Атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференцияның материалдары

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*Konyrova Akbota Turagulovna,
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail: akbota74@mail.ru

Abstract. The article discusses the issue of professional training of specialists and their need for employers and educational organizations. Employers' requirements for future specialists are rising to the level of their business qualities, skills and competencies. The purpose of the research is to define and describe the methodology of teaching the Kazakh language with professional orientation. The paper analyzes the theoretical foundations of professionally oriented Kazakh language teaching in domestic and foreign pedagogical practice. The main goal of vocationally oriented Kazakh language teaching is the formation and development of professional-communicative competence, including cognitive, linguistic- cultural, socio-cultural sub-competences, which is responsible for the personal and professional development of students. For this, it is necessary to develop professional communication skills, to familiarize with the culture, traditions, and customs of the Kazakh people, to form the ability to solve industrial problems in the context of foreign language communication. The article is dedicated to the professional-oriented Kazakh language teaching methodology. The article shows the problems of teaching the Kazakh language in the field of professional communication. The Kazakh language, being the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan, serves as a means of forming the professional orientation of a future specialist. In terms of content, the subject "Professional Kazakh language" is designed to expand students' cognitive thinking, to socialize the personality of future specialists, to prepare them to live in a multinational and multicultural world. The article presents new methods of professional-oriented teaching of the Kazakh language: providing a professional-oriented direction to the entire learning process; communicative, enthusiastic behavior of the student; taking into account the specific communication needs of the future specialist in professional communication; taking into account professional characteristics in both written and oral communication. The formation of communicative skills of students of higher educational institutions in the professional Kazakh language is directly related to the development of the vocabulary of the specialty, as well as the thorough knowledge of the principles of the linguistic rules of the Kazakh language education.

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