частью которого и являлся танец, уже не практиковался [2]. И с тех пор киноаппарат, а позднее и
видеокамера становятся привычными инструментами исследования в руках многих антропологов. На
первом этапе съемки велись преимущественно в труднодоступных, малоизвестных районах, внима-
ние привлекали в первую очередь редкие экзотические культуры. Опасаясь за их судьбу и учитывая
возможность полного их исчезновения в условиях наступления техногенной цивилизации, антропо-
логи стремились как можно полнее и в короткие сроки запечатлеть их образ жизни. Уже в 1920-х гг.
на Западе формируются крупные фонды аудиовизуальной информации, сыгравшие значительную
роль в превращении визуальной антропологии в самостоятельную научную дисциплину.
Определение статуса визуальной антропологии в науке и средствах массовой информации было
сформулировано еще в 20-х годах Маргарет Мид, которая выдвинула тезис о принципиально новом
виде информации, не дублирующем вербальную, а открывающем новые для науки возможности
отображения действительности. Ее полевые исследования проводились в основном среди народов
Океании. Она совершила экспедиции на острова Самоа (1925–1926), острова Адмиралтейства (1928–
1929), в Новую Гвинею (1931–1933), а также на Бали и Новую Гвинею (1936–1939). Там она изучала
подростковое и сексуальное поведение среди примитивных племен. Балийское исследование заслу-
живает особого внимания своей разработкой новых полевых методов. Она широко использовала
фото и киносъемку, что сделало возможным фиксировать и анализировать значимые детали поведе-
ния, которые выпадают из внимания этнографов, использующих традиционные методы описания [3].
Заметную роль в становлении визуальной антропологии сыграло творчество Жана Руша, показав-
ший значимость этой области знания для осознания обществом своего единства в условиях огром-
ного культурно-национального многообразия. Жан Руш стоит у истоков такого значительного эстети-
ческого и концептуального направления в мировой культуре, как «синема верите» (cinéma vérité).
Термин представляет собой дословный перевод на французский язык названия известной серии
советских документальных фильмов «Киноправда» (1922-1924), выпущенных объединением
КИНОКИ во главе с Дзигой Вертовым. В своих картинах Рушу («Я – негр» (Moi un noir), «Безумные
начальники» (Les maîtres fous), «Хроника одного лета (Chronique d'un été)удалось объединить методы
этнографического фильма (визуальной антропологии) и документальной публицистики, в которых он
развернул широкую критику европейской культурной системы и западной цивилизации в целом [4].
Развитие визуальной антропологии связано и с именем Джея Руби (Jay Ruby), заслуженного
профессора aнтропологии университета Темпл в Филадельфии, который исследовал отношения
между культурами и изобразительными средствами болeе тридцати лет. Его исследовательские инте-
ресы вращаются вокруг применения антропологической способности проникновения в суть произ-
водствa и понимания фотографий, фильмoв и телевидения. В течение 30 лет он провел этнографи-
ческие исследования иллюстрированной коммуникации в округе Джуниата, Пенсильвания, Ок-Парке,
Иллинойс [5].
В 1968-1980 годы он основал и вел международные конференцию по визуальной антропологии,
включив в их программы фильмы/видео-исследования различных культур. Кроме того, он являлся
редактором множества академических и популярных журналов по американской археологии, массо-
вой культуре и визуальной антропологии включая “Исследования в Визуальной связи” (Studies in
Visual Communication) и “Визуальная Антропология” (Visual Anthropology) [6].
Многие исследователи и кинематографисты всего мира внесли лепту в становление и утверждение
в обществе визуальной антропологии. Но, вероятно, трудно представить ее развитие без такой
фигуры, как Роберт Флаэрти, американского кинорежиссёра, который наряду с Дзигой Верто-
вым считается одним из основоположников и классиков мирового документального кино. Именно в
его творчестве наиболее ярко проявились высокие нравственные принципы ответственного отноше-
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3 (50), 2016 г.
ния к представителям сообществ, попадающих в поле зрения камеры. Со временем на основе этих
принципов было сформировано понимание визуальной антропологии как деятельности, обеспечи-
вающей диалог культур. Известный советский кинорежиссер Дзига Вертов, как и Флаэрти, работав-
ший на заре становления кинематографа, внес огромный вклад в изучение возможностей киноязыка.
Говоря о мастерской исследования способов кинематографического отображения действитель-ности,
Вертов считал важнейшим наблюдение таких сторон человеческого поведения и сознания, которые
не удается показать никакими другими средствами, кроме кинокамеры. К тому же он был первым,
кто высказал и довольно основательно разработал идею создания выездных школ для организации на
местах групп документалистов, способных регулярно проводить съемки событий, характеризующих
историю страны.
