13 августа - состоялась церемония
официального вручения компании «Пе-
троКазахстан Кумколь Ресорсиз» серти-
кАлеНдАрь собЫтиЙ
ПққР-дағы ISO 50001:2011 сертификатының ресми тапсырылуы, солдан оңға: Британдық стандарттар институтының
өкілі Ярцев мырза мен ПққР басқармасының төрағасы Цинь Хунвэй мырза / Официальное вручение сертификата ISO
50001:2011 в ПККР, слева направо: представитель Британского Института Стандартов г-н Ярцев и Председатель
правления ПККР г-н Цинь Хунвэй / Official handing over of the ISO 50001:2011 certificate at PKKR, from left to right:
representative of the British Standards Institute D.Yartzev and PKKR chairman of the Board Mr. Qin Hongwei
«Петроқазақстан» стипендиялық бағдарламасының түлектерінің қытай мұнай университетінен келген қонақтарымен
кездесу барысында / Встреча гостей из Китайского нефтяного университета с выпускниками Стипендиальной
программы «ПетроКазахстан» / Meeting of the guests from the china University of Petroleum with PetroKazakhstan
Scholarship programme graduates
Қыркүйек 2015
фиката ENMS 637414 международного
стандарта ISO 50001:2011 системы энер-
гетического менеджмента. Данный стан-
дарт предусматривает методику обеспе-
чения энергоэффективности и энергос-
бережения, считающуюся лучшей в мире
и позволяющую сократить энергопотре-
бление, снизить расходы и обеспечить
соответствие экологическим требовани-
ям. Сертификат г-ну Цинь Хунвэй вручал
Д.Ярцев, представитель Британского ин-
ститута стандартов (BSI) - одной из ста-
рейших и авторитетных организаций,
занимающихся стандартизацией на ми-
ровом рынке.
17-27 августа - на базе детского лагеря
отдыха «Арай Санрайз» проведен област-
ной турнир по футболу среди школьни-
ков на Кубок «ПетроКазахстан Кумколь
Ресорсиз», в котором приняли участие 8
команд из г.Кызылорды и районов обла-
сти. Всем отличившимся игрокам и на-
ставникам юных футболистов были вру-
чены памятные призы и ценные подарки.
21 августа - подшефное детское ле-
чебное учреждение «Казалинский реа-
билитационный центр для детей-инва-
лидов «Шапагат», расположенное в Кы-
зылординской области, отметило свой
20-летний юбилей. На протяжении всех
этих лет ПККР является спонсором цен-
тра и оказывает ему всестороннюю по-
22 августа - в 8 детских лагерях отды-
ха Кызылординской области заверши-
лась благотворительная акция «Караван
радости», в рамках которой более 1500
отдыхающих детей получили памятные
подарки от «ПетроКазахстан Кумколь Ре-
25 августа - состоялась торжествен-
ная церемония награждения 5 победи-
телей Стипендиальной программы «Пе-
троКазахстан» - 2015 и чествование
выпусников КБТУ и Китайского универ-
ситета нефти.
25-28 августа - спортивная команда
ТОО «ПКОП» приняла участие в Спар-
такиаде, проводимой среди коллекти-
вов группы компаний АО «КазМунай-
Газ - Переработка и Маркетинг»: АО
«қазМұнайГаз Өнімдері», ТОО «Павло-
дарский нефтехимический завод», ТОО
«Атырауский нефтеперерабатывающий
завод» и ТОО «ПетроКазахстан Ойл Про-
дактс» в г. Алматы.
9 сентября - в Шымкенте прошли об-
щественные слушания по плану меро-
приятий по охране окружающей среды
ТОО «ПКОП» на 2016-2020 годы.
29 сентября - 1 октября - «ПетроКа-
захстан» принимает участие в X юби-
лейном Евразийском Форуме и выставке
информация о призерах «Программы поощрения работников за сообщения о потенциально
опасных ситуациях, небезопасных условиях/действиях» по итогам 2-го квартала 2015 года
По ТОО «ПКОП» принято решение поощрить оператора 5-го разряда цеха №1 Х.Абдуева, сообщившего 21.05.2015 го-
да об обнаружении свища на сварном стыке дренажа сепаратора С-209, возникшего в результате коррозии металла. Дан-
ная потенциально опасная ситуация высокого риска могла привести к возгоранию, взрыву и разрушению технологиче-
ского оборудования завода.
