Salary, Wages and Conditions of Service: To utilize pay rates as a spark adequately, faculty
chiefs must consider four noteworthy parts of a compensation structures. These are the employment rate,
which identifies with the significance the association connects to every occupation; installment, which
supports specialists or gatherings by remunerating them as indicated by their execution; individual or
uncommon stipends, connected with elements, for example, lack of specific abilities or certain
classifications of data experts or custodians, or with long administration; and incidental advantages, for
example, occasions with pay, annuities, etc. It is likewise critical to guarantee that the predominant pay
in other library or data foundations is looked into in deciding the pay structure of their organization.
Staff Training: No matter how robotized an organization or a library may be, high profit relies on upon
the level of inspiration and the viability of the workforce. Staff preparing is an essential technique for
spurring specialists. The library association must have great preparing system. This will give the curator
or data proficient open doors for change toward oneself and advancement to meet the difficulties and
necessities of new hardware and new systems of performing an undertaking.
Money: Akintoye (2000) asserts that money remains the most significant motivational strategy. As far
back as 1911, Frederick Taylor and his scientific management associate described money as the most
important factor in motivating the industrial workers to achieve greater productivity. Taylor advocated
the establishment of incentive wage systems as a means of stimulating workers to higher performance,
commitment, and eventually satisfaction. Money possesses significant motivating power in as much as
it symbolizes intangible goals like security, power, prestige, and a feeling of accomplishment and
success. Katz, in Sinclair, et al. (2005) demonstrates the motivational power of money through the
process of job choice. He explains that money has the power to attract, retain, and motivate individuals
towards higher performance. For instance, if a librarian or information professional has another job offer
which has identical job characteristics with his current job, but greater financial reward, that worker
would in all probability be motivated to accept the new job offer. Banjoko (1996) states that many
managers use money to reward or punish workers. This is done through the process of rewarding
employees for higher productivity by instilling fear of loss of job (e.g., premature retirement due to poor
performance). The desire to be promoted and earn enhanced pay may also motivate employees.
A. Utkin. "Improving personnel management". Moscow, 1998
D. Ulrich "
Human Resource Champions" 2007
Frederick Taylor "scientific management" 1911
УДК 2.001.12
Ibraimova Sara
Department of Marketing
Suleyman Demirel University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
The objective of the study is to understand place of Suleyman Demirel University (SDU) around other
universities. To understand main problems of reputation and image of SDU in Kazakhstan’s educational system.
Define which characteristics contribute reputation, are they exist in SDU, and how to develop university’s image
in the mind of society. Quantitative research was made to answer for questions above and offer recommendations
for creation a good reputation of SDU in Kazakhstan.
Key words
: Education institutions, corporate reputation, brand, image, university
Целью данной работы является определить какое место занимает У ниверситет имени Сулемана
Демиреля (УСД) среди остальных университетов. Выявить главные пробелы, которые влияют на
репутацию УСД в образовательной системе страны. Также какие факторы формируют имидж,
существуют ли они в УСД, и как построить, удержать, развить имидж университета среди общества.
Автором было проведено количественное исследования для поиска ответа на вышеуказанные вопросы и
поиска решения проблем.
Ключевые слова
: Образовательный институт, репутация компании, бренд, имидж, университет
Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, 1993 Nobel Peace Prize laureate
In recent years, many universities have increased investments in their brand image in order to maintain their
competitiveness in the market, contribute good reputation and image in the education system in Kazakhstan.
In this study we look for factors that influence the educational institutions image and aim to determine the
extent to which they influence they have on the educational institutions image. Define meaning of corporate image
and corporate reputation, what is the difference between them. Understand strength and weaknesses of Suleyman
Demirel University, research developing brand image across other universities. Trough analyzing quantitative
research made recommendations for
social-health and PR departments of Suleyman Demirel University to creation and develop high reputation in
Corporate reputation and brand image
When we talk about company image there is no generally accepted definition. Some literatures give general
information about company reputation and company’s identity, which similar with image, but other authors
separate those expressions from image (Schwaiger, 2004)
Accurate definition and distinction between corporate image and corporate reputation do not exist (Rose
and Thomsen, 2004)
, but there are some suggestions in the literature. Reputation is a signal about firm’s products,
strategies and vision around rivals directed to public (Fombrun and Shanley, 1990)
and at the same time it is
reflect organization’s success in realizing the expectations of different stakeholders (Freeman, 1984)
Gray and Balmer (1998)
characterized corporate image as prompt picture that organization associates in
public’s mind, while corporate reputation demonstrates a judgment about the organizational attributes. Corporate
reputation typically involves over time while image can be perceived more quickly through well-established
communication programs.
