546 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
неохристианские, заявляющие о своей принадлежности
к христианству, однако при его трактовке используются
нехарактерные для традиционного христианства схемы
(например, привлекаются элементы восточных религий, упор
делается на скором приближении конца света);
неоориенталистские, в основу которых положены
восточные религии, чаще всего индуизм, буддизм и даосизм (в
переработанном и адаптированном для западного восприятия
виде; акцент в их деятельности делается на раскрытие внутренних
способностей человека с помощью различных психологических
техник, включая медитации);
оккультизм и целительские культы;
откровенно сатанистские группы.
К этому следует добавить, что НРД иногда возникают и на
исламской почве, хотя и реже. Ярким примером может служить
движение так называемых �коранитов� или, как они еще себя
называют, �рациональных монотеистов�, проникшее к нам из США.
С точки зрения социальной стратегии у всех НРД есть еще
одна общая черта, крайне важная для нас – четкая ориентация
на две группы населения: интеллектуальную элиту общества и
молодежь. Иначе говоря, мозг общества и его будущее.
Одно только это обстоятельство должно заставить крепко
задуматься, не говоря уже о факте активной поддержки НРД
зарубежными центрами. Особенно важно понимать, что те
люди, которые непосредственно осуществляют эту политику,
собственно �кукловоды� – сами отнюдь не религиозные
фанатики, а наоборот, холодные прагматики, преследующие
вполне конкретные интересы. Очевидно, что не наши.
Следует добавить, что некоторые нетрадиционные религии
называют деструктивными культами. Такое определение
религиоведы дают не всем новым религиозным течениям, а лишь
тем, которые представляют прямую опасность для общества
– в частности, наносят ущерб физическому и психическому
здоровью, материальному благополучию своих последователей
институту семьи.
В данной связи хотелось бы особо отметить, что согласно
определению, содержащемуся в действующем Законе РК �О
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 547
противодействии экстремизму� такая деятельность определяется
даже не как �деструктивная�, а как экстремистская – со всеми
вытекающими отсюда последствиями. В реальной жизни
проблемой нередко оказывается то, что крайне сложно оказывается
доказать, что именно данное религиозное объединение – а не
просто �отдельные люди�, �случайно� оказавшиеся его членами,
– несет ответственность за причиненный ущерб.
Еще одна проблема состоит в том, что некоторые культы не
называют себя религиями, а выступают под видом культурных,
образовательных или медицинских организаций. Многие из них,
благодаря эксплуатации своих адептов, превратились в крупные
финансово-промышленные корпорации, стремящиеся, в �идеа-
, стремящиеся, в �идеа-
ле�, добиться власти над всем миром. В более малом масштабе,
на уровне конкретных стран, им нередко бывает стремление к
проникновению во властные структуры.
Одним словом, мы имеем дело с грозной опасностью,
масштабы которой не следует преуменьшать. Те, кто взрывает
– это явные враги общества, но �волки в овечьей шкуре� в
долгосрочной перспективе могут оказаться не менее, а то и более
государственно-конфессиональной политики во многом зависит
от своевременного и точного реагирования уполномоченных
органов и государства и конфессиональных институтов
на возникающие вызовы и угрозы. При этом (повторимся)
необходимо осознать, что создание системы духовной
безопасности является не второстепенной задачей, а важнейшим
условием сохранения национальной безопасности страны.
В средне- и долгосрочной перспективе, помимо того, что
уже было сказано о развития национального самосознания и
о поддержке традиционных конфессий, государство должно
заботиться также об устранении социально-экономических
предпосылок, способствующих вовлечению граждан в
деятельность деструктивных организаций. Большая часть
работы в этом направлении ложится на органы власти,
призванные реализовать государственные программы в области
экономики, социального и медицинского обеспечения, что
548 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
должно повлечь за собой рост материального благосостояния
Необходимо, проще выражаясь, вкладывать в человека.
Именно человек – это и есть �альфа и омега� государственной
Бұл мақалада Қазақстан Республикасындағы мемлекеттік-
конфессионалдық қатынастардағы рухани қауіпсіздік мəселелері
In this article is considered spiritual safety of citizens in system of the
state and confessional relations in the republic of Kazakhstan.
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 549
Sh. Jamanbalayeva,
al-Farabi Kazakh National University
At present, world universities experience the situation which dif-
fers significantly from that of a classical academic university existing
at the end of the 19
century – the beginning of the 20
century. In
fact, the leading universities of the world are turning into corpora-
tions producing and selling a special product – education, knowledge,
intellectual property objects – that requires special market competen-
cies from universities. Successful universities are becoming players
on the markets of consulting and expert, educational products and
services, development works and innovations. They develop and im-
plement �aggressive� strategies allowing, on the one hand, to invade
the occupied markets, on the other hand, to offer innovation products
nobody else can make.
The above mentioned tendencies of science and higher education
establishments development require from the academic universities
to introduce new approaches in their development management. For
post-soviet higher education establishments including those of Ka-
zakhstan it is, first of all, an attempt to enter the world ratings system.
