Б.Д.Жұмақаева – Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет, и.о.
профессора, кандидат филологических наук
З.Т.Аманғалиева - КазГосЖенПУ, магистрант 2-курса
Варианты переводов рассказа Джек Лондона «Сказание о Кише» на казахском языке
Художественный перевод является одним из особенных сложных направлении литературы.
Художественный перевод объединяет культуру народа с народом, обогащает литературу по новому.
Художественный перевод в казахской литературе не чужды. Многие произведении классических
поэтов - писателей переводились на родной язык, построили мост между казахскими читателями и
зарубежными классиками. Одним из частных переведенных на казахский язык, это - Джек Лондон. В
его произведениях больше пахло жизнью степей чем городской. Наверно поэтому казахские читатели
особенным интересом читали произведении Джек Лондона. Произведения Джек Лондона особое
внимание обратили и проявили интерес ученики Абая Т.Абайұлы, М.Әуезов и перевели. Одним из
интересных и чувствительных его произведении является «Сказание о Кише». В статье рассказа Джек
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
Лондона «Сказание о Кише» переводы на казахский язык рассамтриваются сравнительно (с
переводах Т.Абайұлы, С.Нугымана и С.Оспанова).
Ключевые слова: Художественный перевод, Джек Лондон, рассказ, варианты переводов, герой,
медведь, медведица.
B.D.Zhumakaeva - Kazakh state women’s teacher training university, professor, candidate of
philological sciences,
Z.T. Amangaliyeva- Kazakh state women’s teacher training university, Master student of 2-course
Translation of «The story of Keesh»by Jack London in the Kazakh language
Art translation is a main and unique branch of the literature. It communicates variety people, traditions
and enriches the literature. There are many translated works of world classic writers and poets in Kazakh
language. Translaters have made a bridge between Kazakh readers and foreign writers. One of these writers,
whose works have been liked by Kazakh readers is Jack London. He spent much time seeking gold, that is
why his stories are about wild life. His stories are interesting, do not repeat each other. Even his works had
been interested by M. Auezov and T.Abayuli. One of his stories is “The story of Keesh”. This article is
concerned with variety translated variants of the story “The story of Keesh” by Jack London in Kazakh
Key words: Literary translation, Jack London, story, variants of translation, heroes, male bear, female
УДК 373.1.02:387.2
A.T. Ongarbaeva - doctoral student of Kazakh National
University named after Abai
In the article the features of translation of cliched formulas are examined in the conditions of trilingualism. An
author accents attention on that in connection with changes in area of education and economy in Republic of
Kazakhstan, an insistent requirement appeared in preparation of competitive specialists owning three languages
(Kazakh, Russian and business English). Made an effort consider typical errors during translation of cliched formulas.
Analysing the cliched formulas of professional communication, we distinguish three types of stereotype units that
correspond to the next types of equivalence : tracing cliches-papers, semantic cliches and situational cliches. It is
necessary to take into account that some lexico-grammatical transformations are needed during translation of cliches
formulas on specialities "Finances", "Account and audit", "Economy". With development of science and technique the
appropriate phenomenon appearance is considered all new and new cliches in professional speech of specialists.
Keywords: trilingualism, competitive specialist, cliched formulas, professional language.
Currently, due to the significant changes that have occurred in the field of education and the economy in
the Republic of Kazakhstan, there was an urgent need for training of competitive specialists with three
languages (Kazakh, Russian and Business English). According to the standard program of the Ministry of
Education and Science, in all specialties in the New Economic University. T.Ryskulov classes in the
disciplines "Professional Kazakh / Russian language" and "Professionally-oriented English language."
Therefore, by the expansion of foreign economic relations of our country, increase the number of people
involved in the business, there is penetration of international standards, in particular the rules and regulations
of professionally-oriented English, in Russian and Kazakh languages.
Special attention deserve particular translation clichéd formulas professional communication in three
languages. Translation activities in the modern world is becoming a large scale and increasing social
We will try to analyze the general principles of translation, • consider the characteristics of stereotyped
formulas; • explore the features of translation clichéd formulas under three languages; • consider the typical
mistakes when translating clichés.
The object of research is the use of stereotyped formulas professional communication in a trilingualism.
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 2(56), 2016 г.
