Aripzhan Gulnur Zhoyankizi
Master teacher of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh Turkish University
Түйін. Бұл мақалада прагмалингвистика және оның ғылымның басқа салаларымен байланысы қарастырылады.
Резюме. В этой статье рассматриваются прагмалингвистика и связь с другими отраслями науки.
Summary. This article deals with pragmalinguistics and its connection with other branches of science.
Pragmatics (the term “pragma” is derived from
Greek what means possessive case, pragmatosic –
action) is a branch of linguistics and semiotics which
studies the functioning of linguistic signs. In the 30s of
the XX century, the term “pragmatics” was introduced
as a subfield of Semiotics by Ch. U. Morris. He divided
semiotics into three: the first, semantics which deals
with the relationships of signs to objects. The second
is syntactics which focuses on the interrelationship of
symbols and the last is pragmatics which deals with
the study of relationship between speaker and signs
he uses. Connected withCh. S. Pirs’ idea, pragmatics
as a research branch of linguistics was developed in
the 60-70s due to the influence of logical-philological
theories about speech acts (J. R. Searle, Z. Vendler) and
pragmatical theories (P. Grice, L. Linskiy, [[Searle]],
P.F. Stroson and others). The function of linguistic
pragmatics is not concrete; it involves all problems
arising from the interrelationship between speaker
and listener. Unifying the use of language in the
relationship between communicators and its pragmatic
function, pragmatics includes issues connected with
Rhetorics, Stylistics, Theory and Typology of speech,
communicative and functional theories of styles,
sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and many other
The first thoughts about “text” can be met in the
works of A. Baitursinov and K. Zhubanov. The scholars’
thoughts about “text” might be caused by noticing the
peculiarities of language in function and everyday
use. Because during those periods, they did not aim
at considering text, its features and characteristics
as a special research object. Therefore, the scholars’
thoughts related to texts which are composed as a result
of speaking are natural.Stating text’s (a composition)
consistence of a themeand three parts, i.e. explaining,
relating and concluding, A. Baitursinov emphasizesa
clear expression of thoughts for listener’s better
understanding without any difficulties as speaker’s
thoughts are naturally directed to listener [1]. About the
ways of rendering a text content alongside with other
components of text in his work “Adebiyet tanitkish”, A.
Baitursinov claims that: ”There are three basic forms
that are noticeable in the content of a text: 1) aueze; 2)
alipteu; 3) paimdau. Whenever we talk about any other
thing in the world, it is possible to talk not onlyabout its
one side, but also about its different sides. For example,
if we take one person, we may talk about his action he
has done or we describe the word he has said, or we
discourse his deeds through explaining the essence of
his actions or his being good or bad and checking the
cause of his deeds”. Due to this, the form of our speech
becomes “aueze”, “alipteme” or “paimdama”. In most
cases, aueze, alipteme and paimdama are often met in
one composition[2]. The terms “aueze”, “alipteme”
and “paimdama” that have been mentioned above by
the scholar are nowadays the ways of narrating the text,
that is, “aueze” is a narration, “alipteme” is a description
and “paimdama” is a discourse. As for K. Zhubanov, he
calls text as an item of a word (or a word).
Taking a text for a means of communication,
the scholar displays oral and written forms of a text
and pays much attention to their features. Also he
underlines the existence of peculiar ways of forming
texts [3].This once again witnesses that the scholar
acknowledges text as a system with unique integrity
and agreement.
