1 Пралиев С. // Культурный код нации Казахстанская правда. - 17сентября, 2014 год.
2 Концепция этнопедагогики народов Казахстана /сост.Толеубекова Р.К., Хайрулин Г.Т., Бейсенбаева А.А и др.-//Білім
әлемінде. - №2, 2012. - С.11-13.
3 Наурызбай Ж.Ж. Научно-педагогические основы этнокультурного образования школьников: дис….докт.пед.наук.-
Алматы,1997.-357 с.
4 http://www.bulgari-istoria-10.com/booksRu/A_Akishev_Zolotoj_Chelovek.pdf. - P. 1-2.
5 Калыбекова А.Народная мудрость казахов о воспитании. - Алматы: БАУР, 2011. -512 с.
1 Praliev S. // Kulturnyi kod nacii Qazakhstanskaya Pravda. – 17 sentiabria, 2014 god.
2 Koncepcia ethnopedagogiki narodov Qazakhstana / sost. Toleubekova R.K., Khairulin G.T., Beysenbaeva A.A. I dr.-// Bilim
aleminde. – № 2, 2012. - S.11-13
3 Nauryzbai J.J. Nauchno-pedagogicheskie osnovy etnokulturnogo obrazovania shkolnikov: dis…. dokt.ped.nauk. – Almaty,
1997. – 357 s.
4 http://www.bulgari-istoria-10.com/booksRu/A_Akishev_Zolotoj_Chelovek.pdf. - P.1-2.
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№ 3 (112) 2016
Досбенбетова А.Ш., Кожамкулова А.С. Болашақ мұғалімдердің этнопедагогикалық даярлауды жетілдіру.
Мақалада болашақ мұғалімдердің этнопедагогикалық дайындығы және білім берүдің этномәдени мәселелері
қарастырылады. Оқушылардың бойында Отанға сүйіспеншілік, өз халқына құрмет, мәдениет және рухани дәстүрлерін
сақтай білу қасиеттерін оқу барысында қалыптастырудың жолдары көрсетілген.Этнопедагогикалық материалдарды
мектептегі оқу процесінде этномәдени кеңістігін құру бойынша әдістемелік кеңестер беріледі.
Түйін сөздер: этнопедагогикалық дайындық, этнопедагогикалық құзыреттілік, этно-мәдени білім беру ортасы.
A.Sh. Dosbenbetova, A.S. Kozhamkulova. Improving Ethnopedagogical training of future teachers.
The article researches the issues of the ethnic cultural direction of the educational system, which is aimed to solve the tasks of
the student’s individuality development by forming the love to the motherland and sense of patriotism, respect to the nation, culture
and spiritual traditions. There have been revealed the ways to establish the ethnic cultural - educational environment in the course
of the school educational process. The discussed points also include: the basic constituent elements of the ethnic pedagogical
competence – subject-based and ethnic pedagogical knowledge; the ability to orientate and create the ethnic cultural - educational
environment; the implementation of the ethnic pedagogical knowledge in the educational-learning process.
Key words: national culture, Ethnic pedagogics, ethnic pedagogical competence, ethnic cultural - educational environment,
educational programs.
Поступила в редакцию 03.03.2016.
УДК 81’243:37.016:008
JSC «KAZGUU University», Astana, Kazkahstan
E-mail: aizhan_bal@mail.ru
Effective organization of communicative activity includes the ability to see a problem, plan a goal and achieving the desired
result. Achieving the goal related to the ability to take decisions, to find a solution to the problems encountered and overcome
obstacles. Communicative competence involves knowledge of foreign languages and ways of interaction in the group, possession
of various social roles. Social competence involves acting as a citizen, an observer, a voter, a representative of the consumer,
customer, client, and producer, member of the family, the rights and obligations in matters of economics and in the field of
professional self-determination.
Key words: competence learning, creative competence, cognitive psychology, benchmarking.
The educational standards of new generation in a university complex are based on the competence approach and
orient students to master useful knowledge necessary to achieve its objectives in real-life conditions. Supporters of
the competency approach see it as the future development of the trainees of the active life of knowledge, skills and
values relations.
Communicative-oriented foreign language teaching on the basis of competence-based approach involves the
development of knowledge, skills and speech skills. At the same time, in today›s world requires a much higher
competence than the ability to «ask a foreigner about his favorite food, or the stories of foreign visitors about the
traditions of national education.» In the current paradigm of educational knowledge the most important component
of competence ability and willingness is to achieve the real goal – goal of setting.
