1. Р.Сыздықова. Қазақ әдеби тілінің тарихы. Алматы, 1993
2. С.Мырзабек. Қазақ тілініңайтылым сӛздігі. Алматы, 2001
3. Ш.Сарыбаев. Қазақ тіл білімі мәселелері. Алматы, 2000
4. С.Аманжолов. Тіл және жазу. Ӛскемен, 2006
Сарсенгалиева А.Ж.
№51 гимназия психологы, Ақтӛбе қаласы
Қазіргі қоғамымыздың әлеуметтік, экономикалық, саяси, мәдени, рухани ӛміріндегі
ӛзгерістер адамгершілік қҧндылықтарды, оның ішінде қарым-қатынас және адам
мәдениетінің деңгейін тҥбегейлі қайта қарастыруды қажет етеді. Әсіресе әлемдік деңгейде
қарым – қатынас мәселелерінің шиеленісіп отырған шағында адамның адамға қатынасын
ізгілендіріп, жоғары мәдениеттілік деңгейіне кӛтеру қажеттігі айқындала тҥсуде.
Уақыт ағымы алға тартқан бҧл міндет болашақ мамандардың кәсіби даярлығын
жетілдіру мақсатында орта кәсіптік оқу орындарының оқу – тәрбие ҥрдісінің мазмҧнын
жаңғырту қажеттілігін айқындайды. Осы орайда оқытушылар арасындағы қарым –
қатынасты ҧйымдастыру – әлеуметтік- экономикалық және мәдени дағдарыспен бірегей
кӛтеріліп отырған ӛзекті мәселелердің біріне айналды.
Қарым – қатынас мәселесі қазіргі кезде кӛпшілікке белгілі мәселелерінің бірі.
Ғалымдардың пікірінше, ХХ ғасыр басына дейін «коммуникация» терминіне кӛңіл бӛлінбей,
сӛзі тек қатынас және оның тҥзгіштері жайлы айтылып келген дейді. Бірақ, «коммуникация»
(communicatio) деген сӛздің тҥбірі латыннан алынғанына қарағанда бҧл сӛздің ежелде пайда
болғаны шығады. «Қарым-қатынас» ҧғымын педагогика мен психология ғылымына алғаш
А.Ф.Лазурский енгізген [1].
Қарым – қатынас – тҧлғаның сыртқы объектіге, адамға, рухани байлыққа, әлеуметтік
ортаға қатынасын білдіретін экзопсихикалық ҧғым. Психолог – педагогтар А.Н.Леонтьев,
И.Ф.Харламов қарым-қатынас ҧғымына мотив ҧғымының мазмҧнын, В.Н.Мясищев оны
бағыттылықпен, (Н.Д.Левитов), позициямен (Б.Г.Ананьев, А.К.Маркова), сезіммен
А.П.Архипов), әлеуметтік белсенділікпен (Б.Ы.Мҧқанова) байланыстылығы туралы
пікірлерін айтса, Сент – Экзюперидің «Бірден бір нағыз сәндік – ол адамның қарым –
қатынасының сәндігі» деген сӛздерінде адам тәрбиелеудің ҧлы даналығы жатыр [2].
Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери қарым – қатынасты адам баласының жалғыз қҧндылығы
ретінде жырлап ӛтті. Ойлап кӛріңізші, қарым – қатынассыз ӛміріміздің болуы мҥмкін бе еді?
Әрине, жоқ! Онсыз қоғам да болмайды; ешбір қызмет, ешбір іс-әрекет жҥзеге аспайды.
Адамның ӛмір сҥруінің жалғыз тәсілі осы ӛзгелермен байланыста, қарым – қатынаста
болуында. Адам қарым-қатынаста ғана адам болады.
Қарым – қатынас – білім мен мәдениеттің компоненті, оның бӛлінбейтін бӛлшегі
іспетті адам баласының тәлім – тәрбиесі мен ӛзгелермен байланыс орнатуының ерекше
жолы. Қарым – қатынас – бҧл адамдардың іс – әрекет процесіндегі ӛзара әрекет
формаларының бірі [3].
