1 Галигузова Л.Н., Мещерякова С.Ю. Педагогика детей раннего возраста: учебное пособие для студентов вузов. М.:
ГИЦ ВЛАДОС, 2007 – 372 с.
2 Ефимкина Р.П. Детская психология: Методические указания. – Новосибирск: Научно-учебный центр НГУ, 1995 – 42
3 Болотова А.К. Психология развития. – М.: ЧеРО, 2005 – 524 с.
4 Печора К.Л., Пантюхина Г.В., Голубева Л.Г. Дети раннего возраста в дошкольных учреждениях: Пособие для
педагогов дошкольных учреждений. М.: ГИЦ ВЛАДОС, 2002 – 443 с.
1 Galiguzova L.N., Meshherjakova S.Ju. Pedagogika detej rannego vozrasta: uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov vuzov. M.: GIC
VLADOS, 2007 – 372 s.
2 Efimkina R.P. Detskaja psihologija: Metodicheskie ukazanija. – Novosibirsk: Nauchno-uchebnyj centr NGU, 1995 – 42 s.
3 Pechora K.L., Pantjuhina G.V., Golubeva L.G. Deti rannego vozrasta v doshkol’nyh uchrezhdenijah: Posobie dlja peda-
gogov doshkol’nyh uchrezhdenij. M.: GIC VLADOS, 2002 – 443 s.
Мақала өзектілігі қосалқы білім берудің кәсіби дамуында мұғалімді психологиялық қолдау мәселесіне арналған.
Ғылыми әдебиеттердің негізін саралау барысында нысандардын даму сапасы ретінде тұлғаның интегральды
мінездемесі, педагогтік ұстанымы және кәсіби құзіреттілігі көрсетіледі. Сонымен қатар мұғалімнің педагогикалық
ұстаным және кәсіптік құзіреттілігі ашылады.
Түйін сөздер: педагогикалық ұстаным, кәсіби құзіреттілік, психологиялық қолдау, психологиялық қолдау.
The article is devoted to an actual problem of psychological support of professional development of a teacher of the additional
education. Based on the analysis of the scientific literaturethe integral characteristics of personality are identified as objects:
pedagogical position and professional competence. Also the stages of development of pedagogical position and professional com-
petence of a teacher are disclosed.
Keywords: pedagogical attitude, professional competence, psychological support, psychological climate.
Поступила в редакцию 19.02.2016.
№ 3 (112) 2016
UDK 378.147.88
associate professor, L.N.Gumilyov ЕNU, graduate student, L.N.Gumilyov ЕNU, Astana city
This article considers the problem of formation of media competence of secondary linguistic personality by means of mass
media. The purpose of research - to identify the potential and the possibility of effective use of the mass media in organizing the
process of integrated media education and teaching foreign language.
Key words: massmedia, media competence, second language person, second language person’s media competence, media
In the era of mass media and communication technologies people face the need to properly handle information, to
navigate in information space, to search, to assess, to create and send messages independently in a professional and
day-to-day activities, to keep the media related conversation with representatives of different languages and cultures.
In order to meet the requirements, pedagogical process must be reorganized in accordance with the development of
modern society. Under these conditions, the higher professional education should provide regular and pedagogically
reasoned application of communication technologies which contribute to the formation of specialists’ media
competence, allowing them to understand the principles of functioning of the media and to navigate the foreign-
language information space.
According to I.V.Chelysheva, «modern information technologies, the emergence of new media channels,
multimedia capabilities, etc. present claims to specialists in various fields, concerning not only the professional
knowledge, but also the development of media competence» [1,8]. L.A Ivanov said that «from birth to death people’s
lives are accompanied by radio and TV shows, movies, newspapers, magazines, and relatively recently, this list has
been supplemented with Internet, mobile and satellite communications, through which you can receive information
from many different countries» [2]. There is an obvious need to identify the potential and the possibilities of using the
media in organizing an integrated process of media education and learning a foreign language.
Conducted analysis of the mass media with regard to their use in the educational process led to the conclusion
that mass media as a means of training have a number of advantages.