This situation can be represented by the metaphor of «playing cards». You may learn the names of the cards and
memorize their shape (to have knowledge), you can learn how to successfully demonstrate card tricks (possession of
ways of problem solving tasks), and in real life it is important to be able to win. Without the ability to set meaningful
goals, take risks, flexible, creative approach to solving problems and getting the result, any teaching loses its meaning,
and developing competence is only declared in words.
The competence of the trainees can be identified basic and advanced levels. We show this by the example of
competences in the area of computer literacy and language acquisition. Basic competencies provide the student the
ability to enable, disable your computer and know what is needed or another virtual buttons or «icons» on the screen,
create, edit, store, retrieve from memory the necessary documents and files understand the terms of the «interface»
«application», «director».
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
Creative competence involves the ability to use a computer to explore the language, finding information on the
Internet, its conservation, communication with peers via email, social networks, «chat», participation in international
projects, forums, etc. Trainees also need ethical, legal and socio-cultural knowledge, without which the use of a
computer can be complicated. Core competencies are found in the mastery of a foreign language as a subject of the
curriculum. At a basic level, it is expected to master the language as a medium of communication. Creative level
means that foreign language involves productive activity and allows to solve practical problems, for example, to find
the necessary information in a foreign language in a specific area of expertise.
Creative competence involves the ability to use a computer for the purpose of language learning, information
retrieval on the Internet, its conservation, communication with peers via email, social networks, «chat», participate in
international projects, forums, etc. Trainees also need ethical, legal and socio-cultural knowledge, without which the
use of a computer can be complicated. Core competencies are found in the mastery of a foreign language as a subject
of the curriculum. At a basic level, it is expected to master the language as a medium of communication. Creative
level means that foreign language involves productive activity and allows to solve practical problems, for example,
to find the necessary information in a foreign language in a specific area of expertise.
Creative level of competence in a foreign language has an interdisciplinary character and is estimated by the result
achieved, not only correct grammar.
On the successful implementation of the competence-based approach can be judged by how students with their
training in a foreign language is ready to compete in the labor market and take its rightful place not only in the
society but also in the international community, meaning academic and professional mobility. In terms of subject
competency-based education students are put through the acquisition of the necessary follow-up to the knowledge,
the mastery of methods of problem-solving cognitive problems, experience of effective decision-making and achieve
meaningful goals by overcoming obstacles. The stock of knowledge, knowledge of ways to solve problems and
achieve the goal of experience is essential components of the competence of the trainee. The absence of even one
of these components does competence defective. Mastering a foreign language requires mastering linguistic and
encyclopedic stock (socio-cultural) knowledge. In addition, the acquisition of language is inseparable from gaining
experience in typical speech behavior (problematic) situations. Finally, the level of proficiency will be limited without
immersion in a real life environment with its inherent diversity of language, socio-cultural traditions and ideas about
«proper» standards of conduct. Subject competence in language education can be summarized as follows: Subject
competence: knowledge, problem tasks, and activities. Knowledge presented in declarative and procedural skills
are a traditional component of this paradigm. Solving problem of communicative tasks is to actively develop the
components of the so-called «creative and critical thinking» in foreign language teaching and innovative subject area
of education. Experiments conducted Thorndike showed that the possible training behavior in problem situations.
The so-called «learning curve» convincingly proved that you can gradually master the ways of problem solutions
proposed to solve the problem and it is more and more successful. The main conclusion was that it is possible to teach
successful resolution of both typical and atypical problem tasks [1].
Cognitive Psychology shows that the subject of knowledge generated by the transmission of information from
teacher to student, as well as from each other in the course of working together. The experience of problem solving tasks
is the result of active exercises when learning achievements are the result of reflection, debate the real construction
of knowledge through the formation of appropriate skills of individual and collective thinking. Achieving the goal in
the activity provides deep knowledge, which is possible only in conditions of immersion in a real life environment.
This process includes the following steps: 1) knowledge, 2) the transfer of knowledge, and 3) solutions, 4) active
teaching, 5) activities 6) profound knowledge. Developing subject competence in the teaching of foreign languages
is traditionally associated with the declared and procedural knowledge, i.e., playback and memorized material in the
proposed communication situational circumstances. This presentation is part of the traditional culture of teaching
foreign languages. That is why teachers often complain that modern foreign textbooks in foreign languages «little
text.»The texts, rules, and examples of an important part of the material for the development of knowledge and skills
of students studying a foreign language. Students master effective ways of problem-solving situational tasks with
assignments interactive communicative character, stimulating verbal thinking and interaction between participants.