The conclusion that comes from this viewpoint
is that this issue was relevant in that period; however,
we can say for sure that it was not studied individually
as a special research object. The difficulty of giving a
definition to the concept “discourse” and highlighting
it through depriving different bases in describing
it is due to the complexity of acknowledging it as a
linguistic phenomenon. The majority of definitions
given to “discourse” are emerged from the traditional
standpoints about discourse which take their sources
from the rhetorical art. One of the main aims is
that a discourse will be studied in the context of
scientific treatises and political words materials
within the framework of rhetorical art which teaches
a correct and short speech. Much attention of modern
investigators to study discourse in the context of
scientific and political text materials is an evidence of
this fact. In studies devoted to stylistics, a discourse is
regarded on the basis of texts materials, mainly on the
fictional literal text basis within different functional
styles. Therefore, studying discourse in the context of
stylistics causes its broad understanding [4]. In Text
linguistics, an identification of the status of discourse
and other compositional speech forms is implemented
in accordance to the decisions in the Russian and
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European linguistics. Lately, close to this issue,
complete and all possibilities of studying the nature of
fictional literature emerged. A stylistic branch of the
Kazakh language, today’s investigation inclination of
studying the language of fictional literature and Text
linguistics that has been formed as a new branch of
linguistics are the result of these works. “Alongside
with being connected with its contextual-informative
content, authorial intention, goals and interests,
motives of composing a text, Text pragmatics, first
of all, is closely connected with the issues like
affecting listener, creating his reaction, intellectual
opportunities of an author as a linguistic personality,
his relationship circle”. When thetext affects listener
and he understands the text, and when some changes
take place in his inner world and creates his reaction,
it is possible to say that the linguistic relationship
has fully achieved its goal. The basic objective of
any other text is to meet pragmatic requirements, to
“awaken” listeners and “create their reactions” through
impacting on inner worlds of communicants via the
implementation of opinion expressions [4].
Pragmalinguistics is a broad branch of science.
Especially, in conducting pragmalinguistic analysis
on a newspaper text, it is impossible not to take into
account its connection with other anthropocentric
directions. The results of traditional linguistics cannot
meet the requirements of implementing activities
in defining the communicative-pragmatic system
(educating, teaching a language, legal, economic,
medical, newspaper texts, a language of advertisement
and others) in the national context in accordance
to the state function of language in the modern
society, and in modernizing the national awareness.
A development direction and a new qualitative
level of the modern Kazakh society require a new
tendency of defining and investigating the language
function as a national and cultural mechanism and a
modification of its complex methodological base. In
this connection, branches of cognitive linguistics,
linguocultural linguistics, ethnolinguistics, social
linguistics, pragmaliguistics and psycholinguistics that
are based on the acknowledgement of the continuity
of language and culture in modern Kazakh linguistics,
mainly national character and national spirit are
developing. At this point, it is important to identify
the basic concepts and research objects of cognitive
linguistics, psycholinguistics, social linguistics and
communicative linguistics.
The basic concept “cognition” of cognitive
linguistics can be understood in two meanings. When
it is translated from Latin, it means “cognition”
and the process of cognizing, that is, this concept
involves person’s obtaining knowledge, accumulating
experience and the result of this process. Also
cognition includes person’s mental and intellectual
abilities. In addition, individual’s self-cognition and
self-assessment, as well as attempts to discover the
secrets of the surrounding world and to perceive
them, the ability of forming a world’s exclusive
image is related to this concept. Hence, a close
connection between the cognitive direction which is
aimed at studying complex processes of conveying
and processing any information as well as forming
necessary understanding of surrounding world, and the
pragmaliguistics studying the interrelation between
an addressee (information provider) and the intended
recipient (the recipient of the information,) that take
adequate parts in this process is natural. Especially,
the catigorization and conceptualization processes that
regulate information coming to person’s consciousness
at a necessary level are of paramount importance in
relation to the issue of forming world’s linguistic
image since due to these processes a person acquires
events taking place in the world in the cognitive
context; that is, a person replenishes his knowledge
about surrounding world via information taken from
external sources (newspaper). Thus, he regulates his
knowledge that is always increased in concept and
category forms. As a result, all information coming
separately is systematized and composes an education
fund. All that what have been said are of paramount
importance in studying Mass media texts.
Since the cognition is defined and understood
by the different stages of person’s activities and life,
understanding its nature is based on the continuity
of different scientific data and the description of
their anthropological differences. Though a person
is an aggregation of definite psycho-physiological
peculiarities, he is cognized as a thoughtfull creation
by nature, a centre of philosophical possibilities and
a set of diverse important activities. As a person
develops not by himself, but in a close connection
with a society relying on the established social and
cultural conditions, the necessity of considering his
cognitive activities relying on the philosophical basis,
psychological analysis, social development, national
and cultural civilization is indisputable. Cognitive
researches give an opportunity to consider media texts
not as derivations of separate word formations, but as
a result of joint work of thousand people (journalists)
who work in the fields of preparing, transmitting that
information and organizations (newspaper editions,
TV and radio channels).Thus, interpretation properties
of mass media texts, their role in forming world’s
media image, cultural specific and ideological factors
influencing on forming and perceiving mass media texts
are called as the fundamental problems of cognitive
linguistics. Eventually, since addressee who influences
on, even contributes to the formation of world’s
information image in recipients’ cognitive awareness
is just a journalist accomplishing his professional
duty; the interrelationship between addressee and
recipient in pragmalinguistics is also referred to the
cognitive linguistics field. The connection between
pragmalinguistics and cognitive linguistics can be
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shortly characterized in this way.