First and foremost, it provides the highest availability of information. As noted by N.V.Chicherina foreign
language media texts expand the boundaries of students’ world, openning doors for them to the world of modern
foreign culture. The means of mass media allow students to get quite affordable, economical media text information
compared with the paper source.In addition, the media provide an opportunity to obtain information from around the
world in short period of time. It is certainly a great virtue for organization of studying media and foreign language
[3,50]. At the same time TS Panina indicates the possibility to intensify the process of understanding, mastering
and creative application of the knowledge gained by means of the media. This will be achieved not only by gaining
knowledge but also by applying that knowledge into practice [4,12].This means that the use of mass media as a
means of formation of media competence of secondary linguistic personality in organizing the process studying
media education and foreign language contributes to long-lasting acquisition of a material in a relatively short period
of training time. Thanks to the immediate implementation of English language media information, through the
selection of the desired information, students’ media competence is effectively being formed.
Mass Media enable authentic communication. Based on the fact that the English language, ideally, like any other
language, is a means of obtaining and transmitting information, a means of communication, in terms of computerized
society it should be right to say that English is a means of mediated communication, mediated by technical means, a
means of reception and transmission of media information. Since the English language communication is traditionally
the main educational activity of students of linguistic specialties, the mass media tool provides the possibility of
organizing the educational process of the university through mediated English language communication and
formation of secondary linguistic personality through mediated authentic communication. Mediated communication
is an alternative to the artificially created communication without native speakers .Speech acts are carried out at an
intercultural level, with representatives of all English-speaking countries through virtual travel to the country of
studied language, sightseeing, exploring the realities, traditions and culture of the state.
As known, learning a foreign language needs to be synthesized with the study of culture, which is traditionally
possible through direct contact with native speakers, by reading authentic fine literature and journalistic literature.
On the other hand, researchers A.A.Novikov and A.V.Fedorov higlight «a generation of pupils and students, who
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
are used to perceiving audio-visual informationt, rather than printed», the so-called dot com generation (Dot.Com
generation). Scientists note that situation is irreversible, «TV, video, computer, Internet and other telecommunications
networks are inexorably changing the audience, gradually turning the ‘readers’ to ‘spectators’.” [5,71-79].We can not
deny the fact that the library and publications as a whole can not compete with faster, more affordable, cost-effective
media texts. Multimedia priorities of students allow them not only to save time, but also to get deep knowledge. It
becomes obvious that students need good skills to work properly with information, especially in English, using a
variety of mass media, which broadcast the cultural realities of the country of the studied language. And this confirms
once again that we need to form media competence of secondary linguistic personality through mass media means.
We need to nourish the abilities of our students to search and get foreign language information through various mass
media, and to critically evaluate and react to the information received adequately.
The use of mass media in the process of learning increases students’ motivation to learn. As we know, learning
success largely depends on the students’ interest in the subject and their desire to expand their knowledge on it. «The
learning process can be effective only on condition that the student has academic motivation to the subject ... .By
motivation is meant the person’s pure desire for self-fulfillment in certain activities in accordance with his or her
innate potential and abilities.» On the other hand, «taking into consideration the needs of the students, we also need
to «extend the scope» of the publications being analyzed» [6,26]. Of course, students’ interest in media education
and English language spurs the development of their skills, experience and creativeness. Being interested students
develop their perception, attention, curiosity, enthusiasm for the subject. There is a great interest and high motivation
of students to the educational process, which is mainly achieved by mass media. Mass media provides a variety of
forms of learning, which are sources of entertainment for students outside the classroom. The process of learning
becomes interesting, easier, and therefore effective. The development of language skills and media competence are
carried out not only at university as part of an English class, but also in everyday life of students.
John Amos Comenius’s golden rule of teaching – the principle of evidence was treated as more important than any
other foundamental principle of teaching. In context of modern pedagogical conditions, realization of this principle
can be efficiently attained through mass media means. Contacting with the audience through audio-visual aids
increases students’ perception of information, interest in listening, attention, concentration and long-term retention.
Presentation, explanation of a teacher or a student, illustrated media content increase the efficiency of the pedagogical
process [7]. The great advantage of mass media is the possibility of simultaneous effects on several organs of the
human senses, the transmission of information in a variety of feelings, impacts on long-term retention, and therefore
the achievement of educational goals, in this case the formation of media competence of secondary linguistic
personality. In our opinion, mass media makes the process of media education and English language media learning
effective. It can be organized taking into account the leading representative system, providing very effective learning,
improving performance of students and the quality of education in general.