После окончания Второй мировой войны началась существенная кинематографическая активность
антропологов. К 1952 г. сложился достаточный интерес в этой области, чтобы сформировать
международный Комитет по Этнографическому и Социологическому кино, который был связан с
образованием ЮНЕСКО. Фестиваль во Флоренции, конференции по визуальной антропологии в
Филадельфии, в Париже, фестиваль работ Маргарет Мид в Нью-Йорке, этнографический фестиваль
кино Королевского Антропологического Института в Манчестере — все это было организовано в
1960-х гг., 1970-х гг., и 1980-х гг., чтобы поощрить рост интереса к антропологическому кино.
Каждый год появляются новые конференции, фестивали и семинары, которые свидетельствует об
увеличивающимся интересе к визуальной антропологии. Издаются три квартальных периодических
издания, посвященных этой области знания: «Studies in Visual Communication» (1974-1985), «Visual
Anthropology» (1987-), совместно с международной Комиссией по Визуальной Антропологии; и
«Visual Anthropology Review» (1986-), которые выходят под эгидой американского Общества
Society for Visual Anthropology. Роль Общества в пропаганде антропологического кино и его стимули-
ровании в обществе существенна. По его инициативе в настоящее время существуют и программы
подготовки дипломированных специалистов в университете Южной Калифорнии, Нью-Йоркском
университете, и университете Темпл в Соединенных Штатах и в Манчестерском университете в
Англии. В этих университетах можно получить ученые степени (магистра и доктора) по визуальной
Общество визуальной антропологии (Society for Visual Anthropology — SVA), учреждено в США в
1984 г. Оно организует и поощряет инициативные исследования — не только выполнение фотогра-
фии и создание кинофильмов, но и получение безкамерных документальных источников, посвящен-
ных культуре жестов, танцев, вербальных и художественных символов у разных народов мира. В
качестве источников визуальной антропологии могут стать культовые сооружения, наскальная живо-
пись, исторические фотографии, старые граммофонные записи и др. Общество выпускает периоди-
ческие издания Visual Anthropology Review и Visual Anthropology, организует ежегодные научные
Сегодня визуальная антропология, не утратив былого интереса к редким и экзотическим культу-
рам, стремится отобразить и другие антропологические явления: социальные, художественные, педа-
гогические, религиозные и т.д. Одним из его уникальных инструментов является видеомониторинг
культуры — длительные многолетние съемки представителей одной культуры, раскрывающие ее
историческую динамику.
С начала 1990-х интерес к визуальной антропологии проявили и в России, где также регулярно
проводят специализированные фестивали по визуальной антропологии, в том числе Московский
фестиваль визуальной антропологии «Камера-посредник», Российский фести-
антропологических фильмов (Екатеринбург ), Московский международный фестиваль аудио-
антропологии «Дни этнографического кино», в ходе работы которых был проведен
целый ряд научных мероприятий: конференций и круглых столов, по итогам которых опубликованы
сборники научных статей, посвященные актуальным проблемам визуальной антропологии [7]. Разра-
ботки в области визуально-антропологической теории и методологии ведутся в научно-исследова-
тельских центрах, в частности в Центре визуальной антропологии (ЦВА) МГУ имени М. В.
Ломоносова (Москва, существует с 1991 г.), в Этнографическом бюро (Екатеринбург, с 1991 г.),
в Учебно-научном центре визуальной антропологии и эгоистории (ЦАВЭ) РГГУ (Москва, с 2006
г.) и ряде других.
За рубежом прикладными исследованиями в области визуальной антропологии, производством
этнографических фотографий и фильмов, а также формированием фото- и киноархивов занимаются
Абай атындағы аз ПУ-ні Хабаршысы, «Тарих жəне саяси-əлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3 (50), 2016 ж.
крупные научно-исследовательские центры, например Центр изучения кино при Гарвардском
университете (The Film Study Center at Harvard University), США; Центр визуальной антропологии
при университете Манчестера «Гранада» (Granada Center for Visual Anthropology at University of
Manchester), Великобритания; Центр визуальной антропологии при Австралийском национальном
университете (Center for Visual Anthropology at Australian National University), Австралия, и
многие другие. Более того, сегодня визуальную антропологию нельзя свести только к съемке и
созданию фильмов, фотографированию и звукозаписи. Она включает в себя помимо съемки сбор,
хранение и распространение экранных материалов, теоретическую и исследовательскую работу,
обучение, пропаганду и внедрение идей и материалов визуальной антропологии в сферы образова-
ния, культуры, СМИ. Огромную помощь в развитии аудиовизуальной антропологии оказывают
средства современной электронной техники.
Впервые термин "визуальная антропология" был использован в неоднократно переиздававшемся
учебнике известного американского антрополога и фотографа Джона Кольера-младшего [8]. А уже в
1968 г. Джей Руби - первый президент Общества антропологической визуальной коммуникации -
организовал международную конференцию по визуальной антропологии, включающую фестиваль,
проводившуюся затем до 1980 г. В последующие десятилетия визуальная антропология оформилась
в один из наиболее перспективных видов гуманитарной деятельности, интегрирующей научные и
художественные подходы к отображению действительности. Результаты этой деятельности легли в
основу новой области образования, находят выражение в фильмах, которые демонстрируются на
многочисленных фестивалях, обсуждаются на конференциях и в публикациях.
