Additionally, amorphous fused silica is photoelastic
К тому же, аморфный расплавленный кварц
Среди грамматических особенностей информативного текста по химии – перевод атрибутивных
цепочек типа: «fullerene production», «soot particle formation», где первое слово обычно переводится
формой множественного числа «получение фуллеренов», «образование частиц сажи». То же самое
касается некоторых существительных, обозначающих разные явления, которые в английском языке
могут употребляться во множественном, а в русском языке в единственном числе. Например:
the investigation of the role of reacting flow dynamics on the onset and the sustenance of thermoacoustic
instabilities – исследование роли влияния динамики потока на возникновение и поддержание
теромоакустической неустойчивости.
В информативном тексте по химии часто встречаются слова: «one», «ones» «that of», «those of». В
тексте эти лова используются для того, чтобы избежать повторения одних и тех же слов. Например:
The most extensive investigation was that of Lehman
We use the method similar to those delivered in [4].
Among the disadvantages the following ones can be
mentioned. [7, c. 61, 64].
исследование Лемана.
Мы используем метод схожий с методами,
изложенными в работе [4].
Среди недостатков можно упомянуть следующие
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Кӛптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы, №1(13), 2016 ж.
Чтобы часто не употреблять предлог «of», авторы англоязычных химических статей используют
герундий. Например: the model for understanding flame dynamics - модель для понимания динамики
пламени. Обычно герундий следует после таких предлогов как: thereby, by, with, for, in, due to, because of.
Иногда герундий может стоять вначале предложения и переводиться на русский язык деепричастным
Using this system a laminar premixed flat sooting
investigated. [8, c.311]
смешанного плоского саже образующего толуол/
кислородного пламени низкого давления.
Однако, возможны случаи, когда герундий переводится существительным. Например:
Understanding the mechanisms of pollutant formation
and destruction in practical combustion devices is
motivated by the need to mitigate pollutant emission. [6, c.
Понимание механизмов образования и разрушения
загрязняющих веществ в устройствах для горения
мотивировано необходимостью уменьшения выброса
этих веществ в атмосферу.
В последнем примере отметим еще одну грамматическую особенность. В английских научных
статьях авторы могут не приводить в тексте в явной форме некоторые слова, но они подразумеваются и
тесно связаны со смыслом всего предложения. Например, в приведенном выше предложении автор
опустил слово «атмосфера». Это слово логически выводится при помощи словосочетания «pollutant
emission» - «выброс загрязняющих веществ». Обычно, загрязняющие вещества, образующиеся в
процессах горения, сбрасываются в атмосферу. Прием добавления слов имеет место в случаях,
связанных с физическими величинами, такими как давление и температура. Например:
The measurements were carried out at 400 K [ 8, c.
Измерения проводились при температуре 400 К.
Из этого примера видно, что в английском языке эти слова можно опускать, если указывается их
числовое значение.
Особенностью научноестественного текста является также употребление инфинитивных конструкций,
как пассивных, так и активных, например: to be used, to be widely employed, to expect and to be expected.
Таким образом, на основании представленного материала, можно сделать вывод, что в
информативном тексте по химии мы сталкиваемся со сложными синтаксическими структурами. Они
обусловлены природой и сущностью научноестественной коммуникации. Основными требованиями в
этой коммуникации выступают последовательность, логичность, четкость в изложении научного
материала. Показанные лексические, грамматические и синтаксические особенности научноестествен-
ного текста носят постоянный характер, благодаря которому научноестественной подстиль приобретает
устойчивой выражение.
Разинкина Н.М. Стилистика научного английского текста. – М.: УРСС, 2005 -216 с.
Кожина М.Н. О речевой системности научного стиля сравнительно с некоторыми другими.: Учебное
пособие. – Пермь, 1972 – 182 с.
Скибо В.Н. О контактности предложений в английской научной прозе.// Сборник научных трудов МГПИЯ
им. М. Тореза. 1973, вып. 73. – 6 c.
Mehta P.G., Soteriou M.C., Banazuk A. Impact of exothermicity on steady and linearized response of a premixed
ducted flame. // Combustion and Flame (New-York). Vol. 141. No. 4, ELSEVIER, 2005. – P. 392 – 405.
Callard R., George Andrew J.T., Stark J. Cytokines, Chaos and Complexity. // Immunity. 1999 November. Vol. 11.
P. 507 -513.
Musculus Mark P.B., Pickett Lyle M. Laser diagnostics considerations for optical laser-extinction measurements of
soot in high-pressure transient combustion environments.// Combustion and Flame (New-York). Vol. 141, No. 4, ELSIVIER,
2005. – P.371 -391.