По АО «ПККР» принято решение премировать двух работников за сообщения о потенциально опасных ситуациях вы-
сокого и среднего риска:
- 10.04.2015 года оператор 3-го разряда отдела ДНГ м/р Кызылкия А.Ошакбаев обнаружил и сообщил о том, что элек-
трический кабель, проложенный от трансформатора до устья скважины, затоплен дождевыми водами, а две железобе-
тонные опоры воздушной линии электропередачи имеют признаки разрушения в нижней части. Это могло привести к
короткому замыканию, остановке работы скважин и поражению работников электрическим током. По результатам рас-
следования были разработаны мероприятия, обеспечивающие безопасную эксплуатацию электрооборудования сква-
- 13.04.2015 года электромонтер 5-го разряда отдела ЦДНГ м/р КАМ Б.Жусупов увидел и остановил транспортное сред-
ство, перевозившее крупногабаритный груз, что могло бы привести к обрыву воздушной линии электропередачи, оста-
новке работы скважин и поражению работников электрическим током. Расследование показало, что у водителя не было
разрешения на перевозку груза, отсутствовало сопровождение. Подрядная организация, которой принадлежало транс-
портное средство, провела дополнительный инструктаж со своими работниками.
қызылорда облысының демалыс лагерінде «Шаттық керуені» қайырымдылық акциясы / Благотворительная акция
«Караван радости» в детском лагере отдыха Кызылординской области / The Happiness caravan charity campaign held
at Kyzylorda Oblast children’s leisure camps
Қыркүйек 2015
cHIeF eDItoR’s PAGe
In the second quarter global oil surplus reached 3 million barrels per day, its highest level for 17
years. With Iranian oil, the surplus will reach 4 million barrels per day. Previously, over production was
significant, now it is inconceivably large and amounts to approximately 2.5 times of Kazakhstan’s annual
production volume. OEcD country reserves are no less amazing - 2.9 billion barrels or 400 million tonnes
of oil or in other words, a little less than annual production levels in Russia or Saudi Arabia (in excess of
500 million tonnes of oil per year). Tension is growing not only among oil producers, but in other sectors,
as economic trends are creating a feeling of another global downturn.
This is the situation that the 10th International KAZENERGY Forum faces in Astana. Naturally, the
hottest topic for discussion at the Forum will be the current situation in the hydrocarbon sector. Hope
does exist that the well-known experts and top managers arriving to speak at the Forum will provide
constructive solutions. The KAZENERGY Forum has really become an established international platform
for exchanging news, opinions, innovative ideas and simply a format for the discussion of practices
between scientists and workers in the oil and gas sphere.
This is one of the merits of the Forum organised by KAZENERGY, which in 10 years has become a
recognised and significant figure in the international energy community. Its results under the management
of its creator T.Kulibayev are more than just impressive.
PetroKazakhstan management and staff would like to congratulate the close-knit and effective KAZENERGY team with its 10th anniversary
and wish it further success in the development of Kazakhstan.
2015 is also an anniversary for our own Shymkent refinery. For 30 years now, it has been supplying the population and companies with
quality petroleum products. The refinery modernization, which hit its peak this year, will help reach a new technological level, increase
production volume, range and quality. The applied significance of the upgrade is multifaceted and incorporates adaptability to manufacture,
the economy, ecology and corporate culture.
We would like to congratulate each and every Shymkent refinery employee with this event, as it is through their efforts that we have created
the good name of the refinery, and made a worthy contribution to regional development and that of the country as a whole.
This issue of Munaishy includes articles on KAZENERGY and its 10th Anniversary International Forum, on the 30th anniversary of the
Shymkent refinery and its upgrade. We hope that you find the articles informative and interesting.
Best regards to our colleagues and readers,
Vice president
Қыркүйек 2015
MAnAGeMent ADDRess
Dear petroKazakhstan Oil products employees and former
It is a great honour and pleasure to be able to have this opportunity
to congratulate you on this wonderful event - the 30th anniversary
of the refinery!
The foundation for PKOP’s accomplishments today was laid 30
years ago when the refinery received its first Shymkent gasoline. In
that period, the company has seen some highs and lows, but thanks
to the dedicated efforts and professionalism of each employee and
our entire multinational team, with its rich history of corporate
culture and traditions, the refinery has invariably managed to keep
moving ahead. Working dynasties have been formed, experience has
been accumulated and passed on, skills have been honed, processes
and technology improved. The refinery has grown and developed,
while the people working for it have become one family.
An oil worker’s job is not easy, but it is those workers who have formed the domestic oil industry and made a collosal contribution to
something that has secured national energy security. It is pleasing that our people’s efforts are valued highly, at the national level, and we
are proud that PKOP employees have received a number of awards, including medals and certificates from core ministries, the Akimat and
Here and now, together, we are creating a new page in the refinery’s history by realising the Refinery Modernization project. We are standing
on the threshold of some great changes that will create a firm basis for further refinery worker successes. A lot of effort and work have already
been put into the project by each and every one of you, and it is those efforts what will make us proud of our refinery when we start releasing
new ecologically friendly products and contributing more and more to the development of the economy in the region and the country as a
We would like to thank our shareholders - cNPc and KMG-PM, our industry colleagues - the Atyrau oil refinery and the Pavlodar oil chemistry
refinery, all PetroKazakhstan employees from Kyzylorda, Kumkol and Almaty for their warm and heartfelt congratulations.
