Әдебиеттер тізімі
1. Қазақстан Республикасының «Білім» мемлекеттік бағдарламасы. Алматы, 2000.
2. Бабанский Ю.К. Педагогика - М: Просвещение, 1998.
3. Шардарбеков Ш. Ұлттық дүниетаным // Биология, география және химия- 2002, №2.
4. Байқуатова О. Оқытудың психологиялық-физиологиялық негіздері // Бастауыш
мектеп, 2010. №5, 9-12 б.
5. Аймағанбетова Қ. Бастауыш сыныптарда дүниетануды оқытудың теориялық негізі–
Алматы: Балауса, 2003. 144-б.
6. Қоянбаева Р.М., Қоянбаев Ж.Б. Педагогика. Астана. 1998.
Ibrayeva A.
Centre of Excellence,
Түйінді сөздер – кең оқылым, түпнұсқалық ақпараттар, мектептен тыс өмірге дайындау,
өмір бойы оқу.
Ключевые слова - интенсивная чтения, аутентичная информация, подготовить к жизни
за пределами школы, обучение в течении всей жизни.
Key words - extensive reading, authentic materials, extra-curricular life, learning throughout
Осы мақала Қазақстан Республикасы орта білім мазмұнын жаңарту бағдарламасында
қарастырылатын тілдік төрт дағдылардың бірі оқылымға, оның ішінде кең оқылымға, арналған.
Кең оқылымды сабақта қолдану арқылы мұғалім оқушыны мектептен тыс өмірге дайындай
алады. Себебі, кең оқылым түпнұсқалық ақпараттар (романдар, жарналмалар, газет,журнал,
жаңалықтар, өнімдерде берілетін мәтіндер және тб ) негізінде беріліп, баланы өмір бойы
оқуына дайындайды. Мақала кең оқылымды теория жүзінде қарастырып, екінші тіл ретінде
ағылшын тілі пәнінен мысалдар беру арқылы тәжірибеде қолданысын көрсетеді.
Статья посвящена чтению, именно интенсивному чтению - одному из четырех языковых
навыков программы обновленного содержания среднего образования Республики Казахстан.
Применение интенсивного чтения на уроках дает возможность учителю подготовить ученика
к жизни за пределами школы. Интенсивное чтение, основанное на аутентичной информации
(романы, реклама, газеты, журналы, новости, тексты и т.д.) подготавливает ребенка к обучению
в течении всей жизни. Статья рассматривает теоретическую основу применения интенсивного
чтение и, на примере использования данного навыка, на предмете английского языка, как
второго, демонстрирует применение интенсивного чтение на практике.
This article is focused on reading skills, mainly extensive reading, which is one of the four
language skills of the program updated curriculum context for comprehensive school education in the
Republic of Kazakhstan. By using extensive reading in the classroom a teacher has an opportunity
to prepare students for extra-curricular life. Extensive reading is founded on the basis of authentic
materials (novels, advertisement, newspapers, magazines, news, texts on products and so on), thereby
it motivates students learning throughout life. The article reveals the studies on extensive reading
from the theoretical side and on the example of English as a second language shows how to use it in
The research work deals with improving extensive reading through gist reading of authentic
materials in EFL classes. The purpose of the work is to enhance students’ extensive reading by means
of authentic materials in EFL classes. Teaching extensive reading with the help of authentic materials
in the classroom is a significant assumption of the communicative approach and facilitates students’
own individual learning which prepares them for real life outside the classroom and amplifies learner
autonomy. Improving extensive reading is an essential part of teaching foreign language as in
21st century students are not interested in reading their 1st language, not to mention 2nd language.
If students’ are not good at reading in their mother-tongue, certainly, they can’t read in a foreign
language, because it’s difficult to translate from L1 to L2 simultaneously or predict the meaning of
the text by the context. That’s why a foreign language learner should develop extensive reading to get
general understanding of authentic text from various sources.
What do we mean by the term “extensive reading”? Every day we read for pleasure and for
specific information. We read when we need any information to satisfy our needs or we need some
instructions to do something. All these needs bring us to authenticity. By means of authenticity we
understand print materials which are used for true to life purposes outside the classroom. When
students are given authentic texts to read in school, they connect their lives to the real life, like people
outside of school read newspapers, magazines or everyday routines like recipes, invitation cards,
tales, novels and poems.