Становление визуальной антропологии могло состояться лишь благодаря деятельности многих
творческих личностей - практиков и теоретиков. Уже с конца XIX столетия, практически с первых
шагов кинематографа, постоянно велись съемки, содержащие этнографическую (и шире – антрополо-
гическую социокультурную) информацию, иногда с участием ученых, а чаще - кинохроникерами.
Эти произведения в большинстве случаев не были связаны с антропологией и становились объектом
рассмотрения исследователей уже на более позднем этапе. В зарубежной литературе осмысление
теоретических проблем и прикладных аспектов визуальной антропологии началось в середине 60-х
годов XX века, когда визуальная антропология окончательно оформилась как самостоятельная
(суб)дисциплина в лоне культурной антропологии. В частности, в США разработкой теории визуаль-
ной антропологии в разное время занимались такие антропологи, как А. Баликси (A. Balikci), Р.
Гарднер (R. Gardner), Д. Макдуглл (D. MacDougall), М. Мид (М Mead), Дж. Руби (J. Ruby), П.
Хенли (P. Henley), Р. Чафлен (R. Chaflen), К. Янг (С Young) и другие. В Европе, в частности во
Франции и Италии, исследованиям теории и методологии визуально-антропологических исследо-
ваний, посвящены работы таких исследователей, как Ж. Руш (J. Rouch), Ф. Халлер (F. Haller). В 70-е
годы в свет вышла первая редакция фундаментального сборника статей под редакцией Пола
Хокингса (Paul Houkings) «Принципы визуальной антропологии» [9], где освещались основопола-
гающие вопросы теории, методологии и практики визуальной антропологии, а чуть позже была
опубликована не менее значимая в теоретическом плане монография Карла Хайдера (Karl Haider)
«Этнографическое кино» [10]. Таким образом, разработка визуально-антропологической теории
велась, главным образом, зарубежными исследователями, практикующими фото- и киносъемку в
процессе антропологического исследования.
На сегодняшний день теоретические и методологические разработки в области визуальной
антропологии активно продолжаются, география стран, включенных в развитие обучения и практики
дисциплины, расширяется. В ряде ведущих стран мира в университетах существуют отделения по
подготовке специалистов в области визуальной антропологии, в частности в Университете Тромсё
(University of Tromso), Норвегия; в Университете Манчестера (The University of Manches ter),
Великобритания; в Темпльском университете (Temple University), США, и ряде других стран.
Преподавание в данных вузах осуществляют известные специалисты в области теоретических и
прикладных исследований визуальной антропологии, в том числе Дж. Руби (J. Ruby), П. Кроу-
форд (P. Crawford), А. Гримшо (A. Grimshaw), К. Хайдер (К. Haider) и другие. Проводятся ежегод-
ные Кинофестивали визуальной антропологии «Аспекты» (Aspekty Film Festival of Visual
Anthropology), Польша; Международный кинофестиваль документального и антропологического
кино в Пярну (Рагпи International Documentary and Anthropological Film Festival), Эстония; Кино-
и видеофестиваль имени Маргарет Мид (Margaret Mead Film & Video Festival), США и многие
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3 (50), 2016 г.
Таким образом, визуальная антропология становится в современном мире одним из мощных
направлений исследования человеком самого себя. Богатство и сложность этого специфического
способа самопознания, наличие многообразия конкурирующих истолкований ее смысла определяет
актуальность философско-антропологического осмысления границ и условий возможности опыта
визуальной антропологии.
Штомпка П. Социология социальных изменений/ пер. с нем. М.: Аспект Пресс, 1996. – С. 76.
2 https://books.google.kz/books?isbn=5457910598
3 Мид М. Культура и мир детства. Избранные произведения. Перевод с английского и комментарии
Ю.А.Асеева. М.: Издательство «Наука». Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1988. - Академия наук
СССР. Институт этнографии им. Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклая. Серия «Этнографическая библиотека»).
4 http://www.vokrug.tv/person/show/Jean_Rouch/
5 Круткин В.Л. Джей Руби о визуальной антропологии// Визуальная антропология: новые взгляды на
социальную реальность/ Сб.науч. ст. Саратов, 2007.
6 http://astro.temple.edu/~ruby/ruby/
7 Сборник статей по визуальной антропологии «Салехард 2000», посвященный II Российскому фестивалю
антропологических фильмов (Салехард, 29 августа — 4сентября 2000 г.). М: ТЕИС, 2000. Материалы Второго
московского международного фестиваля визуальной антропологии и конференции «Традиции и объектив: В
поисках цельности» (Москва, 24-28 мая 2004 г.). М: ТЕИС, 2004. Третий московский международный
фестиваль и конференция визуальной антропологии «Камера-посредник» (Москва, 8-13 октября 2006 г.). Сб.
