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«7М019 – Шет тілдері педагогтерін даярлау»

«7М01708-Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі» - білім беру бағдарламасы бойынша

педагогика ғылымдарының магистрі дәрежесін алу үшін магистрлік диссертацияның


Түркістан, 2022
Диссертациялық жұмыс Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті Филология факультеті Педагогикалық шетел тілдері кафедрасында орындалды.
Ғылым жетекшісі: Ризаходжаева Г.А.
PhD.,қауымдастырылған проф.,м.а.

Ресми оппонент: М.Х.Дулати атындағы Тараз өңірлік университеті, «Әлем тілдері» кафедрасының
қауымдастырылған профессоры, педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты
Ким Ольга Васильевна
Диссертациялық жұмыс 2022 жылдың «27» маусым сағат 10:00де Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университетінде өтеді.
Мекен жайы: Түркістан қаласы, 3 – оқу ғимараты, Филология факультеті, 303-бөлме

Диссертациямен Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университетінің кітапханасында танысуға болады.


Public speaking is an activity that takes place in direct contact with an audience at a specific time and place. It conveys information to the audience, covering a variety of topics and issues. Traditionally, as part of the art of persuasion, it seeks to engage and entertain audiences through a variety of visual aids, slideshows, and presentations.

Today, public speeches are held in both formal and informal formats. That is, any form of speech exists between the audience and the speaker. In addition, any work requires the ability to speak in public in accordance with modern requirements. Reaches a certain level and helps to get the job done.
Public speaking is often used by professionals at business and commercial events. You can sign a contract with these speakers yourself, through the Bureau of Speakers, or in other ways. Since public speaking plays an important role in the professional world, 70% of jobs involve public speaking.
Today, in a democratic society, issues of power are openly discussed. Therefore, the study of the meaning of public speaking is developing rapidly. When he speaks in public, he will be able to make the right decisions. In recent years, the field of public speaking has become the main focus of the study of social linguistics. This is because public speaking is one of the most controversial topics in journalistic and scientific literature.
Public speaking is characterized by the fact that the correct choice of words and phrases affects the thinking of the audience. It is even clear that some listeners can do what political speakers think and want to do. After such arguments, it becomes obvious that politicians are choosing the right words to win their political battles and battles. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech and make it more interesting to the listeners. Public speaking is important in both business, education, and the public arena. Each contemporary teacher must know how to teach the learners to the foreign language in order to develop their international and intercultural backgrounds.
The dissertation work consists of two main chapters. The first chapter is considered a theoretical part. It provides theoretical information on general comparative linguistics and teaching speaking skills. In particular, there is information about the relationship between comparative linguistics, scientists who studied this term, and the history of comparative linguistics. The importance of teaching speech in language classes, barriers to the formation of speech skills and ways to develop them are also highlighted. The last sub-item of the theoretical part provides information about the peculiarities of Public Speaking skills in teaching English. In general, the theoretical part provides a literary review of the works of domestic and foreign scientists on this topic.
The second section, a section on methodology, contains information about methods and methods of teaching comparative linguistics and public speaking. In the first subitem, it was justified the effectiveness of teaching comparative linguistics in foreign language lessons. At the same time, information is provided, indicating the study's progress and results to develop public speaking skills.
In the developed countries of modern glory, the development of public speaking skills occupies an important place. Therefore, it is important to use effective methods of teaching English to schoolchildren in this skill.

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