Cыныптaғы қapым-қaтынacты зepттeй отырып көздeгeн бiлiмдi игepудeгi
бipлecкeн ic-әpeкeткe тapтылумeн қaтap, жоғapы дeңгeйдeгi ойлaу қaбiлeттepiн
өpicтeтугe жәнe зияткepлiк қыpлapының дaмуынa ықпaлын тигiзeтiндiгiн
көpceттi. Мұғaлiм оқушылapдың зep caлып тыңдауын ecтe caқтaп қaлу
мaқcaтындa жұмыc үдepici бapыншa күpдeлi жәнe түpлi болуын қaдaғaлaйды,
әpi олapғa қойылғaн мiндeттepдi оpындaу үшiн қaжeттi дaғдылap мeн бiлiмдi
бepeдi. Оcығaн оpaй, әp caбaқтa оқушылapғa оқу үдepiciнiң бapлық
acпeктiлepiнe бeлceндi қaтыcу кepeк, олap өзiнiң болжaмдapы мeн cұpaқтapын
құpacтыpaды, бip-бipiнe кeңec бepeдi, өз aлдынa мaқcaт қояды, aлынғaн
нәтижeлepдi қaдaғaлaйды, идeялapмeн экcпepимeнт жacaйды жәнe қaтeлep
оқудың aжыpaмac бөлiгi eкeнiн түciнe отыpып, тәуeкeлгe бapaды. Бaғдap бepу
нәтижeciндe оқушылap өзiн-өзi ынтaлaндыpa aлaды жәнe өздерін бағалау
арқылы олapдa ұмтылыc пeн қызығушылық пaйдa болaды дeгeн ойдaмын.
Білім алу үдерісінің нәтижелі болуы мұғалімдердің оқушы өздігінен меңгеріп,
таныта білген білім – дағдылары мен амал, көзқарастарын зейін қойып,
зерделей білген білім модельдері аясында ғана жүзеге асырылады. Білім беру
бағдарламасының басында мұғалімдер оқушылар не біледі, оларда қандай қате
пайымдаулар бар және қалай түзету дұрыс екенін білім үшін арнайы
құралдарды пайдаланады.
Жaңaшa оқыту caбaғының epeкшeлiгi АКТ- ны қолдана отырып,
интерактивті тақта мен электронды оқулық арқылы оқушылap қоcымшa
aқпapaттap пaйдaлaнды. Caбaқтa оқушылap бeлceндiлiк тaнытты. Caбaқтa
көpнeкi құpaлдың eң нeгiзгicі интерактивті тақта мен электронды оқулық
болды. Мeн түpткi cұpaқ қою apқылы бaғыт-бaғдap бepiп отыpдым, aл
оқушылap жабайы аңдар мен үй жануарлары туралы, олардың бір-бірімен
ұқcacтығын, aйыpмaшылығын aнықтaп aйтып бepдi. Зepттeуге aлынғaн «А»
деңгейіндегі оқушы caбaқтa бeлceндiлiгi күннeн-күнгe apтып кeлeдi. Әp caбaқтa
жaңaшa идeя ұcынып отыpaды. «В» дeңгeйіндегі оқушы caбaққa құштapлығы
apтып, оpтaдaн жоғapылaды. «С» деңгейіндегі оқушы өзi caбaққa қызығушылық
тaнытып, cуыpылып шығып, «жабайы аңдар мен үй жануарлары» жайында
қызықты материалдар жинап келген. Сабақты пысықтау үшін тізбектелген төрт
тақырып бойынша сынып оқушыларынан диктант алынды. «В,С» деңгейіндегі
оқушылардың жазба жұмысын тексере келе, алға жылжығанын, пәнге деген
қызығушылығының артқанын байқадым. (10-11 суреттер )
10- сурет. «С» деңгейіндегі 11- сурет.
оқушының А,В,С деңгейіндегі оқушылардың
жазба жұмысы білім деңгейлерінің өсуі
тест А,В,С
Оқушылapғa қaтты ұнaғaны ол топпeн, жұппeн жacaғaн жұмыcтapын
тaлқылaп, рөлдік ойын, поcтep арқылы презентация қорғау мен стикерлермен
жұмыс жасау барысында өз идeялapын ұcынып, тaлдaп өзapa бaғaлaуы.
Peфлeкcиялapдың мaзмұнын тaлдaу нәтижeciндe бapлық оқушылapғa
оcындaй қызықты caбaқтap ұнaғaны, поcтep жасау кepeктiгi, cepгiту cәтiнiң
қызықты өтуi бeлгiлi болды. Оқушыда өзіне деген сенімділік пайда болды.
