1 Pimenova M.V. Vvedenie v kognitivnuyu lingvistiku. – Vyp.4. – Kemerovo: Nauka, 2004.
2 Dzhambaeva Zh.A. Kontsept: definitsiya, struktura, tipologiya. // Materialy mezhdunarodnogo kruglogo stola «Kontseptosfera kak
osnova natsional'noy yazykovoy kartiny mira». – Almaty: Institut yazykozn., 2010. – S. 87-96.
3 Ahmetzhanova Z.K. Ocherki po natsional'noy kontseptologii. – Almaty: Eltanym, 2012. – 148s.
4 Stepanov Yu.S. Konstanty. Slovar' russkoy kul'tury. Opyt issledovaniya. – M.: Shkola «Yazyki russkoy kul'tury»,1997. – 824 s.
5 Dzhambaeva Zh.A. Problemy izucheniya yazykovogo soznaniya. // Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii
«Aktual'nye problemy filologii i lingvodidaktiki: yazyk, soznanie, etnos, kul'tura». – Shymkent- Moskva: ShI MKTU im. A.Yassavi,
2011. – S. 136-141.
Мсь ь тб
Методы исследования концепта "человек / адам"
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series.
№ 5-6(139-140). 2012
УДК. 81’373;001.4.
T.T. Dzharasova
, T.Zh.Tazhiyeva
candidate of Philological sciences, docent,
year student al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Neologisms in the world of fashion
The language vocabulary is changing, renewing the existing words and creating new, this takes place not only in
linguistics, but also in other different spheres of human activities. The subject of the investigation in this article is
neologisms in the world of fashion and their usage in Modern English. This work deals with the different new words
in the fashion sphere, their semantic classification and analysis.
Keywords: neologisms, neology, semantic classification.
Т.Т. Джарасова, Т.Ж. Тажиева
Сән әлеміндегі неологизмдер
Қазіргі заманда ағылшын тілінің сөздік қоры күннен-күнге жаңа сөздермен толықтырылып жатыр.
Берілген мақала ағылшын тіліндегі, әсіресе сән әлеміндегі жаңа сөздерге, яғни неологизмдерге арналған.
Әлемдегі атақты дизайнерлер, модельдер және сән ортасындағы кез келген адамдар жаңа киім үлгілерін,
белгілі бір сән үрдістерін көптеген жаңа сөздермен атауда. Сондықтан біз сән саласындағы неологизмдерді
газет-журналдардан, теледидардан, интернет сайттарынан жинастырдық. Нәтижесінде, қарастырылған
неологизмдерді семантикалық топтарға бөліп, анализін жасап, сонымен қатар ағылшын тіліндегі рөлін
қарастырдық. Сонымен қатар неологизмдерді жинастыру үдерісінде қазіргі кезде қолданысқа енді ғана еніп
жатқан сән тақырыпшасына байланысты неологизмдердің тек қана ер адамдардың сән стиліне байланысты
жаңа сөздерді кездестіріп, оларға жалпы мәлімет беріп өттік.
Түйін сөздер: неологизм, неология, семантикалық классификация.
Т.Т. Джарасова, Т.Ж. Тажиева
Неологизмы в мире моды
В нынешнее время лексика английского языка пополняется новыми словами каждый день. Данная статья
предназначена неологизмам в английском языке, особенно в сфере моды. Когда известные дизайнеры или
модели придумывают новые слова новому стилю одежды, обуви и всему, что связано с миром моды,
обычные люди не поспевают понять и использовать те или иные неологизмы. Поэтому мы решили собрать
все неологизмы, относящиеся к этой сфере в разных газетах и журналах, в телевидении и интернет-сайтах. В
процессе рассматривания новых слов мы столкнулись с новым видом неологизмов в сфере моды, которые
относятся только к мужскому полу, и дали характеристику тех слов. В результате мы получили подробный
анализ неологизмов, их семантическую классификацию, наряду с этим рассмотрели роль неологизмов мира
моды в современном английском языке.
Ключевые слова: неологизм, неология, семантическая классификация.
Each year, more and more words are added to
English lexicon. New meanings are given to
existing words by media, politicians, celebrities,
artists, educators, writers, techies and just by about
anyone creative enough to a neologism. This term
simply means a new word or a new phrase that is
being commonly used but not yet included in a
mainstream language.
A neologism can be a brand new word gaining
usage in a language, or a new meaning for a word
already in existence. Such a term isn't typically in
common use, but may become so if it is used often.
Neologisms can come from a variety of places and
might be gleaned from scientific or technical
language, come from other languages, be derived
by putting two words together, or they may be
solely invented. Linguistic specialists suggest new
words often migrate into a language most with
great cultural changes or with the integration of
two cultures that speak two different languages.