These tasks are used as a means of communication-based learning a foreign language, for example, jobs in the form
of business communication games and «round tables» that simulate real business communication, creating a digital
divide between the parties. The activity component develops in conditions of autonomy, goal-setting and planning
incremental steps to overcome obstacles and achieve this goal through collaboration with partners.The training
conditions most correspond to the solution of this problem a project nature of tasks, including individual, group and
international projects with the use of Internet technologies. Project tasks include all the components of productive
communication activities, including the initial problem, setting goals, planning to achieve a result, implementation
of the plan, the final product and assessing progress. Development of the activity component of subject competence
in a foreign language can be successfully addressed in a training business communication in a foreign language.
№ 3 (112) 2016
Education Business connects language program, for example, humanities and special, lays the foundation for a
successful productive communicative activities of students, professional dialogue with foreign partners, and provides
access to global information resources. Effective organization of communicative activity includes the ability to see a
problem, plan a goal and achieving the desired result.Achieving the goal related to the ability to take decisions, to find
a solution to the problems encountered and overcome obstacles. Development is not possible without the reflection of
the results of successful experience in the selection and analysis of the causes of failure. Personal development also
includes student mastery of essential moral norms, the growth of their own personal potential; develop skills of social
interaction with partners in business communication. Communicative competence involves knowledge of foreign
languages and ways of interaction in the group, possession of various social roles. Social competence involves acting
as a citizen, an observer, a voter, a representative of the consumer, customer, client, and producer, member of the family,
the rights and obligations in matters of economics and in the field of professional self-determination. This competence
is developing the ability of students to analyze the situation in the labor market, to act in accordance with the personal
and social benefits, to own a business ethics and civic relationships. Use role-playing to simulate situations of quasi-
business communication emerges as an important means of socializing students to develop social and communicative
competence. Playing certain social roles (including in foreign languages), students learn to «get used to the role,»
to build their business verbal and nonverbal behavior in accordance with the selected role. Competence approach
and social competence, dedicated to the «Strategy of modernization of the content of general education», «... in the
area of civil-social activities» includes «performance of the roles of the citizen, the voter, the consumer.» (Strategies
for upgrading the content of education (2001) The social component involves the active participation of students in
learning and the creation activities of social norms, values in behavior, knowledge accepted in society and the global
space «rules of the social game» [1].
The «Strategy of modernization of the content of general education», developed in 2000, highlighted the main
features of the basic competencies and the analysis of the competence approach and the content of its semantic
constructs - «competence» and «competence». Western researchers have noted that the existing English word
«competence» and «competency» in most dictionaries are used interchangeably, and therefore in a number of scientific
papers on the competency approach in teaching a foreign language, these two terms are often used interchangeably,
and alternate. The concept of «competence» was first consumed in the US in the 60s, in the context of the activity
Education (performance-based education), whose purpose was to train specialists who can successfully compete in the
labor market. It was suggested to distinguish between the two concepts: competence and expertise (competence and
competencies). Competence has been regarded as a personal category, and competences are treated from the standpoint
of the curriculum units that make up the «anatomy of competence» [2]. Competence is often used to characterize the
potential specialist to get a job in the labor market. To do this, you need to have at least the «core competencies.» In
today›s world, they include a «competent» level of proficiency (literacy), computer literacy (information technology
skills), possession of ways of solving problems (problem-solving skills), flexible, and innovative thinking (flexibility
and adaptability t î innovations), the propensity and ability to continuing education (life-long learning). Basic
competence-competence shows that linguistic education may correspond to the requirements of life, if a narrowly
understood communicative competence (as a willingness to talk in class) will be supplemented by the preparation to
the actual business communication [4].