Kazakhstan universities are just beginning to discover the interna-
tional ratings and estimate their own status in terms of the research
universities criteria. They are facing a goal to transform into research
universities of the world class. To achieve this goal the universities
have to carry out serious innovation reforms but often when introduc-
ing innovations universities face a problem of resisting changes. To
overcome such conflicts successfully the key strategic instrument is
the formation of relevant corporate culture of a university. The forma-
550 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
tion of corporate culture adequate to new objectives of a university
allows directing all units and individuals towards achieving common
goals, mobilising staff initiative and providing conditions for their
effective interaction.
It should be noted that the notion of �corporate culture� in Ka-
zakhstan is not used much in relation to the higher education estab-
lishments, and in particular, to the universities. To some extent, it is
due to a tradition of treating them as non-profit making organizations.
Some specific characteristics of corporate culture development
in Kazakhstan universities can be mentioned here.
At present, we witness the process of transformation of the uni-
versities from monetary organizations into organizations combining
both non-monetary and monetary approaches in their activity like the
leading universities of Europe and the USA have done since the mo-
ment of their establishment.
Moreover, since the time of their foundation the Kazakhstan uni-
versities have constantly been under the influence of the state, strong
centralised authority, and that prevented them from realizing the au-
tonomy and academic freedom principles. Till recent times, many of
them have been bureaucratic organizations, �unsuitable� for the ini-
tiative groups and project teams.
It should be taken into consideration that since the Soviet period
there has been a rather high artificial barrier raised between science
and higher education. Science was mainly developing in the special-
ised scientific and research institutes and centres, while less attention
was paid to it in higher education establishments. This situation com-
pletely differs from that in European countries and the USA, where
science mostly is practiced at universities and actively is used in edu-
cational process.
Now the majority of Kazakhstan scientists and teachers realise
that due to that division our higher education has been way behind in
terms of quality of specialists training. The leading higher education
establishments are determined to overcome that artificial barrier. And
the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is among them. It is the
major educational and scientific centre in Kazakhstan.
The Al-Farabi University has undertaken a responsible mission:
in the nearest years to reach a new level of development and become
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 551
a research university comparable with the leading universities of the
world in terms of the level of its educational programs and scientific
This ambitious and large-scale objective requires from the Univer-
sity considerable organizational and conceptual changes, and, first of
all, transformation of its corporate culture. Analysis of foreign experi-
ence shows that the universities on the top of world ratings pay great
attention to formation of special corporate culture. Having thoroughly
studied that practice the Al-Farabi University defined the basic charac-
teristics which would guide it through the process of a new university
culture formation.
They are reflected in the main corporate documents of the Al-Far-
abi University. They include �The Program of Transforming of Clas-
sical University into the National Research University�, �The Devel-
opment Strategy of the Al-Farabi KazNU till 2020�, �The Strategic
Implementation Plan of the Measures for the Al-Farabi Kazakh Na-
tional University Development for the period of 2011-2015 (2020)�.
It is crucial that all those documents have been accepted colle-
gially and that fact has contributed to strengthening of the staff sense
of involvement, importance and responsibility. It is also very impor-
tant that they contain the measurable indicators which then are real-
ized in the concrete projects.
Moreover, like the leading world universities, the Al-Farabi Uni-
versity has accepted the documents laying down the main corporate
principles, values and criteria of work. They are the Code of Corpo-
rate Culture of the University Faculty Member and the Staff, the Code
of Honour of a Student.
In order to prevent and resolve possible ethical conflicts the Uni-
versity Ethics Committee and similar ones at all Departments have
been established. The Regulations for a Faculty Member has been
accepted. They define the main professional requirements and are the
basis for annual attestation of the University faculty members.
There are several basic mechanisms of management of the cor-
porate culture transformation applied at the Al-Farabi University.
They have proved to be effective in practice.
First of all, I would like to point out at the following situation:
most people realize that reforms are indispensable. But with whom
552 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
and how do they have to be implemented? There is an ideal model
of a university, but the right way to reach it is unknown. And this is
a unique scientific and practical management problem when success
depends on how it is solved.
The analysis of the situation makes it clear that it is impossible to
put a big university at the absolutely new level of quality �entirely�
and �at once�.
One of the ways of its solution is to lay stress on apical points –
certain �embryos� of the future, to facilitate comprehensively their
development and spread of positive experience. Certain ideas, proj-
ects, innovative structures and chairs, individual prominent scientists
and scholars are considered to be active apical points. Establishment
at the University of the subdivisions which allow to provide a tech-
nological corridor from idea generation to implementation and com-
mercialization of the results of scientific-research and development
works is one of the examples.
Among them is the Park of Social and Humanitarian Technologies.
The point is that the most developed scientific schools at the University
are those of natural and technical sciences. While in the sphere of so-
cial and humanitarian sciences the results are quite low – the scholars
have few publications in the journals with the high impact-factor, there
are, practically, no commercial output of scientific and practical results.