Рубцова М.Г.. Чтение и перевод научной и технической литературы: лексико-грамматический справочник.
2-ое издание. – М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2006. – 382 с.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Кӛптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы, №1(13), 2016 ж.
Takehara Hiroaki, Fujiwara Masashi, Arikawa Mineyuki, Diener Michael D., Alford J. Michael. Experimental study
of industrial scale fullerene production by combustion synthesis. // Carbon, 43, ELSEVIER, 2005. – 311-319 p.
Махметова Д.М. – әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ шет тіл кафедрасының аға оқытушысы,
Химиялық ғылыми мәтіндегі орыс/ағылшын тілдер жҥйесінде лексика мен грамматикаға байланысты
аудармасының ӛзгешеліктері
Ғылыми – табиғи немесе ғылыми – техникалық коммуникацияларға сәйкес мәтіндердің ерекшелігі лексика мен
тіл грамматикасына байланысты. Лексика жағынан терминдер мен интернационалдық сӛздерді ең жиі қолданулуы
байқалады. Бұл орыс және ағылшын тілдегі мәтіндерге тән. Грамматикалық аспект ерекше синтаксис құрылымдарға
байланысты. Осы мақалада ғылыми мәтіндерге тиісті құрылымдық-синтаксис категориясы бес ерекше белгілерімен
Тҥйін сӛздер: лексика, грамматика, синтаксис, одақтар, ұсыныстар, зат есім, атрибутивті топтар, аударма,
анықтағыш ұсыныстар, құрамы күрделі ұсыныстар.
Makhmetova D.M. – senior English teacher, the chair of foreign languages, al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific chemical text translation in English/Russian language system
The peculiarity of the lexis of the texts of scientific and technical communication is linked with the frequent use of terms
and international words. Common lexis preserves the link with literary language. It is peculiar to Russian and English
scientific texts. Grammar aspect of informative function focuses on specific syntactical structures. This paper indicates five
specific features for structural – syntactical category of the scientific informative text.
Keywords: lexis, grammar, syntax, conjunctions, sentences, noun, attributive chains, translation, attributive clauses,
complex sentences.
УДК 422
Baimahan T. – Kh. A. Yassawi IKTU, Professor
Mustafaeva M. – Kh. A. Yassawi IKTU, master student
of А.Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkistan
This article defines the term euphemism and gives some examples of its use in the language. Besides, the article provides
socio-linguistic aspect of this stylistic device and outlines some major differences between euphemisms and taboo. Article,as
well, provides some information considering the misuse of euphemisms and taboo. This article explains the etymology of the
term euphemism. Author of the article gives an overview of two relatively close terms taboo and euphemism, indicating the
difference and similarity between them. These terms are explained with the help of examples illustrating euphemisms and
taboo in use. Also, the article provides some examples of incorrect use of euphemisms, thus highlighting the importance of
understanding the aim and effect of this stylistic device. The article states that the euphemism is a part of the language with its
own semantic, socio-linguistic and historical background. The origin of the term euphemism is from the Greek language,
which later spread into other languages as well. Along with that, the article gives some background information of the term
taboo and tries to explain why it is associated with religion. Besides, the article refers to the use of term taboo in Western
countries, in Russia, England and the relation of this term with their own culture and traditions. This article narrates about the
emergence and development of the term euphemism in Slavic, German, Indo-European languages. Finally the article writes
about the importance of taboo and euphemisms as a part of culture.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Кӛптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы, №1(13), 2016 ж.
Key words: euphemism, taboo, the misuse of taboo and euphemism, superstitions, differences between taboo and
euphemisms, cultural ignorance, religions, etymology of euphemisms, socio-linguistic aspect of euphemisms, the usage of
taboo and euphemisms, pronunciations, social context, face-saving, expressions, forbidden, communicants, unpleasantness,
negative connotations, successfully communicate, extralinquistic factors, soft words, an idiomatic expression, semantic
The term euphemism refers to polite, indirect expressions which replace words and phrases considered harsh
and impolite or which suggest something unpleasant.
The word euphemism comes from the Greek word εφημία (euphemia), meaning "the use of words of good
omen", which in turn is derived from the Greek root-words eû (ε), "good, well" and phmē (φήμη) "prophetic
speech; rumour, talk" Etymologically, the eupheme is the opposite of the blaspheme "evil-speaking." The
term euphemism itself was used as a euphemism by the ancient Greeks, meaning "to keep a holy silence"
(speaking well by not speaking at all).