Competence can be represented as a set of competencies, which is an observable manifestation of a successful
productive communicative activity. Competence - a comprehensive personal resource, providing the ability
to effectively interact with the environment in a given area depends on the competence required for this. Based
on the structure of the communicative competence of students, subject to testing and evaluation criteria serve it:
cognitive information (different types of knowledge); the activity (different types of skills); axiological aspect
(value ratio), and use a foreign language in self-educational activity in business communication (optional reading
of original literature by specialty, finding specific information on the Internet, chat with foreign partners via e-mail,
participation in international research projects). The complexity of the test of this knowledge lies in the fact that
the quantitative measurement of students› communicative competence in business communication related to the
difficulties in assessing the communicative behavior of stand-alone products and communication activities in a
foreign language. The main thing is not the quantity of material that students memorize the language, or the language,
as well as the language of communication products (discourses). Quality of thinking process is especially important
when evaluating the productive kinds of communicative activities where «body of knowledge» is as important as
quantitative assessment of a very difficult and where the main focus is on the quality of language means possession
as tools of thought in the process of achieving the goal of productive communication. In this connection, the level
of communicative competence of students in business communication much easier to evaluate according to the
criteria, and do not show in the score (for example, «the idea is expressed clearly,» «it is mobile,» «statement is
logical,» «lexical filling adequately,» « correct grammatical form «) [1; 2; 3; 5; 6]. Even more difficult to measure and
evaluate the level of development of students› communicative competence in business communication in a foreign
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
language. Meanwhile, it is here the mastery of business communication acts forming the sense values of students,
increases the motivation of the individual communication skills and update professional self-determination. One of
the proposed ways of assessing the competence of the subject of this component is to assess the «portfolio of personal
achievements». It consists of all the accumulated material, testifying about the use of foreign language in students›
projects in extracurricular independent activities (observation of linguistic phenomena in a special authentic literature
on business communication, results in material resources of the Internet and educational sites) [3]. Evaluation of
projects and productive communicative activities students can be concluded about the «competence», i.e. ability
and willingness to make productive use of existing knowledge in the appropriate language level (elementary, pre-
intermediate. intermediate, advanced, proficient). Thus, the communicative competence in a foreign language can be
quantified (language skills), qualitatively (types of speech activity - communication skills) and «competence» in one
form or another productive communicative activities in business communication in a foreign language. In the current
world practice language skills as part of subject competence, as well as various types of speech activity (speaking,
reading, listening and writing) quantified by tests. This corresponds to the position that any «quality» phenomenon
can be evaluated «quantitatively» with the scales and points, but the important information is lost.The analysis shows
that many of the test tasks for reading and listening while students perform with the same result, but in different ways,
while the quality of their mental operations is not rated. It can be concluded that the subject competence of students
is still mostly measured quantitatively. Qualitative analysis of language as a means of communicative competence in
business communication u1084 in many cases remains deep assessment. No estimation is the number of competencies
of students who are often measured in «at the moment.» Big and hard work of teachers and students, which has
resulted in however modest a whole, but a clear increase in knowledge is often ignored. It is no coincidence, in the
Single European Standard language skills of students (Common European Framework), great attention is paid to the
initial measurements of the level of competence of trainees (benchmarking).
The best way to certify the readiness of students to use the foreign language in real productive communicative
activities and continuous personal growth in a number of countries considered to student participation in a variety
of language projects related to their future professional activity, as well as the confidential response (confidential
reference), directed at the place demands. Based on this feature, we can conclude how competent student in a foreign
language is ready for productive written or oral communication activity is able and willing to continuous education.
Educational standards of the new generation of university students are oriented to the continuous language study.
1 Millrood R. English teaching methodology / R. Millrood. – Moscow: Drofa, 2007. – 253 p.
2 Lawley D.M. The estimation of factor loadings by the method of maximum likelihood / D.M. Lawley – Edinburgh: Edinburgh
Press, 1940. – 282 p.
3 Smith K. Children›s rights, assessment and the digital portfolio: Brighton Conference Selections/K. Smith – Brighton:
IATEFL, 2001. – P. 55 - 69.
4 Bachman L. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing/L.Bachman – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990. – 230
5 Canale, M. Theoretical bases of соmmunicative approaches to second language teaching and testing. Applied Linguistics/M.
Canale, M. Swain. - Oxford:.Oxford University Press - 1980 – 300 р.
6 Hymes, D. On Communicative Competence/D. Hymes. - Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971. – 210 p.
Берілеген мақала қазіргі кезеңде өзекті, себебі шет тілін оқыту білім беру жүйесін жетілдірудің және
қалыптастырудың негізгі факторы болып табылады. Авторлар қарқынды компетенттік талқылауда ұтымды әрекет
еткен, ол тек шет тілін оқытуда қарым-қатынас және әлеуметтік кәсіби ақпаратты жеткізу құралы ретінде емес,
өзінің және шет ел мәдениетінің құндылығын сақтайтын көптілді тұлға қалыптастыруға әсерін тигізеді.
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