The perception and understanding of information
causes the emergence of definite knowledge fund in a
person’s consciousness. A deep perception of a person
of new information connected with any concept that he
has been aware before is natural. As for a recipient, a
perception of new information about unfamiliar events
and phenomena causes difficulty at a definite level.
However, no matter what information is covered, a
person attempts to interpret any text relying on his
stocked knowledge fund. In psycholinguistics, all these
above mentioned are regarded in a form of concepts
as “background knowledge”, “presupposition”, “a text
interpretation”, “difficulties in perceiving oral and
written texts”. If the basic problem in pragmalinguistical
analysis of a newspaper text is a pragmatic position
of an addressee, from the psycholinguistics viewpoint
it can be called as coding of information in written
texts, recipient’s interpretation of a text, opening the
code, i.e., recipients’ clear understanding of open and
hidden messages from information. Also, addressee’s
knowledge fund plays an important role since it
becomes his basic professional sphere. For instance,
if one author writes much on the historical themes,
another one is swift in political themes, while the
third group adjusts in highlighting themes in a sport
or cultural field.
A restriction of a newspaper auditory is impossible
since a newspaper is read by any literate person; any
individual who has a right to read uses information
in the newspaper as he wants. However, individual
articles written adequately for definite specialists (for
example, materials written on the medicine theme are
important for healthcare specialists), some materials
of upbringing importance for young generation and
the significance of materials connected with a gender
policy for a women community refer to the concepts
as person’s age peculiarities, profession, sex, social
circle, social condition and knowledge in the social
linguistics. All these are concentrated to recipient’s
factor in conducting a pragmalinguistic analysis on
the newspaper text. In fact, addressee and recipient
are definite social representatives and the members
of a definite society; therefore, they both obey the
established, written or unwritten laws. But each of them
is an individual with his personal life principles, clear
position and peculiar principles. To say deeply, there
are individuals who achieved the linguistic individual
level both in that auditory and in the community of
journalists. This is connected with the most actual
linguistic individual issue which is broadly considered
in the modern sociolinguistics. In the sociolinguistic
context, an addressee who composes a newspaper text
and recipient who consumes it are social subjects,
that is, they are members of definite social groups.
These subjects are representatives of society which
is closer to the message in text. Therefore, they are
the ones who make media texts in a general news
communicative context and interpret them. In his work
where he regarded news as one type of a discourse,
Т.А. Van Dijk overestimated the functions of these
social subjects: “These social subjects, their social and
cultural activity of the organization, common beliefs
or ideology give possibilities of relating news texts to
the processes of institutional and social production and
consumption, as well as the economic conditions of
their production and distribution”.
Modern linguistics is enriched by many research
data formed on the basis of complex interdisciplinary
psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, linguocultural
studies, ethnolinguistics and pragmalinguistics.
Namely, the works of I.V.Arnold, B.P.Belyanina,
E.I.Kovaleva, G.V.Kolshanskiy, M.M.Kopılenko,
A.P.Krisina, V.A.Maslova, R.Sizdikova, É.
Z.Ernazarova, G.Sagidolda and E.Orazalieva provided
a complex consideration and identification of logical
and conceptual connections, semantic, syntagmatical
and pragmatical factors in linguistics. By the words of
T.G. Vinokurov, pragmatics is a subfield of linguistics
which defines communicative features of language in
use and function consistently[4].
To sum up, the necessity of using the data of
the mentioned directions and scientific achievements
obtained in these fields in conducting a pragmalinguistic
analysis on a publicist text which is our research object
is undoubtful.
1. Rogozin I.V.Media text as a means of social regulation // Conceptual picture of the world and interpretive text field from
the perspective of linguistics, journalism and communication studies: sb.dokl. Vsesoyuz.nauch.prak.konf., / June 25-26, 2001
/. -Barnaul, 2001, pp. 171-182.
