2013 №4 (21)
М.ДАУТОВА, магистрант
Казахский гуманитарно-юридический инновационный университет
деятель и юрист. Уделял внимания проблеме
земского самоуправления в Казахстане.Р.
Марсеков родился в 1879 году в Аиртауской
воло сти
Ко кпектинского
Семипалатинской области. Закончил Санкт-
Петербургский университет.
Р. Марсеков писал в своих рукописях:
«Законы составляются в Петербурге без учета и
знаний особенностей местного населения. Закон
только в том случае будет соответствовать
интересам народа, если он составлен с учетом
их интересов. Главный вопрос, который следует
обсудить на съезде, - это вопрос о земле, о
религии, кто должен быть избран бием, на каком
языке должны быть написаны прошения к биям,
к земству, к другим службам».
В 1917 году Р. Марсеков вступает в партию
«Алаш». Раимжан Марсеков находится в центре
политического поля. Главной его задачей стояло,
как помочь своему народу. Сможет ли он
повлиять на ход событий? В силах ли он
изменить судьбу народа и далекое будущее
Свои идеи публикует в изданиях: газете
«Казак» и журнале «Айкап». Способности
оратора, публициста, общественного деятеля и
защитника приходили с опытом. Время
показало, что он стал одним из выдающихся
личностей казахского народа.
Одной из причин борьбы против царской
власти у Раимжана Марсекова было чувство
несправедливости по отношению большивиков
к казахскогому народу в
ограничении функций Казахстана как
члена федерации.Раимжан Марсеков – как член
партии «Алаш», разделял идею независимого
государства.В декабре 1917 г. его избрали
сметно-финансово й
Семипалатинской уездной земской управы.
Ставил перед собой ряд проблем и их решений,
касающего ся
казахско го
го сударственного
национально го движения
протестовали против необо снованно го
ограничения во власти казахского народа.
Юридически образованные алашординцы
затронули все нарушающие права и свободы
сво их земляков. Ни о ставили никого
равнодушными, среди простого народа они
были по следней надежно й, а для кого и
начинащим светом в борьбе за права и свободу.
Райымжан Марсеков стал председателем
организационного комитета Семипалатинского
областного съезда казахов.Начиная с 14 апреля
1919 года о н исполнял о бязанно сти
председателя Семипалатинского областного
земельного управления.
Работа «Патшалық арасындағы заң»
занимает о собо е место в тво рчестве Р.
Марсеко ва. По сво ей сути она являет ся
логическим продолжением цикла о функциях
власти (государства). Своей задачей автор ставит
систематическое изучение материала, дающего
предст авление
функцио ниро вании. Внешняя политика
государства при всей своей специфике тесно
связана с политикой внутренней и по существу
является ее продолжением. В конечном счете ее
конкретно е
определяются социально-экономическим
ст ро ем
соответ ствующей
ст раны
вырастающей на его основе государственной
идеологии.Р. Марсекова интересует, прежде
всего, роль дипломатического аппарата в
принятии внешнеполитических решений,
характер взаимоотношений между дипломатами
и политическими руководителями, соотношение
и распределение функций между различными
звеньями внешнеполитического механизма
межгосударственных конфликтов, Р. Марсеков
сводит их к борьбе за выживание. Потребности
общества растут с каждым годом, считает он.
Если раньше семья, аул (аймак) могли
обеспечить себя полностью всем необходимым,
то теперь они ощущают постоянную нехватку
продовольствия, товаров и услуг. Вытекает
следующее Р. Марсеков делает вывод о
возникновении потребности обращаться к
соседним государствам. По его мысли, развитие
взаимо отно шений
го сударствами и по стоянно е общение
спо собствуют
устано влению
межгосударственных связей, обмену опытом в
области культуры, искусства. Наконец, люди
2013 №4 (21)
возможно сть
«свободно го
передвижения из одного государства в другое».