Here is the sample of tasks based on the use of mass media means we can use to get our students interested and
motivated to study English:
Topic: Advertisement
Level: Pre-Intermediate and above
Introduction. The exercises in this lesson introduce some of the elements of advertisements such as slogans.
There is a discussion on where advertisements can be found. The concept of a storyboard is introduced and an
example of a storyboard for an advert is examined in detail. In the final stage of the lesson, students are given the
opportunity to produce their own storyboard to advertise a product. Extension tasks are also suggested.
• Cut up the Advert Blurbs 1 Worksheet A so that the names of the products and the blurbs are separate. Stick
the names of the products and the blurbs to the walls of your classroom at random.
• The students now circulate and try to match the products to the right blurbs. Some of the words are missing from
the blurbs so they will have to do some guessing.
• When the products and blurbs have been matched, spend some time asking the class how they managed to match
each product to its blurb. Take this opportunity to highlight key language and clues such as “Say cheese!” being an
obvious phrase connected with photography.
• Distribute the Advert Blurbs 2 Worksheet B. The students now need complete the cloze activity. With higher
levels you could even choose not to give them any of the words at all and have them generate their own.
• Introduce the idea of a slogan at this point by quoting some famous slogans and having the class tell you the
product. Some examples could be:
I’m loving it. (McDonald’s)
Just do it. (Nike)
Now ask the students to highlight the slogans on the worksheet.
№ 3 (112) 2016
• Elicit where the adverts from the worksheet could be found (Newspapers or magazines) and also elicit where
else adverts can be seen or heard. (Billboards, the sides of buses or taxis, radio) The answer you are looking to elicit
here is television!
At this point if you have the facilities you could:
1. Look on You Tube and find a montage of advertisements. Ask the class to name the type of each product. You
could also ask them to note down the slogans.
2. Show an advert with a story to it and give the students some simplequestions so they can draw it out for
themselves. The Levis advertisements from the late 1980s and early 90s are good for this. (Again YouTube is an
excellent source for this kind of material.)
3. Introduce the idea of a storyboard. A storyboard is a series of pictures which show changes of action planned
for an advertisement. It is a cheap way for directors to get an idea of what the advert will look like before they start
• Show the Citrus Shine Soft Drink storyboard to the class and get them to describe the events in the advert as you
go. At this point you need to decide what tenses you want your class to produce. Elementary classes should produce
present tenses while higher levels can produce narrative tenses (although less natural than present tenses for this task
it is very good practice).
• Distribute the Citrus Shine Soft Drink storyboard and the storyboard questions worksheet C. Now the students
answer the questions about the Citrus Shine advert. They must complete this task by writing full sentences.This will
prepare them for the writing stage when they produce their own storyboard.
• Divide your class into pairs and distribute examples of real products to the class. You could use examples of
products like those on the Advert Blurb worksheet or you could bring in some other examples.
• Distribute the advert storyboard template. The students now must produce their own storyboard. The advert
should tell a simple story like the Citrus Shine example. For each picture they must write a few sentences describing
what is happening. Again for elementary classes focus on present tenses while higher levels should use narrative
tenses. The last picture of the storyboard should be a shot of the product with a logo and slogan.
Follow up
• As an extension task you can ask quicker groups to think of the type of music that goes with the advert. They
could even put a jingle or a song together.
• When the storyboards are complete there are a number of things you can do with them.
1. Stick the storyboards up around the room. The students can now look at them all and vote for their favourite
(they can’t vote for their own!)
2. Each group could present their storyboard to the class. Again a class vote could follow.
3. If you have the equipment the storyboards could be filmed in a later class. The videos could then be watched
and a vote could be held on the results. Pairs of students could either film their own storyboard or use that of another
Worksheet A – Advert blurbs 1.
1. Digital camera
Say cheese! With the Pixus 2000!
Amazing ______ with this simple and easy to carry digital ______ from Pixus. You’ll get the sharpest images even
when your subject is moving. Great for ___________ of kids and animals. The Pixus 2000 comes with a fashionable
carry case and extensive software to make managing your ______ as easy as smiling. Amazing value for money!
2. Breakfast cereal
Get the kids Cracking! Crunchy Crackers are the brand new, fun and nutritious _________ ______. Every box is
bursting with crunchy fruity goodness just waiting to explode in your mouth. Crunchy Crackers provide your body
with all the vitamins and minerals it needs during the day all wrapped up a fantastic taste. Crunchy Crackers come in
three exciting flavours so don’t delay, get cracking today!
