At the beginning of this research, it has been possible to draw attention to the following important
conclusions on the role of motivation in language learning: The concept of motivation can be
understood differently by people coming from different contexts. Level of knowledge and
intelligence differences are somehow influential in individuals' motivation. Individuals can also
be simultaneously influenced by different motives. Individuals' motivation can go up and down
depending on the context of language learning and external factors. Motivation can be affected by
different factors such as attitudes and goals, teachers and dreams. Motivation has an influential
role in the development of language skills. Wish to go abroad, thus teachers play a vital role in
motivating students to the learning of a foreign language. As Jerome Bruner (1960: 31) asserts,
“The best way to create interest in a subject is to render it worth knowing, which means to make
the knowledge gained usable in one’s thinking beyond the situation in which learning has
occurred.” That is why the teachers should help their learners and motivate them by using different
techniques. Motivation affects the use of language learning
strategies. Although great advances have been made in the field of motivation and its role in
language learning, as the experiment on this field shows, great effort should be made to study the
following points in the domain of motivation: Factors which affect learners' motivation in a
classroom order. According to our research we can say that to most students Extrinsic Motivation
is more effective in learning a foreign language.
1. Motivation in second and foreign language learning.
УДК 37.02; 371
Fariza Zhexembinova, Dana Mukasheva
Suleyman Demirel University
Бұл ғылыми жобаның негізі студенттердің оқу барысында бір-бірінен үйренуінде. Басты
мақсатымыз студенттердің топтық жұмыстағы білім және қабілеттерінің дамуын бақылау.
Біз кооперативті жұмыстың ерекшеліктері мен кемшіліктерінe шолу жасап, студенттер мне
мұғалімдерге ыңғайлы топтық жұмыстың структурасын табуға тырыстық. Жобаны
дайындау барысында топтық жұмыстың студенттерге қандай әсер ететінін анықтадық.
This research is based on students learning from each other. The main goal of the project is to
determine the ways of emphasizing the students’ knowledge and skills within a cooperative
framework. We analyzed all the peculiarities and shortcomings of cooperative learning, in order
to find a convenient structure of group work for teachers and students. During the process of
researching we determined how cooperative learning is effective in areas of education.
Эта научная работа основана на взаимодествии студентов во время учебного процесса.
Основной целью проекта является выделение знаний и достижений студентов в групповой
работе. Мы проанализировали все особенности и недостатки кооперативной работы между
учащимися для того, чтобы выявить новую структуру групповой работы. Во время
исследования мы определили то, насколько эффективна групповая работа в сфере
Key words
Group work, activity, reflection, interaction of students, cooperation, peer learning,
communication, motivation.
Research questions
What is peer/cooperative learning?
What are the outcomes of cooperation?
How to structure cooperative interaction?
One of the ways of learning is learning from each other. Children from the preschool years
must be concerned on sharing knowledge, ideas and experience. It may be very first steps of
helping others. Teachers must know how to provide it, in order not to have any problems by
growth. There are a lot of pros and cons of interaction between students and we need to compare
them to know how to structure interaction in appropriate way and how to convey all the needed
educational materials to students.
Peer learning is not only “students working together”, but the structure which involves positive
interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face promotive interaction, appropriate use of
collaborative skills and group processing. These 5 elements can be implemented in different ways.
When it is implemented well, peer learning encourages achievement, active learning, student
confidence and motivation. To become successful group, students should respect each other, listen
to one another and feel safe enough to share their thoughts and feelings. It is one of the ways to
learn effectively. That’s why teachers often use this type of technique.
By researching this field of teaching, we came across the issues that teachers face in a process
of educating. Every student is unique, thus teachers should keep in mind that picking up the right
partner to every student is important to get expected results.
Main body
There is a saying: “Two heads learn better than one”. Students by interacting with each other
nurtures the development of “thinking out of the box” skills, problem solving skills, and team work
skills. Students interact by positive goal interdependence with individual accountability. Positive
goal interdependence requires cohesion of a group, so that they “sink or swim together”. As Ashley
Montagu said “Without the cooperation of its members society cannot survive, and a society of
man has survived because the cooperativeness of its members make survival possible…It was not
an advantageous individual here and there who did so, but the group. In human societies the
individuals who are most likely to survive are those who are best enabled to do so by their group”.
