childishness” as a state of mind
distinguishes the validity of two times touching and interacting with the world. The
world of childhood is complex and contains other worlds. This is the world of child’s
communication with the people, the world of social relationships. in modern condi-
tions the accumulation of vast amounts of facts within the human sciences (anthropol-
ogy) there is the need to destroying of departmental boundaries and specialization.
This complex issue is the problem of “child in the world”, “Childhood” as a special
psychological-sociological and cultural category [1, р.13].
Category of the childhood has no clear outlines, it coincides, with the conceptual
content of “concept” and the concept. However, the specific child characters in the
character of a particular artistic text give the childish category not an abstract, but quite
specific artistic content. The image of the child who creates for himself his own world
or causes objects of their world in a new and pleasing to him order, becomes one of the
solutions to the nature of the literary hero.
interest in childhood and the very concept of childhood largely was absent until
the Xviii century. Research of scientists in the field of fine art led to the conclusion
that up to the Xiii century art does not appeal to kids. Children’s images in the paint-
ings of that time are found only in the religious and allegorical subjects. These are
angels, baby Jesus and naked child as a symbol of the soul of the deceased. images
of real children were long absent from the painting. if works of art had children, they
were portrayed as smaller adults. in medieval literature of Western Europe the child
ranked as the poor or even Plagued.
in the classical literature, children’s images have not held any significant places
as classicism interested in general, exemplary in humans, and childhood appears as a
deviation from the norm age (immaturity), as well as madness - mental abnormality
images of Childhood in literature and art of modern times change and evolve.
Sentimentalists and novelists “innocent childhood” sometimes looks like serene hap-
piness. in the realistic novel, 1830-1850 years, especially Dickens, there are images
of poor disadvantaged children without a home, a family and the victims, especially
the tyranny of the school, but the children themselves are one-dimensional naive and
innocent. The subject of the family “nest” is artistic research and it turns out that under
O.v. KHLEBNiKOvA, L.N. DEMCHENKO. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 462-470
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
warm shell hard slaveryis often hidden, oppression and hypocrisy, crippling the child.
The peculiarity of the world perception, inherited in childhood does not disappear
without a trace. Somewhere in the recesses of “adult consciousness”, it continues to
live. From time to time it is asserting itself.
it is a great tragedy of people who have lost their childhood. Heroes, as well as
the people long ago lost their parents, necessarily “abandoned childhood”, each of the
child’s lives turns into an adult, depriving youth. Therefore, they are “languishing” in
life, crying about what they had being “abandoned child”.
The world of Childhood, the inner world of the child - the key to many exciting
challenges in our lives. The discovery of a mysterious “tribe” of children living in the
adult world by its own laws, has important theoretical and practical implications. Cre-
ative, intellectual, moral possibilities are endless for a child.
Child and childhood are one of the leading and key themes of literature. in a
sense, this is a universal topic, not limited to the scope of a national literature, or
a specific time period, although in some periods it is of particular importance. This
versatility is due to the fact that childhood is the same general human category as the
birth, life, death. Phenomena eternal and inherent in all people without exception can
not be reflected in the literature.
Recreating the world of childhood, analysis of the internal world of the child
is increasingly attracting the attention of Western and Russian literary critics. Prose
about children is seen as a separate and full field of literature.
History of childhood is associated with the genre approach. Works of children
are considered in the traditional genres. At the same time one of the characteristics of
modern literary criticism is the study of international relations literature, the pursuit
of comparative historical analysis of themes, images, genres of national literatures. As
already noted, the image of the child is present in the world of art and literature in all
times, but at the beginning of the XiX century, its importance increases, it becomes
central. This can’t deny the development of children’s topics at the previous stage of
development of literature, on the contrary, it presupposes the existence of a period of
preparation to ensure that she came to the fore.
A new attitude to childhood in the culture if to comparewith the past centuries
due to the ideology of the Enlightenment. The researchers note that the Xviii century
marks the beginning of a new image of childhood, growing interest to the child in all
spheres of culture, it has clearer distinction, chronologically and consciously, children
and adult worlds, and finally, the recognition of childhood social and psychological
value. if in the Xvii century the theme of childhood was mostly poetry, then in the
next century it recedes from the poetic “center”. During the Enlightenment, it may be
noted the emergence of interest in children in the literature, but it is mostly mundane,
educational character. This is due to the struggle for the establishment of a “kingdom
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of reason”, with increased attention to education in general. Books, in which there is a
child - it is rather a program directed to children as much as their teachers (“Thoughts
about”Education” J. Locke, “Emile” Rousseau). The very meaning of childhood is
changing - “This is the age that must be overcome, remake ... childishness in a child is
an obstacle. in the Puritan tradition it is difficult in Lockean tradition it is a light” [2,
р. 476-481], [3].