Arguably, things like social media may also have
great influence on which new words become part
of a language.
Changes to the English language do not go
unnoticed by linguists and lexicographers. While
some of the other languages in the world are being
fiercely protected in their mother countries,
English seems to enjoy the influx of new terms
into its dictionaries. "OMG," "FYI," "Britcom,"
"emailed," "goldendoodle," and "brain candy" are
T.T. Dzharasova, T.Zh.Tazhiyeva
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 5-6(139-140). 2012
just some of the surprising entries to the Oxford
English Dictionary [4].
We live in a society that constantly develops.
New objects in different spheres arise and they
need to be named. That is why no science can exist
without neologisms, new words. Though the
neologisms dominate in the field of knowledge,
other people, not only scientists, can also feel the
necessity to express and interpret reality by new
ways and create new words that would reflect it.
One of the different spheres of human activities
which plays a big role in creating neologisms is
fashion industry. Every day designers, creators of
new fashion styles renew old words or give new
names to the objects, clothes and everything which
is connected to the fashion world. Then editors of
famous magazines and models do not have a
choice other than using that strange unknown
words until people start understand and also use
them in their speech. That is a process of new
words of fashion world entering a language. At the
present moment fashion is developing very swiftly
and there is so called “neology blow up” in this
sphere. For example, recent years advertisers
promote such new words as backsters – beech
sandals with thick soles or swetnik which is
understood as a long jacket [3.75].
Linguists often classify neologisms by its
degree of use in a language. The newborn word is
at first unstable, and it’s hard to guess whether it
will take hold and eventually be a word that most
people know and use. A diffused neologism means
that many people are using the word, but it doesn’t
yet have formal recognition as a word, and
ultimately, if the word remains popular it may
attain stable status. It has become part of the
language and is likely to be defined in dictionaries
At first, the neologisms were a kind of a secret
language among the fashion industry, etymologists
say. Yet they're going mainstream. Now, editors of
the prestigious Oxford English Dictionary are
tracking them for possible inclusion.
A neologism matchy-matchy can serve as an
example. It is an adjective used to describe
something or someone that is very or excessively
colour coordinated. It is a term that is commonly
used in fashion blogs to describe an outfit that is
too coordinated and consists of too many of the
same types of colors, patterns, fabrics, accessories,
etc. Matchy-matchy was added to the Oxford
English Dictionary in 2010 along with 200 new
words. This neologism is used mostly in fashion
blogs dealing with something being too alike or
matching too much. Wearing tops and bottoms that
match are the new look in fashion [4].
Lexicographers are facing a challenge these
days since many new words achieve popularity and
acceptance in a short time period. There was a time
when new words of mode, in order to be
considered for inclusion, had to be in use for two
or three years. This is not the case now. In today's
age of unusual clothes and new different styles,
new terms are created in a blink of an eye.
Assessing whether a new word is evanescent or
eternal is a job lexicographers take seriously.
The men and women’s collection shows at
different Fashion Weeks all over the world give
rise to more neologisms. Fashion editors often lack
the words to describe wacky runway concoctions.
At Hermès’ women's fashion collection in March,
for instance, "poots" was coined to identify a pair
of leather pants that segue into boots.
All neologisms of fashion world fall into
various categories. Therefore, we can classify
neologisms in the fashion sphere into several
semantic groups such as neologisms of clothing,
footwear and bags. It is crystal clear that the
neologisms pertaining to the clothing consist of
new words which name particular types of clothes.
There are some examples of it:
Slimster or string – miniscule bikini for women;
Hipsters – trousers or skirt with the belt on hips;
Completenik – a long sweater for trousers;
Pants-skirt bloomers – lady’s sports trousers;
Treggings – are type of trousers made from
combining trousers + leggings;
Plus size clothing - clothing proportioned
specifically for overweight people;
Bosnian tuxedo – any nylon or velvet track suit;
Catsuit – one piece clinging suit which was
originally created to name a masquerade outfit.
There are also a lot of new words belonging to
the footwear in the fashion:
Bandals – shoes combined from boots and
sandals: boots + sandal;
Thongs – are open sandals for everyday
Cougar Climbers – one of the many names for
the new 7-inch high heel shoes fashion craze;
Shoots – type of shoes combined with boots,
this term is made by compounding two words:
shoe + boots;
Winklepickers – extraordinary shoes with long
pointed toes both for men and women.
Neologisms belonging to the group of bags are
less than in previous two, nevertheless it cannot be
left unnoticed. They describe new unusual bags of
Neologisms in the world of fashion
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series.