Therefore cooperation accomplishes shared goals within cooperative process, individualistic
outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members. Working in
groups is a communication, students work together to maximize their own and each other’s
learning. Relationship between students includes such variables as interpersonal attraction, liking,
cohesion and social support. Nevertheless the emotional connection among students has an effect
on student’s behavior.
In peer learning, students will construct their own meaning and understanding of what they
need to learn. Essentially, students will be involved in searching for, collecting, analyzing,
evaluating, integrating and applying information to complete an assignment or solve a problem.
Thus, students will engage themselves intellectually, emotionally and socially in “constructive
conversation” and learn by talking and questioning each other’s views and reaching consensus of
dissent (David Boud, 2001).
Students are individually and collectively are able to optimize their own learning and
achievements. Effective peer learning refers to small collaborative groups, which are good
academically, persistent, feel better and comfortable about the educational experience, and have
high self-esteem.
Cooperative learning is not only about education, but also about personal achievements in the
future. Having students work together cooperatively is a powerful way for them to learn and has
positive effects on the classroom climate. This has been verified by teachers in classrooms from
preschool through graduate school. However, the importance of emphasizing cooperative learning
groups in classrooms goes beyond achievement, acceptance of differences, and positive attitudes.
The ability of all students to learn to work cooperatively with others is the keystone of building
and maintaining stable marriages, families, careers and friendship. Being able to perform technical
skills such as reading, speaking, listening, writing, computing, and problem-solving, etc., are
valuable. The most logical way to emphasize the use of student’s knowledge and skills is
cooperative relationship with each other.
We cannot say that all the students are the same. What if student does not want to work in a
group or even cannot? That is why teachers should know how to divide them into groups and how
to work with them. There are some disadvantages of group work:
There can be “dominant” students, who are responsible for everything and do it by
Students, who do not understand any information at all, they can slow other members of
the group
Some students, because of the knowledge level, get left behind and do not learn anything
at all
The last aspect is one of the most valuable ones; each student must take an active part in a
Taking Multiple Intelligence test and Placement test are the most important parts of team-building.
Participants of our research are 16 students of 1
year. The results show that we have 5 students –
interpersonal type, 3 students – linguistic-verbal, logical-mathematical type – 1, 2 students –
visual-spatial, 3 students – intrapersonal, musical type – 1 student and bodily-kinesthetic – 1.
Results of placement test: 8 students – pre-intermediate level of English, 4 students – intermediate,
3 students – upper-intermediate and 1 – advanced level of English.
We wanted to mention all the technical skills of language. There were 2 activities: grammar
task (matching – “Idioms”); writing task (creative writing – making up definitions to given words
related to medicine). Students were divided into 3 groups of 5-6. We divided them according to
their level of English. There were 3 pre-intermediate, 1 intermediate and 1 upper-intermediate
leveled students in each group. We have noticed:
Not all the students were participating in activities.
Mostly active were students who have Interpersonal, Visual-Spatial and Musical
Intelligences. The passive ones were students with Intrapersonal type of Intelligence.
We interviewed some of them, most of the students think that working in a group is
interesting and it helps to improve their language skills.
The majority of students were not interested in doing activities, because they had no
desire to work, study and interact. This is the most important thing: being interested in
and being motivated by groupmates and teachers can help students to improve team
work skills.
The level of English knowledge and Multiple Intelligence play the big role in learning and
Even if students have high level of English they are not active enough, because of the
type of intelligence. For example, during the grammar activity there were students who
have Intrapersonal type but have high level of English. Despite this fact they were not
participating actively as they had to.
What do students think about peer learning?
We conducted interviews with students in order to determine their opinion regarding working
in groups and whether it helps or not. So we asked them such questions:
How group work activities influence on your learning?
Is it effective to work in a group in language class?
What are the disadvantages of Cooperative learning?