Қарым – қатынас окытушы мен студенттің тҧлғасын қалыптастыру факторы ретінде
кӛрініп, қатынас және ӛзара қатынас феноменін іске асыруды қамтамасыз етеді, білім
беру әрекетіндегі субъектілердің бір – бірін тануды іске асырады.
Қарым – қатынасты шартты тҥрде екі блокқа бӛліп қарастыруға болады: бірінші
— адамнын ӛмір сҥру ҥрдісіндегі стихиялық қарым-қатынас, қарым – қатынастың бҧл
тҥрінсіз жалпы қарым – қатынастың болуы мҥмкін емес; екіншісі — ҧйымдардын,
кәсіпорындардың әрекетін іске асыратьн мақсатқа бағытталған ҥрдіс. Білім берудегі қарым –
қатынас стихиялык қарым – катынастың элементтеріне тән, бірақ, білім беру мен
тәрбиелеуді іске асыруда мақсатқа бағыттылық сипаты басымырақ болады.
Қарым – қатынас тікелей (адамдарлын бір – біріне тікелей әсер етуі) және жанама (адам
басқа адаммен тікелей қатынасқа тҥскенде) болады. Тікелей қарым – қатынаста
эмоционалдық әсер ету басымырақ келеді. Мҧғалім мен оқушы арасындағы тҧлғааралық
қарым – қатынас біріктіру қҧралы ретінде іске асады. Ал, жанама қарым – қатынас
адамдық мәдениетті меңгеруге бағытталып, оқушының дамуының және қалыптасуының
негізін қалайды. Оқушы жанама қарым – қатынас негізінде білім алады, ойшылдардың
кӛзқарастарын, пікірлерін, ӛмірге қатынасын және әлеуметтік қҧндылықтарды біле
алады [4].
Тәрбие процесіндегі қарым – қатынас туралы пікірлерді қарастыра отырып
мынадай тҧжырымдар жасауға мҥмкіндік береді:
Қарым – қатынас – бірнеше элементтерден тҧратын жҥйелі ҥрдіс;
Қарым – қатынас – бҧл субъектаралық ӛзара әрекет;
Қарым – қатынас – білім беру ҥрдісіндегі субъектілердің ӛзара қатынасын реттеу
мақсатында және жалпы ортақ нәтижеге жетудегі келісімге бағытталған ӛзара әрекеттік
Қарым – қатынас – қызметтік ҥрдіс;
Қарым –қатынас – бір жағынан нормативті және басқарушы ҥрдіс болса, екінші жағынан
ӛзіндік реттеуші ҥрдіс.
Оқытушы ӛзінің қызметінде қарым – қатынастың барлық міндеттерін атқаруы тиіс, ол
мағлҧмат беруші де, студенттерді танып білуші де және ҧжымдық қатынас пен ӛзара
қатынастарды ҧйымдастырушы да бола алады.
Бҧл жерде ойға тҥйетініміз: педагогикалық кӛзқарас педагог тҧлғасы арқылы жҥзеге асады.
Ӛйткені, қарым – қатынас арқылы студенттің кӛзқарасы, ойлауы, ӛмірге, адамдарға, ӛзіне
деген кӛзқарасы пайда болады.
Зерттеуші ғалымдар, соңғы кезде практиктер, педагогикалық кӛзқарас проблемасының ӛзекті
екендігіне тоқталып жатыр. Неге? Ӛйткені, қарым-қатынас – оқу – тәрбие міндеттерін
шешудің маңызды қҧралы [5].
Оқушылармен қарым – қатынас жасай отырып, оқытушы оның жеке және тҧлғалық
ерекшеліктерін анықтайды; қҧндылық бағдары, тҧлғааралық қарым – қатынасы, іс – әрекеті
туралы ақпарат алады.