3. Car
Own the Road
Cool, sleek, and stylish, the new Hunter from Advanced ______ is the most progressive ___ on the road today.
The Hunter’s speed and power are obvious from its futuristic looks but under the surface is a practical and reliable
_______ that will keep you and your family safe.
Worksheet B – Advert blurbs 2
Now fill the gaps in the adverts with the right words:
Soup camera
breakfast soup car
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
Worksheet C – Storyboard
Look at the storyboard for the Citrus Shine Advertisement.
Answer these questions in full sentences:
1. What is the girl doing in the first picture? How does she feel?
2. Where is the girl going in the second picture?
3. What is the girl doing in the third picture?
4. Who is the boy in the fourth picture? Does he know the girl?
5. What do the boy and girl say to each other in the fifth picture?
6. How does the boy feel when he drinks from the can in the sixth picture?
7. The boy and girl hold hands in the seventh picture. Where are they going?
What are they going to do now?
8. What is the slogan for Citrus Shine? Do you think it is good?
9. What kind of music should go with this advertisement?
An important fact is the fact that the use of the mass media as the leading means of media education and English
language teaching in the educational process contributes to the integration of media education and the English
language, as in conditions of media society teaching English through mass media is impossible without media skills
and abilities of students.
So, in our opinion, the role of mass media in solving the problem of formation of media competence of secondary
linguistic personality is very important. Understanding the possibilities of mass media clearly shows that the use of
potentials of mass media in the educational process promotes a switch to new educational standards in accordance
with new requirements and need of society for the individual, able to properly use media information in foreign
1 Chelysheva I.V. Interactive forms and methods of work in the development of media competence of pupils. / Chelysheva
I.V.// Media education. -2009. -60-68.
2 Ivanova L.A. Some reflections about the gender and age dependence on Mass Media usage. // Electronic Journal of Research
and Education SGMP «Facets of knowledge.» -2009.-№ 3 (4) URL: www.grani.vspu.ru
3 Chicherina N.V. The concept of formation of media literacy among students of language faculties on the basis of foreign
language media texts. Dissertation abbstract of Ph.D. Chicherina N.V. -2008. p.50.
4 Panina T.S. Modern methods of teaching activation. Teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions/ Panina T.S.,
Vavilova L.N. -M.: Academy. -2006. p. 176
5 Novikova A.A. Media education quests. / Novikova A.A., Fedorov A.V.// Innovations in education. -2008. -№ 10. -71-79.
6 Muryukina E.V. Main types of publications used in media education classes with students // Media eduction. -2009. -№ 1.
7 Ivanova L.A. The problem of formation of media competence of the future teacher has grown and needs discussing //
«Magister Dixit» - scientific-pedagogical magazine of Eastern Siberia. -2011.-№1 (03)URL: http://md.islu.ru/
Әбдіхалықова А.М., п.ғ.к., доцент; Алмахова Г.О., Л.Н.Гумилев ат. ЕҰУ магистранты, Астана қ. Бұқаралық
ақпарат құралдары арқылы студенттердің медиа біліктілігін арттыру.
Мақалада екінші тілдік тұлғаның медиа біліктілігін қалыптастыру мәселесі қарастырылады. Зерттеу мақсаты
– студенттердің медиа біліктілігін арттыру мақсатында қолданылатын бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарының
тиімділіктерін зерттеп, потенциалын анықтау.
Түйін сөздер: бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары, медиа біліктілік, екінші тілдік тұлға, медиа білім.
Абдыхалыкова А.М., к.п.н, доцент; Алмахова Г.О. магистрант ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева, г. Астана. Формирова-
ние компетентности студентов средствами массовой информации.
В данной статье рассматривается проблема формирования медиакомпетентности вторичной языковой личности
средствами масс медиа. Цель исследования – выявить потенциал и возможность эффективного использования масс
медиа в организации интегрированного процесса медиаобразования и обучения иностранному языку.
Ключевые слова: масс медиа, медиакомпетентность, вторичная языковая личность, медиа образование.
Accepted for publication 10.02.2016.
№ 3 (112) 2016
УДК. 796.8
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