There is difference between image and identity. Identity shows view of corporate is in reality. However,
image contrariwise represents how a corporate perceived from its environment. Distinguish between what
something really is and how it looks from its environment definitely exist. Corporate image can be relieved by
organizational communications, also corporate can be damaged by external influencers, especially the media
(Park and Rees, 2008)
Research and experience consistently tells that whilst students, academics and vice chancellors all feel
comfortable with “reputation” as a concept, many are uneasy with the connotations and methods of “branding”
i.e. expensive, of unproven value, overly commercial, superficial, inauthentic and most damning, sometimes
unethical. Maybe the problem is one of definition but “branding” as a managed process needs to be firmly put
back in its box. It is a valuable and necessary tool, but nothing more. The difficulty in articulating the difference
between brand and its management and reputation and its management, in an education context, is that the
corporate organization is usually the brand. Few universities or colleges own a portfolio of brands in the true
sense, discrete from the corporate entity itself. A consistent brand is essential (name, identity, etc) pre requisite
for successful reputation management - as it allows reputational value to be associated and assigned; where depart
from many contemporaries is in the extent to which a positive and sustainable reputation is developed through
marketing rather than non-marketing related activity, between organic and norganic communication and between
impersonal and interpersonal engagement with the stakeholders. Education is a human experiential and iterative
activity that is an outlier on the tangible intangible spectrum. This means that the most authentic and productive
forms of marketing communications are also humanistic (referral, word of mouth, viral). In an over marketed
environment, the messages that have value are those that originate from independent sources and those based on
experience rather than those shaped, directed, controlled and produced exclusively by marketers.
2. Main components of corporate reputation
A US study showed that there are ten main components of corporate reputation used in reputation
measurement systems such as “the most admired companies in America”:
the organization behaves ethically, is admirable, is worthy of respect, is trustworthy.
the organization has talented employees, treats its people well, is an appealing
Financial performance:
the organization is financially strong, has a record of
profitability, has growth prospects.
the organization is a leader rather than a follower, is innovative.
the organization is well managed, has high quality management, has a clear vision for the
Social responsibility:
the organization recognizes social responsibilities, supports good causes.
Customer focus:
the organization cares about customers, is strongly committed to customers.
the organization offers high quality products and services.
the organization stands behind its products & services, provides consistent service.
Emotional appeal:
(it is an organization I feel good about, is kind, is fun.
Additional components were found in some of the systems studied. These
value, differentiation, presence,
communication quality.
The importance of having a good corporate image and reputation
Corporate branding is an effective promotional and marketing tool. If you serve your customers excellently,
then expect them to always remember you. You will receive good feedbacks and this will help you generate more
customers. Majority of the public will start spending their hard earned money on your products and services, but
that will only happen if you are good enough at performing what you have promised to your previous customers.
Another great thing about having a good corporate image is that you will no longer need to spend a significant
amount of time trying to convince your potential customers to try out what you offer. Your previous customers
who are greatly satisfied with your service will become your unofficial spokespersons. This will transform your
business into one of the most trusted and respectable organizations in the industry.
A good corporate branding strategy put into action will reflect your credibility and integrity. Since your
reputation is also your identity, you have to make sure that you brand your organization in the most credible way.
Bear in mind that if your organization does not have credibility and integrity, then a lot of people will have a hard
time believing you. It will also be extremely difficult for you to prove your integrity if the public hears your
previous clients talking negatively about the services of your company. Because of this, you need to be very
careful in performing all of your actions.
A good corporate brand establishes confidence, loyalty, trust and stronger customer relationship. When
establishing an untainted corporate image, it is not enough for you to avoid scandals and controversies. It is also
important for you to make sure that you meet the expectations of your clients. In order for you to effectively brand
your organization and build an even better image, you need to constantly observe excellence and perfection. This
will allow your clients to feel a stronger sense of security. It will also be easier for you to build an even stronger
relationship with them. You can even expect them to recommend your business to the people that they know,
thereby allowing you to expand your market.
Institutional organization
Educational institution (Institutional organization) accepted a regular students only having a certificate of
graduation from a school providing secondary education, or the acknowledged equivalent of such a certificate, or
persons who meet the requirements of section. Provides an educational program for which the institution awards
a bachelor’s degree or provides not less than 2 year program that is acceptable for full credit directed such a
degree that is acceptable for admission to a graduate or professional degree program. Is a public or other nonprofit
3 4 * * 7
Educational organization has multiple meanings according to the field and setting in which it is being
applied. In educational psychology, educational organization is
within the scope o
f education.
deals with the theory of organization as it applies to education of the human
school reform,
organization is the way an educational system operates. Educational organization may also refer to
agencies providing educational services.