The methodological base of the research served as the theoretical work of Russian scientists in various
fields of linguistics: M.R. Kondubaeva, A.E.Karlinsky, L.K. Zhanalina, M.Sh. Musataeva, D.D. Shaybakova,
LS Barkhudarova, T.B. Nazarova, E.V. Ovsyannikov, M.A. Shanaeva, A.D. Schweitzer. [1, 2,3,4,5,6].
The general theory of translation reveals the concept of translation rules on the basis of which the
evaluation of translation quality. As is known, linguistics transfer includes not only theoretical, but also
regulatory sections.
It should be noted that to achieve adequacy in translating text from one language to another translator
should use the equivalent of conformity in the language in which the translation is done. Particular attention
among the available language resources should be paid at the equivalent of that would be adequate to the
original. Therefore, the equivalent is equivalent matching usually independent of context. Also equivalents
act as catalysts in the process of translation. Their value is very high, especially for interpretation.
In this paper we are interested in translating clichéd formulas at the level of the phrase. The phrase may
be a semantic unity. The most striking example of this translation is the translation of idiomatic or
Academician V.V. Vinogradov pointed out: "In the system of modern literary language word for the most
part operate as separate components of speech, that is, take a stable place in the traditional formulas. Most
people speak and write with the help of ready-made formulas, clichés "[7, c. 59]. This provision applies not
only Russian, but also in any other language.
According psycholinguists, if the implementation of the statements containing concrete idea causes some
difficulty speaking, he prefers to sacrifice his idea, but keep the simplicity. Clarity of speech is achieved by
using combinations of familiar words. When wanting to save time or most simply bring their message to the
recipient's speaker has resorted to the use stereotyped formulas. Thus, one of the characteristic features is
stereotyped formulas repeatability.
Constantly recurring clichéd formula can at best maintain positive or negative coloration. For example,
the expression, carrying a positive coloration: the key to success; lend a hand; noble mission. Expressions
with negative coloration: to take by the throat; take someone by surprise; bring damage.
Clichéd formulas, partially or completely lost their informative value, acquire new qualities as language
tools. This occurs because the value clichéd formulas invariably, it carries the same information.
Analysis of stereotyped formulas professional dialogue allows you to select three types of stereotypes
units that correspond to the following types of equivalence: the cliché-tracing paper, semantic and situational
Cliche-tracings ensure achievement of formal equivalence by using similar language forms in Kazakh,
Russian and English, for example:
Әрқашанда Сіздің иелігіңізде - Остаемся в Вашем полном
распоряжении - Remain at your full disposal.
The main feature of situational clichéd formulas is their connection to any specific situation. Situational
clichéd formulas called such stereotypical expressions which are reproduced mechanically and are required
in the speech situation. [9, c. 90].
Besides the basic nominations in professional communication are the clichéd terms, "Finance",
"Economy", etc. Typically, these nominations are deployed noun phrase: a contract for the supply of
equipment, an agreement on economic cooperation, an agreement on the terms of the secondment of experts
and others.
The professional dialogue observed rigid standardization of linguistic resources used.
Clichéd formula in Kazakh, Russian and English languages
Казахский язык
Русский язык
Английский язык
Маңызды мәселе
основная цель
the primary aim
шешуші мәні
решающее значение
decisive importance
позициямызды баяндаудан
бастауымыз керек
Возможно, нам следует
начать с изложения нашей
Perhaps we should begin by
outlining our position
Прежде чем мы продолжим
Before we go on…
According to statistical data such clichéd formula perceived many times faster.
The most common method of translation clichéd formulas - a selection of similar equivalents in the target
language. They are a cliché, tracing paper. Here is a list of the most popular clichéd formulas consumed
during business negotiations of experts in various fields of economy.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
Clichéd formula in Kazakh, Russian and English languages
Казахский язык
Русский язык
Английский язык
Осы жағдайлар қолайлы ма?
Are these terms acceptable?
Мен қорқамын, біз бұл
алармызба екен
Я боюсь, что мы могли бы
принять это только при одном
Im afraid we could only accept this
on one condition.
болады ма?
Можно мне сделать предложение? Can I make a suggestion?
The following semantic clichés are clichés, and require a more thorough analysis for their transfer. Need
some lexical and grammatical transformations in their translation. To focus attention on the translation of the
first are cliches in Russian. Italics indicate changes in grammatical forms and lexical means of expression.