Қарым – қатынас оқытушы пен оқушының біріккен әрекетін реттейді, ӛзара әсерін
қамтамасыз етеді, педагогикалық процестің тиімді ӛтуіне септігін тигізеді. Практика арқылы
дәлелденген: білім беру мекемелерінде оқыту мен тәрбиеленудің жаңа технологиясын енгізу,
жҥзеге асыру дҧрыс қойылған педагогикалық қарым – қатынас арқылы болады [1].
Қарым – қатынассыз адамның тек ӛзін – ӛзі танып білу, әлеуметтену яғни индивидтің жеке
тҧлға ретінде дамуы, әлеуметтік тәжірибені адамнан адамға, ҧрпақтан ҧрпаққа тарату,
әлеуметтік топтардың қауымдастықтар мен мемлекеттердің ӛмір сҥруінің ӛзі, сондай – ақ,
индивидтің (дара адамның) психикалық іс – әрекеті де мҥмкін емес [2].
Жоғарыда айтылғандарды қорытындылай келе, қарым-қатынас мәселесі кҥнделікті
әлеуметтік ӛмірде ғана емес, білім беру саласында да маңызды. Қарым – қатынас адамзат
қоғамының және жеке тҧлғаның жарқын ӛмір сҥруінің міндетті шарты. Қарым – қатынас аса
ҥлкен қҧндылық болып табылады.
Қ.Сейталиев. Жалпы психология. Алматы.: Білім, 2010. – 123б
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Психология. Учебник./ Под редакцией А.А.Крылова.- М: ПБОЮЛ, 2001.-584С.
Мудрик А.В. Общение как фактор воспитания школьников.-М.: Педагогика, 1984.-246с.
Stavbunik E.A.
Master student in Public Administration, Kazakhstan, Karaganda Economic University
The human society during its historical development has called into being two very
interesting phenomenon that is State and Market. The State and the Market act as a product of
different causes, initially deal with different spheres of life, over the time their paths crossed and
goals and tasks became closer, and the results depended on joint efforts and activities.
Level of development of the modern society is governed by the possibilities of coordination
of the Market and State Forces, the ability of combination and complementarity of these forces.
At the same time no doubt about the fact – these elements are relatively independent
structures, they have their own mechanisms of influence to the society development, which show
different spheres of influence, specific functions, aims and goals.
Last decades were marked by the deep transformational changes at the economic systems
which embraced countries of post socialism as well as emerging countries of Asia and Latin
America. These changes mean transition from planned economy to the market economy.
Any economic action taken by the business, as well as any measures taken by the state in
various fields of national economy, connected between each other by explicit and implicit factors,
causes, relationships.
In general, the history of human society knows three forms of relations between the state
and the economy:
1. State directly controls the economy. It turns out nationalization of the economy and of the
consequences can be found by referring to the history of the Soviet economy;
2. Splicing of government and business. This form has a different species:
a) In the form of state patronage (protection of patronage by customer loyalty). By this form
the state bodies include representatives of business. This kind of interaction between the state and
the economy is sometimes referred as: patron-customer form of business-government relations;
b) Symbiotic form of business-government relations. The mutual penetration of
representatives of the business elite to the government and conversely;
в) Oligarchical form of the business-government relations. This is when the business
structures are strengthened and go beyond the scope of State’s client and stay on one horizontal
level with former patron. Former client makes Government to consider with him, sometimes even
patronize the Government.
3. Business-government relations that are based on the Science
This form is very hardly to finding the way to governance, but ultimately all alternatives
give way to this form of relations. It is very important for the Government to know the limits of
intervention to the economy. This from determines the roles of subjects’ interaction: subjects,
which represent business interests, start to arrange the rules and charge the control over the
abidance the rules.
Here are fixed obligations of the parties: the State guarantees the business enabling
environment and production of public goods that are necessary for functioning and development of
the State, such as industrial, social and institutional infrastructure; business incurs obligations to pay
taxes and to reproduce used economic resources.
