Мақалада ағылшын, қазақ және орыс тілдеріндегі сөйлемдердің модельдері
(Баймахан Т.М., Шорнахова И. Түрлі жүйелі тілдердегі сөйлемнің құрылымдық моделі)
The article is concerned with sentence models in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.
(Baymahan T.M., Shornahova I. Structural Models of Sentences in Different Systematic
UDC 427.09
Candidate of Philological Sciences,
the Assistant Professor of IKTU named by H.A.Yasawi
The Magistrate of IKTU named by H.A.Yasawi
The analysis of all kinds of suffixes forming nouns in English, Russian,
Kazakh, and Turkish languages is considered in this article. As theoretical
preconditions were based on provisions of the considered works many books,
journals, dictionaries, and scientific papers on the problem were looked through.
There were could find some examples of different categories of noun forming
suffixes. We have a try to imagine that noun- forming suffixes play a significant
role in enriching English Vocabulary. This research is as though problem
statement for studying and identification of characteristic signs of formation of
nouns in considered languages.
Key words: suffixes, noun, English, Russian, Kazakh, Turkish, structure,
semantics, word-formation process, comparative characteristics.
This paper focuses on analyzing and contrasting the processes of noun-
formation in the English, Russian, Kazakh, and Turkish languages. Within that
there is an attempt to reveal the similarities and differences between the noun-
forming process by the means of suffixes and their potential productivity in word
stock enriching and as well as for pedagogical purposes. The material for the
present study has been collected from different sources, compiled and analyzed in
terms of morphology, productivity and semantic indications of the different
processes of noun-formation in languages. It is found that the English and Russian,
Kazakh and Turkish languages reveal a common linguistic phenomenon in noun-
formation processes as well as their exploitation of the language by forming
productive rules and patterns. The similarities are found in some general
universals, such as affixation, compounding, blending, onomatopoeia, borrowing,
diminutives, conversion and acronyms. Every language has its regular rules for
noun-formation, but some irregular forms may also exist in a couple of them.
Our scientific work is devoted to apply to the works of famous linguists. They
distinguished some kinds of noun forming suffixes, their origin of meaning, and
usage. We applied to the works of English scientists as Diana Goodey, Francis
Katamba ; Russian scientists as Meshkov, Karashuk, Sebakovskiy; and Kazakh
scientists as Baitursynov, Iskakov, Salkynbai. They had a great contribution on this
direction. So A.Baitursynov was the first person who investigates word-formation
in the Kazakh language. In his work he determined various kinds of suffixes. These
researches were ones of the first works investigating the word-formation process of
the Kazakh language. The Turkish scientist Mehmet Hengirmen – the author of the
book by the title of "Dil Belgisi", demonstrated different kinds of the Turkish
word-formıng suffixes.
The ability of any language to create new words from existing ones is of
unarguable importance. Word-formation generally occurs by one of two processes.
The first is compounding, whereby two or more words are combined to create a
new one. This is a common way in the English language, though more so in Old
English than in modern. Compounding is responsible for words like steamboat,
snowsuit, and firefighter. The second word-formation process is derivation, in
particular, affixation. Affixation is one of the most productive ways of word-
building throughout the history of English. It consists in adding an affix to the stem
of a definite part of speech. Affixation is divided into suffixation and prefixation.
Affixes are also divided into several categories, depending on their position with
reference to the stem. Prefix and suffix are extremely common terms. Infix and
circumfix are less so, as they are not important in European languages. The other
terms are uncommon.
Lexical affixes (or semantic affixes) are bound elements that appear as affixes,
but function as incorporated nouns within verbs and as elements of compound
nouns. In other words, they are similar to word roots/stems in function but similar
to affixes in form. Although similar to incorporated nouns, lexical affixes differ in
that they never occur as freestanding nouns, i.e. they always appear as affixes [2].
Suffixes are affixes that attach to the ends of the base forms of words to create
new words or new forms of words. Suffixation is a type of English derivation that
creates new words. In addition to the agent suffixes -er, -or, and -ar, other
derivational suffixes also result in the creation of agent nouns. Derivation suffixes
create new Agent nouns are nouns that identify the person performing an action or,
in other words, are names for people [1].
The following suffixes are more noun suffixes that create names for people:
-ist – person; -ian – of or belonging to
-ess – denoting female persons
-ar /-er/-eur/-ier/-or/-ur – agent
For example, affixing -ist to the base form of the noun art results in the new
noun artist, meaning someone who creates art, and affixing -ian to the base form of
the noun library results in the new noun librarian, meaning someone who works in
a library. This article explains a number of English noun suffixes that create nouns
that are names for people including agent nouns and occupations.