Moreover, extensive reading is helpful for learners to study the culture of target language.
It also encourages students to obtain new knowledge through their interests. Improving extensive
reading through the authentic materials helps students to learn about different everyday situations in
the foreign language better than non-authentic one. As most of the English course-books are made of
non-authentic texts, as they are considered to be simple and easier to understand than authentic ones.
But, non-authentic texts are not natural and they use over familiar topics.
Students should be prepared for real life-long learning and extensive reading is one of the most
important ways of motivation in enhancing reading skills and helping students to become autonomous
reader and to feel assurance in reading authentic foreign texts. In this case, teachers should take
into consideration students’ capabilities, language levels, ages and anticipate problems in improving
extensive reading through authentic texts in the classroom.
1.Literature Review and Application to Practice
1.1 What’s reading?
Alderson determines reading as pleasing, meaningful, personal, from which a reader takes
much pleasure, and which absorbs the reader (2000, p.28). People all over the world read every day
depending on the reasons, for pleasure or for purpose, as it’s a part of everyday lives and therefore,
they should understand the meaning of printed words. There are three basic reading purposes. They
are reading for survival, for learning or for pleasure.Reading for survival is used to have answers
to our surrounding, to search for specific information like street addresses, signs in the streets,
advertisement, and timetables. It occurs in the everyday needs of the reader. It demands the solution
for the requirement (Berardo, 2006, 6/2, p.60). However, reading for learning is known as reading
in the classroom and has learning aims. As for reading for pleasure, it doesn’t have to be done in the
classroom. Last one is mainly about extensive reading.
1.2 A brief background of extensive reading
There are two ways of improving knowledge of foreign language. The first is to go and live with
native people and the second is to read extensively in that language (Nuttall,1996, p.128). Palmer(1968)
originally created the term “extensive reading”, to differentiate it from the term “intensive reading”,
which is for the precise reading of short, complicated texts for detailed understanding and practices
skills. There are several definitions of extensive reading. For example, Hafiz and Tudor (1989, p.
4) affirm that extensive reading is the reading of large quantities of texts in the foreign language
for private entertainment without follow up activities. Grabe and Stoller (2002,p.259) affirm that
extensive reading is the teaching and learning approach of reading in which students read large
amounts of materials that motivate them. That’s why, there should be fewer unknown words, in order
not to look for every word in dictionaries and students should choose reading materials by their own
interests (Steve Powell, 2005, p.29). In general, extensive reading is characterized, firstly, as reading
a large amount of materials; it doesn’t matter whether short stories or novels, newspaper, magazine
articles, or professional reading. Secondly, as reading on a frequent and regular basis, thirdly, as
reading for getting general idea, basically for pleasure and interest, and finally, as reading long
texts, which students select themselves, in the classroom but also involving reading individually and
independently at home (Hedge, 2000,p.202).
1.3 Why is extensive reading important?
Extensive reading isn’t new for EFL teachers. How many teachers are using ER in the second
language lessons? If it is helpful for improving second language knowledge, why don’t teachers
use it? According to Day and Bamford (1998p.47), the one reason for these questions is that most
teachers suppose intensive reading to be only one way of learning foreign language productively and
fluently. The main purpose of intensive reading is to help students to understand the text in detail,
evolve students’ reading skills, and to enlarge knowledge in grammar and vocabulary. As for extensive
reading, it is a widely discussed topic and many researchers recognize its importance in learning
EFL. Bamford affirms that besides becoming better independent readers, through extensive reading
students can also improve other skills, like writing, listening and speaking, which are important and
actual nowadays and make vocabulary richer (Bamford, 2004). Bamford emphasizes that extensive
reading intensifies learners’ motivation to study second language.
Day & Bamford (2002) offer many advantages of extensive reading, they are:
The reading material is easy. Reading material should contain fewer unknown words and
grammatical structures. There should be four or five unfamiliar items per page, depending on the
leaners’ level.Otherwise, difficult unknown materials can demotivate students reading extensively.
Selection of reading material on different kinds of topics and genre. The learners have
the right to choose reading materials according to their interest and motivation. Learners also select
reading material for some special reasons (e.g. for information, educational purpose, spending free
time or for pleasure) and various methods of reading, like scanning, skimming or reading for detail.