While the mission of the Park of Social and Humanitarian Technologies
is development of innovation activity aimed at creation of competitive
social and humanitarian technologies and services as well as providing
them to the consumer on a commercial basis.
Another apical point is an introduction of the Japanese system
�Kaizen�. Within this system any employee can make a proposal con-
cerning improvement of any aspect of the University activity. Thus
the most important principle of the university development is being
introduced: permanent improvement in all spheres – educational, sci-
entific, organizational processes, technologies, working conditions.
Currently, about 20% of all proposals are realized under this system.
And the authors of the realized proposals are rewarded material re-
The next mechanism which is being introduced in the Al-Farabi
University is a social partnership. Its main principle is a flexible al-
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 553
location of roles, responsibilities and participation share of the staff
and students in the University management.
For example, such partners of the University Administration
as the Sanhedrim, Ethics Committees, Curators-Advisers Councils,
Methodical Resource Bureau, Student Senate, Trade Unions and oth-
ers actively work at the University. Widening the participation of the
public-professional councils in the University management resulted
in enhancing the quality of the decisions taken, activating participa-
tion in search of new, more effective management approaches, meth-
ods and algorithms.
Involvement into the public management of the University of
such external public institutions as the Graduates Association, the
Employers Council, the International Club �University Friends� also
has extended the innovation processes boundaries and made it pos-
sible to attract new material and intellectual resources.
However, there is a lot of work ahead in order to form a social
and public system of the University management. It concerns the
work of the University Supervisory Board which has been recently
established on the competitive basis. We hope that its activity will
assure public participation at different management levels as well
as collegiality, independence, transparency and responsibility in the
University activity.
The crucial aspect of the corporate culture transformation is
change of management style towards its decentralization. The first
step was a decision to extend the chairs. The plan of granting opera-
tive independence to some University divisions has been developed
and introduced. It resulted in relieving of the University Central Ad-
ministration of routine, making it possible to devote more time and
energy to the University Strategy. The decentralization policy has
made management team at the level of the departments and chairs
more responsible for their future.
It should be noted that at the initial stage of the decentralization
process the problem of management task sharing between the central
administration and subdivisions is inevitable, and in this connection,
for some period of time tasks doubling cannot be avoided.
Besides, the departments as traditional subdivisions of the univer-
sity in many instances are not ready to solve the problems in the sphere
554 Түркітілдес елдер әлеуметтанушыларының V Конгресі
of marketing, strategic planning, and financial management. Compe-
tition among the University departments and chairs does not always
encourage their cooperation and as a result working out and realization
of joint educational services and products become difficult.
However, the above mentioned difficulties can be overcome giv-
en the high level of professionalism and competence of the university
top management. Especially, the role of leadership qualities of the
University Rector in these processes should be noted.
One of the most important transformations of the University
management is introduction of the result-oriented management sys-
tem. A kind of the University �know-how� is the development and
use of the Indicative Development Plan at the level of the Chairs,
Departments and the University as a whole. The main requirement of
this plan is measurability. Its target indicators are aimed at reaching
specific quality and quantity indexes inherent to the world research
universities. Thus, the implementation of the Indicative Plan by the
members of the University Corporation step by step approaches the
University to the set goal – to become a research university of the
world class.
An intrinsic motivation for achieving positive results is strength-
ened by introduction of the rating system of teachers’ work evalua-
tion. This system operates in such a way that it makes it possible to
take into account all personal achievements of the faculty members
and employees and to reward them strictly in compliance with those
The above mentioned practical measures implemented at the
University have directly facilitated achieving certain results. The
most important one was a breakthrough of the University 100 posi-
tions up in the �S Stars Rated for Excellence – 2011 within one year.
To conclude my report I would like to note that culture must be
treated as seriously as any other aspect of the university activity. By
managing changes of corporate culture characteristics we can claim
that we manage the University future.
A complex approach to its forming and change as well as a wide
system of measures for planning and organization of this process al-
low making all members of the university corporation feel engaged
in achieving a common goal. And it is a guarantee of strength and
V Конгресс социологов тюркоязычных стран 555
quality of the organization structure, effectiveness and success of the
University activity.
Жоғары білімнің əлемдік рейтингтер жүйесіне тиімді енуінің
басты стратегиялық құралы нақты университеттің сəйкес корпоративті
мəдениетінің қалыптасуы болып табылады. Университеттің жаңа
мақсаттарына сай корпоративті мəдениеттің қалыптасуы барлық
бөлімдер мен жеке тұлғалардың ортақ мақсаттарды шешуге бағдар
алуы, өзара тиімді əрекеттесуі болып табылады.
Ключевым стратегическим инструментом успешной интеграции
высшего образования в систему мировых рейтингов является
формирование соответствующей корпоративной культуры конкретного
университета. Формирование корпоративной культуры, адекватной
новым целям университета, позволяет ориентировать все подразделения
и отдельных лиц на решение общих задач, мобилизовать инициативу
сотрудников и обеспечить их эффективное взаимодействие.