The main function of suffixes in Modern English is to form one part of speech
from another; the secondary function is to change the lexical meaning of the same
part of speech. (e.g. “ educate” is a verb, “ educatee” is a noun, and “ music” is a
noun, “ musicdom” is also a noun).
There are different part-of-speech classifications of suffixes, and we consider
the following one. Suffixes which can form different parts of speech are given
a) noun-forming suffixes, such as: -er (criticizer), -dom ( officialdom), -ism
( ageism),
b) adjective-forming suffixes, such as: -able ( breathable), -less ( symptomless),
-ous ( prestigious),
c) verb-forming suffixes, such as -ize ( computerize), -ify ( micrify),
d) adverb-forming suffixes, such as: -ly ( singly), -ward ( tableward),
e) numeral-forming suffixes, such as: -teen ( sixteen), -ty ( seventy).
There are also disputable cases whether we have a suffix or a root morpheme
in the structure of a word, in such cases we call such morphemes semi-suffixes, and
words with such suffixes can be classified either as derived words or as compound
words, e.g. -gate ( Irangate), -burger ( cheeseburger), -aholic ( workaholic), etc.
Taking up nouns we can subdivide them into proper and common nouns. Among
common nouns we shall distinguish personal names, names of other animate
beings, collective nouns, falling into several minor groups, material nouns, abstract
nouns and names of things.[2]
Abstract nouns are signalled by the following suffixes: -age, -ance/ -ence, -
ancy/-ency, -dom, -hood, -ing, -ion/-tion/-ation, -ism, -ment, -ness, -ship, -th, -
Personal nouns that are emotionally neutral occur with the following suffixes:
-an {grammarian), -ant/-ent (servant, student), -arian (vegetarian), -ее
(examinee), -er (porter), -ician (musician), -ist (linguist), -ite (sybarite), -or
(inspector), and a few others.
Feminine suffixes may be classed as a subgroup of personal noun suffixes.
These are few and not frequent: -ess (actress), -ine (heroine), -rix (testatrix), -ette
Let’s see how it creates in the Russian language. The essential parts of most
Russian nouns are the root, the suffix, and the ending. A suffix is usually a group
of letters which goes at the end of a word and carries a new meaning or
grammatical properties. For example, the suffix -изм (-ism) added to the word
капитал ( capital) turns it into an abstract noun капитализм ( capitalism) in both
Russian and English. Noun suffixes number over one hundred and play a
fundamental role in the creation of nouns.
Suffixed nouns may derive from verbs: стрельба 'shooting' from стрелять
'to shoot'; adjectives: малыш 'child, small boy' from малый 'small'; other nouns:
рыбак 'fisherman' from рыба 'fish'; [3]
Abstract meanings (attitudes, feelings, qualities): -ба, -ие/-ье, -изм, -ость/-
есть, -ота, -ствие, -ство, -сть.
(b) Actions (verbal nouns): -ация/-изация, -ка, -ние, -ок, -ство, -тие.
(c) Animate beings (agents of actions, nationals, inhabitants, members of
organizations, etc.): -ак/-як, -анин/-янин, -арь, -ач, -ец, -ик, -ист, -ник, -ок, -
тель, -ун, -щик/-чик.
Noun forming suffixes denoting person in the Russian language as following:
-ак/-як (-чак after -ль).
(a) with particular physical characteristics or personality traits (based on
adjs.): бедняк 'poor person', весельчак 'jolly person', пошляк 'vulgar person',
смельчак 'daredevil', толстяк 'fat person'.
(b) practitioners (from nouns): горняк 'miner', моряк 'sailor', рыбак
(c) nationalities, inhabitants of certain ancient towns and cities: пермяк
'inhabitant of Perm', поляк 'Pole', словак 'Slovak', тверяк 'inhabitant of Tver'.
(i) nationals, inhabitants, members of social, religious and other groups:
армянин 'Armenian', гражданин 'citizen' (from град 'town'), крестьянин
'peasant', мусульманин 'Moslem', парижанин 'Parisian', рижанин 'inhabitant of
Riga' (from Рига 'Riga'), северянин 'northerner', славянин 'Slav', христианин
'Christian', южанин 'southerner' (from юг 'south').
Persons: -Ач with particular characteristics:
(a) from adjs.: богач 'rich man', лихач 'reckless driver', ловкач 'dodger'.
(b) from nouns: бородач 'bearded man', силач 'strong man', усач 'man with
large moustache'.