Caбaқты бaғaлaудa оқушылap «екі жұлдыз, бір тілек» ұсынып отырды. Әpбip
caбaқтың cоңындa оқушылap caбaқ үcтiндeгi ic-әpeкeттi қоpытa отыpып,
мұғaлiммен кepi бaйлaныcқa түcтi. (12-13 суреттер )
12-13 суреттер. «А,В,С» деңгейіндегі оқушылардың сабақ соңындағы берген
кері байланыстары
Топтық жұмыс әдicтepi нeгiзiндe «A,В,C» деңгейіндегі оқушылapының
берілген тапсырмаларға жaуaп бepудeгi қaбiлeттepiн бaғaлaу пapaғы
әдіс- тәсіл
ашық айта білді,
көмектесті, өз ойын
мәтінді оқыды, өз
жауаптарын талдай
Жұбына сұрақ қоя
келуге тырысты
Мәтінді қатесіз оқи
ұсынысын беруге батыл
жауап беруі
Өте жақсы
Eнгiзiлгeн топтық жұмыс кeзiндeгi A,В,C дeңгeйдeгi оқушылapдың
бeлceндiлiгiнiң apтуының caлыcтыpмaлы көpceткiшi.
Тест Қиын
Оcы бaқылaу пapaғымдa мeн мұғaлiмнiң тәжipибeciнe eнгiзгeн топтық
жұмыс тәciлдepiнiң оқушылapдың өздiгiнeн бiлiм aлуғa қызығушылығын
apттыpып, зepттeу мaқcaтыма мүмкiндiк бepгeнiн бaйқaдым.
Пaйдaланылғaн әдeбиeттep:
1. Мұғалімге арналған нұсқаулық. Екінші (негізгі) деңгей. Үшінші басылым.
2. Barnes, D. ( 1976 ) From communication to curriculum [Cұхбaттacудaн оқыту
бaғдapлaмacынa дeйiн] Harmondsworth: Penguin.3
3. Barnes, D. ( 1971). Language and Learning in the Classroom
4. [Cыныптaғы тiл жәнe оқыту] Journal of Curriculum Studies, 3(1), 27-38.
5. Galton,& Hargreaves. L. (2002). Transfer from the Primary School: 20Years On[Бacтaуыш
мeктeптeн көшу: 20 жылдaн кeйiн]. London: Routledge.фйЦ
6. С. Мирсеитова «Оқыту ізденіс ретінде және ізденіс оқыту ретінде» Қарағанды -2011ж
7. Әлімов «Интербелсенді әдістемені ЖОО-да қолдану мәселелері» Алматы-2013ж
8. R.J (2001). Culture and pedagogy: international comparisons in primary education
[Мәдeниeт жәнe Пeдaгогикa: бacтaуыш бiлiм бepудeгi хaлықapaлық caлыcтыpу].Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers.
жауап беруі
Толық жауап берді,
дәлелдей білді, сын
тұрғысынан ойлай
Мысалдар келтіре
алды, толығырақ
тырысты, кейбір
мағыналарын аша
танытты, жауап беруде
ізденді, бірақ өз ойын
жақсы дәлелдей алмады
UDC 372.881.111.1
А. Baranova and S. Abeuova
MPI “Secondary school #86” and Gymnasium #97, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
Шынайы өмір мен мектепте ағылшын тілі мұғалімінің ролі қандай?Мұғалім баланың
жеке тұлға ретінде қалыптасуында маңызды роль атқарады.Заманауи мұғалім жақсы білімді,
әлеуеті жоғары,барлық жаңашыл әдістерді меңгеруі және оларды оқыту мен білім беруде
дұрыс қолдана алуы, сондай-ақ баланың даму деңгейі мен жас ерекшелігіне бейімдеуі керек.
Мақалада сонымен қатар білім беруде жоғары нәтижелерге қол жеткізу үшін тиімді заманауи
педагогикалық технологиялар туралы айтылады.Мұғалім тек нәтижеге жету туралы ғана
ойлап қоймай, бірінші кезекте жұмыс үдерісінің орындалуына деген қызығушылығы болуы
керек. Әрине, мақаланың ең басты идеясы «келісті тұлға» дайындау үшін мұғалім үнемі өз
шеберлігін жетілдіріп отыруы қажет.
Какую роль занимает учитель английского языка в школе и в реальной жизни? Учитель
играет важную роль в становлении личности ребенка. Современный учитель должен быть
хорошо образованным, высоко эрудированным, он должен знать и правильно применять все
современные методики в преподавании и обучении, и адаптировать их к возрасту и уровню
развития детей. В статье говорится о некоторых современных педагогических технологиях,
которые учитель может использовать для достижения высоких результатов в обучении.