To ideal model of relations national model is countered, which reflects the common features
of this interaction in a particular national market economy model (liberal, social and corporate,
corporate paternalism).
It reflects the earlier history of the country, the actual practice of state-building and business.
So, fully formed during the historical development of the certain country the ideas about
"justice" determine the objectives of economic agents and their relation to the variations of
distribution of ownership rights to economic resources between private agents, state and municipal
All this issues are modifying the roles of power and business in their relations and
interactions, as well as the volume and character of their mutual liabilities
Along with the ideal and the national regulatory models it can be distinguished normative
model of interaction between business and government, emerging from the specified in the country
formal rules, regulations and application practices, as well as opposing to this model real
institutional model as a set of prevailing in a certain area formal and informal norms, rules and
practices of their interaction.
According to the Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1995
year, the Republic of Kazakhstan declares as a Social State. Despite the fact that the current
economic situation does not allow to say that Social State was established in Kazakhstan however
the fact of the proclamation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the Social State and decisions that
were made due to this directions are saying that interest and needs of citizens are the main link in
the chain of transformations of the social life [1].
The development of modern Kazakhstan as a democratic, low-governed and social state
depends not only on the relationship of business and government structures, but also on the further
development of civil society.
Civil Society is a society where main acting person and subject of events and relations is an
individual with a system of needs, interests and values.
This concept also refers to the existing public relations: political, economic, cultural,
national, religious, family, and others, also it shows the diversity of private interests.
Civil society reaches of high level of development only in the framework of democratic
political system, where the relations between State and civil society are building on the base of
General Public Agreement
Democratic procedures in the Civil Society are based on the public right to assess the quality
of the Government and on the mechanisms of the Society’s impact on Government [2].
The aim of the Civil Society is a defense of citizens’ interests, representation of citizens’
interest in the face of society and authority, public control of Government and external and internal
policy [3].
Contemporary relations between the participants of the welfare state are actualizing some
principles such as social partnership and social responsibility of business. We consider that the
social partnership is a cooperation between the state and social agencies (trade unions, parties,
movements), but in the framework of the market structure business are involving to the social
Entrepreneurs in developed countries involved in the resolution of many social problems,
but in Kazakhstan such activities do not become systematic.
Thus social partnership is an important mechanism and important part of the development of
the social state and social policy.
Social partnership, as a special type of social relations, expresses essential characteristics of
the welfare state, the main principle of which is the balance of the social groups.
The social partnership in the social state, as a special mechanism in regulation of the labor
relations, is aimed to the realization of the principle of equal negotiations, to getting compromise
between employee and employer. Furthermore, it promotes reduction of the risks at social and labor
sphere. Welfare state as a mouthpiece of the social interests, determines the social partnership as a
main element of its ideology, a main condition of political stability of society and economic
Social partnership considers as the way to improve welfare state. During the collective
negotiations, mutual consultations, and workers’ participation in management happens mutual
enrichment of the participant of social dialogs, increasing of the democratic level and development
of the civil society.
The main task of the welfare state, as one of the partner, is a foundation of conditions for
interacting and implementation of civil and political rights without any intervention and pressure on
entrepreneurs and representatives of civil society.
Also the aim is an establishment of frameworks and rules in the limits of which social
partners stay independence. Improvement of the Government representation in the social
partnership system should be considered in the framework of improvement its functions and
interests as the social partner.
At first, the Government is a large employer and this means existence of the social
responsibility policy in the system of labor relations. The state, as the largest employer, should have
a significant impact on the socio-labor relations in general. This also applies to income policies, job
creation, and employment programs. For example, the state should use the public sector as a
benchmark for the private sector in the creation of decent working conditions, wages and incentive
systems, social protection of workers.