Dear refinery workers, on behalf of PetroKazakhstan management, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of you for your
invaluable contribution to and support of our common goal that has proved to be so important for the industry and the country and wish you
health, happiness and success in your work!
Happy anniversary!
Wei Yuxiang,
petroKazakhstan president
Askar Turisbekov,
First Vice-president,
petroKazakhstan Oil products LLp
Қыркүйек 2015
Dear Colleagues,
Please accept our sincere best wishes on the 30th anniversary of the Shymkent refinery!
I am proud of the refinery’s glorious history, its contribution to consolidating the country’s economic potential and its
significant role in helping the company achieve its great results. The refinery is a major taxpayer not only locally, but in
terms of the country as a whole.
The refinery’s economic and production growth figures demonstrate efficiency in improving product competitiveness
and quality. Each tonne of oil processed helps guarantee growth in the prosperity of Kazakhstan and its people.
I truly believe that refinery’s team will succeed in the refinery modernization, making significant contribution to the
development of the oil refining sector, meeting the requirements of a contemporary and competitive economy.
I am sure that your professionalism, teamwork and dedication to duty will become the flagstone in the successful and
effective resolution of any goals, and will aid the active growth and development of your business, as a true sector leader in
central Asia!
I wish you success, health and prosperity!
Dear petroKazakhstan Oil products employees and management,
On behalf of the china National Petroleum corporation group of companies, I would like to take this opportunity to
congratulate all of you with this important date, this latest landmark in the history of the Shymkent refinery - its 30th
As a strategically important facility for Kazakhstan, the refinery supplies the southern part of the country with petroleum
products, and thousands of Kazakhstan nationals with jobs. Recognising this, PetroKazakhstan Oil Products shareholders -
the national companies of two countries cNPc and KazMunaiGas have endeavoured to make PKOP even more successful.
Over the years, the company has followed a steady course, developing for the good of its shareholders, the country and
people. We are very pleased with the excellent atmosphere and great teamwork we see, where each team member plays his
or her part in the company’s success as a whole. The contribution of each employee in the company’s success is priceless.
We would like to wish all Shymkent refinery employees health and prosperity and hope that all their plans come to
fruition! As for PetroKazakhstan Oil Products, we would also like to see further success, growth and prosperity!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
General Director (Chairman of the Board)
KazMunaiGas - Refining and Marketing JSC
All the Best,
General Director
Bian Dezhi
Қыркүйек 2015
Kind regards,
General Director
of “pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery” LLp
Acting General Director
Dear Mr.Wei Yuxiang,
On behalf of the Board and the entire team at Atyrau oil refinery LLP, we would like to pass on our heartfelt congratulations
and best wishes on the 30th anniversary of the day the Shymkent refinery began operations!
The Shymkent refinery is one of the newest oil refining enterprises in Kazakhstan. Those were three decades, through years
of dedicated work, constructive improvements to production and technical processes. The work you oversee at the refinery
meets the highest ecological and industrial safety standards. The people working at the refinery use the most up-to-date
methods to resolve production objectives and implement innovative techniques. Refinery output is renowned for its quality,
which is why demand for it is so great.
The Shymkent refinery follows a socially aware policy and makes an immense contribution to the development of health,
education and sports programmes in South Kazakhstan Oblast. The refinery is well known for its charity activities.
PKOP is an example of assured economic development. Your operations strengthen the friendly economic ties between
china and Kazakhstan.
On your anniversary, we wish you and your team prosperity, stability, robust health, happiness at home and many years of
fruitful work.
Dear Mr.Wei Yuxiang,
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and the people at PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP with their
30th anniversary!
Your refinery is the youngest of the “Three Bogatyrs” of Kazakhstan oil refining - a contemporary of the Atyrau oil refinery
and Pavlodar oil chemistry refinery. And this is the yardstick by which you are measured – your great advantage! The advantage
in developing successfully and mastering new technology, the advantage in being able to expand production and upgrade
technical processes.
As your colleagues, we would like to wish you success in your work and no accidents; see you achieve your objectives in
upgrading the refinery, improve output quality to international standards and guarantee stability at PKOP, and finally wish all
of the people working there health and prosperity!
We hope you remain at the vanguard of the Kazakhstan economy, like all oil refiners in Kazakhstan, and continue as an
energy pillar for the south of the country!