Several are known to have occurred in Indo-European languages, including the presumed original Proto-Indo-
European words for bear (H
ŕtos), wolf (wĺkos), and deer (originally, hart - although the word hart remained
commonplace in parts of England until the 20 th century as is witnessed by the widespread use of the pub sign
The White Hart). In different Indo-European languages, each of these words has a difficult etymology because of
taboo deformations: a euphemism was substituted for the original, which no longer occurs in the language. An
example is replacements of the word for "bear": the Slavic root forbear, medu-ed-, means "honey eater"; names in
Germanic languages including English are derived from the color brown. Another example in English is donkey
replacing the old Indo-European-derived word ass, which coincides with some pronunciations of the word ‗arse‘.
The word dandelion (literally, French for "tooth of lion", referring to the shape of the leaves) is another example,
being a substitute for pissenlit, meaning "urinate in bed, wet the bed", a possible reference to dandelion being used
as a diuretic. The Talmud describes the blind as having "much light" (and this phrase - sagee nahor - is the
Modern Hebrew for euphemism[1].
Euphemism is an idiomatic expression which loses its literal meanings and refers to something else in order to
hide its unpleasantness. For example, ―kick the bucket‖ is a euphemism that describes the death of a person. In
addition, many organizations use the term ―downsizing‖ for the distressing act of ―firing‖ its employees.
Euphemism depends largely on the social context of the speakers and writers where they feel the need to
replace certain words which may prove embarrassing for particular listeners or readers in a particular situation.
The relation between taboo and euphemism is thus fairly intuitive. Euphemism occurs when there is a
prescription of speech behavior relating to a taboo. The topics most likely to be treated euphemistically are those
associated with cultural taboos, such as death, disease, sexuality, and religion. In other words, euphemism results
from an interaction between semantics and the social, and has therefore been the purview of socio-linguistics, or
of those interested in socio-historical dimensions of language use and transformation. One of the main social
functions of euphemism is ―face-saving‖, first to protect one‘s own face, or to protect the feelings of the other.
Further, euphemism may decrease the emotional intensity of the topic under discussion, which can even be
measured physiologically [2].
Euphemism is one field in which language change can be observed, not just in terms of semantic erosions, but
related to larger social and historical shifts. Taboo or unspeakable in one era become permissible topics in another
period. In the Victorian period, for example, euphemism peaked in the English language as a result of the
constrictive moral values of the era. Marsh understands euphemism as a process, within the Victorian period, of
―making language decent.‖ He examines the proliferation of Latinisms (particularly within medicine) and
‗frenchified prudery‘ within this period as driven by a euphemistic purgation of the language. Marsh‘s perspective
is generally critical of euphemism, which he sees as a diminishment of language and communication that leads
toward silencing.
For example, instead of using the expressions like stupid, dim, dull, slow; of subnormal intelligence we are
trying to use euphemisms like mentally challenged, intellectually challenged. Also bathroom, powder room,
restroom, washroom instead of the word toilet.
Taboos and euphemisms exist in every language. They are inseperable of culture. Usage of them
appropriately enables us to successfully communicate with other people.
A taboo is something forbidden by religions, laws, morals of society and it is a common social phenomenon
of every nation[3].
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Кӛптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы, №1(13), 2016 ж.
In Western countries, including Russia the date thirteen or Friday (‗Monday‘ in Russia; ‗Blue Wednesday‘ in
England) these words are associated with bad luck based on their superstitions belief. According to the Bible,
Judas, who betrayed his master, Christ, was the thirteenth person at Christ‘s last supper. And Friday was said to be
the day Jesus was crucified.
It is also forbidden to ask somebody about private matters such as money, their age and health. There is also a
body language taboo. Keeping aloof from communicants, trying to be formal in different social situations caused
by extralinquistic factors usually British and American people dislike being too close to each other while talking.
Westerners of the same sex also do not hold hands, as many people in China do. A euphemism is the use soft
words or phrases instead of the words required by truth or accuracy. That is, people don‘t say directly what they
mean due to politeness[4].
For example, blind people are sometimes called ―sight-deprived‖ and old people are often called ―senior
citizens.‖ The euphemistic ―sight-deprived‖ and ―senior‖ are used to avoid offense - people may feel hurt when
they are described as old or blind. In fact, a euphemism is a kind of indirect speech. In such speech the speaker
gets the listener to understand what he really means according to the shared background information.
When someone says, ―Could I ask where the restroom is‖ he does not mean to ask a question. It is a kind of
request. The speaker makes this request indirectly with a question to say that he wants to use the toilet.
On account of the difference between cultures, taboos and euphemisms are varied according to circumstances
and situations. In a certain situation, what is accepted in one culture may be forbidden in another culture.
For example, Chinese students often begin their talking with foreigners by asking such questions as ―How
much is your rent‖ or ―How old are you‖ They think it is a friendly way to start a conversation and to show their
friendliness. In English, these are considered to be private questions and Western people feel uncomfortable being
asked such questions when strange people address them.