Таким образом, считает Марсеков, наличие
устойчивых двусторонних отношений позволяет
государству разнообразить сочетание методов и
средств внешней политики. К ним он относит
заключение соглашений, договоров, конвенций
по торговле, развитию транспорта, связи,
возможностям свободных передвижений по
чужой территории, жительству, выдаче
преступников. При этом содержание и характер
ко нтактов по стоянно расширяются, что
способствует укреплению межгосударственных
связей.По Марсекову, главным вопро сом
дипломатических отношений является «вопрос
о войне». Каковы задачи союзников, какова цель
войны? Целью второй части статьи «Патшалық
арасындағы заң» является показ механизма
действий государства в условиях ведения
военных действий. Он считает, что «главы
воюющих стран оповещают свой народ о начале
военных действий». Воюющие государства
обязаны подчиняться «дипломатическим
законам, выполнять определенные условия
ведения войны». Р. Марсеков основные свои
работы посвятил проблемам государства. Он
считает, что в результате историческо го
развития, обусловленного особенностями эпохи,
происходит эволюция государства и его форм,
прошедшая путь от абсолютизма к правовому
(ко нституционному) го сударству ново го
времени. Согласно его концепции, по мере
расширения государства, роста населения,
преумножения богатства «со средоточение
власти в одних руках стало невыгодным,
трудным». В своей типологии форм правления
выделяет парламентскую и президентскую
республики. Смысл последней Р. Марсеков
видит в широком представительстве,
демократичности выборов. На этих выборах,
пишет избирается президент, власть которого,
по его мнению, «равна ханской». Р. Марсеков с
горечью напишет, что в законодательной власти
нет «депутатов из казахов и узбеков». Оценивая
этот факт, он с обидой напишет: «Бытует
мнение, что эти народы (казахи, узбеки) темные,
не могут отличить черного от белого, низок
уровень их развития». Все это лишь отговорки».
Суть же, по Марсекову, состоит в «желании
держать нас на задворках, подальше от власти,
управления». Большое внимание Р. Марсеков
исполнительной власти, выделив в ней два
вертикальных уровня. Главный уровень, по его
определению, министерства. Он подчеркивает,
многочисленны и во главе каждого стоит
министр.Говоря о структуре судебной власти, Р.
Марсеков выделяет три ее уровня (ступени).
Высшая - это сенат. Марсеков, очевидно, четко
представляет себе ситуацию. Неслучайно он
называет ее «последней инстанцией», поскольку
к концу XIX - началу XX века судебная
инстанция осуществляет даже функции надзора
за местными органами власти. Вертикальное
построение судебной власти (высшая, средняя,
низшая), по Марсекову, способствует поиску
истины, т. к. «проблема, не решенная на низшем
уровне, три раза проходит через сознание. И
тогда вызревает истина, восстанавливается
Наследия национальной интеллигенции,
которые оставили нам алашординцы имеет
глобальное значение для современной истории
Казахстана. Иметь представление о истинной
картины прошлого времени это, как золотой
слиток из которого можно сплавить
великолепное и бесценное украшение. Наша
история, она также бесценна, она и фундамент
наших с вами историй и истории нашего
казахского народа. Поколение имеющие
устойчивую основу, знающая историю своего
народа и проявление уважения к прошлому.
Можно сказать, что из данного материала
прево сходнее
украшению, не менее бесценное.
1 http://kztime.ru/rusref/12/404-istoriya-
alash-i-alash-ordy.ht ml (дата обращения
2 Мәриям Әбсаттар. Райымжан Мәрсеков
// Жас қазақ. - 2008. 35 (191). - С. 13
2013 №4 (21)
2013 №4 (21)
In the article of about they say R.Marsekov , his contribution to Аlash-orda and in history of
Мақалада Райымжан Мәрсековтің Алаш ордаға және жалпы Қазақстан тарихына қосқан
үлесі жайында айтылады
2013 №4 (21)
Mukhamedkhanov the ethalon of conscience.
Kayum Mukhamedkhanov became a legend
in his lifetime, a dignified citizen of Kazakhstan
and a profound scholar whose research is held in
highest regard in Kazakhstan. During the Stalin
political repression of the 1950-s my father and our
family suffered severely. He was condemned and
imprisoned for 25 years for the new research on the
“Abai’s school of follo wers” which was
implemented under the supervision of his teacher
Mukhtar Auezov. Kayum was sincerely devoted to
his teacher Mukhtar Auezov for life and despite
physical and mental torture he had not betray him.
He did not betray his Teacher, thus, Kayum did not
betray his Motherland!
Kayum Mukhamedkhanov upheld as a
supreme life value a Dignity of every human being,
high moral principles, humane attitude that he
himself demonstrated in everything he did: in
dealing with people, in writing, in research, in
revealing many names from the oblivion, in
teaching, in public meetings.
Kayum Muhamedhano v (05.01.1916-
30.06.2004) is an outstanding researcher, the
founder of the scientific based study of Abai, the
founder of the research on textual analysis, a devoted
student and a follower of M.Auezov. He was
admitted to the Writers' Union in 1940. Kayum is
the founder of the first museum of Abai that he
established in Semipalatinsk in 1940. Kayum’s
contribution to the creation of the first in history of
Kazakhstan state symbols is invaluable! He created
the verse for the National Anthem of the Kazakh
Soviet Socialist Republic in 1943 when he was 27
years o ld. His verse wo n the co mpet itio n.