2. Uali N. theoretical bases of the Kazakh word culture. A Candidate thesis.
3. Ernazarova Z.Sh. Kazakh speech syntactic units and pragmatic basis. Phil. Report of doctoral dissertation..... Almaty,
4. Кuderinova K.Onthogeniz development of the Kazakh writing. Almaty, 2006.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
Konysova Aigerim
Master teacher of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh Turkish University
Түйін. Бұл мақалада құрмалас сөйлемнің ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріндегі ұқсастықтары мен айырмашылықта-
ры қарастырылады.
Резюме. В этой статье рассматривается сходство и различия сложноподчиненных предложений в английском
и казахском языках.
Summary. This article deals with the comparative analysis and similarities of Compound Sentences in English and
Kazakh languages.
It is better to start comparison of English and
Kazakh compound sentences with their definition.
According to Russian grammarian Petrova a compound
sentence is a multiple sentence that consists of two or
more clauses coordinated with each other. Clauses
combined by means of coordination are regarded as
independent: they are linked in such a way that there
is no hierarchy in the syntactic relationship; they have
the same syntactic status. [1,7]
Other Russian grammarians such as Korbina,
Korneeva, Guzeeva, Ilish, who studied English
grammar, give the same definition to compound
sentence as Petrova.
The other foreign grammarians, who investigated
English compound sentence, such as Feigenbaun
and Irwin define compound sentence like this: “A
compound sentence contains two or more independent
clauses. Each of the clauses could be a separate, simple
sentence; the writer or speaker has brought the clauses
together because the ideas are connected or related in
some way.” [2, 189]
Here is the next definition of Kazakh compound
sentence. Kazakh grammarian Argynov states: “Ком-
поненттері мағына, орын тәртібі, интонация бой-
ынша, ал олардың баяндауыштары шылаулы да,
шылаусыз да байланысып келіп, олар тиянақты
формада болып, өзара тең дәрежеде келген жай
сөйлемдердің тіркесін салалас құрмалас сөйлем
дейді.” [3, 221]
As we can see both, foreign grammarians, who
explored English compound sentence, and those
Kazakh grammarians, who in their turn studied
Kazakh compound sentence, defines compound
sentence in each languages in the same way, that is in
both languages compound sentence is the sentence that
consist of two independent clause or simple sentences,
each clause or simple sentences gives a complete
thought and can be used separately.
Now about how the clauses of both languages
compound sentences are connected to form compound
sentence. In English clauses of compound sentence may
be connected: syndetically and asyndetically, Petrova
states. Syndetically, i.e. by means of coordinating
conjunctions (and, or, else, but, etc.) or conjunctive
adverbs (otherwise, however, nevertheless, yet, still,
therefore, etc.) E.g.:
The darkness was thinning, but the street was still
dimly lighted.
Asyndetically, i.e. without conjunction or
conjunctive adverbs. E.g.:
The rain fell softly, the house was quite.
In his turn Kazakh grammarian Kordabaev says
about the way of Kazakh compound sentence’s clauses
connection: “Салалас құрмаластың құрамындағы
жай сөйлемдер өзара бір-бірімен өзара екі түрлі
жолмен байланысады:
Интонация арқылы мағыналарының жақын-
дығына қарай іргелес байланысады және салалас
құрамындағы жай сөйлемдер бір-бірімен өзара
жалғаулық шылаулар арқылы да байланысады. [4,
Other Russian grammarians Iofick and Chahoyan
state the following about English compound sentence’s
clauses connection: The compound sentence consists
of different independent propositions of members.
These members may be two or more simple sentences,
or one member may be a simple sentence and the others
complex sentences, or there may be any combination
of simple and complex sentences. These members are
usually connected in the following ways:
Coordinating conjunctions. The members
are connected by coordinating conjunctions. The
commonest are and, or, but, for;
John is in the garden working and Mary is sitting
at the window reading.
The members of a compound sentence, however,
are not always thus complete, each with subject and
finite verb, for a natural feeling for a economy of
time and effort prompts us, wherever it is possible,
to contract by employing a common verb for all
members, so that the conjunctions connect only parts
of like rank:
Not “John is writing and Mary is writing,” but
“John and Mary are writing,” or “John and Mary are
both writing,” or “Both John and Mary are writing.”