статей. М.: ТЕИС, 2006. Четвертый московский международный фестиваль и конференция визуальной
антропологии «Аудиовизуальная антропология: теория и практика» (Москва, 7-8 октября 2008 г.). М.: ТЕИС,
2008. Аудиовизуальная антропология. История с продолжением. М.: Институт наследия, 2008. Аудио-
визуальная антропология. Культурное наследие как институт памяти, М.: Институт наследия, 2012.
8 Александров Е.В. Предистория визуальной антропологии: первая половина ХХ в.// Этнографическое
обозрение, 2014.- № 4.- С.127-140.
9 Hockings P. Conclusion: Ethnographic Filming and Anthropological Theory // Hockings P. (ed.) Principles of
visual anthropology. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1995.
10 Хайдер Карл. Этнографическое кино. М.: 2000.- 166 с.
Визуалды антропология: қалыптасуы жəне дамуы
Г.Ə. Сексенбаева – аз У доценті, тарих ғылымыны докторы, s.gulzira@mail.ru
Визуалды антропология жеке ғылыми жəне шығармашылық қызметтін бағыты ретінде ХХ ғасырдың 60-70-
шы жылдары қалыптасты. Осыған дейін халықтың нақты өмірін бейнелейтін кинематоргафиялық құжаттарды
кинохрониктер жасады. Мақалада теоретиктермен практиктердің мəдени қауымдастық бейнелеріне арналған
жаңа пəннің қалыптасуына жəне жаңа шығармашылық қызметтін пайда болуына қосқан үлестері қарасты-
Қазіргі таңда виртуалды антропология мəдени диалогты іске асыру мақсатында қоғамның түрлі тұстары
туралы аудиовизуалды ақпарат алу үшін бағытталған мəдени-тарихи шыңдықтың аудиовизуалды танымының
бөлігі ретінде қарастырылады, яғни ол мəдениеттің рухани, тұрмыстық, табиғи, тарихи жəне де басқа жақтарын
Түйін сөздер: визуалды антропология, этнографиялық кино, визуалды бейнелер, визуалды төнкеріс,
визуалды технологиялар, визуалды репрезентациялар.
Visual anthropology: formation and development
G.A. Seksenbayeva – Assistant professor, doctor of historical science, s.gulzira@mail.ru
Visual anthropology as an independent direction of scientific and creative activity appeared in the 1960 - 70s. Until
that time, cinematographic documents, which captured fragments of people real life, were mostly the work of
newsreels. The article attempts to outline the contributions of practitioners and theorists in the formation of a new
discipline and a new kind of creative work, devoted to the creation of images of cultural communities. Visual
anthropology is now seen as an area of knowledge of audiovisual cultural-historical reality, aimed at getting of
audiovisual information on the various aspects of society. Its purpose is to implement a dialogue of cultures, which
captures and explores the spiritual, personal, natural, historical and other aspects of culture.
Keywords: visual anthropology, ethnographic film, visual images, visual rotation, visual technology, visual
Абай атындағы аз ПУ-ні Хабаршысы, «Тарих жəне саяси-əлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3 (50), 2016 ж.
UDC 94 (574).094..316.4.363.7.
S.U. Bakhtorazov – Taraz State University namedafter M.H.Dulati
(E-mail:nucha13-94@mail.ru )
The article revealed that the completion of coagulation of mass arrests was a change of leadership of the PCIA and
the return of all its units in the control of the party apparatus. In this regard, in a telegram signed by Joseph Stalin, the
first item announcing the adoption of the CPSU (b) resolution, which demanded an immediate inspection, approval and
establishment of personal files on employees of internal affairs bodies of all ranks and levels of the relevant party
bodies - the Central Committee of the Communist National parties, territorial and regional committees, the storage of
these cases in the party.
The author on the basis of the sources shows that as a result of this test, "the PCIA must be free from all hostile
people infiltrated by fraud, are not worthy of political trust." All proposed a set of measures meant that now the PCIA
workers were in the party organ appropriate level range, carried before him directly responsible politically. All letters of
the items offered to perform 1.01.1939g.
Keywords: repression, telegram, the PCIA, Stalin, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), the Central Committee
of the Communist National parties, territorial, regional.
The modern historiography of the USSR political history of the first half of the twentieth century
introduced a wide range of previously unknown historical documentsin the scientific revolution. This source
base, in particular, studied various aspects of the phenomenon of political history of the 30-ies, such as the
mass political repressions. At the same time, the potential inexhaustible source of historical research
continues to raise questions, both unknown and little-known ones. The latter include a telegram dd
November 14, 1938 sent by. J.V. Stalin to the regional party organs.