Second, the state acts as guarantor of important civil rights that are necessary for the
effective functioning of the social partnership system, realization workers, trade unions, employers
and their unions rights. The main functions of the state, in this case, are the function of organizer
and coordinator. The state develops the basic rules, norms and mechanisms of parties’ interaction;
forms the procedure of determining the minimal labor standards (minimal wages, social benefits
and guarantees). Therefore the state can widely use circumstantial economic regulators in the form
of social norms and regulations. For employers these regulators are investments, favorable taxes,
loans, public contracts, licenses, free trade zones, etc. For employees these regulators are guaranties
against unemployment and additional measures of social protection.
Thirdly, the state, as the full member of social dialog, acts as a part at negotiations and
consultations, but also can be considered as independent regulator of the social partnership system
and the labor relations at all. Three-party negotiations lead to three-party agreements, where on the
one hand each party specifies obligations of each other, and on the other hand parties develop basic
directions of the economic, industrial and social politic in the country. Consultation, in contrast to
the negotiations, allow to the state, which is represented by the government and local authorities, to
realize their own preferences.
Fourth, one of the most important functions of the state as a social partner is a function of an
arbitrator, mediator and conciliator. Collective conflict management through the settlement
arrangements and arbitration procedures are solved under the state auspices. As the experience of
Western European countries and Japan shows such administrative procedures are more effective
than trial, because does not lead to prolonged and undesirable consequences, in particular, to strikes.
Fifthly, the state in the social partnership system performs the function of organizer.
Implementation of this function requires legislative recognition of arrangements that were reached
by partners through social dialogue. And for the state and society as a whole, it is important to
create conditions for the development of such arrangements and to maintain control over their
Sixth, the most important function of the state is the role of coordinator. Value of this
function is enhanced by complexity and multilevel nature of the agreement in the social partnership
and by inequality of regions’ development in Kazakhstan. The variance of prices, the economic
potential of different regions, and the differentiation in wages leads to problems in the
implementation of the agreements. Consequently, on the base of coordination such agreements may
provide an unified procedure for the salary payment, the permissible level of unemployment,
specially designed activities to implement the state policy of employment, programs for retraining
and internships.
Seventh, it is an informational function. In our opinion, to the state is belongs a leading role
in promoting the ideas of social partnership through the media and public opinion.
So, the state in the social partnership should acts as the guarantor of fundamental rights and
freedoms, as the arbitrator in the conflict situations at workplace, as an organizer and coordinator of
the negotiating process. The State also intended to create the conditions for a civilized system of
social partnership, forming of legal and regulatory framework.
Currently representatives of business and entrepreneurship play an active role in
coordinating the interests of employers, employees and the state. In Kazakhstan, these include
"National Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Kazakhstan «Atameken», Forum of
Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Union of Chambers of Commerce of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Also it includes large Kazakh associations, which prove oneself by results:
Central Asian Association of Entrepreneurs
Union of workers of small and middle business of Eastern Kazakhstan
Association of furniture and woodworking industry;
Almaty Association of Entrepreneurs;
Association of producers of milk and milk products;
Entrepreneurs Association of Astana;
Entrepreneurs Association Karaganda region;
Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan.
The most active business associations in the regions:
1. Akmola, Jambul, Mangistau, Atyrau , Kyzylorda – Association of Business Women of
Kazakhstan ;
2 . Aktobe region - the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
3 . Almaty region - Entrepreneurs Forum of Taldykurgan ;
4 . The East Kazakhstan region – the Union of Workers of Small and Medium-sized
businesses ;
5 . Karaganda region – Central Kazakhstan Association of Entrepreneurs;
6. Kostanay - Entrepreneurs Association of Kostanay region;
7. Pavlodar region – Entrepreneurs Forum Pavlodar region;
8. Northern Kazakhstan region – League of Entrepreneurs of North Kazakhstan region ;
9. South Kazakhstan Region – Public Association of peasants and farmers ―Sharua‖;
10 . Almaty - Almaty Association of Entrepreneurs;
11. Astana - Akmola Chamber of Commerce and Industry [4].
Socially responsible business – this is one of the fundamental values of a civilized economy
and broadly. Its main role is active participation in the financing of the social sphere in addition to
the social costs of the state.