“I bought paper, pen, and ink.” “John writes fast but
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Besides the pure connectives mentioned in 1,
there are many adverbs which perform not only the
function of an adverb but also that of conjunction.
Coordinating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs
may be divided into the following classes:
(a). Copulative, connecting two members and
their meaning, the second member indicating an
addition of equal importance, or, on the other hand, an
advance in time and space, or an intensification, often
coming in pairs, then called correlatives: and; both –
and; equally – and; alike – and; at once – and; not – nor
(or neither, or and neither); not (or never) – not (or nor)
… either; […] neither – nor, etc.
(b). Disjunctive, connecting two members but
disconnecting their meaning, the meaning in the second
member including that in the first: or, in older English
also either or outher (=or) and in question whether =or
with the force of simple or; or … either; either – or,
etc.; the disjunctive adverbs else, otherwise, or or, or
or else, in older English outher else.
(c) Adversative, connecting two members, but
contrasting their meaning: but, but then, only (=but,
but then it must however be added that), still, yet, and
yet, however […], on the other hand, again, on the
contrary, etc.
(d). Causal, adding an independent proposition
explaining the preceding statement, represented only
by the single conjunction for:
The book was very high, for a great deal of rain
had fallen over night. […]
(e). Illative, introducing an inference, conclusion,
consequence, results, namely, therefore, […] on that
account, consequently, accordingly, for that reason, so,
then, hence, thence (=hence, but not so common), etc.
(f). Explanatory, connecting words, phrases,
or sentences and introducing an explanation or a
particularization: namely, to wit, […] that is, […] that
is to say, or, such as, as, like, for example, […] for
instance, say, let us say. […]
Sometimes there is no formal link binding the
members together since the logical connection forms
a sufficient tie. Upon clause investigation, however,
it will become clear that such apparently independent
prepositions are not absolutely independent. One of the
prepositions often stands in some grammatical relation
to the other, such as that of subject or object, or in
an adverbial relation, such as that of cause, purpose,
result, concession, condition:
The best way is you ask the man himself. (subject
“I am not sure of it” (object clause), he replied.
Hurry up; its getting late. (cause)
They gave him a large sum of money; he was to
keep still, you know. (purpose)
The crops were very poor this year; the prices of
food are high. (pure result)
I could have poisoned him (modal result), I was
so mad to think I had hired such a turnip.
Let him talk (concession) it’ll do no harm.
Do it (condition), you’ll never regret it. [5, 197-
Argynov, Kazakh grammarian states the
following: “1. Салалас құрмалас сөйлемнің ком-
поненттеріндегі баяндауыштар тиянақты формада
(үш жақтың біреуіндегі етістік пен есім сөздердің
бірінде) келеді. Жай сөйлемдегі баяндауыштар бір
ғана немесе бірыңғай бастауыштармен қиыса бай-
ланысады. 2. Салалас құрмалас сөйлемдердегі жай
сөйлемдер өзара жалғаулықтар (шылаулар), жалға-
улықсыз орын тәртібі және интонация арқылы
байланысады. Бұл жағынан олар бірыңғай баста-
уышты және баяндауышты жай сөйлеммен бірша-
ма ұқсас.” [6, 22]
The result of comparison of clause connection
English and Kazakh compound sentences can be
outlined in this way: according to both Kazakh and
Russian grammarians clauses of compound sentences
of both languages are connected in same way, that is,
clauses of compound sentences may be connected by
means of coordinators and without coordinators purely
by intonation.
Other Kazakh grammarians such as Ahanov,
Sairambaev and Balakaev are have the same version
about Kazakh compound sentence types.
In English there are copulative, adversative,
disjunctive and causative-consecutive coordinators
which at first can be seemed like they are the types of
English compound sentence. But they called in English
as coordinators not as types of the compound sentence.
All types of Kazakh compound sentence are
made by means of conjunctions as English compound
sentence do. So we can say in this case types of
compound sentence in Kazakh and English compound
sentences which made by means of coordinator are
somehow have the similarities.