The source analysis involves consideration of historical conditions anticipating the appearance of it and
accompanying it upon its occurrence. It also requires a logical semantic analysis and comparison with other
sources,both matching on informational orientation and contradictory to it. It is also necessary to establish
the role of the sources in the future, after its occurrence, in the course of the historical events.
Review of the history of mass political repressions use presupposes the establishment of the essential
content of the concept definition. According to the materialist conception of history, paired concepts,
categories and terms reflecting respectively binary in relationships and bipolar in multi-directionality events
and trends are usually accepted in his works. Such phenomena are in direct opposition to each other, or
become so. Concepts termed "retaliation" and "repression" refer to such binary oppositions
Reprisals (from lat.) - to hold, stop, condemn mean in the internal policy government measures and
actions, any political force in response to the violation of their rights in order to force the abolition of the
violation or reimbursement of damage. Whereas repression(from lat.) - depression,means punitive measures
of government in the range of damage suffered, exclusion from political life to the physical disappearance
with judicial or extra-judicial measures. The degree of intensity of the confrontation determined the scope
and duration of the repression.
According to the strength of political situation and the scale of the use of repressive measures a number of
periods can be roughly identified. The years of Soviet power and the front of the civil war were accompanied
by brutal mass repressions in the distance from the front lines, in the areas controlled by the opposing camps.
Creation of AREC (All-Russian Special Commission for Combating Counter-revolution, Sabotage, and
Speculation) in December 1917, the Decree of the Red Terror, in response to similar reprisals of the opposite
camps reached their peak under the influence of different reasons[1]. the extreme conditions in the country,
accompanied the rise to power of the Bolshevik Party, not in the long union with the "Left" Socialist-
Revolutionaries, by the end of the second decade, remained and continued to escalate. Objectively, the main
resources of political time and political space, wherethe Soviet government dominated, were very small.
Since the revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps in response to the demand to disarm, led to the overthrow of
Soviet power along the VolgaRiver to the Pacific Ocean, with concurrent physical disappearance of the party
and Soviet activists.
Very important is the fact of the choice of "Red Terror" from the alternative- either repression, or passive
expectation of the situation development. The three-year period of mass repressionsresults in ban on the
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3 (50), 2016 г.
death penalty and the reorganization of the AREC (All-Russian Special Commission for Combating Counter-
revolution, Sabotage, and Speculation) to SPD (State Political Directorate) in early February 1922 [2].
In the following eight years,from 1922 to 1929 repressions were used in the form of deportation abroad
and imprisonment to camp for the period of up to 5 years – thus, the rejection of the real and imaginary
opposition from political life was carried out without seeking any compromise. A peculiar embodiment of
the period "monism" - "pluralism" in a one-party system was a confrontation along the lines of: "party" -
"non-party" supporters of the possible candidates for the party leadership - Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev,
future tandem of N.I.Buharin and Joseph Stalin. The said party leaders could claim for the sole leadership in
the party after the death of Lenin, and, indeed, in the previous time of his long illness. Their high political
authority in the party, however, did not give any reason to the personal superiority of one of them - each
carrying a burden of deficiencies noted in the famous "Letter to the Congress" by Lenin[3].
Accordingly, the focus of political confrontations shifted - to replace the reprisals in the form of counter-
revolutionary activities of the overthrown classes real or imaginary "saboteurs" among the "non-party, on the
first line" appear and supporters of Trotsky as well and Trotsky himself become the objects of pursuit.
Repression mechanism remains the same - the definition of "enemy image" is headed by political leaders
managed by Stalin, search is carried out by SPD - JSPD (Joint State Political Directorate) bodies, the society
under the influence of ideological pressure either supports the measures taken, or silently agrees to them.
The subsequent eight-year cycle - 1929 – 1936 includes the continuation of the search of "pests" and
"enemy image" within the party and is replenished with "Zinovievites", "nationalists", "national -deviators",
etc. The proportion of reprisals and repressions increases in favor of the latter –long imprisonment terms and
the death penalty for minor manifestations of resistance. The merger of the JSPD and the PCIA (People's
Commissariat of Internal Affairs), dramatically increases the authority and value of the Commissariat in the
system of political regime - the mandate of the People's Commissariat now covers the whole process from
the search for "enemies" before the execution of the sentence[4].PCIA workers become a privileged part of
the intra-elite, ready, for the sake of their status, to carry out anyinstructions from the "top".
Peak use of large-scale political repressions falls on the three-year period 1937 – 1939. "The image of the
enemy" expands to the maximum - the "Right" Bukharinites join the internal party enemies, in accordance
with the international situation - spies and saboteurs, "national - fascists" and others appear. The power of
thePCIA increases so much that itsurpasses regional party organs in the issue of repression, but becomes the
object of suppressionitself. However, large-scale repression has a certain limit - the enemy cannot be
infinite–rolling outthe scale of repression begins on instructions from above and can be implemented in one
way, as in the first three-year cycle - the reorganization of the PCIA.