The purpose of Entrepreneurs (Employers) in the system of social partnership is a protection
of economic rights and interests of its members in the field of social and labor relations.
Associations and employers in the social partnership system must perform the following
1. Protecting the interests of its members both in the domestic and foreign markets.
2. Representation business in social and labor relations and the development of guidelines
for the development of social and labor sphere.
3. Synergy between business and the state in the developing of key policies in the social and
labor issues (issues relating to pay and working conditions, employment, job creation) .
4. Conclusion of collective agreements, control over their implementation.
5. Settlement of labor conflicts and conflicts with unions.
However, in practice, there are problems and negative trends of entrepreneurs’
representation as the main employers in the social partnership.
First, lack of mobilization and lobbying capacities of many business associations.
Secondly, lack of institutional representation of employers' associations in the social
Thirdly, entrepreneurs are not ready to have an additional responsibility and take care about
employees. Researches show that the main reasons of the low activity for most employers are
related with the difficult economic situation and low activity of the workers themselves.
Fourth, there is an insufficiency in the development of entrepreneurs’ priorities system as
agents of social partnership and social dialogue. Practice confirms that in the business development
among other priorities economic objectives are dominated.
Fifth, insufficiently developed infrastructure also has a negative impact to the development
of social partnership as a whole and to the representation of employers in particular (institutions of
social dialogue, information support, standards and procedures, generally accepted principles of
cooperation, skills) [5].
Another important aspect of the social dialogue and social partnership are in general unions.
As part of civil society they are intended to represent and protect the interests of employees. In this
case trade unions are the most massive public union workers of a particular industry, professional
group for the protection and representation of their interests in the field of labor and social-labor
Today, Kazakhstan has the most widespread and representative organization of workers of
the country. It is the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which brings
together about two million union members. It is volunteering and includes 26 national sectorial
trade unions, 14 regional associations and Capital trade unions – union of Astana. Their structure
includes more than 17,000 primary, more than 530 city and district, 190 regional trade union
organizations. Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan comes from the fact that a reputable and
strong nation can be built only on the basis of social justice.
One of the most important function is a participation in social partnership in the Republican
tripartite (government representatives, employers and workers) Commission on Social Partnership
and the regulation of social-economic and labor relations.
The unions are differing among many public organizations in two main features.
The first feature is the mass workers' union, which is also most approachable. There are no
any restrictions and special conditions for entering to the ranks.
The second feature is that this organization by goals, objectives and interests are mostly
close to the economy and social and labor issues. Because, ultimately, the application area of socio-
economic interests of the individual is a work activity [6].
Thus, the successful functioning of the modern welfare state is possible only on the basis of
a highly effective and socially-oriented economy.
In economic policy, the welfare state must combine governmental regulations measures,
measures of encouraging competition and the development of personal initiative of citizens to
ensure their own welfare.
In the political sphere it is required to keep consensus of the main political forces regarding
the main goals and objectives of the society, the activities of the existing system of social
institutions. This allows you to ensure continuity of social policy in cases of democratic change of
ruling parties, governments and senior government officials.
The spiritual atmosphere in the social state should be characterized by a strong sense of
citizenship, social solidarity and humanism.
The ultimate goal of social development of the welfare state should be a statement of the
principle of social justice, which in this context means:
1. Firstly, guarantees for everyone to work according to his abilities and qualifications,
labor, depending on its quality and quantity, the possibility of self-sufficiency and improve their
2. Secondly, the creation of equal opportunities to all members of society through the
education system and social support; transition from the political and legal equality of citizens to
their social equality;
3. Third, guarantees by the forces of government and public institutions acceptable standard
of living for individuals who do not have the opportunity to work independently and maintain their
standard of living [7].
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