The merit of the next era - Romanticism is that childhood is no longer perceived
as a preparatory period of life or age deviation from the norm; romance felt childhood
as a completely independent, unique, special and precious world.
if Classicism «maturity» was the norm, and childhood is a deviation from it, a
fundamentally different relationship between Age: is typical for the romantics Adult
condition becomes flawed at times, and childhood - the ideal era of human life. in this
regard, we recall the Romantics whohave interest in history and - especially in folk-
lore. No wonder one of the most popular genres of the artists in this direction were
tales (Arnim and Brentano, the Brothers Grimm, Gauffa, Andersen et al.), it is basi-
cally going back to the folklore [4, р. 36-51], [5]. Thus, in the aesthetics of Romanti-
cism childhood acquires great significance - the childhood not only the individual, but
also of humanity in general.
With the development of literature, it is increasingly argued the internal source
of personality, which reached its peak in the early XiX century. According to Kon, this
«intimizationof the world» especially intensively began to develop in the Xvii-Xviii
centuries., Which was manifested in many areas of human life [6, р. 7]. if we talk
about religion, the Protestant communion with God becomes more intimate, personal
character, and pietists in Xvii-Xviii centuries. God also turns into an intimate com-
panion and even a friend. Similar phenomena can be traced in the history of language:
in Old English there were only thirteen words morpheme «self», then in the second
half of the Xviii century. Their number is greatly increased; in the same century dis-
seminated words are widely spread for internal mental states, moods, feelings, etc.
The increased interest in the romantic image of childhood and is associated with
changes in social life. Companies created as a result of industrial development in the
late Xviii - early XiX century. Were not interested in art and often hostile to it. in this
situation of isolation, alienation, doubt the artist could not see the appeal of the theme
of childhood as a literary theme. A child could become a symbol of the artist’s deep
dissatisfaction with society, imagination and sensitivity, vulnerability and loneliness,
fear and surprise and, of course, the original purity and simplicity.
Romantic notion of childhood was the opposite of the rationalist school. if we
turn to the field of education, this difference becomes even more pronounced. Ratio-
nalism virtually ignores the nature of the child as such and treated him like a little
adult. For romantics same education is important as the development of the natural
O.v. KHLEBNiKOvA, L.N. DEMCHENKO. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 462-470
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
inclinations of the Child (“Emil” J.-J. Rousseau) [3].
Prepared by the poetry of Romanticism, in 1830-1840-ies the image of child-
hood moves into prose and occupies the central place. According to some researchers,
it was in the middle of the XiX century. interest in childhood reaches its climax. The
child becomes the central figure in all spheres of social and cultural life.
images of childhood memories arise in a wide variety of mental warehouse on
persons, and more often in difficult, hard going through a period of life. Appealing to
the autobiography allows to revivethe world of the past: the world of bygone things,
forgotten words, the missing events and performances. The history of private life ap-
pears in flashback, as it was upside down from the present moves to the recent past,
and then to the remote, and finally comes to childhood.
Memories serve its specific meaning, they mix and merge with dreams. The same
psychological attitude as it is transferred over time from past to future. Thus, according
to the author of “Poetics of autobiographical prose” Nikolina N.A., autobiography can
be seen as a kind of micro model of culture, which reflects the main stages of the path
to himself [7, р. 12].
in the course of the past memories it amplified: the former comes alive in the
memory, as a result of the past «i» person contemplated by its current «i». They are
separated from each other in time, and the old «i» is perceived as if from the outside, as
one of the images of objects in the overall picture memories. At the same time, previ-
ous and current «i» are inextricably linked, that is caused by the identity of the author’s
identity and determines the validity of memories.
The XX century in Russian literature began as Century of the Child. Real child
in his individual existence was replaced by vague symbol in religious and philosophi-
cal constructs of the Symbolists, in Acmeist and futuristic «riots.» Symbolic represen-
tation of «deprived» of the hero-child connection with the concept of «motherhood»,
«Family», was proposed to replace the concept of a transcendent «world» with its
special presentation of Father and Mother with. The outbreak of war «orphaned» child
in the literature of the actual abandonment and homelessness, which gave new subjects
for writers.