Clichéd formula in Kazakh, Russian and English languages
Казахский язык
Русский язык
Английский язык
шартты құрамыз
Well draw up a contract based on
those points.
Мәжіліс үш негізгі
тақырыпқа арналады
Заседание посвящено трем
основным темам
The meeting is focused on three
main topics
Шешім шығарудың ең
басты уақыты
Самое время вынести решение Its high time to deliver
We are interested clichés that can not be translated literally, and are often found in professional speech.
This requires understanding of the value of the cliched formulas convey meaning other language tools. Here
are some of them:
Казахский язык
Русский язык
Английский язык
изучить все возможности
explore every avenue
басты принцип
руководящий принцип
guiding principle
сәтті шешім
удачное решение
happy solution
As can be seen from the examples, the establishment of relations of semantic equivalence cliche carried
on the semantic level, and involves the lexical and grammatical transformations, such as generalization,
concretization, semantic matching, adaptation, rearrangement.
Thus, in professional dialogue are widely used cliché, tracing paper and semantic clichés. They make it
easier to understand speech in neskoleo times. It should be noted that it is necessary to take into account
stylistic and semantic differences between words that arise because of the different scope of use of these
words in different languages.
So now cliché phrases in total arsenal of language means of professional communication occupy a
particularly important place.
Meanwhile, this period is characterized by the appearance of more and more new cliche - a natural
phenomenon in the development of any language.
Consider the features of the use of stereotyped formulas in professional speech, we can draw the
following conclusions.
Professional language used implies a rigid standardization of linguistic resources. Details of professional
language or clichés are cliché proposals with which reaches a certain syntactic and semantic formalization of
speech. This allows not only to reduce the time to transfer, but also to receive information and to perform
relative unification and optimization of business language.
The translation process of professional language is closely associated with the use of stable structures,
stereotyped formulas relating to the differentiated special phraseology, without which the transfer of business
communication can not be of high quality. To an even greater extent, this provision applies to the translation
of texts in the specialty, where the use of stereotyped patterns you can switch the mode to automated
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 2(56), 2016 г.
operations and provides equivalent text in the target language. The clichéd sentences are saved only those
elements that are necessary for the transmission of information and proper understanding of it. It should be
noted that all syntax correspond to the basic requirements of the texts of the specialty: the brevity, clarity and
certainty in any conditions.
The desire to save time and brevity causes widespread use in business documents nepolnosostavnyh
clichéd nature of the proposals, which are becoming the norm, as they are convenient for quick and accurate
transmission of information and perceived without distortion.
The main way to establish equivalence relations in professional language is the use of semantic
stereotyped formulas, which fully complies with the communicative orientation of business texts. The
establishment of relations of semantic equivalence clichéd formulas is carried out on the semantic level, and
involves a wide range of lexical and grammatical transformations.
1 Kondubaeva M.R. The book "Innovative technologies in trilingual education"- Almaty, 2015.
2 Karlinsky A.E. The methodology and paradigms of modern linguistics. - Almaty, 2013.
3 Zhanalina L.K. Comparative derivation Russian and Kazakh languages. RIC, 1998.
4 Musataeva M.Sh. Dictionaries in the educational process: Manual. - Almaty: RIC them. Altynsarin,
2000. - 50 s.
5 Shaybakova D.D. Formation of a unified system of concepts and symbols in a new era. Bulletin of the
KNU. Series Philological. Number 1 (147). 2014.
6 Barkhudarov L.S. Language and Translation: questions of general and special theory of translation -
M. Intern. relationship, 1975. - 240 p.
7 Vinogradov B.C. Translation: general and lexical questions: studies, manual, 2nd ed. Revised. - M .:
KSU, 2004. - 240 p.
8 Message from the President Message of the President - Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev to
people of Kazakhstan on January 27, 2012 "Social economic modernization - main direction of development
of Kazakhstan "
9 Krongauz M.A. Speech cliches: breaking energy / MA Krongauz // Faces language. - M., 1998. - S.
10 Remizov N.I. The role of speech in the communicative act cliche / NI Remizov // semantic and
pragmatic features of language units in comparative linguistics. - Krasnodar, 1994. - P. 32-36.
11 Ongarbaeva A.T., Sebepova R.M. The role of stereotyped formulas assessment in the development of
reflective competence / Granada (Spain), 2015.