The students can enhance reading speed. Students read materials, which is easy understanding
general ideas and where they don’t need any dictionaries to look up every word which can slow down
the reading process and demotivate students further reading. Finally it can make learners stop reading.
Besides, learners can improve two specific speed reading techniques, like skimming and scanning, as
students can cover alarge quantities of materials very quickly.
The teacher directs and leads the students. Teachers should explain to learners what extensive
reading is, why they are reading and how to work with it. Teachers need to guide them to get more
out of reading.
Students can enlarge vocabulary. Extensive reading is the most significant way of widening
vocabulary. While reading students can meet unfamiliar words several times in different contexts. In
this case, learners recognize the words immediately and try to remember the words (Nuttall 1996,p.
Students can develop cultural awareness. With culture awareness, students can understand
English-speaking countries better and more easily; besides, they won’t have problems when speaking
to native people. By reading extensively, students can also receive their way of thinking (e.g. why
they accept the universe that way), not only their life style (Lichun PAN,2009, p116 ).
Reading extensively can influence learner autonomy. In developing learners’ autonomy
extensive reading is one of the most sufficient strategies. The strong point of extensive reading is to
give freedom to students in selecting reading material by their interests, as they can see their learning
strengths and weaknesses (Cohen, 1998, p. 66). There are no specific follow –up activities, which
should be done. This approach influences learner autonomy, where students have the right, to decide
themselves how to cope with the chosen material. For someone’s own learning, taking responsibility
is one of the most productive language learning strategies (Scharle and Szabo, 2000, p.4).
1.4 How does extensive reading improve English second language learning?
Extensive reading is a way of practicing the second language naturalistically. The extensive
reading approach supplies learners with practice gist reading. By the term extensive reading, we
mean different types of authentic materials, like novel, newspaper and journals, where these are many
interesting topics, such as recipes for girls, articles about teenagers’ free time, love stories or there can
be an interview of a pop or sport star (Lichun PAN, 2009, p.116).
Authentic materials have been distinguished as true to life texts, which have not been written
specifically for use in the classroom and for language learning purposes (Wallace 1992,p.145).That’s
why they are for native people and have “natural” language, but they are a perfect way of learning for
students precisely. Peacock (1997) affirms that authentic texts are created to perform social aims in
the society. Authentic materials are divided into two main categories - print and auditory. Authentic
print materials are beneficial for both English second language learners and adult secondary education
students. There are many types of authentic print materials, such as web sites, tickets, greeting
cards, ATM receipts, street signs, coupons, calendars, labels, order cards, TV guides, magazines and
newspapers. As for authentic auditory materials, there are phone messages, TV and radio broadcasts,
videos and DVDs, electronic books and movies (Sally Ianiro, 2007). All these different kinds of
authentic material make learners seek for one or more specific reading strategies to read rationally,
for instance reading for gist, scanning and bottom –up or top-down. Continuing reading extensively,
learners can apply appropriate reading skills to the conforming materials, which can certainly be
improved (Lichun PAN, 2009, p.116).Nuttall (1996:127) reports “getting students to read extensively
is the easiest and most effective way of improving their reading skills.”