№ 5-6(139-140). 2012
different styles and take their own not less
important role in fashion. For instance:
Bumbag – a small bag worn on waist, which is
very comfortable and do not disturb people while
Maitre – a small bag for cosmetics, recently it
has replaced a small makeup bag in usage;
Sling bag – a type of handbag that is worn over
one shoulder with a strap that winds around the
chest resting the bag on the lower back. Although
it is similar to a messenger bag, a sling bag is often
We can list other neologisms which cannot be
included into three main groups, but are directly
connected with the world of fashion. Components
of this group are new words linked to the magazines,
journals, models and accessories:
Trendbook – journal which describes new
styles, clothes, etc;
Trendsetter – someone who popularizes a new
fashion, this can be model, celebrity or designer;
Alpha consumer – one who picks up on trends
before they become trends, used as a predictor for
what will be popular in a few weeks or months;
Bling-bling – shiny metal trinkets, necklaces,
objects of luxury;
Boho - referring to a specific Bohemian fashion
style that originated in New York;
Fashionista – a fashion-conscious female, this
term is used to describe a girl obsessed with
fashion and trends; she only wears the best labels
and latest designer name brands;
Fashion roadkill – a model who trips on the
runway, or a very badly dressed person;
Armanied – very stylish, characterized by
contemporary, suave fashion similar to the clothing
of designer Giorgio Armani;
Spatique – a store where one can purchase or
receive spa services and also buy beauty and
fashion products;
Glamazon – a trendy female, it is used to
denote a girl who always dresses very elaborately
in the latest trends and fashions.
As the world of fashion is divided into two
groups of `fashion for men` and `fashion for
women`, neologisms in the fashion sphere can also
be divided into the same groups. Today, there are
more new words connected with men’s clothing
style, it's part of a special lexicon that has emerged,
over the past decade, as a sort of shorthand for
men's fashion. Editors of the Oxford English
Dictionary are “tracking” hybrid fashion terms like
“manties”, “mewelry”, and “mantyhose” for
"possible inclusion" in a future edition.
The invention of new words to describe men's
fashion is a symptom of the recent boom in the
men's fashion industry. The sector is proving
particularly resilient to economic turbulence:
during the first half of this year, sales of men's
apparel in the U.S. rose 4.6% while women's fell
0.8%, according to market researcher NPD Group.
The rise of men's fashion, and its corresponding
lexicon, goes back to the birth of the term
metrosexual in the 1990s. Used to describe a man
who is concerned with his appearance, it ushered
in a generation of pop culture stars who are
praised, not ridiculed, for their style choices.
A few expressions deal with the less glamorous
side of fashion. Some male models are said to
suffer from "manorexia." Several words describe
grooming more than fashion, such as "guyliner"
(eyeliner for guys) and "manscaping" (the removal
of hair from men's limbs and loins).
In the past decade, manbag has become
particularly common – both as a product and as a
word. The scientists over at Oxford English
Dictionary gave "manbag" a stamp of approval
five years ago – the only new men's fashion term
to receive the distinction. Fiona McPherson, the
dictionary's senior editor for new words, said
manbag had met the test of time. She traced the
word's first use back to 1968 [2.201].
The following words do not actually exist in the
English language – at least in dictionaries – at least
not yet – though I’ve come across them all, some
spoken, others written in newspapers or on blogs,
in comment sections, or elsewhere. They’re all
trying to be real words but somehow go off the
mark. Some of them are quite charming, and
maybe someday they’ll become familiar and
accepted enough to enter the language completely:
Mandals – open-toed shoes that are more
formal and structured than flip-flops;
Murses – a handbag for men, from male or man
+ purse;
Manties – men’s underwear;
Mankini – a brief one-piece bathing garment for
men, with a T-back, from man + bikini;
Mantyhose – type of tights, hosiery or leggings
for men, combined from man + pantyhose.
The progress of fashion, arts and mode gives
occasion for the large majority of new words; for a
new thing we must have a new name; hence, for
instance, fashionista, murses, and winklepickers.
As a literary concept and term, neologism
appeared in the 18th century and its old meaning
was synonymous to «barbarism». In the modern
meaning of neologism appeared early in the 19th
T.T. Dzharasova, T.Zh.Tazhiyeva
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 5-6(139-140). 2012
century and, gained the acceptance towards the end
of the century. Nowadays around 4000 words enter
English vocabulary every year and a quarter of that
number is connected with fashion and mode which
reflects the fast development of the language and
makes the phenomena interesting to analyze. New
words and expressions or neologisms are created
for new things irrespective of their scale of
importance. In brief, we can see the lexical creation
of neologisms which are made to describe the most
beautiful and elegant area of human development
This paper presents an investigation of
neologisms in fashion sphere across four distinct
topic areas. We extract the most pertinent neologisms
encountered in the world of fashion in order to
enhance the topic classification system. In addition,
the results obtained will be used to extend the
current lexical parser to improve coverage and
identification of newly formed words.