The internal dynamics of political repressions, technology of their implementation within the considered
sub-periods reflects the change in the position of the ruling party in the country and within its system. From
the actual status of one of the political forces, not the most influential in the political space of the former
Russian Empire, using repression as one of the leading means of maintaining and consolidating the power,
effectively implementing the resource of political time CPSU (b), becomes infinitely dominant political force
in the new political space formed by it, with the main feature - the construction of the foundations of
socialism. Inside the former Party leadership contenders and their supporters are removed from the political
scene. The impending Second World War, with the inevitable involvement of the USSRin it, in extremely
unfavorable conditions of foreign policy, is to become the biggest challenge of the new military-industrial
empire, the answer to which will be complete internal unity, even with the potential of its destruction to a
limited extent.
In respect of source study, period reducing the repression, the transition to a low level is reflected in the
historical documents of the party, especially in the decisions of the central organs of the party. One of them
is a telegram of J. Stalin dated 14 November 1938, directed to regional party organizations.The text of the
telegram received by Kyzyl-Orda OK CP(B) C was taken for analysis[5].
As for appearance the analyzed source is a text printed by telegraph on telegraph forms of conventional
sample from both sides. The basic data of origin and destination are filled on the first form only, the address
"... Kyzyl-Orda: regional Communist Party " is specified. There are 6 filled forms total, which is 12 pages of
telegraph format text.
The text of the telegram, freed from conventional telegraphic signs ("PTA", "pt", "brace" ) intermediate
words is as follows.
Bureau of city committees, regional and territorial committees and the Central Committee of the
Communist National parties.
Абай атындағы аз ПУ-ні Хабаршысы, «Тарих жəне саяси-əлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3 (50), 2016 ж.
The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) as accepted the decision that the Central Committee of the CPSU
(b)is liable for registration, verification and approval of all senior officials of the People's Commissariat
apparatus from top positions to heads of branches, and the following employees of local Commissariat - the
People's Commissars, Deputy People's Commissar and department heads of the PCIA Union and
autonomous Republic chiefs of territorial, regional and district PCIA, their deputies and heads of
departments of these bodies, heads of municipal departments and the PCIA[6].
In accordance with this decision, regional and territorial committees and the Central Committee of the
Communist National partiesshall make a personal list of senior officials of local PCIA mentioned above,
currently employed in the PCIA on the day of receipt of this letter and execute a personal profile for each of
them, which should be stored in the regional and territorial committees, the Central Committee of the
Communist National parties, all the work on accounting shall be carried out no later than on the fifth day of
December 1938[7].
Conduct a thorough review of all cases registeredPCIA, by careful examination of all the documents of
the employees or personnel files, materials of special checks and etc., and a personal acquaintance with
them, without waiting for representation of these workers by the head of the PCIA for the approval of the
regional committee, regional committee of the Central Committee of the Communist National parties. As a
result of this test, the PCIA must be cleaned from all hostile people fraudulently penetrated into the PCIA,
from persons not deserving political trust [8].
Consider for the Bureau of regional and territorial committees and the Central Committee of the
Communist National parties offers from chiefs of regional, district administrations of thePCIA and the
People's Commissars of the PCIA of the Union and autonomous republics in relation with the nominations of
employees on all of the above positions of senior officials of local PCIA and approve for these positions
honest, well-tested Bolsheviks wholeheartedly dedicated to our party[9].Each of the approvedPCIA
employees shall be studied by the head of DEWA, one of the secretaries of the Regional Committee, the
Regional Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist National parties. In approving the city and
district heads of departments of the PCIA there must be reference from the first secretary of city committee,
regional party committee of the CPSU(b)on the approved employee agreed with the members of the Bureau,
the district committee of the CPSU(b)[10].
With the approval of the PCIA workers the head of the PCIA or People's Commissar of the PCIA of the
Union or autonomous republicshould send their proposals, together with the decisions of the governing
authority of the Party in the USSRPCIA to the regional committee, the Regional Committee, the Central
Committee of the Communist National parties, to represent these workers on the approval of the Central
Committee of the CPSU (b) [11].
All work on accounting, verification and approval of the people's commissariat shall be completed no
later than on the first day of January, 1939, and a full report on the results of this work shall be sent to the
Central Committee of the CPSU (b) [12].
The First Secretary of the Regional Committee, the District Committee, the Central Committee of the
Communist National parties should systematically submit memoranda on progress in integration, testing and
approval of senior officials of the People's Commissar of the internal affairsto the DEWAthe CPSU (b).