(ii) practitioners (from verbs or nouns): врач 'doctor', скрипач 'violinist',
трубач 'trumpeter', ткач 'weaver'.
-ец Persons:
(i) with personality traits (from adjs.): гордец 'arrogant man', мудрец 'wise
man', счастливец 'happy person', хитрец 'cunning devil'.
From to noun agents of actions (from verbs): борец 'wrestler', гребец
'oarsman', певец 'singer', продавец 'salesman'.
From-adjective -ие/-ье
Qualities (based on adjs.): величие 'greatness', веселье 'gaiety', здоровье
Qualities (based on adjs.): белизна 'whiteness', дешевизна 'cheapness',
крутизна 'steepness', новизна 'newness'.
Qualities (based on adjs. in -ый/-ой): доброта 'kindness', красота 'beauty',
простота 'simplicity', чистота 'cleanliness'.
(ii) States (based on adjs.):
(a) general: беднота 'poverty', теснота 'cramped conditions', пустота
'emptiness', теплота 'warmth'.
(b) disabilities and ailments (based on adjs. in -ой): глухота 'deafness',
немота 'dumbness', слепота 'blindness', хромота 'lameness'.
-ист Persons (based on nouns):
(a) musicians: арфист 'harpist', виолончелист 'cellist', гитарист 'guitarist',
пианист 'pianist'.
(b) sportsmen: волейболист 'volleyball player', теннисист 'tennis-player',
футболист 'footballer', хоккеист 'ice-hockey player', шахматист 'chess-player'.
(c) drivers: таксист taxi driver, танкист 'tank driver', тракторист 'tractor
-иха Feminine ending (based on m. counterparts):
(a) women with particular characteristics: трусиха 'cowardly woman', щеголиха
'showy dresser'.
Animate nouns:
(a) agent nouns (many based on verbs): защитник 'defender', изменник 'traitor',
охотник 'hunter', работник 'worker'.
(b) practitioners (based on nouns): дворник 'yardman', мясник 'butcher', плотник
Some nouns in -ник denote animate beings and inanimate objects: проводник (a)
'guard on train' (b) 'electrical conductor'.
The Kazakh new words and various word forms are formed by consecutive
additions to the root (tübírge – түбíрге) or the word stem (sözdíń negízíne – сөздің
негізіне) of derivational and inflectional affixes: suffixes (žūrnaqtar – жұрнақтар) and
inflexions (žalğaular – жалғаулар). The English has a similar way of word formation.
Adding the inflexion "-ing" to the infinitive produces the most multidimensional form
in the English language – the so-called "ing" form. The suffix "-er" (more rarely, "-
or"), when added to the infinitive, usually implies a person performing an action: to
read – reader, to write – writer, to work – worker, to sail – sailor, etc. In the Kazakh
the most common derivational affix is also the suffix (žūrnaq – жұрнақ), which gives
the word a new lexical value. It is easily detected, and participates in the formation of
new words.
For example, the suffixes -šy, -ší (шы, ші): žūmys – žūmysšy (жұмыс –
жұмысшы; work – worker); oqu – oqušy (оқу – оқушы; read – reader); žazu – žazušy
(жазу – жазушы; write – writer); etc. Nevertheless, they do differ. In the Kazakh root
morpheme remains unchanged, and affixes harmonize with the root. I.e., word
formation takes place according to the law of vowel harmony – the law of combining
the sounds of the primary parts of both words and affixes. According to this law, all
Kazakh words may be grouped into the coronal or soft (žíńíške – жіңішке) and the
dorsal or hard (žuan – жуан). Hence, all words are divided into hard and soft words.
For example, köl (көл) and än (ән) are žíńíške (жіңішке – soft), qol (қол) and žan
(жан) are žuan (жуан – hard), etc. In English, on the other hand, suffixes and
inflexions are entirely independent of the stem, and coronal vowels may be combined
with dorsal vowels [4].
Here it has to say that in the Kazakh language adding of different kind of suffixes
to word one can notice the process of creating new words that refer to different parts of
speech as for verb, adjective, etc. For example, by the means of using verb suffixes -
ыс, іс, there creates new form noun
айтыс, жүріс
they give names or things, or
names of movement as : айтыс, желіс, айқас, таныс, дағдарыс etc. and names of
place or names of action as: өріс, егіс, құрылыс, .
Here suffix (-y) plays an important role by adding suffix -y to noun (асу, ауру,
қашу т.б.), in adjective (жүдеу, қату, бітеу т.б.), and also in names of motion of
forms (оқу, байқау, жылу т.б.).