Қыркүйек 2015
Pages in history
The LK-6U unit, known today as the
heart of the refinery, was originally the
name given to the project to build the
Shymkent refinery in 1972. A non-standard
equipment unit was built within the year,
but the project was then suspended due to
the simultaneous construction of several
refineries throughout the Soviet Union -
in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Work was
restarted only in 1976 with the construction
of auxiliary workshops. It was at this time
that machinery and equipment began to be
delivered to build the main workshop - the
current Workshop No.1. In 1978, two new
facilities were commissioned - the water
and sewage unit, and treatment facilities
for the operational TPP-3 responsible
for providing thermal energy to the city’s
industrial zone, and also the refinery’s
transportation artery - Storage Workshop.
April 1983 is remembered for the
first consignment of oil delivered to the
Shymkent refinery from West Siberia
through the Omsk-Pavlodar-Shymkent
pipeline, and on 11 April the first shipment
of “black gold” was loaded onto railway
trucks and sent to the Fergana refinery. With
the arrival of the first oil, construction of
LK-6U was nearing completion, and in the
middle of 1984 a number of vital units were
commissioned, including the vapour-water-
air supply unit, with its air nitrogen plant,
central condensate plant, air compressor
unit and central refinery laboratory. The LK-
6U unit was commissioned in stages, and
in December 1984, Unit-100 (cDU) was
launched, resulting in the first Shymkent
gasoline processed on 28 January 1985!
High-class experts from various USSR oil
refineries, such as Guryev, Pavlodar, Fergana
and Ufa were invited to operate the facilities.
It is thanks to the efforts and professionalism
of S.Amirbekov, V.Kovalenko, V.Khvan,
B.Tulenov, S.Mirzadavletov, V.Mikhailov
and others that the refinery was launched
successfully in such a very short period
of time. All those people created the staff
foundation for the Shymkent refinery.
Actually, Workshop No.1 is the
“birthplace” for so many people from
all over the refinery, as it is that “raised”
such a large number of specialists today
tHe AnnIveRsARY oF tHe sHYMKent ReFIneRY
the industrial giant, cornerstone of the region and “second home” for the employees -
the shymkent refinery - is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. this anniversary is
not at all an easy journey full of victories and achievements, marked by its influence on
the regional economy and the lives of its people. It is about the journey of a company
that never rests on its laurels.
ШМӨЗ-дегі бөлігі №2 Висбрекинг қондырғысына айналған баяу кокстау қондырғысы / УЗК (установка замедленного коксования) ШНПЗ, часть которой была реконструирована
в установку висбрекинг цеха №2 / Delayed cocking unit at the Shymkent refinery, a part of which was later reconstructed into the Visbreaking Unit of the Workshop No.2
Қыркүйек 2015
holding management positions, for
example B.Baetov - Operations Director,
A.Emberdiyev - chief Technical Director,
Labor Protection, Safety & Environment
Department Director; Senior Mechanic
N.Zhigunov, Production Department
Head V.Belenkov, Workshop No.2 Head
N.Akhanov, Senior Workshop No.2 Engineer
A.Zhaksybayev and Storage Workshop Head
In August 1985, the refinery
commissioned Units 200 and 300, and
in January 1986 - gas fractionation plant
(Unit-400). Since spring 1986, the refinery
has been operating at full scheme with
planned output, reaching refining capacity
of 6 million tonnes per year.
On 12 February 1996, the South
Kazakhstan Regional State Assets committee
created JSc Shymkentnefteorgsintez
(ShNOS) from the State Shymkent refinery
(Resolution № 251 dated 30 December
Feedstock supply became a very
important issue when the USSR broke up,
leading to fundamental changes in supply
structure. Instead of oil from West Siberia,
which was of average sulphur content,
relatively heavy and low in paraffin content,
and for which the refinery had originally
been designed, the refinery began to take
oil supplies from Kumkol, which had been
opened in 1986, and by the spring of 1990
was sending its first consignment of oil to
the Shymkent refinery.
As Kumkol feedstock is light, low in
sulphur and high in paraffin, it initially
caused difficulties in diesel and kerosene
production, but in 1998, the diesel
hydrotreatment unit was upgraded to
accommodate a hydrodewaxing process,
maintaining the range of diesel products
and increasing “light” petroleum product
output. In 2001, the refinery began to
produce aviation kerosene using new
In 2000, the refinery was purchased
by PetroKazakhstan, which at that time
was called Hurricane Hydrocarbons Ltd,
and in 2005 PetroKazakhstan Inc. was
purchased by cNPcI, a subsidiary of the
china National Petroleum corporation.
In 2007, the Shymkent refinery acquired
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