In reading extensively, authentic texts are a helpful way in language classes even for lower
levels, when text and task types are easy, such tasks as, scanning a TV guide, reading short journal
article for gist). Therefore, through authentic texts students can improve reading skills and strategies
and using dictionaries less, extensive reading develops reading fluency (Bamford,1993). Improving
extensive reading in the classrooms depends on teachers, as they should arrange and give time for
students’ extensive reading. In this way teachers encourage and motivate students further reading
outside the classroom (Lichun PAN, 2009, p.118). Lichun PAN suggests the following methods of
how to connect the extensive approach into real teaching process. Silent reading time -in guiding
silent extensive reading in the classroom teachers should spend 20 minutes each week. Students
choose reading materials themselves consulting with a teacher. Silent reading should be for 15
minutes and 5 minutes is for questions about whether they like the book, why or what made them
select that text. Whole Class Reading - the purpose of this stage is to read quickly and to get more
pleasure from reading and compare this easy text with the difficult texts in their course books. In
this method of teaching, the teacher asks students to read a text as a class in order to prepare them
for the idea of reading of longer texts. The book, which is chosen for whole class reading, should
be the easiest one, so that, even the weakest student can read and then all students can be involved
in reading extensively. The only problem is that there should be many copies of the same book, so
that everyone has opportunity to read (www.erfoundation.org). Referring to the reading material
- students will be encouraged to learn new vocabulary and excited to read after class, if teachers can
connect teaching activities with students’ reading materials which they read outside the class. For
instance, when teaching weather vocabulary the teacher can relate the vocabulary to the fairy-tale
about “the twelve months”, telling that snow is very beautiful, but the stepmother is very strict. Book
review or summarizing -about 3-4 students make a book report in class every one or two weeks,
depending on the time-table which a teacher makes. Students tell what they are reading, what they
think after reading and if they recommend the books to others. There are other ways of doing book
reports, like asking students to design a poster to sell the book, making emphasize on well-written
parts, interesting words and helpful exponents or asking students to write a letter to the author in
order to express their opinions about the book in a small groups (Jack C. Richards, Willy A,2012,
p.297). Those students who haven’t read the book, they have an opportunity within ten minutes to
collect as much information as possible about plot, characters and setting in order to decide whether
to borrow a book or not. It also practice students’ presentation skill (Lichun PAN, 2009, p.118).
Other activities for extensive reading- “Titles & Genres” activity, in pairs, looking at titles,
illustrations, headings, and blurbs students scan several books or newspaper articles to establish their
genres. Then, putting all books on one table, in new groups of three, students describe the books
without titles, which they have just scrutinized and other partners should use questions to classify the
books. At the end, students introduce books, which they find interesting. For “Blurb & Title Match”
activity, students should work in pairs. Student A and Student B each are given various kinds of blurbs
from books with title lists. Student A read aloud a blurb from his/her list and student B looks for a
suitable title. If the title and the blurb suit, then student B read another blurb to student A and so on.
This activity gives an opportunity for students to identify interesting books for home reading (http://
extensivereading.net/model, Ken Schmidt).
Lesson Development and Outline
In my teaching experience I didn’t use extensive reading with the help of authentic materials, as
every year we are given curricula and course books with which teachers should teach EFL. I’ve made
my decision to change some methods in my teaching, so I’ve chosen to research extensive reading
through the gist reading of authentic materials. As a result of my research I made a lesson plan which
has the following aims:
1. To provide practice in reading for gist using website articles
2. To encourage extensive reading outside the classroom
3. To enlarge students’ vocabulary knowledge concerning (about) website articles
Lesson plan consists of following stages:
1. At the beginning of the lesson students do mingling activity, where they should find among
themselves three good news and three bad news. This activity leads students into the topic
and should stir students’ interests. In the second activity students guess the website articles
from the headlines and pictures. It should help students predict whether the articles are
going to be exciting or not.
2. In the second half of the lesson the teacher explains that students, in groups, are going to
skim quickly articles from a website. The teacher emphasizes that students read for getting
main ideas, not to read in detail. Teacher hands out the information table and explain they
should answer the questions under each column. The purpose of the activity is to provide
practice reading for gist through authentic materials.
3. At the end of the lesson, each group reports gathered information in front of the class,
while others can ask questions and should understand the general content of the articles
from reports. Then students should decide the most interesting article and why they think
so. As homework, students find any newspaper articles according to their interests and
make a report about the article. The main aims of these tasks are to check students’ reading
comprehension and to practice speaking fluency.
Through reading different kinds of resources, I learnt more about extensive reading and working
with this paper motivated me to use ER in my further teaching.
It is one of the most important
ways of enhancing reading skills, as reading should be for pleasure without any follow up activities
or teachers who control the reading process. In this case, the role of extensive reading is enormous,
where students decide themselves which book or articles to read by their interests and this opportunity
helps students to become autonomous reader and to feel assurance in reading authentic foreign texts,
equally with L1, outside the classroom. Besides, extensive reading can encourage learners to be
efficient in reading and students can enlarge their learning horizons. It goes without saying that after
graduating from the school or even just after lessons students needn’t use artificial language which
they are taught in the classroom, they see how language is used in reality, that’s why students should
be prepared for real life-long learning.
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