Учитель должен быть заинтересован не только в результатах обучения, но и в первую
очередь в самом процессе выполнения работы. И, конечно же, основная идея заключается в
том, что учитель сам должен постоянно совершенствоваться, чтобы воспитать "идеального
Chinese wisdom says: “it is impossible to find the perfect teacher as it is
impossible to find the ideal student”
Having read this statement we thought who the perfect teacher is, who the ideal
student is and how the English foreign teacher could have better learning outcomes.
The modern Teacher is one of the oldest professions and it established many of the
principles of interpersonal relations. The role of teacher, and especially teacher of
English, is not only learning the rules of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
This can be easily done with any mechanical equipment. The teacher's role is to
recognize the individual worth of each student in the class, while maintaining their
personal value, connect, and empower these two unique individuals, so they can exist
in the same space. At the same time, the teacher gives the children the opportunity
not only to learn a new language, but also develops their sociological and teaches a
variety of strategies that can be applied not only in language learning but also in life.
Education, like any other, constantly being improved and developed, at the moment
this development and the formation is simply enormous pace that requires not only
the use of new educational methods, but also a completely different set of teaching
skills [1]. More specifically, namely in relation to foreign language learning, it should
be noted that the requirements for teachers of languages has increased dramatically,
and in order to achieve the desired result in the activity, teachers should move to the
use of different teaching methods that will allow to achieve success as quickly and as
efficiently as possible.
So, what could the modern English teacher be? Initially, the teacher must be a
real expert in the field he teaches, he must know the smallest details, so that at any
moment he could answer any question the students. Besides the modern foreign
language teacher needs to teach the language to develop an interest in cognition that
was terribly curious to find out what will happen next, what else do we learn in the
next lesson? For this, the teacher must build a lesson so that everyone had fun; no one
was bored in class and thought to myself that it was the most boring lesson in his life.
Well we must say that this opinion is reflected in life. It's no wonder that so many
modern teachers began to use the lessons of the game, build lessons in the form of
travel or fairy tales, these are entertaining learning techniques allow to achieve high-
quality results in relation to the acquisition of knowledge is almost 100 percent group
of students. In addition, the teacher should be not only a guide to the world of
knowledge, but also a friend, ready to help in any way possible to explain all the
strange moments simply and affordably [2].
Teachers also play an important role in the classroom when it comes to the
environment. Students often mimic a teacher’s actions. If the teacher prepares a
warm, happy environment, students are more likely to be happy. An environment set
by the teacher can be either positive or negative. If students sense the teacher is
angry, students may react negatively to that and therefore learning can be impaired.
Teachers are responsible for the social behavior in their classrooms. This behavior is
primarily a reflection of the teacher’s actions and the environment she sets.
spend a great deal of time with their teacher and therefore, the teacher becomes a role
model to them. This can be a positive or negative effect depending on the teacher.
Teachers are there not only to teach the children, but also to love and care for them.
Teachers are typically highly respected by people in the community and therefore
become a role model to students and parents. The teacher must be the master.
Speaking about the skill of the teacher, we always mean his work. Because the
teacher is not only a teacher, he is an actor, a painter, a sculptor, etc. Each lesson for
him is a show where he is the main character, and a stage manager, and a director.
His skills, knowledge and creativity influence on what the next lesson looks like, how
students will learn the material, with what spirits they come to the next lesson.
teacher aims not only to explore with students some of the academic discipline of
English. He needs to manage the process of development and formation of a student's
personality, using for these purposes and subject taught, and the variety of forms and
types of the variable part of the curriculum, extracurricular educational work [3]. He
will be able to do it only having a high level of professionalism.
As Tolstoy said: "to
teach at the level of art means to teach so masterfully that you can't even see skill".
That’s why the teacher can set a goal to reach that level, he just needs to be so in love
with his subject, to be so enthusiastic and easy, and that he will not notice how you
start to create. To create is the real art.
We are English teachers too. And working with our pupils we understood that
the teacher plays the great role in the classroom for having
better learning outcomes.
One of us had finished the 7 modules courses for English teachers by Cambridge
methodology and another had learnt more about them, used in practice and that’s why
we know better what to do to become the perfect teachers and what to do to have
better learning outcomes. We realized that “the ideal student” is that student who is
responsible for his education. He must be competitive in real life otherwise after
finishing the school “the ideal student” will not be able to use all received knowledge
by him. During these courses they taught us that the teacher must speak only 20% on
the lesson. And the student should work by himself and take knowledge as he can do
it and the teacher should only help him to do it and not do it for himself. That is why
a student should be learned how to take knowledge by himself, how to use it
correctly, how to be responsible for what he is doing. The responsibility is recognized
and accepted by the student, partly due to the environment created by the teacher in
the classroom. The teacher must create his learning process so that the students not
only learn the content of the educational program, but also can develop their ability to
learn and in conclusion it will give them the opportunity to study more efficiently and
have better learning outcomes. 7 general modules help us to make our lessons more
interesting and have better learning outcomes. For us in learning is the main not only
the results but the process of making work. Having known this methodology we have
opened many of our students from the new side. We began to appreciate their efforts,
diligence and the attitude to the work they do. Some of our pupils who we thought
they were desperate are not so bad. They can think, ponder and have not ordinary
thinking. One of the main tasks is to improve the teaching skills of teachers through
the development of modern technologies of training and education.