The emergence of the «new» children’s literature depended not only on current
political events, but also from the preceding stage jumps trained in philosophy, peda-
gogy, philology, natural sciences and literary and publishing. Category of childhood
in literature for children predominantly permeated the optimistic fervor. Children’s
books were cultural correlates, although their effect is essentially confined to the loss
of some of the artistic trends and the development of anti-humanist ideas.
The fate of the well-established in the world of Russian culture representations
of childhood although dependent on a variety of historical and cultural factors in fact,
however, the vector followed the archetypal idea of the Divine Child. Not affected
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by the crisis of ideas Age Childish literature developed in the spirit of attention to the
creativity of children, to the inner potential of the child.
The inclusion of children’s “voices” in the dialogue of cultures has made revo-
lutionary changes in the notion of children’s literature. This concept took shape in
the form of a three-membered, which today is known most of all: children’s reading,
literature for children and children’s creativity. it was the beginning of the third stage
in the development of children’s literature as a distinct cultural phenomenon. First, the
earliest stage is the selection in terms of children’s reading literature, the second is the
creation of literature for children and forms its aesthetic reflection (criticism). The es-
sence of the third stage is in the emergence of influential factors, children’s art, includ-
ing a naive reader’s reflection on literary works. it marked the transition to the creation
of the so-called “new” children’s literature, coupled with a professional scientific and
critical apparatus of its self-reflection [8, р. 395].
Children’s literature of the Soviet period is local to this broader phenomenon. in
the creation of «new» children’s literature the representatives of the largest and most
influential currents took part symbolism acmeism, Futurism, as well as realistic direc-
tion. ideas of childhood were consistent revision and transformation within the literary
currents, with the conceptual model constants, they were ancient and had the Christian
understanding of childhood.
The idea in the system of symbolism had a mystical-religious justification: child-
hood children seen through the prism of abstract concepts. Comprehension of spiritu-
ality, psychic of children was carried out primarily in the appeals to personal experi-
ence (autobiographies, diaries, notes, etc.); much more rare there have been attempts
to break away from the egocentric approach - in the accounts of other children’s «i».
Lessons of child psychology, given by Russian realists, especially Leo Tolstoy
served as a Symbolist writers to move to the next stage of development of the concept
of «childhood»: a child’s life is now understood mystically and historically, it became
part of the ideas of the concept of «culture» and weakened connection with the concept
of «family». in the works of the Symbolists child’s mind is not determined by its social
and domestic existence (as in Chekhov’s prose, Garin-Mikhailovsky, N.M. Korolenko,
etc.). And the predetermined higher laws of life: childhood events develop on the mys-
terious plan, destiny throughout life guessed the signs, mark the birth and early years
of life. Symbolist anthropology connected the idea of human genius (ancient in origin)
with the Christian idea of “childlike simplicity.” The concept of “person” is defined by
the presence of at least one of the features of the child. Acmeist model of the concept
“childhood”, to an even greater extent than symbolist model, had the potential to ex-
pand the genre and style of art for children; new forms of works for children have been
developed in the field of game creation.
Fairy tale, set in the center of genre-style system of children’s literature Sym-
O.v. KHLEBNiKOvA, L.N. DEMCHENKO. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 462-470
iSSN 1683-1667
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Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
bolists in Acmeist system took the form of parody and folklore, and popular literature
and the works of the Symbolists; at the same time, serious epic beginning was alleged,
which was to return the status of a universal tale genre associated with the epistemo-
logical myth.
A realistic model of the concept “childhood” preserved the foundations, formed
in Russian literature of the second half of the XiX century: the image of the inner
world of the child from the standpoint of ethical analysis of social reality. However,
the realist writers in understanding childhood as a phenomenon of human existence
turned to techniques of modernist literature: their childhood image includes symbols
and signs that create additional plan content decrypted by codes of national culture.
This is an image of childhood and democratic and elitist.
The principal value of Russian children’s literature in the XX century lay in the
fact that it took over the corrective function - instead of patristic literature left in a long
and deep shadow. A special role in the history of the concept of childhood belongs to
Gaidar. And for him a child is a symbol of time and country. But this child in the first
place, isrealin socio-psychologicallposission, and secondly, it is shifted from the high
pedestal which it was built by modernists. We can say that in the work of Gaidarit was
found out the way out the way out of the crisis of ideas Century Child, this output is
largely related to the handling of the writer to the traditions of Russian classical litera-
ture - Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky.