Онгарбаева А.Т. – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетінің докторанты,
Үштілділік шарттарында клише жасалған формулаларды аудару ерекшеліктері
Мақалада үштілділік шарттарында клише жасалған формулалар аудармасының ерекшеліктері
қарастырылады. Автор Қазақстан Республикасы білім және экономика саласындағы өзгерістермен
байланысты үш (қазақ, орыс және іскери ағылшын) тілдерін меңгерген бәсекеге қабілетті
мамандарды әзірлеуде табанды қажеттіліктің пайда болуына зор көңіл бөліп отыр. Автор клише
жасаған формулаларды аударудағы типтік қателерді қарастыруға тырысқан. Кәсіби қарым-
қатынастардың клише жасаған формулаларын талдай отырып, келесі балама түрлерге сәйкес келген
стереотиптік бірліктердің үш түрін бөліп аламыз: калька сөз орамы, мағыналық сөз орамдары және
жағдаяттық сөз орамдары. «Қаржы», «Есеп және аудит», «Экономика» мамандықтары бойынша
клише жасаған формулаларды аударуда кейбір лексикалық-грамматикалық өзгерістерді ескеру қажет.
Ғылым және техниканы дамытумен байланысты мамандардың кәсіби сөйлеулерінде күннен күнге
жаңа сөз орамдарының пайда болуы заңды құбылысқа айналып жатыр.
Түйін сөздер: үштілділік, бәсекеге қабілетті мамандар, клише жасаған формулалар, кәсіби тіл
Онгарбаева А.Т. – докторант Казахского национального педагогического университета имени
Абая, aliyaong@mail.ru
Особенности перевода клишированных формул в условиях трехъязычия
В статье рассматриваются особенности перевода клишированных формул в условиях трехъязычия.
Автор акцентирует внимание на том, что в связи с изменениями в области образования и экономики в
Республике Казахстан, появилась настоятельная потребность в подготовке конкурентоспособных
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 2 (56), 2016 ж.
специалистов, владеющих тремя языками (казахским, русским и деловым английским). Попытались
рассмотреть типичные ошибки при переводе клишированных формул. Анализируя клишированные
формулы профессионального общения, выделяем три вида стереотипных единиц, которые
соответствуют следующим видам эквивалентности: клише-кальки, смысловые клише и
ситуационные клише. Следует учесть, что необходимы некоторые лексико-грамматические
трансформации при переводе клишированных формул по специальностям «Финансы», «Учет и
аудит», «Экономика». С развитием науки и техники закономерным явлением считается появление все
новых и новых клише в профессиональной речи специалистов.
Ключевые слова: трехъязычие, конкурентоспособный специалист, клишированные формулы,
профессиональный язык.
UDC 81’25(082)
S.D. Seidenova– Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, candidate of philological sciences, associate
T.O. Konyrbekova – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, senior lecturer,
The article is devoted to the translation of expressivity which represents one of the most difficult categories of
language. It is caused by the fact that the expressivity is at the same time accompanied by the subjective beginning in
language and by knowledge of objective reality. The expressional fund of any language is extremely rich, various.
Practically at any level of language expressional units exist. The expressivity is a language category which demands
complex studying.
Besides, the concept of expressivity of classical representation, as we know, includes set of all signs of unit of
language or the speech which provide its ability to act in the communicative act as means of subjective expression of
the relation of the author to contents or the addressee of the message.
According to opinion of researchers of a problem of expressivity in the text of the last years, the main function of
expressivity of the message of any type is strengthening of its impact on consciousness of the personality perceiving
information in a text form for the purpose of provoking of certain feelings, experiences and acts. From the point of view
of modern psychological scienctists, all types of experiences are not only emotional, but also intellectual, cause effect
of expressivity in the usage of any information. The problem of expressivity of language means drew attention of
researchers of domestic and foreign linguistics throughout all 20th century.
It is known that Mark Twain's works steadily contain an expressive element. All his stories, regardless of their
volume, are translated into many languages of the world, and into Russian as well. Transfer of the text to an source
expression in translation – extremely important and interesting aspect of research of expressivity.
In this article language expressional means in Mark Twain's prose are considered, and also comparison of several
options of expression of an source expression of texts of the author at their translation into Russian is carried out.
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