These notes must specify all the facts about the shortcomings in the work of the PCIA and the contamination
of them with alien and hostile people, found in connection with registration, verification and approval of
thePCIA workers. In particular, it is necessary to inform what employees of the PCIA, and for what reasons
have been rejected on the decision of the Bureau, and what PCIA employees of those currently employed in
the PCIAbodies and for what reasons have been presented by the head of the PCIA or People's Commissar of
the PCIA of the Union or autonomous republic for approval by the committee of the party and what
employees have been substituted with other workers [13].In addition to reports the decision of approval and
acceptance of PCIA workers submitted for approval by the leaders of party authorities shall be submitted as
As for all those not approved by the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), they must also be checked by
regional and territorial committees and the Central Committee of the Communist National parties together
with the heads of the local PCIA. This work should take place in the next three months. For these workers
the following order is to be applied: they shall be employed and dismissed by the order of the head of the
local authority of the PCIA and in the preparation of this issue - the decision of the regional committee, the
District Committee, and the Central Committee of the Communist National parties of employees of regional
territorial and republicanPCIA and the decision of the District Committee bodies, city Committee of the
regional Committee of the party workers of district, city, county PCIA [14].
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3 (50), 2016 г.
The transfer of local worker approved by the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) PCIA from one area,
region, republic to another shall be carried out by the Deputy Commissar of the PCIA (Human Resources) on
obtaining permission from the file of the Central Committee of the leading party bodies of CPSU (b)
approved by the CPSU (b), they should also be checked by regional committees in case of transfer of
communists from one party organization to the other [15].The transfer of employees of local PCIA from one
area to another within the same region, district, republicshall be carried out on order of the chief of the PCIA
when the permission from the Regional Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist National
parties is accepted. November 14, 1938. Secretary of the Central Committee of theCPSU(b) Stalin [16].
This source, like any other historical sources, bears the fingerprints of time, manifested in the form of
language, execution and, directly, in the information content. In respect of its credibility, it is rightful to
define it as a trusted list of the original.
As for information value assessment enables to refer the document to the class of documents defined in
the history study as "historical remnants" – documents, monuments, historic act that more accurately reflect
the reality than another group of sources - the "historical tradition"[17].
The studied telegram, signed by Joseph Stalin, in fact, reflects a particular specificity of the provisions of
the Cheka-GPU-PCIA bodies in the system of political relations and the practice of the political regime of
the Soviet power. As a "historic residue" telegram can be perceived as a direct result of the relationships in
the community and the party directly reflects the position of the PCIA bodies existed at the present moment
and its role in the nearest future. For the period of 1937-1938PCIA reached the highest degree of power, in
many ways, "holding the palm of leadership among all similar punitive and repressive organizations ever
created in the history of mankind." R.Konkvest in the book "The Great Terror: Stalin's purges of the thirties,"
said - "PCIAemblem - a shield and sword, was placed above the hammer and sickle, symbolizing the
Communist Party. These people are not to overlook anyone, including members of the Politburo. Only one
man was above the PCIA - the supreme political leader Stalin”. These statements reflect the situation prior to
sending the telegram at the point of political time.
In a broader historical perspective -. From the creation of the Cheka in December 1917, the position of
the power structure is mainly characterized by not only and not so much by its powers in imposition of the
death penalty and the subsequent right to send in a link for a period of up to 5 years in the camps of forced
labor (March 1920 )but also by non-interference of any government bodies in the issue of employment with
the exception of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) [18].The authority in the country and the party of
the first leaders of the Cheka– Dzerzhinsky andR.V.Menzhinskiy somehow "guaranteed" against illegal
actions. Appointed on the decision of the Central Committee of People's Commissars of Internal Affairs, and
before that headed the OGPU, during the period from 1934 to 1936 G.G.Yagoda - the son of Latvian Jews,
pharmacist by profession who headed the toxicology laboratory in the Kremlin, already had a reputation as a
veteran of the KGB and the "Red Terror."[19].He was displaced on September 30, 1936 and the People's
Commissar N.I.Yezhov was appointed, who was in a year elected as candidate member to the Politburo.
Both People's Commissars were not limited in independent recruitment at the central and local levels [20].
Thus, the rise to leadership of Yezhov was accompanied by the arrest of all deputies of Yagoda and all heads
of the PCIA departments. The second wave of repressions swept approximately 3,000 employees of various
levels. They were replaced by appointees of Yezhov, perhaps at the top level candidates were agreed with
Stalin[21]. On December 8, 1938 Yezhov was removed from his post, sent to a less responsible job, later
arrested and shot dead. Beria became the head of the PCIA.
Accompanying occurrence of the test document describes the historical circumstances reaching "peak of
mass political repression” - from the beginning of 1936, the maximum use in 1937-38 and to the gradual
weakening of disparate values in 1939.
The interpretation of the text of the telegram, according to the terms of its appearance, shall include direct
and figurative meaning of the text, deciphering specific expressions, metaphors and allusions.
