Аймагамбетова А.С.,
Евразийский национальный университет им.Л.Н. Гумилева, Астана
Научный руководитель - Мейрамова С.А.
В настоящее время распространено мнение, что политическая корректность была
актуальной в 80-х — 90-х годах XX века, а сейчас это явление перестало играть заметную
роль в культуре западных стран. В действительности дело обстоит несколько иначе.
О политкорректности, вероятно, стали меньше говорить, потому что термин приобрѐл
пейоративное значение, и сторонников политкорректности зачастую высмеивают. Однако
при этом еѐ постоянно осуществляют на практике. Не придерживаясь политкорректности,
невозможно получить достойное образование, устроиться на хорошую работу, считаться
истинным гражданином своей страны. Впервые политкорректность освещается в рамках
таких тем, как правовая система, защита окружающей среды и животных, религиозные
отношения. Это позволило создать целостную картину политкорректности как особого
типа речевого поведения.
В последние годы политкорректность всѐ больше привлекает внимание казахстанскую
общественность. Это происходит по вполне понятным причинам. Во-первых, для
казахстанцев, всѐ чаще участвующих в процессе межкультурной коммуникации, умение
правильно интерпретировать содержание политкорректных высказываний на английском
языке является залогом эффективного общения. Во-вторых, многонациональность
казахстанского государства, усиление межнациональной и межконфессиональной вражды,
нарушение прав человека, проявление ксенофобии говорит о необходимости воспитания
толерантности, поведенческой и языковой корректности в казахстанском обществе.
Изучение политической корректности в русском языке представляет особый интерес,
потому что ему уделяется меньше внимания по сравнению с западными странами, где это
явление стало необходимым компонентом практически всех сфер человеческой жизни.
Исследование развития политкорректное в Казахстане и сравнение политкорректной лексики
в русском и английском языках является приоритетным, потому что данное явление всѐ
чаще, встречается в казахстанских средствах массовой информации, входит в повседневную
жизнь общества, а значит, оно становится актуальным предметом научного исследования.
Сказанное выше обусловливает выбор темы статьи.
Единая дефиниция понятия «политическая корректность» отсутствует. В рабочем
порядке можно привести следующее определение Н.Г. Комлева: «политическая
корректность, политкорректность (англ. Political correctness, сокр. PC)- утвердившееся в
США понятие-лозунг, демонстрирующее либеральную направленность американской
политики, имеющее дело не только с содержанием, сколько с символическими образами и
корректировкой языкового кода. Речь декодируется знаками антирасизма, экологизма,
терпимого отношения к национальным и сексуальным меньшинствам борьбы против
Нам представляется, что на данном этапе противоречивых оценок и подходов к
рассмотрению явлению, вполне целесообразна попытка определить политическую
корректность как особую культурно-поведенческую и языковую категорию. Действительно,
междисциплинарный подход к этому феномену свидетельствует в пользу его интегративного
рассмотрения. Политическая корректность, несомненно, обладает специфическим
содержанием: на идеологической и ментальной установкой преодоления межнациональных,
межкультурных, межэтнических противоречий и конфликтов и, в то же время, находит
языковую реализацию, проявляющуюся в выборе особых разноуровневых языковых средств.
Категория политической корректности на данном этапе национально специфична для
культуры и языковой практики США.
Культурно-поведенческий аспект политической корректности является доминирующим.
Не случайно сами идеи политической корректности являются доминирующим. Не случайно
сами идеи политкорректности зародились в США – стране, где проблемам межкультурных и
межконфессиональных отношений уделяется значительное внимание, однако в настоящее
время налицо присутствие явления и в других странах западной Европы, и появление таких
тенденций в Казахстане. Одна из основных причин невысокой распространѐнности
политкорректности в казахстанской культуре - это то, что наша культура коллективизма
сильно отличается от англоязычной культуры индивидуализма, характеризующейся, как
известно, приоритетом личности и учѐтом еѐ интересов.