The development of Russian literature for children and general literature ideas
about childhood in the XX century is one of the areas of the vast Russian reaction to
the crisis of culture anthropology, philosophy of history and theology. Transition of
children’s literature played in relation to the role of general literature backup system;
in its forms inspections, selection and translation were carried out. Literature for chil-
dren and children’s creativity finally ceased to be the sole province of the upbringing
and education of the person; they began to act as new factors in the development of
Children’s images appear as a means of social and cultural criticism. The ag-
gressiveness of the child appears as a direct result of the displacement of the life of
spirituality, kindness, fantasy, simplicity, sincerity and ability to sympathize. Looking
at the world through the eyes of the “natural man” is becoming a popular mode of
reflecting reality of the XX century. Aesthetic ideal includes such children’s qualities
as innocence, harmony, naturalness, spontaneity and sincerity of feelings and actions.
Pure, innocent world of childhood is the image of a lost paradise, and the image of the
child, adult feeding hope for a better life.
identification of the specifics of the world of childhood and adolescence are
compared to the adult world. Children, by definition, the “other”, the exact opposite
of adults. Deliberate polarization of these two worlds allows to focus on the existing
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social order.
Children as members of another, better world. The world of childhood and ado-
lescence is a world of naturalness, goodness, virtue and purity - is ideal and as such is
opposed to modern writers actually speaking in a number of his short stories and nov-
els as a utopia. Children and adolescents is a bastion of hope for the future acceptable
for adults. Child / adolescent is ideal sample should be targeted to adults.
images of children are the ability to create a general atmosphere of childhood,
bringing in reality a piece of light-heartedness, sincerity, kindness and love. very of-
ten, adults, the authors are presented children it, is one way to escape from reality into
the world of childhood. Sometimes children fulfill the role of a “referee” in the rela-
tionship with her beloved heroine.
Connection with the so-called “homeland” childhood of a poet. images of the
“children” are shown, above all, as a social security for the individual, or draw their
love, affection, knowledge and guys, or abandoned the prevailing circumstances to
fend for themselves and orphans who have no home and loving, loved ones.
“Childhood” is a world of things, paint colors, sounds, experienced emotions. in
revealing the theme of childhood Akhmatov’s biographical factor prevails over fiction
and fantasy combine unconscious, associative plan consciously mundane, realistic-
reduced. This recognition of the author herself and perception, attitude in general,
concise references by motive and detail, almost completely disclosed topic.
Writer’s appealing to children’s theme is not an attempt to turn the story, but
rather a retreat from reality into prehistory in childhood. However, this is not a “when-
already-know-all” - childhood inveterate memoirist.
This is a “once-all-already known,” but “more-nothing-is-started” - childhood
mature poet, caught in the middle of his life brutal era. Autobiographical fiction, fiction
in general, in this case is, only a respite, as any deviation, it is lyrical and time”.
it is laid in childhood that largely determines the “adult” destiny. in the first stage
of growing destroyed the former children’s “i”. Crumbling children personality: as we
know, there is always an expressive personality integrity, but the integrity of every
finite. The “i” new, adult starts building out of the components of children’s “i”.
R. Roland wrote in his memoirs: “When forty years leafed through the hidden”
Diary “are often amazed at: There is a man whose existence had forgotten. He seems
to be quite a stranger ... i see before me a strange boy, wearing my name and it looks
like there is not at me (i do not recognize myself in it!), But on someone else ... Who
is he?”
[9, с.118]
Memory is the basis of unity, integrity, personal identity. Rememdering yes-
terday’s me, we continue this business. Erase memory - continuity of behavior will
disappear, personality mill disintegrate. it is in the nature of childhood appearance of
inclinations, abilities and interests of the adult. The absence of a primary focus on the
O.v. KHLEBNiKOvA, L.N. DEMCHENKO. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 462-470
iSSN 1683-1667
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early development of a one-sided intellectual sphere (abstract thinking), leading to the
unification of the emotional and moral development and killing creative imagination
on the part of parents let young writers become (in the relative degree) harmonious
Handling them to the world of childhood is an opportunity to become a child’s
point of view, to see the world in a new way, without distorting the perception of ste-
reotypes and prejudices. Children strike by immediacy behaviors, interests, abilities,
aptitudes. This is an attempt not to condescend to the child, and to rise to the level of
his understanding of the world.
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