Here are statements of Kazakh grammarians
Balakaev and Sairambaev:
Ыңғайлас салалас. Ыңғайлас салаластың ком-
поненттеріне (құрамына) енген жай сөйлемдер
істің, оқиғаның бір мезгілде немесе бірінен соң
бірі болғанын, болып жатқанын, болатынын хабар-
лайды, баяндайды, бір ыңғайда екенін білдіреді.
Алдымен төмендегі кестеге қарап көрейік.
Жалғаулықты салаластың компоненттерін бір
ғана да шылауы ыңғайластырса, үтір сол да-дан
соң, ал екі рет, я одан да көп да-лар келсе, әр компо-
ненттің баяндауышынан кейін үтір қойылады. Мы-
салы: Құнанбай Ұлжан қасына отырды да, Мәкіш
пен Абайдың жүзіне қарады (М. Әуезов). Күн бата
шұбартып мал шеті де көрінді, боран да үдеңкіреп
кетті (Ғ. Мүсірепов). Жалғаулықты салаластың
компоненті бір ғана әрі шылауымен байланысса,
үтір оның алдынан, ал қайталанып келсе, әз ком-
поненттің баяндауышынан кейін қойылады. Мы-
салы: Ақылы артық, әрі арамдығы жоқ. Бүгін әрі
жұмысымыз көп болды, әрі жиналысқа қатыстық.
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Қарсылықты салалас.Салаластың бірінші
компонентіндегі ой, іс, оқиға екінші компонентін-
дегі ой, іс, оқиғаға қарама-қарсы болып келеді
де, күрделі ойды білдіреді. Мұндай сөйлемдерді
қарсалықты салалас деп атайды. Қарсылықты са-
лаластың құрамына енген жай сөйлемдер жалғау-
лықтармен және интонация, орын тәртібі арқылы
байланысады. Сондықтан олар жалғаулықты,
жалғаулықсыз салалас болып екігк бөлінеді. Қар-
сылықты салаластың баяндауыштары болымсыз
етістіктерден, антоним сөздерден болады. Жалға-
улықты салалас құрмалас мына секілді жалғау-
лықтар арқылы жасалады: бірақ, дегенмен, әйтсе
де, сөйткенмне, сонда да, солай бола тұрса да, со-
лай болғанмен.
Түсіндірмелі салалас.Түсіндірмелі салаласты
«іліктес» деп те, «анықтамалы» деп те атап жүреді.
Түсіндірмелі салаласта алдыңғы сөйлем (ком-
понент) түсіндіруді қажет етеді де, соңғысы оны
түсіндіреді. Демек, алдыңғы сөйдемде айтылған
ойды соңғы компоненттегі ой толықтырады, фй-
қындырады, түсіндіреді. Түсіндірмелі салаластың
құрамына енген сөйлемдер жалғаулықсыз келеді
де, өзара орын тәртібі, интонация арқылы байла-
нысады. Түсіндірмелі салаластың баяндауышы
сілтеу есімдігінің кейде ашық, кейде жасырын
түрінде болады. Мысалы:
Бір-ақ қана айтарым бар (сол): мұны парыз,
қарызсыз жас тілеулестік істеткен іс десеңіз бол-
ды. Менің сіздерге берген парызым сол: дәл сол
Құнанбай баласы да өзіміздей адам баласы екенін
таныттым (М. Әуезов).
Себеп-салдар салалас. Себеп-салдар салала-
стың бір компоненті себепті, екіншісі салдарды
(нәтижені) білдіреді. Мына кестеге көңіл аударып
көрейік. Жалғаулықтары: сондықтан, өйткені, сол
себепті, себепті.
1. Себеп-салдар салаластың бір компоненті
себепті, екіншісі салдарды (нәтижені), қортынды-
ны білдіреді.
2. Компоненттері себеп-салдар мәнді жалғау-
лықтармен және орын тәртібі, интонация арқылы
3. Себеп-салдар салалас сөйлемдер жалғау-
лықты, жалғаулықсыз болып екіге бөлінеді.
4. Жалғаулықты салаластың жалғаулықтары
өйткені, себебі болғанда, алдыңғы сөйлем салдар
мәнді болып келеді де, екінші жай сөйлем ондағы
ойдың себебін білдіреді. Егер жалғаулықтары сон-
дықтан, сол себепті болса, алдыңғы жай сөйлем
екінші жай сөйлемдегі ойдың болу себебін біл-
5. Жазғанда, жалғаулықты себеп-салдардың
арасына үтір, жалғаулықсыз себеп-салдардың ата-
сына қос нүкте қойылады.