Однако нераспространѐнность идей политкорректности в Казахстане не означает, что
наш народ менее вежлив, чем представители англоязычных стран. Казахстанцы также
следуют правилам поведения, принятым в обществе. При этом языковой такт существует и
весьма распространѐн. Несмотря на то, что некоторые лингвисты считают, что
политкорректность не имеет перспектив развития в русском языке, что данные идеи чужды
казахстанской культуре, в последние годы наблюдается всѐ увеличивающаяся тенденция к
появлению в русском языке политкорректных единиц, или единиц, которые можно отнести
к политкорректным. Это объясняется тем, что казахстанское общество сталкивается с теми
же проблемами, что и англоязычные общества, а именно с дискриминацией по половому,
национальному и другим признакам, что привело к заимствованию самого понятия
политкорректность и терминов, тесно с ним связанных. Например, из английского языка
были заимствованы названия дискриминаций (лукизм, эйджизм) и некоторых явлений,
которые не имеют соответствующих русских эквивалентов и даются описательно (hate
Список использованных литератур:
Американское коммуникативное поведение: научное издание / под ред.
И.А. Стернина и М.А. Стерниной. Воронеж, ВГУ-МИОН, 2001. 224 с.
Барчунова Т.В. Сексизм в букваре // ЭКО: Экономика и организация промышленного
производства. 1995. №3. С. 133-155.
Толстая Т.Н. Политическая корректность. URL: http://www.communist.ru/lenta/7490
(дата обращения: 07.02.2005)
/fomms/telegraf/posts/27822.html (дата обращения: 05.12.2007)
Халанская А. Динамические процессы в лексике в конце 20 века (на материале русского
и английского языка). URL: http://depfolang.kubsu.ru (дата обращения: 07.02.2005)
Аккожина А. М., akkozhina@gmail.com
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, Астана
Научный руководитель - Б.К.Жуматаева
Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It
can be defined as a sample taken from a larger domain of content and process skills that allows one
to infer student understanding of a part of the larger domain being explored. The sample may
include behaviors, products, knowledge, and performances. Assessment involves examining and
observing children's behaviors, listening to their ideas, and developing questions to promote
conceptual understanding. It is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the
goals of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement,
advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding. Assessment inspire
teachers to ask these hard questions: "Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?" "Are
students learning what they are supposed to be learning?" "Is there a way to teach the subject better,
thereby promoting better learning?"
Everyone knows what a difference it makes to pupils`learning when they and their teachers
have a really good understanding of where pupils are in their learning , where they need to go next
and how best to get there- which is what assessment for learning is all about.
Assessment for learning is a powerful way of raising pupils` achievement. It is based on the
principle that will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in the
relation to this aim and how they can achieve the aim or close the gap in their knowledge. It is not
an add-on or a project; it is central to effective teaching and learning.[1;42]
Good assessment for learning makes an accurate assessment, that helps to know what the
standards are, judge pupil`s work correctly; a reliable assessment, ensuring that judgements are
consistent and based on a range of evidence; a useful assessment that identifies barriers to pupil
progress and using that information to plan and discuss the next steps in learning; for continuity
assessment, enabling better transfer between years and schools, etc.
Students can become better language learners when they engage in deliberate thought about
what they are learning and how they are learning it. In this kind of reflection, students step back
from the learning process to think about their language learning strategies and their progress as
language learners. Such self assessment encourages students to become independent learners and
can increase their motivation.
The successful use of student self-assessment depends on three key elements: goal setting,
guided practice with assessment tools and portfolios.[2;69]
Goal setting is essential because students can evaluate their progress more clearly when they
have targets against which to measure their performance. In addition, students' motivation to learn
increases when they have self-defined, and therefore relevant, learning goals.
Students do not learn to monitor or assess their learning on their own; they need to be taught
strategies for self-monitoring and self-assessment. Techniques for teaching students these strategies
are parallel to those used for teaching learning strategies.The instructor models the technique (use
of a checklist or rubric, for example); students then try the technique themselves; finally, students
discuss whether and how well the technique worked and what to do differently next time.
Portfolios are purposeful, organized, systematic collections of student work that tell the
story of a student's efforts, progress, and achievement in specific areas. The student participates in
the selection of portfolio content, the development of guidelines for selection, and the definition of
criteria for judging merit. Portfolio assessment is a joint process for instructor and student.Portfolio
assessment emphasizes evaluation of students' progress, processes, and performance over time.