We interviewed 7 students and most of them found group work activities very useful to learn
English language. They also mentioned that it helped them to improve their speaking skills, to over
the barrier to communicate with different people, to receive information, to share ideas, to listen
to opinions of different people, etc. In contrast, there is one person who prefers working
individually rather than working in a group, because even if presentation is excellent, there are
some students who aren’t aware of the topic. Because of such kind of students good learners might
get lower grades that they don’t deserve.
A large amount of students prefer working in small groups, because in big groups there might
be misunderstanding between members or a lot of various problems that interrupt work.
What do teachers think about group work activities?
In order to learn teachers’ opinion we conducted interview. We asked 4 English teachers such
How can group work motivate students?
How group work activities influence on students’ score (marks)?
How do you divide students into groups?
Most of the teachers think that group work motivates learners to be better. Academically poor
and shy students can learn from academically strong ones, that’s why group work is good for low
leveled students. Educators also mentioned that group work activities influence marks in two
different ways: positive and negative. Negative is the fact that even if not all the members of group
worked on assignment, anyway all the members are graded equally. There are some students who
work, do not sleep at night, and there are some students who just come for the presentation.
Because of them, teacher might give a bit lower grade to the whole group. Regarding positive side
of cooperative learning we can note that it makes students feel more relaxed, comfortable and
lower stress, because student has a support of his/her group. So if we put student with poor level
of English and the one who has high level of English together, the first one might get motivated
by looking at the one who is academically stronger.
As for dividing students into the groups, there are lots of techniques: randomly; by colors,
numbers, shapes; according to students’ academic performance. But it is the fact that most teachers
divide students randomly according to their seats which might not be effective at all and most of
the participants of the group will not benefit from it.
Cooperative learning is effective for all types of students, but each student needs individual
approach. We took Placement and Multiple Intelligence tests, which helped us to divide students
into groups. There were some limitations:
During the experiment we divided students into 3 groups of 5-6 according to their level of
English. There are two students of high level and three students of low level of English in
each group, we have noticed that low leveled students could not show off their
possibilities. The most convenient way is dividing into groups of 3 or 4 (not more), so
that every member is able to participate. By interviewing students we understood that they
also prefer working in small groups.
Dividing only according to placement test is not enough. For example, there were
students with high level of English, but with Intrapersonal type of intelligence, so they
could not participate actively because they were shy.
The more experiments, the more precisely results are. We were not able to do speaking
activity, due to the lack of time. We wanted to see whether students share their opinions,
ideas with each other and how are they able to speak in front of the class.
Students must be involved in lesson. We have noticed that not all the students were
interested in the topic of the experiment, thus some were not motivated.
There are more advantages working in a group rather than disadvantages. These disadvantages
can be fixed by teachers. Because teachers play a big role in educational sphere. Most of the things
in class depend on teachers, because the word “teacher” includes the words “helper, assistant,
For the further investigation we want to keep working on this field. We are aimed to continue
experimenting in EFL classes, in order to record the students’ progress in language learning. For
instance, we are going to do speaking, listening and reading activities. We will compare their
grades with further results, which will show how effective our hypothesis is.
Boud, D. (2001). “Introduction: Making the Move to Peer Learning”. In Jolly, B. & Rees, L. (Ed.),
Medical Education in the Millenium. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 192-198
Montagu, A. (1966). On being human. New York: Hawthorn
Johnson, D.W. (2003). Social interdependence: The interrelationships among theory, research, and
practice. American Psychologist, 58(11), 931-945
Landis, R.B. (2000). “Academic Success Strategies”. In Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a
Rewarding Career (2
ed.). Los Angeles: Discovery Press.
Bookfield, S.D. (1987). Developing Critical Thinkers. Jossey-Bass, San Franciso.
Nelson, C. (1999). “Critical Thinking and Collaborative Learning”. Tomorrow’s Professor Msg.
#173, Center for Teaching and Learning, Stanford University.
УДК 81/574/
Maya Gornaya
Scientific superviser: Gulsum.R Mukusheva
(candidate of pedagogical science, docent).
Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Мақалада әлемдік қоғамдастықтың ішіндегі тіл және оның мағынасына түрлі
анықтамалар берілген, сонымен қатар халықтардың тарихына, дәстүрлеріне және ұлттық
мәдениетіне тілдің әсері көрсетілген.