Түсіндірмелі салаластарды айтқанда, бірін-
ші компонентінен кейін пауза, жазғанда қос нүкте
қойылады да, қалған компоненттерінің араларына
үтір қойылады. Бірінші компоненттердегі баянда-
уыштар, жоғарыда айтқанымыздай, сол, соншама,
соншалықты, сондай деген есімдіктер мен үстеу
сөздерден болады. Мұндай жағдайда қос нүктен-
нің орнына сызықша қойылады.
Талғаулы салалас. Талғаулы салалас мына ке-
стедегі сөйлемдерді талдау арқылы түсінуге тыры-
сып көрейік:
Ертең олар Тәңірбергенмен мықтап бет
ашысбақшы: я жеңеді, я жеңіледі.
Яғни талғаулы салаластың жалғаулықтары: Я,
яки, не, әлде, немесе, болмаса, әйтпесе, мейлі; бо-
лып табылады.
These were types of compound sentence in
Kazakh. Next step is comparing these types with
English compound sentence with coordinators.
According to Kaushanskaya we can distinguish the
following types of coordination:
1. Copulative coordination, expressed by the
conjunctions and, nor, neither … nor, not only …
but (also). With the help of these conjunctions the
statement expressed in one clause is simply added to
that expressed in another.
It was a nice little place and Mr. and Mrs. Witla
were rather proud of it.
Mr. Home did not lift his eyes from his breakfast
plate for about two minutes, nor did he speak.
2. Disjunctive coordination expressed by the
conjunctions or, else, or else, either … or, and the
conjunctive adverb otherwise. By these a choice is
offered between the statements expressed in two
Don’t come near me with that look else I’ll knock
you down.
… don’t fret, and don’t expect too much of him,
or else he will feel you to be troublesome…
3. Adversative conjunction expressed by the
conjunctions but, while, whereas and the conjunctive
adverbs nevertheless, still, yet. These are conjunctions
and adverbs connecting two clauses contrasting in
The room was dark, but the street was lighter
because of the lamps.
He had a glass eye which remained stationary,
while the other eye looked at Reinhardt.
4. Causative-consecutive coordination expressed
by the conjunctions for, so and the conjunctive adverbs
therefore, accordingly, consequently, hence.
For introduces coordinate clauses explaining
the preceding statement. Therefore, so, consequently,
hence, accordingly introduce coordinate clauses
denoting cause, consequence and result.
There was something amiss with Mr. Lightwood,
for he was strangely grave and looked ill.
After all, the two of them belonged to the same
trade, so talk was easy and happy between them.
Here (Lillian’s) was not a soul that ever loved
passionately, hence she could not suffer passionately.
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
From comparing compound sentence types of
Kazakh and compound sentences with coordinators of
English we can make the following conclusion, there
are six types of compound sentence types in Kazakh
which are made by means of conjunctions, while there
four types of compound sentences with coordinators
in English. Types of Kazakh compound sentences
such as ыңғайлас салалас, талғаулы салалас, қар-
сылықты салалас and себеп-салдар салалас are have
common features with English compound sentences
with coordinator: copulative coordination, disjunctive
coordination, adversative coordination and causative-
consecutive coordination. Their similar feature is in
the way of connecting clauses that is coordinators and
the idea which they express by joining clauses together
by these coordinators.
Difference of English and Kazakh compound
sentences types is shown in the following table.
Table 1
Kazakh compound sentence types
English compound sentences with coordinators
Ыңғайлас салалас
Copulative coordination
Қарсылықты салалас
Adversative coordination
Себеп-салдар салалас
Causative-consecutive coordination
Талғаулы салалас
Disjunctive coordination
Кезектес салалас
Түсіндірмелі салалас
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6. Каушанская В.Л, Ковнер Р.Л, Кожевникова О.Н, Прокофьева Е.В, Райнес З.М, Сквирская С.Е, Цырлина Ф.Я.
Грамматика Английского языка. Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов. Под редакцией проф. Б. А.
Ильиша. Государственное учебно-педагогическое издательство Министерства просвещения РСФСР. Ленинградское
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
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