Encouraged by Kayum’s majestic and inspirational
verse of the anthem, Mukan Tulebayev created a
beautiful music. The composer was 30 years old at
that time. The anthem was approved and followed
the state history for more than fifty years! In the
first lines Kayum wrote: "Er Kazakh ezhelden
erkіndіk Ansagan", which means "Courageous
Kazakh people since ancient times yearned for
The Soviet collective ideology did not let two
young people to be named full authors. On top of
that Communist Party was frightened to call their
people courageous. So, they added two more well
D. MUKHAMEDKHAN, PhD, professor, international expert,
Director of the NGO "Center for Education and Culture named after Kayum
Independence is the greatest achievement of our country and the fate of independence is in hands of
every citizen. Human qualities such as conscience, human dignity, citizen’s courage are essential for
keeping the nation alive. They are the basis for cultural and spiritual sustainability which define the
political, economic and social development. It is easy and hard at the same time to keep humane qualities
- “to stay a human being in all situations”- as Kayum said. Today in the situation of global crisis and
moral degradation of our society we all need real examples and cases of dignified behavior of our citizens
in hard times of our history. This is especially significant for young people for them to find spiritual and
ethical back up in life, in profession, in any dialogue on local, regional and global issues.
Key words: Kayum Mukhamedkhanov, ethalon of conscience, Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov.
УДК 821.512.122
2013 №4 (21)
known senior writers and two more well known
senior composers. So, the collective of Anthem
authors was enlarged to six. There was a lame
excuse for that - an insignificant “change” made by
the then ideologists: only one word - the word
“courageous” was substituted by the word “we”.
Kayum’s life was completely and fully
devoted to the service of the Kazakh nation. Where
does good nature of a human being and love for
people start? This is the parental home.
If you put a white rose petal into a dirty vessel
it will soon wrinkle and begin to stink, - this is what
the Oriental wisdom says. As a little boy Kayum
was protected against this fate. Gifted by heavens
with pure soul and many talents he from early
childhood turned out to be in such a favorable
atmosphere where there was by definition no space
for mediocre life and greedy goals. Innate gifts and
special family atmosphere of nobility, high inner
spirituality and love became that bowstring which
propelled the arrow of Mukhamedkhanov’s fate to
higher and higher altitudes even against great odd
and terrible setbacks.
Mukhamedkhan Seit kulov was a vivid
representative of the spiritual elite of the Kazakh
people in the late 19-th – first decades of the 20-th
century. Neither his profound financial stability and
well being nor the chance of relaxing on the laurels
of universal respect affected his inner nobility,
aspiration for knowledge and worship of the arts.
This is why everyone in his house felt well,
including his second child and the first son in the
family - Kayum. The little boy remembered that time
forever. The magnificent house was located next to
Tinybai mosque in the now Jana-Semei district of
Semipalatinsk. Before the revolution this part of
Semipalatinsk was called “Zarechnaya slobodka”
(a place beyond the river line). From 1917 until 1930
this part of the town was named “Alash” (meaning
all Kazakh people). As father wished the house was
designed and decorated by the Austrian craftsmen.
Stucco moulding of apples and other fruit, oil paints
used for decoration, elegant furniture of red wood,
- this all created an atmosphere of warmth and
comfort. The richest library in the whole town
occupied a big hall. It contained all world classics.
The library attracted many interesting people to
Seitkulov’s house. One could find here masterpieces
of the Russian, European and Oriental literature;
the first publication of Abai’s poems, poetry of
Shakarim, the works of Baitursunov, Dulatov,
Jumabayev, Toraigirov; newspaper files of
“Kazakh”, ‘Sari-Arka”, “Tarjiman” and “Dala
ualayati”, magazines “Aikap’, ‘Abai’, and the
“Notes of the Emperor Russian Geographical
Society”, the Tatar magazine “Shura”, newspaper
‘Uakit” and many more.
Kayum’s father - Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov
could read Kazakh, Russian, Tatar, Arabic, Persian
and other languages. He gave lessons in Islam at
the Tynybay mosque in Semipalatinsk town. Later
he served Imam at the mosque number six known
as the Mosque of Ahmed Riza. He was an educated
person who read in Arab, Kazakh, Tatar, Persian,
Russian and other languages. He was a well to do
person, he loved his people and understood the role
of educatio n and culture fo r the nation’s
development. He collected traditional Kazakh folk
poems. Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov was a generous
literary patron and Maecenas. He funded the first
issues of the magazine “Abai” which was
established and edited by Aimauitov and Auezov.