There are two basic types of portfolios. A process portfolio serves the purpose of classroom-
level assessment on the part of both the instructor and the student. It most often reflects formative
assessment, although it may be assigned a grade at the end of the semester or academic year. It may
also include summative types of assignments that were awarded grades.A product portfolio is more
summative in nature. It is intended for a major evaluation of some sort and is often accompanied by
an oral presentation of its contents. For example, it may be used as a evaluation tool for graduation
from a program or for the purpose of seeking employment.
In both types of portfolios, emphasis is placed on including a variety of tasks that elicit
spontaneous as well as planned language performance for a variety of purposes and audiences,
using rubrics to assess performance, and demonstrating reflection about learning, including goal
setting and self and peer assessment.
One of the ways in which students internalize the characteristics of quality work is by
evaluating the work of their peers.[3;35] Peer assessment, where students assess each other, can
encourage students to take greater responsibility for their learning, for example, by encouraging
engagement with assessment criteria and reflection of their peers` performance. Through this,
students can learn from their previous mistakes, identify their strengths and weaknesses and learn to
target their learning accordingly. Getting students to become more active in their learning in this
way can help to alter the perception of learning as being a passive process whereby students listen
to you and absorb the information in order to regurgitate during a subsequent assignment. If
students are participants rather than 'spectators', they are more likely to engage with their learning.
The theoretical knowledge about assessment means nothing unless we know how to use
assessment in our everyday classes. Most teachers face a number of problems concerning practical
assessment such as implementation of new assessment techniques, making assessment easy for
students` perception and adoption, making it acting, effective and interesting, motivation of students
via assessment activities, coordination of self-assessment activities, etc.
There were given above definitions and descriptions of assessment and its kinds. Now we
are going to provide some information about assessment and self-assessment that we could
implement in our everyday classes during the practice.
All activities are investigated and tested on the basis of ―Miras‖ international school of
Astana city, Kazakhstan, which choose criterion-based approach as a preferable in their assessment
system. The school made a great achievement,becoming accredited by the New England
Association of the Schools and Colleges(NEASC), the Council of International Schools (CIS) and
authorized by the International Baccalaureate for three IB Programmes (PYP, MYP, DP).
The IB programmes implemented in the school promote education by instilling attributes of
a ―life-long learner‖ embodied in the IB Learner Profile. The school philosophy is based on the IB
mission and emphasizes intellectual, personal and social growth of a student.
The approach to assessment used by the IB is criterion-related, not norm-referenced. This
approach to assessment judges students` work by their performance in relation to identified levels of
attainment and not in relation to the work of other students.
The essential part in criterion-based approach is that criterions play the role of terms in
partnership between teacher and student. Both sides need to learn the terms and follow them.
Students, from their side, know they are required and expected for. Teacher can evaluate, monitor
and moderate according to the given terms.[4;25]
To deduce it is necessary to say that assessment is important because of all the decisions that
will be made about children when teaching and caring for them. Every teacher will be called upon
every day to make decisions before, during, and after teaching. Whereas some of these decisions
will seem small and inconsequential, others will be ―high stakes,‖ influencing the life course of
children. All the assessment decisions taken as a whole will direct and alter children‘s learning
outcomes. That is why teachers should use assessment procedures appropriately, in order to help all
children learn well.
Badders J. ― Methods of assessment‖, Cleveland, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000
J.Knight ―The assessment for learning strategy‖
Thomas S.C. Farrell and George M. Jacobs ―Essential for successful english language teaching‖
―Miras‖ International School Guide, Almaty
Алшабаева А. Б.
Л.Н.Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ҧлттық университеті, Астана
Ғылыми жетекшісі – Г.Н.Дҥкембай
Writing is a skill that is required in many contexts throughout life. For instance you can
write an email to a friend, reflect on what happened during the day in your personal diary or write
essay for your homework [1].
Writing is one of the main parts of education and it is necessary both for students and for
employees of all business sectors. But one question remains in the mind of people: ―What is the
academic writing?!‖ The simple question, but it has too many things to think about before starting
to answer. First of all academic writing is a particular style of writing; part of conversation based
on evidence and differs with disciplines which are closely linked with facts, investigated knowledge
and posits ideas or arguments.