Types of educational institution: Early childhood, Primary, Secondary, Further and higher education
Reputation and image of universities
Brand image has a great importance not just in the context of companies but also in the non-profit field,
such as universities. It is becoming increasingly important that universities have a distinct image in order to
maintain their competitiveness in the market (Palacio, Meneses and Perez, 2002)
. Public sector organizations are
beginning to understand the importance of reputation, as many of its benefits are vital for their survival; a good
organizational reputation among the stakeholders is understood as reputational capital (Luoma-aho, 2007)
Arpan et al. (2003)
analysis of the discussions reveals that the participants considered multiple factors
when assessing a university image. These factors included name recognition, academics, social life, athletics, and
to a lesser extent, the physical environment of the university. More specifically, the academics component of
image reported to consist of the perceived worth of degree when entering the job market, characteristics of the
student body, and degree-program characteristics. The study found that items that were included to provide an
overall or global image rating for each university are general impression of the university, if it evaluated positively
by most people, proposing a methodology by which to identify the dimensions.
A qualitative study identified university attributes that might determine enrolment fount several factors
such as ranking of particular schools, family connections to the school, departments or majors, overall education
quality, size of the university and its classes and the relative emphasis on sports. Additionally, several factors
noted by other authors are among other are location of the university, appearance, scope of offerings, excellence
of the faculty, extent of endowments, diversity of students, campus morale, service to the community, institution
visibility, prestige, existence of family atmosphere, friendliness of students, extent of family-related values on
university, interpersonal communication, news coverage... (Arpan et al., 2003)
Suleyman Demirel University
Suleyman Demirel University was established in 1996 by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, and the founder president of Turkey, Suleyman Demirel. Suleyman Demirel University is a privately
supported, co-educational institution with a worldwide mission. Its major commitments are quality programs of
undergraduate instruction, continuing education, research and public service provided at the most reasonable cost
to students. The University's programs are particularly responsive to the needs of individuals, public groups, and
agencies in the community; all are rapidly adjusting themselves to the quickly changing social, political and
economical environment of
the country.
The University aims to develop and pursue its programs in a manner to ensure that eligible students who desire
to develop and expand their scholastic skills. During the 2008-2009 academic year SDU began instruction the
new "Smart Campus". The campus is able to hold more than 7000 students. There are 8 faculties, 16 lecture
theatres, 120 auditoriums, 1 conference hall, 1 stadium, 1 gym, 8 computer labs, 2 Internet cafes, 3 research
centers, a medical center, 2 dormitories and 2 comprehensive libraries including a highly sophisticated electronic
cataloging system and search engine which is accessible to all students, faculty and staff. In addition, the campus
also houses 3 canteens and coffee bars to provide a relaxing and social atmosphere. (
We study that good corporate image and reputation are an effective promotional and marketing tool that
establishes confidence, loyalty, trust and stronger customer relationship. Brand image has a great importance not
just in the context of companies but also in the non-profit field, such as universities. Study of Kazoleas et al.
found that image factors controlled by university itself (e.g. existence of articular programs, strength of
academic programs, sports programs, libraries, and technical facilities) were stronger predictors of overall image
ratings than demographic characteristics of respondents or environmental factors (e.g. location, expense,
admission standards) and that personal experiences with the university had a greater impact on overall image than
did media exposure related to the university (Arpan et al., 2003)
In this research noticed that the “university orientation and preparation” is mainly characterized by factors
related to university’s orientation toward students, society and companies and by the preparation it provides for
the students.
Schwaiger, 2004
Rose and Thomsen, 2004
Fombrun and Shanley, 1990
Freeman, 1984
Gray and Balmer, 1998
Park and Rees, 2008
Palacio Meneses and Perez, 2002
Luoma-aho, 2007
Arpan et al., 2003
Kazoleas et al., 2001
Rayimbekov Zhaksybek
Suleyman Demirel University
Here in this article i want to explain you about how important role plays the top manager in
organization, how he influence on the future development of the company and how he can control and
motivate employees to show their bests.
Top manager also need to be such and artist or such ideal example for his employees and folowers,
because by looking on Top manager, his speech and style you can drow some conclusions about an
Who is top manager?
Managers are organizational members who are responsible for the work performance of other
organizational members. Managers have formal authority to use organizational resources and to make
Top-level managers, or top managers, are also called senior management or executives. These
individuals are at the top one or two levels in an organization, and hold titles such as: Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (
), Chief Operational Officer (COO), Chief Information
Officer (CIO), Chairperson of the Board, President, Vice president, Corporate head.
Often, a set of these managers will constitute the top management team, which is composed of the CEO,
the COO, and other department heads. Top-level managers make decisions affecting the entirety of the
firm. Top managers do not direct the day-to-day activities of the firm; rather, they set goals for the
organization and direct the company to achieve them. Top managers are ultimately responsible for the
performance of the organization, and often, these managers have very visible jobs.
Top managers in most organizations have a great deal of managerial experience and have moved up
through the ranks of management within the company or in another firm. An exception to this is a top
manager who is also an
; such an individual may start a small company and manage it until
it grows enough to support several levels of management. Many top managers possess an advanced
degree, such as a Masters in Business Administration, but such a degree is not required.
Some CEOs are hired in from other top management positions in other companies. Conversely, they
may be promoted from within and groomed for top management with management development
activities, coaching, and mentoring. They may be tagged for promotion through succession planning,
which identifies high potential managers.
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