Another example is ―Where are you going‖ In Chinese, people say something like this as greeting; while in
English it is a real question. If we greet foreigners by saying this, it may cause a misunderstanding.
The misuse of taboo and euphemism is caused by cultural ignorance and misunderstanding. A person‘s culture
determines the style of communication.
Here are some particularly amusing examples, except where downright offensive.
If you are offered a career change or an early retirement opportunity, a career or employee
transition, or you are being involuntarily separated, or if personnel is being realigned or there is
a surplus reduction in personnel, or the staff is being re-engineered or right sized, or if there is
a workforce imbalance correction then: You‘re fired!
2. You aren‘t poor, you are economically disadvantaged.
3. You aren‘t broke, you have temporary negative cash flow.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Кӛптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы, №1(13), 2016 ж.
4. You do not live in a slum but in substandard housing, or in an economically depressed neighborhood,
or culturally deprived environment.
5. If you are managing company stakeholders, that means you are lobbying, which is really the same as
6. When you get an unwanted phone call just as you are sitting down to dinner from a representative of the
Republican party (and you are a Democrat) or vice versa, this is called a courtesy call. Only courtesy has nothing
to do with it, it‘s just freaking annoying.
7. In light of the recent demise of Osama bin Laden, several politicians have stressed that it was the enhanced
interrogation methods which caused the informants to squeal and give up the nickname of the courier, which we
then followed around until he led us to the compound of OBL. This is one of my personal favorites, not the
process it refers to of course, but the absolute ludicrousness of this particular phrase. The ultimate of euphemism.
It‘s torture, folks! Torture, and you can‘t sugarcoat it, and you can‘t make it sound nice. Torture.
8. Since we‘ve been involved in two wars for ten years, stuff happens, stuff that we don‘t want to happen.
When you come into a country and break it, for a variety of good reasons, you might cause some collateral
damage, which are really deaths of civilians. Women and children and old people. Accidental death. Accidental –
but you can‘t quite escape the ―death‖ part.
9. You‘re not buying a used car, you are purchasing a pre-enjoyed or pre-loved vehicle.
10. If you are a bank, bad, crappy debts are non- or under-performing assets.
11. Ah, genuine imitation leather. That new car smell. But really, it‘s cheesy vinyl. 100% virgin cheesy
12. If you want a raise and you deserve a raise, but there‘s no money or the company just doesn‘t want to do it,
you might get an uptitle instead, which is a fancy name for what you already are. Uptitles are fancy job names
given in lieu of monetary compensation. An example: Assistant Supervisor of Things Beginning with the Letter
13. Watch out if the company you work for says it is levering up, it means they are spending money they
don‘t have. See ―uptitle‖ above.
14. If you say you committed terminological inexactitude, or you relayed misinformation, misspoke or
were economical with the truth, well that means you just told a whopper. A bold-faced lie.
15. If you are a politician in Arizona, people who run across the border are illegal aliens, unless they are
employing these same people to tend to their children or flower gardens, then they are known as undocumented
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Кӛптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» сериясы, №1(13), 2016 ж.
16. We consume adult beverages which are booze drinks, beer and wine and hard stuff. Adults also drink
things like water, coffee and tea but these aren‘t called adult beverages, just beverages. There‘s adult
entertainment too, and we know what that means. So attaching the adjective ―adult‖ to a noun, must mean the
same as ―sleazy‖ or ―bad for you‖.[5]
In conclusion we can say that euphemisms enable people to talk about embarrassing, painful or inappropriate
issues that are considered to be social taboos. However, in time the euphemistic expressions might receive the
same negative connotations that the original term had; new expressions will be needed once again. As long as
there continue to be unpleasant topics that people prefer not to refer to directly, people will continue to use
euphemisms to talk about these topics. In fact, at present people would not be able to use language effectively
without euphemisms; talking to other people would often be uncomfortable without them. It remains to be seen
that in future people will feel comfortable talking about anything with anyone in any given situation.
Both taboos and euphemisms are used appropriately in the process of communication.
1. Fieldman, Linda. Euphemisms on the Euphrates: the War of Words. Christian Science Monitor. – 1 April 2003.
2. Hughes, Geoffrey. A History of English Words . Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.
3. Slovenko, Ralph. Commentary Euphemisms. The Journal of Psychiatry and Law Winter 2005, Vol. 33, Issue 4
4. Allan, K and K Burridge. Euphemism and Dysphemism:Language as a Shield and a Weapon. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. 1991.
5. Adams, The Uses of Euphemisms. Oxford University Press, 1985.
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