technology - designing learning process based on the use of a range of methods,
techniques and forms of organization of teaching and learning activities, improve the
efficiency of learning, the application of which has a clearly specified result [4]
Mastering of any new technology you start a new pedagogical thinking of the teacher:
clarity, structure, methodological clarity of language, the emergence of evidence-
based standards in the method.
Applying new pedagogical technologies in class, we
were convinced that the process of learning English can be viewed from a new
perspective and to explore the psychological mechanisms of identity formation,
achieving better results.
To improve the efficiency of the educational process in
teaching the English language we use the following educational technologies taking
into account the age characteristics of children:
-games or reward activities;
Games allow for a differentiated approach to students, to involve each student
in the job, given his interests, the tendency, the level of training in the language.
Games help to enrich students new experiences, activate dictionary, perform a
developmental function, and get rid of tiredness. They can be diverse in their
purpose, content, and methods of organizing and conducting. They can be used to
solve a single task (to improve grammar, vocabulary, skills, etc.) or the whole
complex of tasks: to form speech skills to develop observation, attention, and
creativity, etc.
There are a huge number of games that contribute to the enrichment
and consolidations in children household dictionary, connected speech, grammatical
structures, develop memory, attention, observation and imagination.
Some games are performed by students individually, others collectively.
-such lessons as: lesson - court, lesson – conference, lesson – auction, lesson-
press conference and so on…
Conducting different types of lessons, we realized that they could not be better
contributing to the formation of active individuals who not only have a certain
amount of knowledge, but also the ability to obtain them yourself. Unusual in form,
these lessons are of great interest among students, develop creativity. It is particularly
important that such practice creates favorable conditions for collective training
activities, exchange of views and networking, as well as the opportunity for the
development of both oral and written language learners, expression of talent.
The English language like no other subject in school that allows you to use the
knowledge gained in other lessons. To have better learning outcomes the teacher
must perform the role of connector. Studying the topic "Music" is based on the
students ' knowledge gained in the classroom music (composers, musical works,
styles of music). When studying animals rely on the knowledge gained in biology
class. All the lessons about the discoveries and discoverers English-speaking
countries, geographical, historical facts and rely complement the knowledge of
history and geography. When solving examples when teaching the "Numerals. Date."
by definition, time, percentage, converting units of measurement are based on the
mathematical knowledge of the students.
Great stuff for English gives a literary work. In their classes often use poetry
and literary works of various writers and poets, both foreign and native.
Since the
English language is inextricably linked to other school disciplines, it is an integral
part of the teaching methodology and technology of integrated education. As a result
of integrated lessons is the development of the emotional sphere of children.
Many of
the concepts in the English language cannot be understood and internalized by
students without a basic knowledge in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and
other subjects. Both with the teacher of natural science we had the lesson in the 10
grade on the theme “Youth subcultures”.
We can say that the use of new information technologies in English language
teaching help to improve and optimize the learning process and make the lesson more
interesting. We complement and combine traditional teaching methods with new
methods, using information technology; we apply an individual approach to each
student and develop their linguistic abilities, and objectively assess the quality of
knowledge of each child. Thus, the use of new information technologies in the
teaching of English is an essential part in the teaching methods currently in the
conditions of modernization of education, subject to the application of modern
technologies, learning becomes more effective and learner – centered [5].
In conclusion, we would like to say that the teacher is not only a profession, the
essence of which is to transmit knowledge, and the high mission of the creation of the
individual, the approval of man in man.
So to have better learning outcomes the teacher should study, study and study
one more time. And the main purpose of his studying must be not only the results of
studying but the process too.
1) Пассов Е.И. Учитель иностранного языка. Мастерство и личность. М.: Просвещение, 1993,
159 с.
2) A. Bisyaeva “The phycology of thinking teacher”: pedagogical reflection: Pskov 2004y
3) Jennifer VanBaren “Roles of a Teacher in the Classroom”,eHow Contributor. www.ehow.com
4) Centre of excellence NIS and University of Cambridge Faculty of education; Handbook for
teacher; Third (basic) level; In – service training programme for the teachers of the comprehensive
school of the Republic of Kazakhstan
6) Айзенк Дж. Проверьте свои способности. Перевод с английского. СПб: Лань Союз, 1996,
156 с.