Verb-forming suffix -y creates nouns as (саба-у, еге-у, жама-у, боя-у, тұса-у,
тіре-у, қаша-уPinnacle Studio.) all these words mean common nouns, these words
mean movement process, either all these words appeared due to increasing the meaning
of these words.
The Kazakh scientist A.Toleuov names that such a suffix as homonymic one, and
the formation of this derived word as pronoun or verb he connects with the expansion
of meaning of the word.
A.Baitursynov in his book “Til tagylymy (Тіл тағылымы)” determined various
suffixes, where he showed his classification of suffixes usage. He subdivided suffixes
into 2 groups: Suffixes attached to words creating new words and changing the
meaning of words; and Suffixes attached to words without changing of the meaning of
words. A. Baitursynov distinguished such kind of suffixes which add to other parts of
speech as, for instance, verb, adjective, etc. As he explain suffixes as: –лық, - шыл, -
лас, -лы, -лау, - сыз, - ғы, - ншы, - у, - ғыш, - ғын, - қы, - ақ, -нды, ма. The second
edition of his book published in Orenburg in 1915 was completed with other suffixes: (
- шақ, - а, - е, - ла, (-ле, -да, -де, -та, -те), - ғар, (- қар, - кер), - сын, - шыла, (-
шіле), - ай, (- ей), - гер, - дай, (- дей), - дағы, - (дегі), -лау, (-леу, - деу, -тау, - теу),
- шыл, - ғыл, - ғылт, - ғылтым, - шылық,( - шілік), - ар, (- ер), - ай, (- ей). At
present time the Kazakh language has negative verbal suffixes as ма, ме, ба, бе, па,
пе, ыс, іс, с, which can create noun forms. For instance: ( көрме, кеспе, терме
In English it means positive side. as we see from these examples, the word көрме
means in English and Kazakh languages the same meaning, as: көр means watch in
English, adding a negative verbal suffix -ме to the word, so көр+ме creates a new
word which forms a noun that takes new meaning as exhibition in English. As other
examples кеспе, and терме we саn see the same meanings.
The word Кес means cut in English, adding suffixes - пе takes new form and
change meaning of the words that creates noun form. Кеспе that means in English
language graphic. The word тер (a verb) means in English to collect or to gather by
adding negative verbal suffixes - ме, changes noun forms and creates new meanings,
тер+ ме, which means Kazakh musical instrument.
Scientist A.Yskakov called these noun-forming suffixes (ма, ме, ба, бе, па, пе,
ыс, іс, с, у) as homonymic. Suffixes ма, ме, ба, бе, па, пе, ыс, іс, с, у form such
nouns as (қырма сақал, терме басу, елірме күлкі etc.), and negative verbal ones as
( кеспе, көрме, терме). Notwithstanding negative suffixes (ма, ме, ба, бе, па, пе, ыс,
іс, с, у) form new meaning and create noun forms; and the meaning of word changed
and took positive parties [6].
Suffixes in Turkish language can be different part of speech. They form forms as:
verb-to noun, or noun-to verb. In Turkish language have 13 types of suffixes which
create noun form [7].
Summing up we would like to say that noun- forming suffixes are the most
important and wide - spread. This scientific work was chosen as the first attempt to
explain the essence of affixes usage, as well as it is an interesting theme for many well
known scientists who worked on the problem. They had a great contribution in such a
research. By our opinion the problem of noun - forming suffixes is an interesting one
with back formation different kinds of suffixes, in their origin, meaning and different
kinds of forming. It is definitely said that suffixes have certain peculiarities and their
peculiarities are of in their origin, back formation, and meaning. Due to adding suffixes
the meaning of nouns changes and these new formed nouns represent other categories.
In fact adding with some kinds of different suffixes, the form of the word changing and
their meaning could be different. We think that suffixes are base forms of words
resulting in the creation of new words in English
In linguistics, a suffix (also sometimes called a postfix or ending) is an affix
which is placed after the stem of a word. Common examples are case endings, which
indicate the grammatical case of nouns or adjectives, and verb endings, which form the
conjugation of verbs. Particularly in the study of Semitic languages, a suffix is called
an affirmative, as they can alter the form of the words to which they are fixed. In Indo-
European studies, a distinction is made between suffixes and endings ( Proto-Indo-
European root). Suffixes can carry grammatical information (inflectional suffixes),
(derivational suffixes). An inflectional suffix is sometimes called a desinence. Many
synthetic languages – Czech, German, Finnish, Latin, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish,
etc. – use a large number of endings. Suffixes used in English frequently have Greek,
French or Latin origins. Inflection changes grammatical properties of a word within its
syntactic category.
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