He also financed the newspaper “Sari-Arka”. His
house was open for both the mature writers and the
talented youth. He hosted heated discussions on
history, culture and literature, - the past and the
future of the Kazakh people. New thoughts and
bright ideas were generated here. Among frequent
guests to this house were Shakarim, Kokpai,
Toraigyrov, Baizakov, Kashaubayev, Aimauitov,
Almagambet ,
Bukeikhano v,
Turlikhanov, Tinishpayev, Dulatov, and many other
prominent figures of theatre and arts, literature,
research, social movement - in a word all those
people whose contribution to the history of our
motherland made golden pages in the chronicle of
glory and honor of Kazakhstan.
Mukhtar Auezov was a frequent guest in
Seitkulov’s house. At that time he was a student of
the Semipalatinsk Teacher’s college and he often
stopped at the house with his friends. Kayum was
six years old when he first saw Auezov in his father’s
ho use. Since t hat time their fates were
interconnected for life.
Seitkulov generously supported Mukhtar
materially and morally.
It is the historical fact that the first Kazakh
theatre was bo rn in Seitkulov’s ho use in
Semipalatinsk: in 1925 the generous house owner
gave a chance to the young writer Auezov to
rehearse his plays “ Karakoz” and “Enlik-Kebek”.
However, such a cultural renaissance was
destined not to continue. Gusts of social storms that
“ruined to the root the old world” approached the
Irtish river steppes. First in 1921 the new power
confiscated the house of Seitkulov, permitting the
family use of only two rooms. The house was
assigned to the Kazakh elementary school number
20. Home became school for little Kayum.Yes,
rather coming to classes he came to his patrimonial
Year 1928: one more gust of the proletariat
struggle with “exploiters’ class” burst on the scene.
Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov was arrested along with
hundreds of other including Abai’s son Michael.
Seitkulov was soon released, but the authorities
deprived him of all his valuables. Many years after
this his son Kayum will tell his children that he saw
tears in the horses’ eyes when ruthless whips forced
them from their home to alien stalls. Something
essential was gone forever. The blessed jailau
(summer pasture time) in Koken (the ancestors’
place) with happy dreams under the arch of white
yurts, the astringency of fresh kumis (horse mare’s
milk) would exist only in the past. The family was
forced out of the remaining two rooms of their own
house. The father bought a four room house from
Tinybai on the savings.
In 1928 Kayum finished the elementary
school but as the son of a “bai” (rich Kazak) it was
unlikely he would be permitted to continue his
education. Two years later the seven year secondary
school was opened in Semipalatinsk. Kayum
hopelessly dreamed of entering the school. One day
an old friend of Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov -
Turlikhan Kasenov knocked at his family’s door.
“Mukhamedkhan-aga, the new school is
opening and I have been appointed its principal. I
have come to ask your advice about housing: I have
no housing in town,” he said. Could you imagine
that this kind noble man would ever refuse to the
person whom he considered to be a relative?
“You do not need to search for the house.
There is enough space for all in mine,” answered
Seitkulov. Soon after that Turlikhan moved from
Ayagoz to Semipalatinsk to live in Seitulovs’ house.
His first child Bolat was born here. (Bolat is the
father of the famous wrestler Daulet Turlikhanov).
Kayum was admitted to school. He would very often
tell stories about his favorite teacher who recited
many of Abai’s and Arip’s poetry and played the
dombra, the Kazakh national string instrument.
Kayum’s father and the teacher were his guides to
the amazing world of poetry.
Again, this time in 1932 the Soviet authorities
seized the family’s house. The family moved into a
small house on Soldatskaya street in the center of
Semipalatinsk. It was clear enough that this was not
the last drop of bitterness in the family’s cup.
Despite all the hardships Seitkulov did not allow
any thought escaping from his native land.
After graduating from the seven year
secondary school Kayum worked in different places
and studied in the two year teachers’ courses, later
at the Pedagogical Institute. He would take any kind
of job to support his family. But even in hard times
there were happy days. At the courses of teaching
Kazakh language he met a beautiful, tactful,
educated and wise young woman. In 1936
Farkhinur, a daughter of the mullah of the two-
minaret Semipalatinsk mosque and Kayum were
…November 24,1937 coincided with
Ramadan month. Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov’s
family kept the fast Oraza. The prayer was read, the
food was tasted before the daybreak in line with
fast rules. All of a sudden clatter of horses’ hoofs
was heard and loud knocks at the door. Three armed
persons broke into the house. They shouted at the
head of the family: “Stand up. You are arrested!”
Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov was seated near the
cradle of the Kayum’s first baby. He could not
understand what was happening. He and his son
were arrested. Kayum was freed the next day. As
for the fate of Seitkulov the family knew nothing
for a long time. Some time after the arrest they were
informed in the “menacing o ffice” t hat
Mukhamedkhan Seitkulov was condemned as a
member of the anti-Soviet Muslim clergy and that
he was sent to Siberia for ten years with no right for
correspondence. (“ten years with no correspondence
right” meant immediate death in the official
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