However, academic writing can come in many forms and you may be asked to write an
essay, a report or even a reflective journal article. These different types of academic writing adhere
to specific styles but all of them have similarities.
All kind of audience has to have knowledge and basic notions in this sphere of activity.
There is no mystique about the subject. Moreover, even though the list of principles that
characterized academic writing is very massive it is not hard to understand the basis. To make it
more legible we wrote examples of main features of characteristic:
1) “Academic writing style”. In other words this type of writing tends to be quite formal in
tone. Also it doesn‘t have emotional coloring and any kinds of someone‘s own position in
situations. In short this means that your essay or something else should avoid colloquial words and
2) “Vocabulary”. Of course it is important to have a wide range of vocabulary. As a general
rule the most important thing to remember is generally to try to avoid everyday, informal language
and other non-literal language, i.e.: slanguage, dialects, obsolete words, euphemisms and
dysphemism, etc.
3) “The distinguishing features”. Academic writing has references and evidence to support
its claims. Distinctive points is producing and analyzing knowledge. It starts at the beginning and
finishes at the end, with every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digression or
repetition. This line of argument must be made clear whatever kind of writing you are producing
4) “Structure”. This part includes not only grammar and lexical rules of creating sentences,
but also structure of whole writing tasks: from beginning till the end. This item is responsible for
such matters as using complete sentences, right dividing of writing up into paragraphs, correct
selection of connecting words and so on.
It was only some of the general points of academic writing, but with their help we can guess
what we are dealing, see the statistics of difficulties. To a certain extent there are some problems in
defining a particular complication and finding a way out. By and large find decision of the mission
is a main goal of our time and this article too.
Every day we are faced with different types of problems and reasons can be different too.
We want to explain most predicaments of academic writing. Moreover here we have the list of
common mistakes that faced by almost all the students:
1. The first problem that almost all students meet on their way is non-acquaintance
components of any kinds of academic writing. The fact is that the main difficulty lies deeply in
knowledge of parts and ability to draw up every piece considering singularity of each.
Regardless of the academic writing‘s type, whether it is an article, report, essay or review, it
has three main components: introduction, main body and conclusion.
A. Introduction is a beginning section which typically describes the scope of the document
and gives the brief explanation or summary of the document. Nevertheless it is a commencement of
whole project which will help readers to have an idea about the following text before they actually
start reading it. For instance there is an introduction part of the essay ―Will people allowed to smoke
in public places?‖:
―The question about whether people should be allowed to smoke in public places is the one
that is open for debate. All people can be divided on two groups: smokers and not smokers.
Smokers agree that they do not benefit the society by smoking, but think that they should have some
special places in office buildings or public places where they can smoke. However, others believe
that smokers should not be allowed to smoke in any places except their own apartments. Personally,
I completely agree with the last opinion. For the following reasons, which I will mention bellow, I
think that smokers should not contaminate the air other people breathe.‖
Some students cannot begin writing the body of the essay until they feel they have the
perfect introduction. But how could we write an interesting, effective introduction? There is some
general advice about this task:
- The greatest advantage is planning your time. Be aware of the dangers of sinking too much
time into the introduction. If you have some problems with starting, you can leave the writing of the
introduction for a later stage in the writing process. It doesn‘t matter when you write it, far greater
importance is the content.
- Secondly determine the size of introduction. The introductions for most papers can be
effectively written in one paragraph occupying half to three-quarters of the first page. The size of
your introduction should bear some relationship to the length and complexity of your paper. A
twenty page paper may call for a two-page introduction, but a five-page paper will not.
- Quote a well-known person or literary work. For being more direct and accurate you can
give someone‘s quotation, a give an example of statistics or percentage or make a good thesis. The
main task is demonstrating to the reader all the information in brief and precisely not to leave
questions and misunderstandings. For example before writing essay about talent and how it creates
in introduction you can write a quotation of very popular actor Jim Carrey: ―If you've got a talent,
protect it‖ [2].
- After finishing introductory clause read it again for checking and ask yourself some
questions: ―Are there only general statements without unnecessary details which can confuse
readers? ‖, ―Is the beginning raise the essay topic or question as soon as possible in specific and
concrete terms?‖. If answers are positive, you will be on the way of creating good introduction
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