To sum up, in our article, we tried to give a
short presentation of lexical aspect of new words in
fashion sphere of such a linguistic event as neology
in connection with spheres of human activity other
than linguistics. We performed an analysis of the
most popular fashion neologisms according to the
sphere of usage, to the source and time of
appearance, and new notion appearance.
1 Zabotkina V.I. Novaya leksika sovremennogo angliyskogo yazyka – M.: «Vysshaya shkola», 1989г. – 125 c.
2 Smirnitskiy
Leksikologiya angliyskogo yazyka – M.: «Vysshaya shkola», 1998 – 259 c.
3 Alego, John. Fifty Years among the New Words: A Dictionary of Neologisms, 1941-1991 – Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 1991 – 297 p.
4 J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner. The Oxford English dictionary, the University of Michigan, USA: Oxford University Press,
Ed.2, 2010 – 1078 p.
5 Fowler, Henry Watson. The King’s English, – 2
ed., Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1908 – 370 p.
Neologisms in the world of fashion
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series.
№ 5-6(139-140). 2012
УДК 81′23
Н.В. Дмитрюк
д.ф.н. профессор Южно-Казахстанского государственного
педагогического института, Казахстан, г. Шымкент
Ассоциативный эксперимент как средство выявления
ментально маркированных концептов языкового сознания*
В статье обосновывается необходимость исследования системы общечеловеческих и этнокультурных
ценностей, дается перечень базовых общечеловеческих ценностей (ОЦ) и антиценностей; приводятся
некоторые предварительные результаты полевых исследований по выявлению наиболее типичных аксио-
логических стереотипов, бытующих в российском и казахстанском социуме.
Ключевые слова: ценности, антиценности, казахстанский социум, приоритеты, трансформация.
Н.В. Дмитрюк
Mentally marked concepts of the kazakh culture reflected in the associated experiment
The article is aiming to prove the necessity and prospects for developing the new Kazakhstanian research field –
investigation of the Kazakh title nation language consciousness; the paper determines the objective area of such
investigations in the Kazakhstan Ethnic Psycho Linguistics and Lingua Culture Study, formulates their aims and
targets, and discusses the problems of revealing the most meaningful (mentally marked) concepts of the Kazakh
culture, operating the method of the free associative experiment.
In the content of the article reflected the stages of the work on the free associative experiment is a list of words-
incentives in the questionnaire, the methodology of the analysis of the received material, marked by features of
perception and associative response informants, characterizing the national-cultural specificity of the linguistic
consciousness of modern Kazakhs.
Taken by the author of the study allows to draw conclusions on the effectiveness and prospects of the use of
associative methodologies in the study of the linguistic consciousness, in the definition of ethno-cultural conceptual
sphere of the Kazakh nation and to identify its priority values.
Keywords: language consciousness, mentality, the concept of conceptual sphere of a free associative experiment,
national-cultural specificity.
Н.В. Дмитрюк
Ассоциативті эксперимент тілдік санасының менталды таңбаланған концептілерін
анықтау құралы ретінде
Мақалада Қазақстан лингвистикасы үшін жаңа ғылыми сала – Қазақстан титулды этносының тілдік
санасын зерттеудің қажеттілігі мен болашағы негізделетін мұнда бұл зерттеудің Қазақстан этнолинг-
вистикасы мен лингвомәдениеттанудағы объект саласы анықталады; оның мақсаты мен міндеттері
тұжырымдалып, аса маңызды (менталды таңбаланған) концептілерді ерікті ассоциативті эксперимент
әдісімен анықтау мәселелері қарастырылады. Мақала мазмұнында ерікті ассоциативті экспериментті
жүргізудің жұмыс кезеңдері белгіленген, анкеттердегі стимул сөздердің тізімі берілген, алынған мате-
риалдарды талдау әдісі мазмұндалған, информанттардың бүгінгі қазақтардың тілдік санасының ұлттық-
мәдени сипатын көрсететін қабылдау және ассоциативті ойлау ерекшеліктері анықталған.
Автордың жүргізіп отырған жұмысы тілдік сананы зерттеуде, қазақ этносының этномәдени концепто-
сферасын анықтауда және оның құндылық басымдылықтарын көрсетуде ассоциативті әдісті қолданудың
тиімділігі мен болашақтылығын дәлелдейді.
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