Түйінді сөздер: тіл, халық, ұлттық, көптілділік, дәстүр. ынталандыру.
The article presents the various definitions of a language and meaning of the language in
the world community, its influence on the history and traditions of the nations and national culture.
Key words: language, nation, national, multilingualism, traditions. to encourage.
Language is a road map of a culture.
It tells you where people come from
and where they are going to.
Rita Mae Brown
Language… We often hear this word; it is small but very deep in its meaning and content.
Just think everything and everyone has its own language in our world: the sun, the wind, the Earth,
each nation, each person, and each little blade of grass and a grain of sand. The word “language”
keeps immense power and contains great mystery that not everyone can understand. So what is it?
The word «language» means communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of
arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.[1] The Collins English
Dictionary defines “language” as a particular manner or style of verbal expression.[2] The
Ozhegov’s dictionary explains «language» as a historical system of sounds, vocabulary and
grammar tools that objectify work of thinking and is a common tool of communication, exchange
of ideas and mutual understanding of people in society.[3] In Humboldt writings «language» is
«organism, which always generates itself», creation of which is caused by internal human need.[4]
These definitions prove that the word “language” is of great value and the object of this
article is to show the language as an amazing miracle, encourage each of us to learn our native
language as well as any other languages, and also convince everyone in its deepest value.
They say that language is the reflection of people, but why? Because it is our history, it is
something that is passed from generation to generation; it is a property of our ancestors to which
we should treat with eagerly and a deep respect, it is the language and culture of our parents, our
grandparents and great-grandparents, it is a little part of our entire nation.
Very much to the point is Rita Mae Brown’s quote: “Language exerts hidden influence,
like the moon on tides”.[5] It can be completely agreed, because “language” is not just a set of
words and sentences, it is various culture collected together, mode of life, history and national
spirits; they are thoughts and feelings, soul of the nation, with a help of them people have created
their own language no one century.
So, language is the greatest cultural and historical precious of nation, the price of which
can be compared only with water and air.
But do we always treat our language as it deserves?
Of course, we don’t. We desecrate it, we don’t appreciate our language; don’t notice the
real beauty that our native language has. Many people even don’t know their mother tongue. The
worst thing is that they don’t have any aspiration for acquiring it.
Each person’s cultural level and even his civil value can be judged quite exactly by the
attitude to his mother tongue. The true love to your country is impossible without love to your
language. If a person is completely indifferent to his language, it means that he treats to the past,
present and future of his nation with complete indifference.[6]
Can you imagine what it might lead to? What will happen if the number of such people
becomes more and more?
Your language, your priceless wealth begins to disappear. It means that your culture will
disappear, and later the whole nation vanished. Never forget about it and appreciate what you have
But don’t fixate in only one language, because our world is abundantly
large and diverse.
More above the multilingualism today is an important factor in the development both of a person
and the entire state.
But learning language is not easy as it seems to be. Surely, we can learn to speak; learn the
most common words and phrases. But if you want to master the language, you should understand
how it was created, study traditions, mode of life and culture of the people experiencing sense of
tolerance, respect and a huge interest at the same time. You need to put your soul into learning a
new language, to penetrate into the heart of the people, and only then you will understand the
peculiarities distinguishing it from any other language. Enjoy learning a new language, love it as
your own one, and then you will be able to comprehend all the mysteries, which the language
keeps, you will be able to see the world in a different vision. This can be proved by Federico
Fellini’s words: “A different language is a different vision of life”.
We will be able to reach the hidden wealth of a nation, to understand the ideas which we
haven’t understood before, look at their life through the sight of other people. Nelson Mandela
once said about it very beautifully: «If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes
to his head, if you talk to him in his language that goes to his heart».
Language - is something grand and sacred, it is an enormous library that can move us in
time and space, and it is boundless light and energy, thanks to which you can not only touch the
highest point, but to be on the edge of the chasm
In conclusion, we want to encourage all of us to treat both our native and other languages
highly carefully, because language is the key to solving a lot of mysteries that have come to us
from ancient times, being the property of the people and the symbol of their eternal life. It is not
occasionally said by Chingiz Aitmatov, our well-known and respected writer: «The immortality
of a nation is in its own language."
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