The facts of the case are obviously seen in the text - the regional party elites were proposed to establish
the direct control over the PCIA activities by providing appropriate levels of the CPSU(b) with unlimited
prerogatives in solving personnel issues - the appointment of the heads of the PCIAat regional and local
The procedure of appointment proposed in the telegram excluded any ambiguous interpretation and
directly emphasized the inclusion of direct managers in the range of party bodies, along with all other
members of the party-state elite of Directors of MTS, industrial and collective farm chairmen. Registration at
the Central Committee with the preceding discussion and approval at the meetings at various levels of
Абай атындағы аз ПУ-ні Хабаршысы, «Тарих жəне саяси-əлеуметтік ғылымдар» сериясы, №3 (50), 2016 ж.
Bureau, conducting special checks and controls over all transfers inside thePCIA - all the said directly
demonstrated significant expansion of the regional party nomenclature rights in matters of domestic policy.
Allegorically the telegram content and contained therein political allusions can be considered in two
ways. The first of these concerns refers to the regional policy, including national regional party elite, the
most affected by the "great cleansing". The center, in the face of the CPSU (b), just made it clear that party
leaders of the regions obtained the full trust, "purified from the enemies of the people" and now they could
and should strictly comply with its instructions.
The second meaning was addressed to the unit of thePCIA, which had to think about their own situation,
the need to avoid possible accusations of "penetrating into the unit by fraud, in the hidden" hostile", to prove
their right on " political trust " from the local and central Party organs. All the said, specific for the period
and mentioned in the telegram "the dedication of our party" had a vague moral and ethical character and
were outside the legal field. Their application to the PCIA bodies could be interpreted as a hidden
allusionthat the Center accepted for Party Secretaries some internal intrigues and settling scores with the all-
powerful leaders of the local PCIA units. In addition, the indirect issue of further finding "enemies" was not
removed at all, but clearly was crowed out.
Another important point in the evaluation of the positive values of the studied source is its direct
correlation with other sources in the sense of confirmation of its information value, and determining
concurring estimates.
As for the text of the telegram, its approved content is generally consistent with historical documents such
as the decision of January 1938 of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "About errors of
Party organizations in exclusion of the Communists from the Party, the formal bureaucratic attitudes to
appeals excluded from the CPSU (b) and the measures to address these shortcomings." In the most general
meaning the decision of the plenum destroyed the former "high-speed" repression procedure - expulsion
from the Party, discharge from position, sending the case to the judicial or extra-judicial bodies, the use of
repressive measures. Introduction of appeal procedures for handling initially falsified "case" at least hindered
the application of repression in time and could even delay the decision and result incase termination.
Similarly, the procedure of the application of the right to appeal was fixed in the new statutes of the CPSU
adopted at XҮІІІ Party Congress in March 1939.
The tight deadlines to the beginning of 1939 set forth in telegram demonstrate the willingness to quickly
terminate the repression scale. As noted above, the center showed an example of it – already in three weeks
after the telegram was sent N.Yezhov was removed from his post and sent to the People's Commissariat of
Water Transport. A similar outcome expected other significant figures in thePCIA. The content and time of
the decision on the establishment of party control overthePCIA bodies,reflected by Stalin in a telegram dated
14 November 1938 clearly showed that the absolute power of this body was finished for a long time, if not
1 Soviet prosecutor's office. Collection of important documents.M .: "YuridicheskayaLiteratura", 1972. - 408 p.
2 DzerzhinskyF.E. Biography. M.:"Politicheskayaliteratura", 1983.–474p.
3 History of the CPSU. Ed.by Ponomarev B.N. M .: "Politicheskayaliteratura", 1985. - 783 p.
4 StephaneCourtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panne, AndrzejPachkovskyKarelBartoshek, Jean-Louis Margolev.
The Black Book of Communism.Crime, terror, repression.Translation from Moscow a famous French "Tri vekaistorii",
1999.– 708 p.
5 ArchiveAkim of Kyzylorda region (hereinafter AAKR), F - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10.
6 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 1.
7 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 2.
8 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 3.
9 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 4.
10 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 5.
11 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 6.
12 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 7.
13 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 8.
14 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 9.
15 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 10.
16 AAKR, f - 268, the inventory - 1 case - 10 p - 11.
17 Grigoreva I.V. Chronology of Modern and Contemporary History of Europe and America. M.: "Vysshayashkola"
1984. – 208 p.
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №3 (50), 2016 г.
18 History of the USSR and RSFSR legislation on criminal procedure and organization of the court and
prosecutor's office. 1917-1954g.g. Coll. Doc. Ed.by.GolunskiS.A, "YuridicheskayaLiteratura" - M.:1955.– 569 p.
19 Historians argue. Ed.by Lelchuk V.S. M .: "Politicheskayaliteratura", 1985. - 508 p.
20 Medvedev R.A. They surrounded Stalin. M.: "Politizdat", 1990.–351 p.
21 Political repression in Kazakhstan. Collection of documents. A.: "Kazakhstan", 1998. –336 p.
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